Service Fabric Mesh unable to start sample application after deployment - azure-service-fabric-mesh

I am trying to get a sample Service Fabric Mesh application deployed to Azure. The deployment shows as being successful, but I am unable to access the application once it is deployed. The only evidence I can find that there is an issue is the "UnhealthyEvaluation" property returned when querying the app via PowerShell CLI.
Here is what that shows.
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> az mesh app show --resource-group Proto --name todolistapp-CsProto
"debugParams": null,
"description": "todolistapp description.",
"diagnostics": null,
"healthState": "Warning",
"id": "/subscriptions/2224ba65-ee14-4fa5-b62c-f586d05b6bb5/resourcegroups/Proto/providers/Microsoft.ServiceFabricMesh/applications/todolistapp-CsProto",
"location": "eastus",
"name": "todolistapp-CsProto",
"provisioningState": "Succeeded",
"resourceGroup": "Proto",
"serviceNames": [
"services": null,
"status": "Ready",
"statusDetails": null,
"tags": {},
"type": "Microsoft.ServiceFabricMesh/applications",
"unhealthyEvaluation": "Unhealthy deployed applications: 100% (1/1), MaxPercentUnhealthyDeployedApplications=0%.\r\n Unhealthy deployed application: ApplicationName='fabric:/todolistapp-CsProto', NodeName='_Dev_1', AggregatedHealthState='Warning'.\r\n Unhealthy deployed service packages: 50% (
1/2).\r\n Unhealthy deployed service package: ApplicationName='fabric:/todolistapp-CsProto', ServiceManifestName='Service1Pkg', ServicePackageActivationId='5a5b1584-ea7d-46bf-9ce2-ad56b2c843ff', NodeName='_Dev_1', AggregatedHealthState='Warning'.\r\n Unhealthy event: SourceId='System.Hos
ting', Property='CodePackageActivation:Service1:EntryPoint', HealthState='Warning', ConsiderWarningAsError=false. 'There was an error during CodePackage activation.System.Fabric.FabricException (-2147017731)\r\nFailed to start Container. ContainerName=sf-155-f0b08730-815a-421c-a312-0334c3f9b11c_5a5b
1584-ea7d-46bf-9ce2-ad56b2c843ff, ApplicationId=SingleInstance_148_App155, ApplicationName=fabric:/todolistapp-CsProto. DockerRequest returned StatusCode=InternalServerError with ResponseBody={\"message\":\"failed to create endpoint sf-155-f0b08730-815a-421c-a312-0334c3f9b11c_5a5b1584-ea7d-46bf-9ce2
-ad56b2c843ff on network nat: HNS failed with error : You were not connected beca'\r\n"
I'm happy to provide any additional information that might be helpful in figuring this out. Part of the problem is that the Azure Portal UI for the Service Fabric Mesh application and services does not show any logging. I believe that is because the logs have not yet been implemented there. Additionally, querying the container logs via PowerShell CLI isn't returning anything either.
PowerShell Container Log
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> az mesh code-package-log get --resource-group Proto --app-name todolistapp-CsProto --service-name WebFrontEnd --replica-name 0 --code-package-name WebFrontEnd
{'additional_properties': {}, 'content': ''}
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> az mesh code-package-log get --resource-group Proto --app-name todolistapp-CsProto --service-name Service1 --replica-name 0 --code-package-name Service1
{'additional_properties': {}, 'content': ''}
Any insight on this would be greatly appreciated!


Create azure virtual machine with image with command

I can create a virtual machine with the UI :
via Azure marketplace with, however, I want to use the command since I want the VM to be created when it's secured (SSL).
These are the image for :
So I tried to use the command below :
az vm create --resource-group myresourcegroups --name staging-images --image flexifyio/ce:latest --admin-username azureuser --generate-ssh-keys --custom-data ~/Documents/cloud-init-web-server.txt --secrets "$vm_secret"
This is the image flexifyio/ce:latest, but am getting this error :
Invalid image "flexifyio/ce:latest". Use a valid image URN, custom image name, custom image id, VHD blob URI, or pick an image from ['CentOS', 'Debian', 'Flatcar', 'openSUSE-Leap', 'RHEL', 'SLES', 'UbuntuLTS', 'Win2022Datacenter', 'Win2022AzureEditionCore', 'Win2019Datacenter', 'Win2016Datacenter', 'Win2012R2Datacenter', 'Win2012Datacenter', 'Win2008R2SP1'].
See VM create -h for more information on specifying an image.
How best can I do this?
The --image argument for az vm commands can be used to reference an image available on the Azure Marketplace, not Docker Hub (or any other repository, for that matter). Azure Marketplace is also the source of the images you see in the VM creation flow in the Azure Portal.
To find the identifier for the image you want to create your VM with, use az vm image list --all --publisher Flexify, which yields some results:
"architecture": "x64",
"offer": "migration-vm",
"publisher": "flexify-io",
"sku": "migration-vm-ce",
"urn": "flexify-io:migration-vm:migration-vm-ce:2.12.10",
"version": "2.12.10"
"architecture": "x64",
"offer": "multi-cloud",
"publisher": "flexify-io",
"sku": "multi-cloud-vm-ce",
"urn": "flexify-io:multi-cloud:multi-cloud-vm-ce:2.12.0",
"version": "2.12.0"
"architecture": "x64",
"offer": "multi-cloud",
"publisher": "flexify-io",
"sku": "multi-cloud-vm-ce",
"urn": "flexify-io:multi-cloud:multi-cloud-vm-ce:2.12.2",
"version": "2.12.2"
"architecture": "x64",
"offer": "single-vm",
"publisher": "flexify-io",
"sku": "single-vm-ce",
"urn": "flexify-io:single-vm:single-vm-ce:2.12.10",
"version": "2.12.10"
Then pass the urn value of the image you want to deploy to your VM like so:
az vm create --resource-group myresourcegroups --name staging-images --image flexify-io:single-vm:single-vm-ce:2.12.10 --admin-username azureuser --generate-ssh-keys --custom-data ~/Documents/cloud-init-web-server.txt --secrets "$vm_secret"

Azure app service - web deployment using FTP

For web deployment using FTP;I came across a situation, where i'm using Azure CLI command to create an app service plan in FREE tier to deploy the web app in it.
Here is how i am approaching:
used command:
az login --allow-no-subscriptions
sign in, use a web browser to open the page and enter the code xxxxxxx to authenticate. Working fine with below result.
"cloudName": "AzureCloud",
"id": "1fdacf7a-xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"isDefault": true,
"name": "N/A(tenant level account)",
"state": "Enabled",
"tenantId": "1fdacf7a-xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"user": {
"name": "",
"type": "user"
Then, create basic app service plan using :
"az appservice plan create -g MyResourceGroup -n MyPlan"
This gives me error saying "The subscription 1fdacf7a-xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-
xxxxxxxxxxxxx could not be found.
How to resolve this problem? Thanks.
I can reproduce your issue, to fix the issue, please don't use the --allow-no-subscriptions parameter.
You just need to login with:
az login
az login --use-device-code
Then use the command below to set the subscription:
az account set --subscription 1fdacf7a-xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Run az appservice plan create -g MyResourceGroup -n MyPlan:

Azure CLI az vm commands no longer creates an output on success

We are using an Azure CLI command to start/stop/deallocate VMs.
az vm start -g trg -n AzureCoE-VS1
This command used to give an output like
"endTime": "2018-08-03T10:20:56.271327+00:00",
"error": null,
"name": "1bc3b4ec-16b1-4f1f-a6a7-78fc23e62677",
"startTime": "2018-08-03T10:20:46.849438+00:00",
"status": "Succeeded"
However, we are no longer able to see this output as a result of which our application is breaking.
this used to work earlier.

Kubernetes install fails on ACS

I'm trying to deploy Kubernetes through ACS. The deployment works perfectly but as soon as I try connect to the cluster with kubectl proxy it fails.
Every kubectl command fails.
I SSH'ed to the server and found out only one container started. Not a single other one in sight even with -a.
Anyone got a clue to why this happens?
According to your description, it seems you have not configured the Service Principal correctly.
You may need to check to ensure the credentials were provided accurately, and that the configured Service Principal has read and write permissions to the target Subscription.
If your Service Principal is misconfigured, none of the kubernetes components will come up in a healthy manner. We can check to see if this the problem:
root#k8s-master-D9DE702A-0:~# journalctl -u kubelet | grep --text autorest
If you see output that looks like the following, it means you have not configured the service Principal correctly.
May 18 07:09:36 k8s-master-D9DE702A-0 docker[5534]: E0518 07:09:36.901937 5920 kubelet.go:1186] Cannot get Node info: failed to get external ID from cloud provider: autorest#WithErrorUnlessStatusCode: POST failed with 400 Bad Request: StatusCode=400
May 18 07:09:37 k8s-master-D9DE702A-0 docker[5534]: E0518 07:09:37.119646 5920 kubelet_node_status.go:70] Unable to construct api.Node object for kubelet: failed to get external ID from cloud provider: autorest#WithErrorUnlessStatusCode: POST failed with 400 Bad Request: StatusCode=400
More information about how to create /configure a service principal for ACS-Engin Kubernetes cluster, please refer to this Azure CLI 2.0 or PowerShell.
We can use CLI 2.0 to get the information about ACS, the clientId is the service principal.
C:\Users>az acs show -g k8s -n containerservice-k8s
"agentPoolProfiles": [
"provisioningState": "Succeeded",
"resourceGroup": "k8s",
"servicePrincipalProfile": {
"clientId": "1498b171-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-8ef56a178b89",
"secret": null
"tags": null,
"type": "Microsoft.ContainerService/ContainerServices",
"windowsProfile": null
We can use PowerShell to get the service principal:
PS C:\Users> Get-AzureRmADServicePrincipal | ?{ $_.ApplicationId -eq "1498b171-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-8ef56a178b89" } | fl *
ServicePrincipalNames : {http://azure-cli-2017-04-13-08-16-07, 1498b171-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-8ef56a178b89}
ApplicationId : 1498b171-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-8ef56a178b89
DisplayName : azure-cli-2017-04-13-08-16-07
Id : d86886b9-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-25ab57803a33
Type : ServicePrincipal

Is it possible to use Azure CLI to configure deployment to an app service from a Dropbox location?

So I'm following this guide in order tosuse Azure 2.0 CLI to create an app service to deploy.
I have set up the resource group, the app service plan and the app but instead of setting up the deployment with a Git repository like this
az appservice web source-control config-local-git --name <app_name> --resource-group my-first-app-group
I would like to put all my files into a folder in DropBox.
This step can be done by using the Azure web site but I would like to know if it is possible to using the Azure 2.0 CLI? If so, what is the command?
I would like to put all my files into a folder in DropBox.
This step can be done by using the Azure web site but I would like to
know if it is possible to using the Azure 2.0 CLI?
We can use CLI 2.0 command like this:
C:\Users>az appservice web source-control config --repo-url --repository-type mercurial --name jasonapp2 --resource ubuntu
Here is my result:
C:\Users>az appservice web source-control config --repo-url --repository-type mercurial --name jasonapp2 --resource ubuntu
"branch": null,
"deploymentRollbackEnabled": false,
"id": "/subscriptions/5384xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-0361e29a7b15/resourceGroups/ubuntu/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/jasonapp2/sourcecontrols/web",
"isManualIntegration": false,
"isMercurial": false,
"kind": null,
"location": "Central US",
"name": "jasonapp2",
"repoUrl": "",
"resourceGroup": "ubuntu",
"tags": {
"hidden-related:/subscriptions/5384xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-0361e29a7b15/resourcegroups/AppResource/providers/Microsoft.Web/serverfarms/palian160919": "empty"
"type": "Microsoft.Web/sites/sourcecontrols"
