force node.exe to go throw proxifier on windows 10 - node.js

I am developing bots for telegram, I am from Iran and telegram url is blocked in my country and I am forced to use VPN/Proxy servers to access telegram api from my local dev machine.
But I have other apps running on my system that won't work throw a VPN, So I am forced to use proxifier, I can define rules for the apps that I need to go throw a proxy.
But node.exe is ignoring this rules for some reason, I can see in NetLimiter that the connection is coming from C:\Program Files (x86)\nodejs\node.exe, But adding this path to proxifier's rules has no effect, other apps like telegram itself and firefox and ... works fine with these rules ...
So has anyone managed to force node.exe to go throw proxifier?
I also tried to setup a proxcy with php in my host, but none of the proxy scripts I found was able to handle the file uploads
My last hope is to install some modules for apache and use it as a proxy or just install nginx ...
I also tried and with no success, its just keeps throwing errors :(

Ok, after hours of trying finally got this to work with proxifier.
new HttpsProxyAgent('http://username:password#')
Update :
This approach had its problems so I created a small personal proxy server with node-http-proxy on my server and connected to it:
const debug = require('debug')('app');
const http = require('http');
const httpProxy = require('http-proxy');
const proxy = httpProxy.createProxyServer({
secure : false
proxy.on('error', function (e) {
const server = http.createServer(function(req, res) {
// You can define here your custom logic to handle the request
// and then proxy the request.
proxy.web(req, res, { target: '', });
And simply just redirected all the request to this server.


Connection reset when connecting to nodejs https server

So I'm trying to get a basic https server running in node, and I'm completely stuck. I've generated a self signed certificate and key with openssl, and tried the basic way to create the server and another hundred of them, but no matter what I do my browser just tells me "The connection has been reset" when I try to connect, and the server doesn't even execute the callback function for the request, as if it has never arrived.
The network inspector in Firefox Developer Edition shows no response at all from the server, and inspecting my loopback interface using Wireshark I've found the server is sending an "end" package right after acknowledging the browser's request.
I really have no idea on what can be wrong, as I've tried with example codes from many tutorials and all of them produce the same output.
This is an example of some very basic code that throws no errors, but also apparently doesn't work:
const https = require('https');
const fs = require('fs');
const options = {
key: fs.readFileSync('sslcert/key.pem'),
cert: fs.readFileSync('sslcert/server.crt'),
rejectUnauthorized: false
https.createServer(options, (req, res) => {
console.log('request received')
}).listen(8443).on('error', (error) => {
throw error
I had the same problem, and for me, accessing the page with the https:// -protocol specified did the job in Firefox.
So use
instead of just

jsreport Hello world

I'm trying to create my first report with jsreport. I've followed the documentation, but I'm not able to generate the most simple Hello world.
I've tried:
npm install jsreport
and then create a simple server:
var http = require('http');
var jsreport = require('jsreport');
http.createServer(function (req, res) {
jsreport.render("<h1>Hello world</h1>").then(function(out) {;
}).catch(function(e) {
}).listen(1337, '');
The server is running on port 1337.
But if I try to open http://localhost:1337/ nothing happens. I was expecting a page with Hello world.
On the server side, I get on the console:
2018-02-17T10:55:16.009Z - info: Initializing jsreport#1.10.0 in development mode using configuration file: jsreport.config.json
2018-02-17T10:55:16.011Z - info: Setting process based strategy for rendering. Please visit for information how to get more performance.
2018-02-17T10:55:16.013Z - info: Searching for available extensions in /home/jgr/WebstormProjects/GeoMasterBoard/server/
2018-02-17T10:55:16.016Z - info: Extensions location cache not found, crawling directories
Do I need a jsreport server running or this code should be enough?
I also tried to install jsreport server, following the documentation.
After jsreport start it shows on the console:
2018-02-17T10:42:46.013Z - info: Initializing jsreport#1.10.0 in development mode using configuration file: jsreport.config.json
2018-02-17T10:42:46.015Z - info: Setting process based strategy for rendering. Please visit for information how to get more performance.
2018-02-17T10:42:46.023Z - info: Searching for available extensions in /home/jgr/WebstormProjects/GeoMasterBoard/server/
2018-02-17T10:42:46.025Z - info: Extensions location cache not found, crawling directories
But nothing happens when I try to open http://localhost:5488/. If I do: nmap -p 5488 localhost the awnser is:
5488/tcp closed unknown
What am I missing?
I'm using node.js v8.1.2, on Ubuntu 16.04.
your code is not working because the following reasons:
when you open your browser at http://localhost:1337/ your browser is actually making 3 different requests (1-> http://localhost:1337/, 2-> http://localhost:1337/favicon.ico, 3-> http://localhost:1337/robots.txt), not just one
the code that your are using to handle the http server is not doing a proper routing, it should process a url just once, right now it is just calling jsreport.render on every single request that goes through your server (even the ones for /favicon.ico, /robots.txt), and this is bad in the browser because as i already explained your browser makes like 3 request for a single page load.
you are using the shortcut jsreport.render in the request handling, which means that jsreport is going to try to initialize itself when your first request arrives, because of the problem explained above (not doing a proper routing in your http server) this results in jsreport trying to initialize 3 times on your first page load which leads to an uncaught exception that exits your process with no error message (we are going to update some things to better handling this exception in the future).
finally, here is some code that completes your hello world test case (with some code that filters unwanted requests like /robots.txt, /favicon.ico, but in production code you should implement a proper router logic in your http server. if you don't want to code it yourself just use something like express)
var http = require('http');
var jsreport = require('jsreport');
http.createServer(function(req, res) {
if (req.url !== '/') {
return console.log('ignoring request:', req.url);
console.log('request:', req.url);
.render('<h1>Hello world</h1>')
.then(function(out) {;
.catch(function(e) {
}).listen(1337, '');

how do i correctly proxy https requests to another https server for cordova

I have a number of different servers running on my system, all of them running a secure connection on there own port, etc. 50001,50002,50003...
all of thees can be accessed directly from ...
now, not only do I want to limit the number of ports, but also change the domain so etc. <- <- <-
All of thees servers run separate nodejs instances.
Now I want to build a proxy than redirect this, and I have chosen nodejs since everything else we do is in nodejs.
what i have now:
var app = require('express')();
var options = {
key : fs.readFileSync(CONFIG.sslKey).toString(),
cert : fs.readFileSync(CONFIG.sslCertificate).toString(),
ca : fs.readFileSync(CONFIG.sslCA).toString()
var http = require('https').Server(options,app);
var httpProxy = require('http-proxy');
var proxy = httpProxy.createProxyServer({
ssl: {
key : fs.readFileSync(CONFIGsecure.sslKey).toString(),
cert : fs.readFileSync(CONFIGsecure.sslCertificate).toString(),
ca : fs.readFileSync(CONFIGsecure.sslCA).toString()
secure: true
var handleRequests = function(req, res){
proxyTo = ""; <= some logic chooses this based on
proxy.web(req, res, { target: proxyTo });
app.get('/*', handleRequests );'/*', handleRequests );
app.put('/*', handleRequests );
app.delete('/*', handleRequests );
http.listen(443, function(){});
okay so this actually works very well, everything is going where it should go in a browser, and in a cordova app using jquery ajax everything also works very well.
however if i use
I get error code 3 (connection error).
If I connect directly to (direct) the app works, but if i connect to (the proxy) the app does not work.
All the certificates are valid, wildcard certificate on * and single certificate on
The end servers has certificate installed and the proxy has * wildcard certificate installed.
Any idea on how to correctly setup a proxy server? The system is windows server 2012 R2 and I am open to use a real proxy if needed. However it would be nice with a solution as simple as possible.
I have tried example two form here:
however this is the same problem, and it is only GET requests.
I have also tried disabling https on the end server so thats it's only the proxy that is secure, however, same result...
Okay so i found the issue, for some reason string also contained the :port, and i was only switching on the address. now everything works perfekt.

Setting up Cloud9 SSL App with Node JS

I've been playing around with the Cloud9 IDE and am having a great time with it. However, I'm trying to setup a simple https server with node js and I can't seem to get it to work. When I run the page, Cloud9 says 'Running Node Process' but when I visit the url that the server is supposed to respond to: the page says
Service Temporarily Unavailable
The server you are trying to contact is down either because it was stopped or is unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.
node-web-proxy/0.4 Server at Port 8000
I created a test certificate with OPENSSL and am using the following code to set up my server. I can confirm that the OPENSSL certificate was built correctly.
var https = require("https");
var fs = require("fs");
var url = require("url");
var options = {
key: fs.readFileSync('certs/cert.pem'),
cert: fs.readFileSync('certs/cert.pem')
// create a server
https.createServer(options, function(req, res) {
console.log("This works!");
res.end("Hello world from Cloud9! Url:"+req.url);
Thank you for your help!
you need .listen(process.env.PORT,process.env.IP);
It should say that when you start a program.

Implementing / forcing SSL for LocomotiveJS apps (NodeJS / Express)

With MVC frameworks like LocomotiveJS now available for NodeJS / Express, I'm just wondering how it would be possible to implement SSL on part of an app?
For example, an ecommerce app.
I'd need all /checkout controllers to force SSL.
I've read tutorials like this one but not sure on how to implement this with Locomotive, since Express is effectively "wrapped" ?
Currently SSL is not directly supported by Locomotive, but should be soon, according to this Google Groups posting in April by Jared Hanson, the creator of Locomotive.
Currently, I've always been putting Locomotive behind a proxy that
terminates SSL. But, I'll be adding a command line option for this
shortly, for direct support.
That said, if you want a completely node-based solution without using a proxy, then for the time being you'll need to edit the Express instance in Locomotive. I've tested the below and it's working well.
As of writing, npm install locomotive uses Express 2.x, though the latest at github has since been updated to use Express 3.x.
If you're using Locomotive with Express 2.x, then I think you have to edit /locomotive/lib/locomotive/index.js, around line 180, to look something like:
var sslOptions = {
cert : fs.readFileSync('/path/to/your/ssl-cert/dev.crt')
, key : fs.readFileSync('/path/to/your/ssl-key/dev.key')
var self = this
, server = express.createServer(sslOptions)
, entry;
Additionally, you will probably still want to listen on HTTP and redirect all traffic to HTTPS. Sticking with an all node-based solution, you could simply start another Express server at the end of /locomotive/lib/locomotive/cli/server.js that redirects all its traffic to HTTPS, e.g.
debug('booting app at %s in %s environment', dir, env);
locomotive.boot(dir, env, function(err, server) {
if (err) { throw err; }
server.listen(port, address, function() {
var addr = this.address();
debug('listening on %s:%d', addr.address, addr.port);
// add an http server and redirect all request to https
var httpServer = require('express').createServer();
httpServer.all('*', function(req, res) {
res.redirect('https://' + address + ':' + port + req.url);
httpServer.listen(80); // probably change based on NODE_ENV
Lastly, start the server:
$ lcm server -p 443 # again, probably use different port in development
All those frameworks are based on top of Express which based is on connect which has HTTPS support.
Anyway in a real life situation you might want to want to have a nginx/or nother proxy handling the https for you anyway.
