Properly using dataclasses to return values of items - python-3.x

The project is to sort items - using a particular algorithm - into boxes. I am having trouble after assigning each items to the proper class, to return to another function and use and modify the data held within the object in the data class.
My testing file looks like this:
17 10 4
Abacus 3
Blender 5
Chessboard 3
Dishes 6
My classes:
class InventoryItem:
name: str
weight: float
class BoxInventory:
name: str
maxWeight: float
remainingWeight: float
contents: dict = ""
def listContents(self, contents):
self.listContents = contents
def remainingWeight(self, remainingWeight):
self.remainingWeight = remainingWeight
def addItemWeight(self, itemWeight):
self.remainingWeight -= itemWeight
def addItemList(self, itemName, itemWeight, contents):
self.contents = contents[itemName] = contents[itemWeight]
Here is where I read my text file and transfer it to a class:
Take the given txt file and format into proper list for boxes and items
:param filename: The filename of the text file
:return: Send lists to to be used by an algo.
with open(filename, 'r') as myFile: # Open the correct file
itemDict = {}
boxDict = {}
myList = [line.split() for line in myFile.readlines()]
boxLine = ' '.join(myList[0])
for line in range(1, len(myList)):
lines = ''.join(myList[line])
itemName = lines[:-1]
weight = lines[len(lines) - 1:]
item = InventoryItem(itemName, int(weight))
itemDict[itemName] = [item]
boxString = ""
count = 0
for char in boxLine:
if char != " ":
boxString = boxString + char
boxName = "Box" + str(count)
box = BoxInventory(boxName, int(boxString), int(boxString))
boxDict[boxName] = [box]
boxString = ""
count += 1
myReturn = {}
myReturn['boxDict'] = boxDict
myReturn['itemDict'] = itemDict
return myReturn
Non-implemented algorithm:
def roomiest(myReturnDict):
For each item find the box with the greatest remaining allowed weight that can support the item and place the item in that box
:param boxList: The list of boxes in the class from the given file
:param itemList: The list of items in the class from the given file
:return: If boxes were able to fit all items(1); items in box with individual weights(2); Box name with max
weight(3); items with their weights that were left behind(4)
itemList = myReturnDict.get("itemDict")
boxList = myReturnDict.get("boxDict")
My problem is that I do know how to read the parsed data from my
fileReader function in my algo. function.

Your input function is a little strange as you're storing the objects in a list of length 1 inside a dictionary. So your data looks like:
'Dishes': [InventoryItem(name='Dishes', weight=6)]
instead of
'Dishes': InventoryItem(name='Dishes', weight=6)
You might have a reason for it, but changing itemDict[itemName] = [item] to itemDict[itemName] = item makes your code a little easier to follow (and the same for boxDict[boxName] = [box]). With that change you can access the parsed data easily with the following:
for item_name, item in itemList.items():
This iterates through the itemList dictionary, getting the key, value pairs which in this case is itemName, item (or [item] in your original code. If you don't want to change that, replace item with item[0] in the code above). Then you can access attributes of your Class directly by calling their label.
You can get the box with most space remaining, using
sorted_box_list = (sorted(boxList.values(), key=operator.attrgetter('remainingWeight'), reverse=True))

What I have done is rather than using a dictionay I am using a list to pass on the data to a new function.
Text File --> List --> Dict --> List --> sortedList
Here is my new fileReader function:
def fileReader(filename):
Take the given txt file and format into proper list for boxes and items
:param filename: The filename of the text file
:return: Send lists to to be used by an algo.
with open(filename, 'r') as myFile: # Open the correct file
itemList = []
boxList = []
myList = [line.split() for line in myFile.readlines()]
boxLine = ' '.join(myList[0])
for line in range(1, len(myList)):
lines = ''.join(myList[line])
itemName = lines[:-1]
weight = lines[len(lines) - 1:]
item = InventoryItem(itemName, int(weight))
boxString = ""
count = 0
for char in boxLine:
if char != " ":
boxString = boxString + char
boxName = "Box" + str(count)
box = BoxInventory(boxName, int(boxString), int(boxString))
boxString = ""
count += 1
I then read and sort the data in each algotithm using this same method:
def roomiest(myReturnDict):
For each item find the box with the greatest remaining allowed weight that can support the item and place the item in that box
:param boxList: The list of boxes in the class from the given file
:param itemList: The list of items in the class from the given file
:return: If boxes were able to fit all items(1); items in box with individual weights(2); Box name with max
weight(3); items with their weights that were left behind(4)
itemData = list(myReturnDict.get("itemList"))
boxData = list(myReturnDict.get("boxList"))
sortedItemList = sorted(itemData, key=lambda x: x.weight, reverse=True)
sortedBoxList = sorted(boxData, key=lambda x: x.remainingWeight, reverse=True)
myReturn = {}
myReturn['boxList'] = boxList
myReturn['itemList'] = itemList
return myReturn
My dataclasses look like the following:
class InventoryItem:
name: str
weight: float
class BoxInventory:
name: str
maxWeight: float
remainingWeight: float
contents: dict = ""
def itemWeight(item):
print("Weight of",, "is: ", item.weight, "\n")
return item.weight
def remainWeight(box):
print("Rem. weight in ",, "is: ", box.remainingWeight, "\n")
return box.remainingWeight


Read data from txt file, store it, use it for analyzing, write it to the txt file

The task is to read from given txt file the data add the numbers in there to the list[], so that every number in a row will be a element/object in this list. After reading the file created list will be sent to the main().
this list with the objects will be parameters for the def Analyze part in where at the same time
will be found min, max, average and sum.
def lueTiedosto(data):
Tiedosto = open("L07T4D1.txt", 'r', encoding="UTF-8")
Rivi = Tiedosto.readline()
while (len(Rivi) > 0):
Rivi = Tiedosto.readline()
for element in data:
print(f"Tiedosto L07T4D1.txt luettu.")
return element
The fixed code which works:
def lueTiedosto(data):
Lue = input("Luettavan tiedoston nimi on ''.\n")
print(f"Anna uusi nimi, enter säilyttää nykyisen: ", end='')
Tiedosto = open(Lue, 'r', encoding="UTF-8")
Rivi = Tiedosto.readline()
while (len(Rivi) > 0):
Rivi = Tiedosto.readline()
print(f"Tiedosto '{Lue}' luettu.")
return data
Making an assumption that your input file is similar to the following:
I would do the following:
filepath = r".......\L07T4D1.txt" # Path to file being loaded
def readData(filepath: str) -> list[int]:
# Returns a list of integers from file
rslt = []
with open (filepath, 'r') as f:
data = f.readline().strip()
while data:
data = data.split(' ')
data = f.readline().strip()
return rslt
def analyze(data: list[int]) -> None:
# prints results of data analysis
print(f'Max Value = {max(data)}')
print(f'Min Value = {min(data)}')
print(f'Sum Value = {sum(data)}')
print(f'Avg Value = {sum(data)/len(data)}')
Running analyze(readData(filepath)) Yields:
Max Value = 12345
Min Value = 10000
Sum Value = 44353
Avg Value = 11088.25

Method reads properly but the written text file only has 1 line. Is \n not working?

The goal is to extract specific data from a text file under a folder
then write that data into another file under different folder
The extraction part works, save to variables and can even print them
The rises when you try to write them to a file
The file is empty
Need to write in this format
# This class includes all the operations related to a book
class Operation:
Need to include these class variables
book_title_list (List of all books titles such as “[title1, title2, title3, …]”)
book_info_dict = “{title1: obj1, title2:obj2, title3:obj3…….}”)
book_folder_path = './data/books_data/'
book_info_path = './data/result_data/books.txt'
def extract_book_info(self):
directory_files = os.listdir(self.book_folder_path) # Stores the .txt files under books_data folder
for i in directory_files:
with open(f'{self.book_folder_path}/{i}', 'r', encoding='utf8') as f:
f_contents = f.readlines()
f_line_free = list(map(lambda x: x.strip(), f_contents))
f_lists = f_line_free[10:22] # Slicing only the required elements of the list
Extracting only the necessary part and storing them
under proper variables
title = f_lists[0]
author = f_lists[2]
release_date = f_lists[4]
last_update_date = f_lists[5]
language = f_lists[7]
producer = f_lists[11]
Extracting the desired values
title_data = title[7:]
author_data = author[8:]
release_date_data = release_date[14:]
last_update_date_data = last_update_date[24:-1]
language_data = language[10:]
producer_data = producer[13:]
with open(self.book_info_path, 'w', encoding="utf8") as wf:
return True
except FileNotFoundError:
return False
except Exception:
return False

PdfMiner: Erro processing the page literal required: /b'begin'

I am trying to read .pdf file using python3 with package called pdfminer which I have done successfully but for some of the page in .pdf file while reading the page using interpreter.process_page in getAllPages() of the following code I am getting an errors as follows:
error processing the page literal required: /b'begin'.
error processing the page Unknown operator: 'Qq'.
This is happening only for few docs but not able to find out what is the problem , in which case this could happen?
class PDFDoc():
def __init__(self):
self.rsrcmgr = PDFResourceManager()
self.laparams = LAParams()
self.device = PDFPageDetailedAggregator(self.rsrcmgr, laparams=self.laparams)
self.interpreter = PDFPageInterpreter(self.rsrcmgr, self.device)
self.doc_values = []
self.total_no_of_pages = 0
self.doc_page_dict = collections.OrderedDict()
# self.doc = None
Read PDF Document
def readDoc(self, doc_name):
fp = open(doc_name, 'rb')
self.parser = PDFParser(fp)
self.doc = PDFDocument(self.parser)
Read all pages in the document and saved in List of tuples format.
It contains the text and their coordinate info along with page number
def getAllPages(self):
for page in PDFPage.create_pages(self.doc):
# receive the LTPage object for this page
self.doc_values = self.device.rows
Get the total number of pages
def getTotalPages(self):
self.total_no_of_pages = max(self.doc_page_dict)+1
Convert the document info into Page-wise dict. {Key:Value}-->{Page no:[Page text, coordinates]}
def getPageDict(self):
for i in range(len(self.doc_values)):
left = self.doc_values[i][1]
bottom = self.doc_values[i][2]
content = self.doc_values[i][-1]
if self.doc_page_dict.get(self.doc_values[i][0]):
self.doc_page_dict[self.doc_values[i][0]].append({'left':left, 'bottom':bottom, 'content':content})
self.doc_page_dict[self.doc_values[i][0]]=[{'left':left, 'bottom':bottom, 'content':content}]
Align the page text in case they are misaligned
def create_page_table_modified(self, pagedict_list):
# ##print(pagedict_list)
page_dict = collections.OrderedDict()
page_table_1 = []
page_table = []
exc_arr = []
count = 0
for line in pagedict_list:
row = []
temp_key = float(line['bottom'])
if not line in exc_arr and line["content"]:
for line_1 in pagedict_list:
if not line_1 in exc_arr and line_1["content"]:
# #print('last_top:', last_top, each_dict_adjusted['bottom'])
if abs(int(line["bottom"]) - int(line_1["bottom"])) <= 6:
if row:
page_dict[temp_key] = row
count += 1
# ##print("\n\nPage:",page_table)
page_dict_keys = sorted(page_dict, reverse=True)
for i in page_dict_keys:
# i = sorted(i, key=lambda k: k['left'])
return page_table_1
Sort the line elements based on its position coordinates
def sortRowElements(self,row_list):
return sorted(row_list, key=lambda k:k['left'])
Combine line elements to form the line text
def combineText(self, row):
temp_ = []
# for i in range(len(row)):
text = [k['content'] for k in row]
temp_.append(' '.join(text))
return ' '.join(temp_)
To call aligning and sorting functions
def sortText(self):
for page in self.doc_page_dict:
self.doc_page_dict[page] = self.create_page_table_modified(self.doc_page_dict[page])
self.doc_page_dict[page] = [self.sortRowElements(line) for line in self.doc_page_dict[page]]
To get text from particular page of the document --> List of line text
def pageText(self, page_no):
page_text = [self.combineText(line) for line in self.doc_page_dict[page_no]]
return page_text
read_document = PDFDoc()

How to print a dictionary made up of lines from a file in python3?

Any help is much appreciated! Thanks
I have a dictionary made up of lines extracted from a file like this:
Danny Shalev, 050-1111111,
Gil Rom, 050-2222222,
Tal Yakir, 050-3333333,
Edit: my goal is for the dict to be printed out like this:
Danny Shalev - 050-1111111 -
Gil Rom - 050-2222222 -
Tal Yakir - 050-3333333 -
The first name is the key, and the rest are the values.
I have written the code for converting the file lines into a dict, and I want to print out all values from my dictionary in a specific format, which would be line by line, separated by "-". I have already written the function print_person, to print it out in this format, I just want to apply this function (from the previous class) into my dict.
Here's the code:
class Person:
def __init__(self, name, phone,email): = name = phone = email
def print_person(self):
return (str(" - "+str(" - "+str(
class AddressBook:
def __init__ (self):
self.contactsdict = {}
def add(self, newContact):
self.contactsdict[] = + " - " +
def search(self, name):
return (self.contactsdict.get(name))
def addFromFile(self, fileName):
f = open("contacts.txt")
for line in f:
(key, val, val2) = line.split(",")
self.contactsdict[key] = val + " - " + val2
def printAddressBook(self):
for key, val in self.contactsdict.items():
address = AddressBook() # make an instance
p1=Person("Danny Shalev","050-1111111","")
print (p1.print_person())
I believe the problem is in this section, since I don't know how to use the method:
def printAddressBook(self):
for key, val in self.contactsdict.items():
for key, val in self.contactsdict.items():
deconstructs all your dictionary entries into 2 variables, one the key, the other the value. The second line is incorrrect - Person is your class, you need an instance of the class to use the defined print method on it.
You can call val.print_person() on each instance of the class Person to print each IF you store Persons in your inner dictionary. Classes are "templates" how a class is constructed - the instance must be used to call its functions. Currently your code only stores string in the internal dictionary.
To add persons to your internal Dict replace
for line in f:
(key, val, val2) = line.split(",")
self.contactsdict[key] = val + " - " + val2
for line in f:
(key, val, val2) = line.split(",")
self.contactsdict[key] = Person(key,val,val2) # create instances of Persons
# and store them in the dictionary by there name
# you get collisions if your file contains persons with identical names
Fixed code (this and some other errors marked with comments):
class Person:
def __init__(self, name, phone,email): = name = phone = email
def print_person(self):
return (str( + " - " + str( + " - " + str(
class AddressBook:
def __init__(self):
self.contactsdict = {}
def add(self, newContact):
self.contactsdict[] = newContact # store the Person instance
# under its name as key
def search(self, name):
return (self.contactsdict.get(name))
def addFromFile(self, fileName):
f = open("contacts.txt")
for line in f:
(key, val, val2) = line.split(",")
self.add(Person(key,val,val2)) # create Person and use own add-Function
# to add it to internal dictionary
def printAddressBook(self):
for key, val in self.contactsdict.items():
print( val.print_person() ) # you need to print the output
# of print_person() - it currently only
# returns the string and does not print it
address = AddressBook() # make an instance
p1 = Person("Danny Shalev","050-1111111","")
Search returns a person, so you can use it to change persons inside your dict:
p ="Danny Shalev") = "Hallo" # change the name of the found person (the key will still be "Danny Shalev")
Danny Shalev - 050-1111111 -
Gil Rom - 050-2222222 -
Tal Yakir - 050-3333333 -
Hallo - 050-1111111 - # after change of searched person
Gil Rom - 050-2222222 -
Tal Yakir - 050-3333333 -

Dictionary with functions versus dictionary with class

I'm creating a game where i have the data imported from a database, but i have a little problem...
Currently i get a copy of the data as a dictionary, which i need to pass as argument to my GUI, however i also need to process some data, like in this example:
I get the data as a dict (I've created the UseDatabase context manager and is working):
def get_user(name: str, passwd: str):
user = {}
user['name'] = name
user['passwd'] = passwd
with UseDatabase() as cursor:
_SQL = "SELECT id, cash, ruby FROM user WHERE name='Admin' AND password='adminpass'"
res = cursor.fetchall()
if res:
user['id'] = res[0][0]
user['cash'] = res[0][1]
user['ruby'] = res[0][2]
return user
return res
def get_activities():
with UseDatabase() as cursor:
_SQL = "SELECT * FROM activities WHERE user_id='2'"
res = cursor.fetchall()
if res:
ids = [i[0] for i in res]
activities = {}
for i in res:
activities[i[0]] = {'title':i[1],'unlock':i[2],'usr_progress':i[3]}
return (ids, activities)
return res
Need it as a dict in my GUI ("content" argument):
class SideBar:
def __init__(self, screen: 'pygame.display.set_mode()', box_width: int, box_height: int, content: dict, font: 'font = pygame.font.Font()'):
#content dict: {id: {'title':'','unlock':'','usr_progress':''},...}
self.box_width = box_width
self.box_height = box_height
self.box_per_screen = screen.get_height() // box_height
self.content = content
self.current_box = 1
self.screen = screen
self.font = font
def generate_bar (self):
active = [i for i in self.content.keys() if i in range(self.current_box, self.current_box+self.box_per_screen)]
for i in range(self.box_per_screen):,pygame.Rect((0,i*self.box_height),(self.screen.get_width()/3,self.screen.get_height()/3)),(249,0,0,170))
self.screen.blit(self.font.render(str(active[i]) + ' - ' + self.content[active[i]]['title'], True, (255,255,255)),(10,i*self.box_height+4))
for i in range(self.box_per_screen):
But still need to make some changes in the data:
def unlock_act(act_id):
if user['cash'] >= activities[act_id]['unlock'] and activities[act_id]['usr_progress'] == 0:
user['cash'] -= activities[act_id]['unlock']
activities[act_id]['usr_progress'] = 1
So the question is: in this situation should i keep a copy of the data as dict, and create a class with it plus the methods i need or use functions to edit the data inside the dict?
