MODX can't save <base href="[[!++site_url]]" /> - modx

Whenever I try to save <base href="[[!++site_url]]" /> into a chunk the page pauses - the data won't save and I get a JS error in console:
Uncaught TypeError: this.mask.addClass is not a function
This is on 2.6.5 on a fresh install.
Would anyone know what I could and how I could fix this?

In my case there was Mod security enabled on server, after asking hosting provider to disable it, everything went fine

In older MODX versions there was a problem sometimes generating and saving content of this tag. It may depend on server settings or MODX version, could you update to 2.8.4 for example? Also as an option (if you do not have a multi-context site, although this option is also possible with it) you can explicitly directly specify domain in the form (if it works for you of course):
<base href="" />

You got a ! in the <base href="[[!++site_url]]" /> try removing it


relative paths not functioning after site files uploaded to server

I developed a website locally using "localhost" and created all the site links, buttons, etc using a relative path structure. My server code is written in Node.js/Express. I am also using .ejs for a template engine...therefore all my server webpages are in a folder called "views/pages".
Using this structure, for example, I have a button with a link coded as:
Enter Site
On my development 'localhost' machine this was sufficient to call the '_landing' route in my server script which would then render the proper page to be served...without any difficulty. The server code would read something like this:
app.get('/', function (req, res) {
app.get('/_landing', function(req, res) {
res.render('pages/_landing', {user_stat: _subscriber});
Now I have uploaded my site files to a Windows server using Plesk software. The site files and folders are located in a directory named "httpdocs". It now seems my relative path links are broken. Using the button link above again as an example for some reason it now wants to route to ""...which is obviously not correct. Why does it seem the relative path now seems to ignore the route call in Node.js...?
Any advice greatly appreciated, I am having extreme difficulty posting my site online due to a myriad of undocumented problems like this...posting a request to my server support will be useless since they do not respond to "coding issues". I thank you in advance.
For anybody that may be interested after several weeks I was able to determine the problem here. I eventually enlisted Plesk support in an effort to solve this issue. It was confirmed to me by a Plesk technician that my described issue was caused by a bug in the Plesk software platform.
The solution to resolve the bug was to insert some additional code in the 'web.config' file as follows:
<remove name="startup-file for site #1" />
<rule name="startup-file for site #1">
<match url="/*" />
<conditions />
<serverVariables />
<action type="Rewrite" url="/test2.js" />
This code is to appear in the 'web.config' file AFTER "/httpErrors" AND WITHIN "/system.webServer"...the 'test2.js' should be set to the JS script file for your domain.

String was not recognized as a valid Boolean. in mvc5 show error in #using in razor

I am using mvc5 for application my local system application is working properly. but I upload publish file then server shows error show
Would be nice if anyone helps about it
Without seeing more code, it is hard to tell, but at a guess, you may want to look into your config file(s) and particularly the transformation side of this value in app settings.
<add key="ClientValidationEnabled" value="true" />
It may have an incorrect value which cannot be parsed, which is why the error is occurring down the stack after "get_clientvalidationenabled" is called.

Why am I getting a 404 for my LESS file on my Azure App Service?

Ok, so... famous saying... this works locally, but not when I deploy.
I recently switched to using Less.js so that I could dynamically change my less variables with Javascript. Again, locally this works like a champ.
In my header I have it referenced:
<link rel="stylesheet/less" type="text/css" href="~/Content/main.less" />
<script src="//"></script>
When I use Visual Studio to deploy this to my Azure App Service I get a 404 on the less file and it all breaks.
I FTP'd into my server and the file is indeed there.
I double checked to make sure that my properties for the less file are right. I have the build action set to Content and Copy if Newer.
No matter what I do, if I go looking for that main.less file the azure server returns a 404.
As an FYI, the site is a ASP.Net MVC 5 website. I am using bundling, but only for external css like JQueryUI. I have removed the bundling of my CSS to work with the new stuff.
What am I missing?
Ok! After a bunch of attempts and searches I finally found a related error and found my solution.
This poor gentleman was having an issue serving up JSON files (angular2 app, http request for file json file, 404 on azure) and that made me think I had the same problem.
Eureka! I needed to update my web.config to let it serve LESS files.
<mimeMap fileExtension=".less" mimeType="text/css" />
Hope this helps someone else who runs into the same issue.

Importing google polymer in Orchard cms

I am trying below
RegisterLink(new LinkEntry { Rel = "import", Href = Url.Content("~/Themes/SomeTheme/components/font-roboto/roboto.html") });
in my orchid layout, for using polymer. however this request is throwing a 404(on network tab in chrome.).
I am very much new to Orchid cms and hence struggling with this. Any help on this.
Note: I found that I have a class ResourceManager which implements IResourceManager. I am not sure if this is where I need to do make some changes. So adding this note as well.
You need to place a web.config inside Themes/SomeTheme/components folder (same as ThemeMachine/Styles) making one modification:
<handlers accessPolicy="Script,Read">
<add name="StaticFileHandler" path="*" verb="*" modules="StaticFileModule,DirectoryListingModule" resourceType="Either" requireAccess="Read" />
Remove (if existing) all web.config files in children folders.
You really need a web server to host polymer assets unless you disable web security. It can be any web server server. In addition, the ~ directive probably wouldn't be recognized by chrome file loader.

Running JS files through the same server handler as ASPX files..

We are using IIS 7. We need to have our JS files be processed by the same handler as aspx files, so that we can do some server-side string manipulation on them before being sent down to the browser.
We use IIS7, .NET 4, integrated pipeline mode.
We tried adding a script map, as well as a managed handler to the handler mappings to catch *.js using System.Web.UI.PageHandlerFactory.
It's being caught, but we're getting 500 errors when opening the js page.
Are we going about this the wrong way? Not quite sure what we're missing.
Check out this posting.
However, since you're wanting to run .JS files through it, you'll need to remove the default JS build provider by adding this line:
<remove extension=".js" />
So that the buildProviders block looks like this:
<remove extension=".js" />
<add extension=".js" type="System.Web.Compilation.PageBuildProvider" />
