what is git branch name in jenkins pipeline when invoked by gitlab webhook - gitlab

I can invoke a simple Jenkins pipeline from gitlab merge requests using a webhook. Now I'd like to know what is the source branch to make the checkout against it. Example: if I push code to develop branch, in my pipeline script i'd checkout develop branch. Thanks.
node {
stage('Build') {
def mybranch = '?' // get branch name from gitlab webhook
git branch: mybranch,
credentialsId: 'mycredential',
url: 'myurl'
// ...

You can get the current branch name via env.gitlabBranch.
Reference: gitlab-plugin

You can parameterize your pipeline and use the webhook payload data to fill in the branch value as described here.

GitLab plugin creates a lot of useful environment variable. You can see them in here. I think the one you need is CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME


Probot Octokit - Get file from specific branch

I'm using Probot's Octokit to read a file from a repo:
const content = await context.octokit.repos.getContent({owner: "OWNER", repo: "REPO", path:"PATH"})
However this only works for the master branch, is there a way to get the file from another branch (e.g. the branch that the pull request action is coming from)? This isn't directly stated in the docs itself.
Yes, it is possible.
When using Octokit, there is an optional parameter: ref where you can specify the branch or commit hash. You can find the reference here.

How to get branch name from commit id using azure Devops REST API?

Scenario: I need to get when was the latest commit done in the repo and by whom, and to which branch did that user do the commit on?
I'm using python azure.devops module. and here is my code:
cm_search_criteria = models.GitQueryCommitsCriteria(history_mode='firstParent', top=10)
commits = git_client.get_commits(repo.id, search_criteria=cm_search_criteria, project=project.name)
for i in commits:
datetimeobj = datetime.strptime(i.committer.date.strftime("%x"), '%m/%d/%y')
last_commit_on = datetimeobj.date()
last_commit_by = i.committer.email
Now how do I get the branch name to which the user had committed the code? In the UI we can see the branch name... how can i get the same data using Azure Devops REST API ?
enter image description here
you may need to use Stats - List to retrieve statistics about all branches within a repository, then evaluate the latest commit, you also need to consider argument of baseVersionDescriptor.versionOptions of firstParent
I'm not sure if Python wrapper module support this seems like the github project is achieved now.

Deleting branches on Azure DevOps with Powershell

I am trying to delete old branches which are x days old from Azure DevOps by using Powershell, but it is unsuccessful. Could you please help me out on this matter or if you have any better idea to execute this task, I am more than welcome to hear them out! I have been stuck with it for a few weeks now.
Deleting branches on Azure DevOps with Powershell
You could use the REST API to delete those Branch.
However, we do not recommend you to do this. It is not safe to use scripts to delete some old branches, because the script cannot determine whether the branch is important, but it is risky to delete based on the date. So you need to be clear about this before deleting.
First, we could use the REST API Refs - List to list all the branches for the Repo:
GET https://dev.azure.com/{organization}/{project}/_apis/git/repositories/{repositoryId}/refs?api-version=6.0
Then, we loop each branch with REST API Commits - Get Commits:
GET https://dev.azure.com/{organization}/{project}/_apis/git/repositories/{repositoryId}/commits?&searchCriteria.compareVersion.version=<YouBranchName>&api-version=6.0
And compare creation date or activation date, use the REST API to delete those branches:
POST https://dev.azure.com/{organization name}/{project name}/_apis/git/repositories/{repositoryId}/refs?api-version=5.1
Request Body:
"name": "{branchName}",
"oldObjectId": "{branchObjectId}",
"newObjectId": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
Alternatively, if you want use git command line to delete, you could refer below document for some more details:
Deleting Old Local Branches With PowerShell

Can't determine pipeline which triggered a build

I'm using Azure DevOps's multiple repository functionality, documented here:
I have my YAML file in one repo, and the pipeline points to that YAML. The YAML has a trigger set up for another repository resource, so that when that repo gets updated, the pipeline will be triggered:
- repository: MyRepo
endpoint: 'MyRepos'
type: git
name: RepoName
- '*'
The documentation claims that the 'Build.SourceBranch' variable will allow me to determine which branch in MyRepo triggered the pipeline build: "When an update to one of the repositories triggers a pipeline, then the following variables are set based on triggering repository"
However, this doesn't seem to be the case. No matter what branch triggers the build, 'Build.SourceBranch' is always 'refs/heads/master', presumably because the repo that holds the YAML has 'master' as its default branch.
I can't find any environment variable that gets set to the name of the branch that triggered the build, either. So how can I get the name of the branch that triggered the build? If there's no possible way, I think this needs to be added!
The issue is:
According to the document, Build.SourceBranch is set based on triggering repository. However, its value is determined by repo in which the YAML file resides in practice.
I have done following tests. There are two repos, 'RepoA' and 'RepoB'. Both repos have two branches, 'master' and 'bran'. And the YAML file is in 'master' of 'RepoA'
Commit a change in 'bran' of 'RepoB'. The value of Build.SourceBranch is refs/heads/master. It is not consistent with the documentation.
Commit a change in 'bran' of 'RepoA'. The value of Build.SourceBranch is refs/heads/bran. It is consistent with the documentation.
Commit a change in 'master' of 'RepoB'. The value of Build.SourceBranch is refs/heads/master. It is consistent with the documentation.
Commit a change in 'master' of 'RepoA'. The value of Build.SourceBranch is refs/heads/master. It is consistent with the documentation.
Thus, if the build is triggered by 'RepoA', Build.SourceBranch can successfully represent the true branch. However, if the build is triggered by 'RepoB', the value of Build.SourceBranch are always refs/heads/master.
We have reported this issue to the product group.

How do I find the default branch for a repository using the Github v3 API

My goal is to get the tree for the latest SHA in the default branch
GET /repos/:owner/:repo/git/trees/:sha
How do I find the lastest SHA from the default branch?
I know that I can call
GET /repos/:owner/:repo/branches/:branch
But I can't just use "master" for the branch as not all repos use master as the default branch.
How do I find out what the default branch for a repo is?
Make a call to /repos/:owner/:repo and read the default_branch property value - this is the name of the default branch. See example response here: http://developer.github.com/v3/repos/#get
This is also now avaialable with the github cli as well
gh repo list <Your_Name> --json nameWithOwner,defaultBranchRef
If you want to slightly cleanup the output, you can remap with jq
gh repo list <Your_Name> --json nameWithOwner,defaultBranchRef \
--jq ".[] | { nameWithOwner , defaultBranch: .defaultBranchRef.name}"
The advantage to this approach being auth is integrated and much easier to manage
This is a cleaner and faster way using gh:
gh api /repos/{owner}/{repo} --jq '.default_branch'
