Roku (Brightscript) - Playing DRM Protected Video Content - drm
These is a self answering question.
Can not play videos which are protected by PlayReady DRM.
Here is the working sample
if m.VideoPlayer = invalid
m.VideoPlayer ="Video") = "VideoPlayer"
m.VideoPlayer.observeField("state", "OnVideoStateChange")
end if
drmParams = {}
videoContent = createObject("RoSGNode", "ContentNode")
videoContent.Live = remoteContent.IsLive
videoContent.Url = remoteContent.Path
if remoteContent.CodecType = "DashWideVineDrm" then
videoContent.StreamFormat = "dash"
drmparams.licenseServerURL = remoteContent.DrmRightsUrl
drmParams.KeySystem = "widevine"
else if remoteContent.CodecType = "PlayReadyDrm" then
videoContent.StreamFormat = "ism"
drmParams.KeySystem = "playready"
drmParams.encodingType = "PlayReadyLicenseAcquisitionUrl"
drmParams.encodingKey = remoteContent.DrmRightsUrl
videoContent.StreamFormat = "mp4"
end if
videoContent.drmParams = drmParams
device = CreateObject("roDeviceInfo")
httpAgent = CreateObject("roHttpAgent")
if httpAgent <> invalid then
httpAgent.AddHeader("X-Roku-Reserved-Dev-Id", "")
if remoteContent.MYCUSTOMHEADER1 <> invalid and remoteContent.MYCUSTOMHEADER1 <> "" then
httpAgent.AddHeader("MY-CUSTOM-HEADER2", remoteContent.MYCUSTOMHEADER1)
end if
if remoteContent.MYCUSTOMHEADER2 <> invalid and remoteContent.MYCUSTOMHEADER2 <> "" then
httpAgent.AddHeader("MY-CUSTOM-HEADER2", remoteContent.MYCUSTOMHEADER2)
end if
headers = []
if remoteContent.MYCUSTOMHEADER1 <> invalid and remoteContent.MYCUSTOMHEADER1 <> "" then headers.push("MY-CUSTOM-HEADER1:" + remoteContent.MYCUSTOMHEADER1)
if remoteContent.MYCUSTOMHEADER2 <> invalid and remoteContent.MYCUSTOMHEADER2 <> "" then headers.push("MY-CUSTOM-HEADER2:" + remoteContent.MYCUSTOMHEADER2)
videoContent.HttpHeaders = headers
videoContent.HttpSendClientCertificates = true
videoContent.HttpCertificatesFile = "common:/certs/ca-bundle.crt"
end if
m.VideoPlayer.content = videoContent
m.VideoPlayer.control = "play"
If you use PlayReady DO NOT FILL drmParams.licenseServerURL, because it will fail to play with DRM Error (-6).
How to prompt for user info for a key in a map type variable in Terraform
I have the following variable in terraform: rds_config_list = [ { rds_name = "shiftleft" rds_identifier = "shiftleft-postgres" rds_password = <USETINPUT> rds_snapshot_identifier = "shiftleft" rds_postgres_instance_class = "db.m6g.large" rds_postgres_engine_version = "13.3" rds_postgres_family = "postgres13" rds_postgres_allocated_storage = 100 rds_postgres_max_allocated_storage = 1000 rds_backup_retention_period = 7 rds_postgres_multi_az = false rds_postgres_deletion_protection = false }, { rds_name = "shiftleft2" rds_identifier = "shiftleft2-postgres" rds_password = <USETINPUT> rds_snapshot_identifier = "shiftleft2" rds_postgres_instance_class = "db.m6g.large" rds_postgres_engine_version = "13.3" rds_postgres_family = "postgres13" rds_postgres_allocated_storage = 100 rds_postgres_max_allocated_storage = 1000 rds_backup_retention_period = 7 rds_postgres_multi_az = false rds_postgres_deletion_protection = false } ] i want to prompt for user input for the passwords for each of them and not have the same password for all databases, this is inside a .tfvars file. is there any way to do it?
Ommit optional blocks in terraform module
Currently I'm trying to create a universal sql_database module in Terraform. I want to have control over arguments I want to include in this resource. For example one time I need only required arguments but next time in another project I need them plus threat_detection_policy block with all nested arguments. modules/ resource "azurerm_sql_database" "sql-db" { name = var.sql-db-name resource_group_name = location = var.location server_name = var.server-name edition = var.sql-db-edition collation = var.collation create_mode = var.create-mode requested_service_objective_name = var.sql-requested-service-objective-name read_scale = zone_redundant = extended_auditing_policy { storage_endpoint = var.eap-storage-endpoint storage_account_access_key = var.eap-storage-account-access-key storage_account_access_key_is_secondary = var.eap-storage-account-access-key-is-secondary retention_in_days = var.eap-retention-days } import = { storage_uri = storage_key = storage_key_type = administrator_login = var.administrator-login administrator_login_password = var.administrator-login-password authentication_type = var.authentication-type operation_mode = var.operation-mode } threat_detection_policy = { state = var.state disabled_alerts = var.disabled-alerts email_account_admins = email_addresses = retention_days = var.retention-days storage_account_access_key = storage_endpoint = use_server_default = var.use-server-default } } modules/ (few sql_database vars) variable "sql-db-edition" { type = string } ... variable "state" { #for example this should be optional type = string } ... module "sql_database" { source = "./modules/sql_database" sql-db-name = "sqldbs-example" location = "westus" server-name = "sqlsrv-example" storage-uri = "" #some values storage-key = "" storage-key_type = "" administrator-login = "" administrator-login-password = "" authentication-type = "" operation-mode = "" sql-db-edition = "Standard" collation = "SQL_LATIN1_GENERAL_CP1_CI_AS" create-mode = "Default" sql-requested_service_objective_name = "S0" requested_service_objective_id = "" read-scale = "false" zone_redundant = "" source_database_id = "" restore_point_in_time = "" max_size_bytes = "" source_database_deletion_date = "" elastic_pool_name = "" #variables below should be all optional state = "" disabled_alerts = "" email_account_admins = "" email_addresses = "" retention_days = 6 storage_account_access_key = "" storage_endpoint = "" use_server_default = "" storage_endpoint = "" storage_account_access_key = "" storage_account_access_key_is_secondary = "false" retention_in_days = 6 } Thank you in advance for help!
For your requirements, I think a possible way is to set the default values inside the module and make the default values act as you do not set them. For example, in the threat_detection_policy block, the property use_server_default, when you do not set it, the default value is Disabled. And when you want to set them, just input the values in the module block.
Automate copy paste Excel ranges dynamically from different sheets
I have tables in different sheets of excel and requirement is to copy second last row of table to last row. Can someone pls help me how can we dynamically find table size so that code wont be required to change evrytime when table size changes? There are many tables and we want to automate this task using vba code and macro button. I have written a code but that is range specific and everytime I need to update the range and process become cumbersome. Sub history_copy() Set obj = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("sheet A") obj.Range("E12:N12").Value = obj.Range("E11:N11").Value obj.Range("E34:N34").Value = obj.Range("E33:N33").Value obj.Range("E46:N46").Value = obj.Range("E45:N45").Value obj.Range("E57:N57").Value = obj.Range("E56:N56").Value Set obj1 = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("sheet b ") obj1.Range("G21:O21").Value = obj1.Range("G20:O20").Value Set obj2 = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("sheet c") obj2.Range("D4:M4").Value = obj2.Range("D3:M3").Value obj2.Range("D14:M14").Value = obj2.Range("D13:M13").Value obj2.Range("D23:M23").Value = obj2.Range("D22:M22").Value obj2.Range("D33:M33").Value = obj2.Range("D32:M32").Value obj2.Range("D43:M43").Value = obj2.Range("D42:M42").Value obj2.Range("D52:M52").Value = obj2.Range("D51:M51").Value obj2.Range("D61:M61").Value = obj2.Range("D60:M60").Value obj2.Range("D70:M70").Value = obj2.Range("D69:M69").Value obj2.Range("D79:M79").Value = obj2.Range("D78:M78").Value obj2.Range("D88:M88").Value = obj2.Range("D87:M87").Value obj2.Range("D97:M97").Value = obj2.Range("D96:M96").Value obj2.Range("D106:M106").Value = obj2.Range("D105:M105").Value obj2.Range("D114:M114").Value = obj2.Range("D113:M113").Value Set obj3 = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("sheet d") obj3.Range("D4:L4").Value = obj3.Range("D3:L3").Value Set obj5 = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("sheet f") obj5.Range("D4:L4").Value = obj5.Range("D3:L3").Value Set obj6 = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("sheet e") obj6.Range("C4:C12").Value = obj6.Range("B4:B12").Value obj6.Range("H4:H8").Value = obj6.Range("G4:G8").Value obj6.Range("N4:N11").Value = obj6.Range("M4:M11").Value obj6.Range("S4:S10").Value = obj6.Range("R4:R10").Value obj6.Range("X4:X18").Value = obj6.Range("W4:W18").Value obj6.Range("AD4:AD9").Value = obj6.Range("AC4:AC9").Value obj6.Range("AI4:AI13").Value = obj6.Range("AH4:AH13").Value obj6.Range("AO4:AO6").Value = obj6.Range("AN4:AN6").Value obj6.Range("AT4:AT11").Value = obj6.Range("AS4:AS11").Value obj6.Range("AY4:AY20").Value = obj6.Range("AX4:AX20").Value obj6.Range("BD4:BD10").Value = obj6.Range("BC4:BC10").Value obj6.Range("BI4:BI21").Value = obj6.Range("BH4:BH21").Value Set obj7 = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("sheet i") obj7.Range("C4:C12").Value = obj7.Range("B4:B12").Value obj7.Range("H4:H8").Value = obj7.Range("G4:G8").Value obj7.Range("N4:N11").Value = obj7.Range("M4:M11").Value obj7.Range("S4:S10").Value = obj7.Range("R4:R10").Value obj7.Range("X4:X18").Value = obj7.Range("W4:W18").Value obj7.Range("AD4:AD9").Value = obj7.Range("AC4:AC9").Value obj7.Range("AI4:AI13").Value = obj7.Range("AH4:AH13").Value obj7.Range("AO4:AO6").Value = obj7.Range("AN4:AN6").Value obj7.Range("AT4:AT11").Value = obj7.Range("AS4:AS11").Value obj7.Range("AY4:AY20").Value = obj7.Range("AX4:AX20").Value obj7.Range("BD4:BD10").Value = obj7.Range("BC4:BC10").Value obj7.Range("BI4:BI21").Value = obj7.Range("BH4:BH21").Value End Sub
Microsoft Excel is waiting for another application to complete an OLE action after 63rd loop
I've been using the following script to run Agent trace reports on call center agents daily for our primary call center site, which has between 40 and 50 agents at any given time. I'm now expanding this reporting to our other sites, having to run the report for 234 agents at a time. I tried setting the loop for the full list of 234 agents, and after the 63rd agent is completed, I get the OLE error. I've tried adding 'DoEvents" and 'Application.Wait' throughout the code to slow things down a bit and to ensure that the process completes before the next starts , I've also broken up the code from 1 loop of 234 into 4 loops of 60 (the last loop is only 54 for you math junkies), but I'm still getting the OLE error after agent 63 completes. How can I determine what is causing this OLE error? Sub CMSConn() Dim cvsApp As Object Dim cvsConn As Object Dim cvsSrv As Object Dim Rep As Object Dim Info As Object, Log As Object, b As Object Dim Agents(234) As String Dim I As Integer Set wk = ThisWorkbook serverAddress = "" mydate = InputBox("Dates: ") UserName = InputBox("User ID: ") passW = InputBox("Password: ") Agents(1) = "Abcede, Ronaldo" Agents(2) = "Abella, Poltaqn" Agents(3) = "Ablen, Armie" Agents(4) = "Abon, Sherry Lou" Agents(5) = "Acbang, MaryJane" Agents(6) = "Acbang, MaryJane" Agents(7) = "Alcantara, Luis Jaim" Agents(8) = "Alfaro, Nio" Agents(9) = "Aman, Sherwin" Agents(10) = "Amar, Catherine" Agents(11) = "Amor, Charlie" Agents(12) = "Anonuevo, Hubert" Agents(13) = "Antonio, Brian Antho" Agents(14) = "Antonio, Diana Grace" Agents(15) = "Aragon, Ramiro" Agents(16) = "Araullo, Keith" Agents(17) = "Arevalo, Jerome" Agents(18) = "Arnel Decano" Agents(19) = "Arriola, Paulo" Agents(20) = "Asturias, Sheena" Agents(21) = "Baguhin, Kathrin May" Agents(22) = "Balatbat, Lauro" Agents(23) = "Balena, Nathan" Agents(24) = "Ballos, Evelyn" Agents(25) = "Banaban, Nona" Agents(26) = "Bansale, Jemma" Agents(27) = "Bautista, Bernie" Agents(28) = "Bautista, Domingo J" Agents(29) = "Belen, Michelle" Agents(30) = "Bicaldo, Catherine" Agents(31) = "Bonifacio, Allan" Agents(32) = "Borbon, Danny" Agents(33) = "Brian Patrick Roxas" Agents(34) = "Bundalian, Kristel J" Agents(35) = "Bundalian, Paul" Agents(36) = "Cabasa, Aidel Joy" Agents(37) = "Cabauatan, Jacquelin" Agents(38) = "Caldina, Joanne Nico" Agents(39) = "Calumpiano, Jean" Agents(40) = "Camarao, Maria There" Agents(41) = "Capucao, Daisy" Agents(42) = "Carpio, Rusell" Agents(43) = "Caunca, Michael John" Agents(44) = "Cequeña, Dianne" Agents(45) = "Chinen, Jeffrey" Agents(46) = "Chrisgeena Clemeno" Agents(47) = "Clarin, Marco Leandr" Agents(48) = "Clauag, Martin Paul" Agents(49) = "Corbilla. Marcel" Agents(50) = "Cruz, Cherrimei" Agents(51) = "Cruz, Geran Judeth" Agents(52) = "Cruz, Lorreine" Agents(53) = "Cuaresma Sheila Mari" Agents(54) = "Cudiamat, Catherine" Agents(55) = "Cudiamat, Paul" Agents(56) = "Cueva, Ruthie" Agents(57) = "Dalida, Rowell" Agents(58) = "De Guzman, Jennelyn" Agents(59) = "De Vera, Chris Evert" Agents(60) = "DeGuzman, Aubrey" Agents(61) = "DeGuzman, Noel" Agents(62) = "Del Monte, Mark" Agents(63) = "Dela Fuente, Herner" Agents(64) = "Dela Mesa, Randy" Agents(65) = "Delape Jr., Evelio" Agents(66) = "10404" Agents(67) = "Delos Santos, Ervin" Agents(68) = "Diaz, Jerosalem" Agents(69) = "Diaz, Leila Ruth" Agents(70) = "Dicen, Melanie" Agents(71) = "Dimailig, Kenneth" Agents(72) = "Dizon, Marc Anthony" Agents(73) = "Doblas, Leora" Agents(74) = "Domingo, Rafael" Agents(75) = "Dulay, Susana Marie" Agents(76) = "Dy, Jerwin" Agents(77) = "Elnas, Bernadette" Agents(78) = "Elnas, Elsha Marie" Agents(79) = "Enumerable, Gary" Agents(80) = "Escobal, Aubrey" Agents(81) = "Escorpion, Genix" Agents(82) = "Espaldon, Eveleen" Agents(83) = "Esquivel, Jean Paul" Agents(84) = "Estabillo,Reygienald" Agents(85) = "Esteban, Aaron Paul" Agents(86) = "Esteban, Richard" Agents(87) = "Fe Marie Jopia" Agents(88) = "Fermin, Maricris" Agents(89) = "Fresado, Marie" Agents(90) = "Gagarin, Wilson" Agents(91) = "Galero, Roxanne" Agents(92) = "Gamboa, Aleli" Agents(93) = "Garcia, Jayson" Agents(94) = "Garcia, Rey" Agents(95) = "Garganta, Angelie" Agents(96) = "Gepolane, Jacinth Ka" Agents(97) = "Geroche, Raul" Agents(98) = "Gilera, Erwin" Agents(99) = "Go, Mark Dexter" Agents(100) = "Godillo, Albert" Agents(101) = "Grospe, Noemi" Agents(102) = "Gualin, Raymond" Agents(103) = "Guela, Antonette" Agents(104) = "Guevarra, Randy" Agents(105) = "Guiang, Mary Paula" Agents(106) = "Gumera, Diana Corina" Agents(107) = "Hernandez, Jules" Agents(108) = "Hora, Gene Patrick" Agents(109) = "Hu Kwong Man" Agents(110) = "Iballar, Maria Chris" Agents(111) = "Ignacio, Florabel" Agents(112) = "Ilaga, Eunice" Agents(113) = "Inovero, Michelle" Agents(114) = "Ismail, Amir" Agents(115) = "Jaen, Ritchiedel" Agents(116) = "Jimeno, Evita" Agents(117) = "Joanne Marie Sai" Agents(118) = "John Michael Abellar" Agents(119) = "Julian, Desiree" Agents(120) = "Justine Joy Lucban" Agents(121) = "Justiniano, Eufraime" Agents(122) = "Karen Cathley Digman" Agents(123) = "Lamparas, Nenita" Agents(124) = "Laxa, Catherine" Agents(125) = "Lecoto, Vener" Agents(126) = "Leuterio, Ilene" Agents(127) = "Limbo, Karen" Agents(128) = "Lingad, Raymond" Agents(129) = "Liza, Joseph Jay" Agents(130) = "Lomongo, Wilbert" Agents(131) = "Loreto, Aguilar" Agents(132) = "Lugtu , Jude" Agents(133) = "Luzon, Liza" Agents(134) = "Ma. Eleonor Tabing" Agents(135) = "Mabborang, Queenly" Agents(136) = "Mabini, Eve" Agents(137) = "Macababda, Marijo" Agents(138) = "Macutay, Charlotte" Agents(139) = "Macutay, Mark Anthon" Agents(140) = "Magtangob, Julius" Agents(141) = "Manago, Roman Carlo" Agents(142) = "Manaloto, Marlon" Agents(143) = "Mangaoang, Carmel Ri" Agents(144) = "Mapolon, Amie" Agents(145) = "Martin, Maricar" Agents(146) = "Martin, Sharon" Agents(147) = "Mendoza, Dann Kristo" Agents(148) = "Mendoza, Liezl" Agents(149) = "Mesias, Hannah" Agents(150) = "Miranda, Nicola Elan" Agents(151) = "Miranda, Sheila" Agents(152) = "Mirandilla, Paulo" Agents(153) = "Mislang Jr., Roberto" Agents(154) = "Montances, Raquel" Agents(155) = "Montefalcon, Erliza" Agents(156) = "Munar, Rommel" Agents(157) = "Naluz, Alexis Viktor" Agents(158) = "Narbuada, Norman" Agents(159) = "Nirza, Miguel" Agents(160) = "Orteza, Gian Carlo" Agents(161) = "Oteyza, Karen Rosell" Agents(162) = "Panganiban, Karina" Agents(163) = "Panganiban, Leah" Agents(164) = "Papina, Roland" Agents(165) = "Parel, Rose Ann Chri" Agents(166) = "Parra, Nimfa" Agents(167) = "Pascua, Ramon" Agents(168) = "Pasuquin, Mary Grace" Agents(169) = "Pauig, Sue Laine" Agents(170) = "Perlas, Joby Jade" Agents(171) = "Poñado, Rachal" Agents(172) = "Puli, Ivan" Agents(173) = "Pumar, Elora Ann" Agents(174) = "Quintos, Stephen Ed" Agents(175) = "Ramirez, Requel" Agents(176) = "Ramos, Eumir" Agents(177) = "Ramos, Rosemarie." Agents(178) = "Rarangol, Jane" Agents(179) = "Rebugio, Mark Joseph" Agents(180) = "Reotutar, Neil Clark" Agents(181) = "Resurreccion, Aimee" Agents(182) = "Reyes, Lymuel" Agents(183) = "Ricafranca, Nikolai" Agents(184) = "Rino, Kim Eric" Agents(185) = "Rioja, Daisy" Agents(186) = "Robidillo, Fatima" Agents(187) = "Rolando Lindog" Agents(188) = "Romero, Darling" Agents(189) = "Rosas, Bryan Carlo" Agents(190) = "Rowena Rona" Agents(191) = "Sacrez, Ma Aurora" Agents(192) = "Sai, Joanna Marie" Agents(193) = "Salvacion, Fairodz b" Agents(194) = "Salvador Jr, Rolando" Agents(195) = "Santibanez, Norman" Agents(196) = "Santos, Mayleen Sa" Agents(197) = "Saribay, Mark" Agents(198) = "Saulog, Giovannie" Agents(199) = "Seludo, Loida" Agents(200) = "Sereno, Marjorie" Agents(201) = "Serrano, Zacheus" Agents(202) = "Sheremeil Tan" Agents(203) = "Silverio II, Carlo" Agents(204) = "Tambobong , Regina" Agents(205) = "Tan, Boon Beng" Agents(206) = "Tapia, Dianne Andrea" Agents(207) = "Tingzon, Jan Therese" Agents(208) = "Tolentino, Glennford" Agents(209) = "Tolentino, Rodney" Agents(210) = "Tolosa, Joy Maru" Agents(211) = "Tolosa, Rod Jeffrey" Agents(212) = "Toong, Rene" Agents(213) = "Torilla, Nathaniel" Agents(214) = "Tort, Mary Grace" Agents(215) = "Trinidad, Francis" Agents(216) = "Tubice, Janette" Agents(217) = "Tudlasan, Mary Jo" Agents(218) = "Tuguib, Rodney" Agents(219) = "Tulawan, Joedelyn" Agents(220) = "Uy, Gretchen Mari St" Agents(221) = "Valebia, Kristine" Agents(222) = "Valenzuela, Demsey" Agents(223) = "Valenzuela, Myles" Agents(224) = "Vargas, Christine" Agents(225) = "Vargas, Jose" Agents(226) = "Villanueva, Marcelle" Agents(227) = "Villanueva, Vigie" Agents(228) = "Villaver, Conrado" Agents(229) = "Virtudazo, Joeurbett" Agents(230) = "Viscante, Emelson" Agents(231) = "Yap, Paul" Agents(232) = "Ylagan, Celin" Agents(233) = "Ylidon, Andrew" Agents(234) = "Yrrverre, Neil Vince" Set cvsApp = CreateObject("ACSUP.cvsApplication") Set cvsConn = CreateObject("ACSCN.cvsConnection") Set cvsSrv = CreateObject("ACSUPSRV.cvsServer") Set Rep = CreateObject("ACSREP.cvsReport") For I = 1 To 234 agentName = Agents(I) If cvsApp.CreateServer(UserName, "", "", serverAddress, False, "ENU", cvsSrv, cvsConn) Then If cvsConn.login(UserName, passW, serverAddress, "ENU") Then On Error Resume Next cvsSrv.Reports.ACD = 1 DoEvents Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:01")) Set Info = cvsSrv.Reports.Reports("Historical\Agent\Trace by Location") If Info Is Nothing Then If cvsSrv.Interactive Then MsgBox "The Report " & "Historical\Agent\Trace by Location" & " was not found on ACD 1", vbCritical Or vbOKOnly, "CentreVu Supervisor" DoEvents Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:01")) Else Set Log = CreateObject("ACSERR.cvslog") Log.AutoLogWrite "The Report " & "Historical\Agent\Trace by Location" & " was not found on ACD 1" Set Log = Nothing End If DoEvents Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:01")) Else b = cvsSrv.Reports.CreateReport(Info, Rep) If b Then Debug.Print Rep.SetProperty("Agent", Agents(I)) ' agentName) Debug.Print Rep.SetProperty("Dates", mydate) Debug.Print Rep.SetProperty("Times", "00:00-23:59") b = Rep.ExportData("", 9, 0, False, True, True) DoEvents Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:01")) wk.Sheets(I).Select wk.Sheets(I).Cells.ClearContents wk.Sheets(I).Cells(1, 1).PasteSpecial DoEvents Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:01")) If Not cvsSrv.Interactive Then cvsSrv.ActiveTasks.Remove Rep.TaskID Set Rep = Nothing Set Log = Nothing Set Rep = Nothing Set cvsSrv = Nothing Set cvsConn = Nothing Set cvsApp = Nothing Set Info = Nothing DoEvents Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:01")) End If End If End If End If ActiveWorkbook.Save DoEvents Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:01")) Next I cvsConn.logout cvsConn.Disconnect cvsSrv.Connected = False DoEvents MsgBox "Completed" End Sub
How to inset a customer location through graph
Hello I am banging my head against the wall trying find the correct way to insert a customer location using a graph. I am currently using the PX.Objects.CR.CustomerLocationMaint graph. But when I insert or set current location it is always null. Here is my code private PX.Objects.CR.Location UpdateCustomerLocation(PX.Objects.AR.Customer cust, ListingRead currentListing, ListingContactRelnListing contact) { PX.Objects.AR.CustomerLocationMaint g = new PX.Objects.AR.CustomerLocationMaint(); g.Clear(PXClearOption.ClearAll); g.BusinessAccount.Current = cust; PX.Objects.CR.Location loc = new PX.Objects.CR.Location(); loc.BAccountID = cust.BAccountID; loc.LocationCD = "RL" +; loc.Descr =; loc.DefContactID = cust.DefContactID; loc.IsActive = true; loc.LocType = "CU"; g.Location.Current = loc; loc = g.Location.Insert(loc); PX.Objects.CR.Address addr = new PX.Objects.CR.Address(); addr.BAccountID = cust.BAccountID; addr.AddressType = "BS"; addr.CountryID = "NZ"; addr.AddressLine1 = + " " +; addr.AddressLine2 =; addr.AddressLine3 =; addr = g.Address.Insert(addr); loc.DefAddressID = addr.AddressID; g.Location.Update(loc); g.Actions.PressSave(); return loc; }