When I open exe file,system says cant open flv file - exe

I have a dvd of toturial movies. The movies are in exe format. When I try to open them, the system says It cant open .flv files. I try to open them with flv player but it doesnt work. What should i do?


How to recover corrupted MP4

After moving some mp4 from computer to USB stick, I discovered that my mp4 are corrupted. I guess USB stick is guilty.
However I would like to recover those MP4 files and I tried ffmpeg but without any success.
As I work under Linux, I tried:
ffmpeg -i corrupted_video_file.mp4 -c copy fixed_video_file.mp4
Is there another way to fix corrupted mp4 files or any other tool ?

Find all possible mime type of a file

How can we find all possible mimetype of a file ?
Why do I want to do that : when openning a file of a source you can't trust you have to be extra careful.
Here an image which is also a zip file link to the image of google logo which is also a zip file containing a txt file. If you open it you will see the google logo but if you rename it with .zip extension and open it will reveal a text file.
I want to find something that can tell me this file could be a image/png or application/zip, do anyone know how to do this ?
You can probably find those file types using the file -k command, however after you unzip using GNU unzip you get this:
Archive: Z3RTc.zip
warning [Z3RTc.zip]: 13504 extra bytes at beginning or within zipfile
(attempting to process anyway)
extracting: lol.txt
So yeah, with ~13K of "trash" at the start of the .zip file, it will be tricky to find an application that guesses that it is a .zip file (other than unzip itself, apparently).

Excel vba - save as pdf and vba ftp upload - upload looks funny [duplicate]

currently im executing this batch for ftp -s:
cd "folder"
lcd "c:\folder"
mkdir 20140730
cd "20140730"
mput *.jpeg
During testing I was trying to mput like 10 files and everything seems fine. Now im transfering aprox. 1400 files with total size 700MB and my problem is that uploaded file is different then the original one. JPEG seems to be corrupted, on some image is lighter part another part is dark, or there are some coloured lines or parts on image... Is there way check if files moved by mput are same with source files? All files i have checked are affected.
Issue the binary keyword in the script before transferring the files.
The binary keyword stops files being truncated at the first EOF character, which is the default behaviour in text transfer mode.

linux wget download tar.gz as html?

I know the problem may seem naive to most of you but I couldn't find a solution. I'm using a linux virtual machine and I'm trying to download the apache-drill.tar.gz from enter link description herethe link (10 minutes tutorial they provide) I did the wget "link" but when I tried to extract the file using the tar -xvzf it gave me error messages as:
gzip:stdion:not in gzip format
tar: Child returned status 1
Error is not recoverable; existing now
Initially I thought it was the file format so I mv apache-drill.tar.gz apache-drill.tar and tar -xvf apache-drill.tar but still error. (file format different)
Then I started to check the size of the file, the original .tar.gz size is 134MB but when I tried:ls -lh apache-drill.tar.gz it's only 34KB which is much smaller than the real tar.gz file So I'm guessing wget is not downloading the file properly. Instead of the tar it actually downloads the html for me..
How can I fix this?
The HTML document you downloaded consists primarily of a bunch of links to mirrors hosting the actual file.
Pick one of them and download the response.

converting a .wma to .flac using PHP? possible?

I have a linux server, I am looking to convert a .wma file to .flac file 16k
Is there a way I can do this using a PHP Script to control the server?
I was thinking .wma to .wav then .flac would be easier, but not sure how...
Any help is greately appreciated.
You can invoke the command line through PHP so that it just works as a safe interface to remote users.
Keeping that in mind you can use the ffmpeg library to go right from .wma to .flac using:
ffmpeg -i sample.wma -acodec flac -aq 100 sample.flac
You'll want to have something to manage file names and getting/serving the files, etc but that doesn't seem to be the hurdle in this case.
