Azure Application Insights with Azure Function. Log Debug not showing up - azure

My Azure function is currently logging to Application Insights.
While Logs generated by logger.logInformation line is showing up on Application Insights, logs generated by logger.logDebug line is not showing up.
I heard there is a way to temporarily enable logging through this line by enabling certain logging levels for application insights.
Can someone help me achieve this or direct me towards some documentation?
Thanks :)

You're looking for the logLevel setting in host.json (Assumes Functions V2. For Functions V1, look at the logger setting.) Documentation for both here.

A detailed steps as below:
1.Nav to your function app kudu console:
2.In kudu console, nav to the host.json(D:\home\site\wwwroot), then click edit button for host.json:
3.Modify the host.json like below, then save it:
4.After run your function app, go to application insights search, you will find the debug message:
Use LogDebug in code:
In application insights, check the debug message:
5.For v1 function, you should use the link as per #Kath metioned, to modify the host.json.


Find the logs created by logging library in azure portal

I built a python function in Azure. I used the library logging to record some important steps in my function. I am using the level "info" of this library. My question is how do I find the logs created after execution in Azure portal?. I would like to see these logs to validate the execution of my function.
Tks in advance
Update 1:
I found in the Microsoft documentation:
Logging Access to the Azure Functions runtime logger is available via
a root logging handler in your function app. This logger is tied to
Application Insights and allows you to flag warnings and errors that
occur during the function execution.
Python developer reference: Logging
However, I do not know how to find these logs in Applications Insights.
Update 2:
My function has already the settings:
When I checked 'Transaction search' in the application insights, I am not getting the logs that I defined in my function using the library 'logging'. Here an example what I see:
The logs are seemly the standard one that Azure has.
Few things -
Have you enabled Application Insights? And setup the the storage account for logs?
Can you see Application Insights related configs in your Configuration > Application Settings
If the above are all fine, without your code snippet its hard to tell if there's something wrong.
To see the logs, try navigating to -
Your Azure Function's Application Insights
Click on 'View Application Insights data'
Then on the left nav bar look for 'Transaction Search' and click it
Finally, click the center button 'See all data in the last 24 hours'
Wait for it to load your logs, and hopefully if everything is setup correctly you'll see your logs there.

Azure Isolated Timer Trigger Function not working after deployment to Azure

I am new to Azure and Functions, so please bear with me.
I have a timer trigger isolated .Net 5 function. It does some CRUD operations against SQL database. It works fine locally when tested in Visual Studio 2019. However, when it is deployed into Azure, the trigger isn't invoked. It has Serilog for logging and I see no logging added to the files.
Using postman, I make a post request to the function. I can see the request count in the graph but nothing more than that.
Where can I see errors without turning on the application insights?
Where can I see errors without turning on the application insights?
Finally i concluded ,that You can use Kudu console to see your logs for your application.
To get kudu console go to APP service>Advanced Tools >Go
After click on go it will redirect to Kudu homepage like this
From here you can choose debug console (cmd) to download and see your logs
For more information please refer this MS Q&A discussion Azure Function Time Trigger not Firing .

Application Insights stop working after deployed to Azure

I set up Application Insights on my core (2.2) app. I can see data in Azure portal when I run my application locally. However, once I deploy it to App Service in Azure, Application Insights stop working - there is no data flow at all. Are there any additional steps I am missing?
Adding to Stuart's comments- > If you edited ApplicationInsights.config, kindly check the configuration of TelemetryInitializers and TelemetryProcessors. An incorrectly-named type or parameter can cause the SDK to send no data.
Also, in the Application Insights portal, open Diagnostic Search. Data usually appears here first. Refresh to see if it helps.
If feasible, you may restart the app and check to see if that helps.

Logging a Node.js-Azure app, using Bot Framework

I have a Node application (Bot Framework bot) hosted on Azure. What's the best way to log information for debugging? For example, as far as i'm aware, using console.log() isn't helpful because there is no console to look at in Azure. I also do not want to call tons of session.send() to the client.
So whats the best way to get some sort of debug logging?
You can leverage the Diagnostic Log extension on Azure Web Apps. Login your web app in Azure portal( Click on Diagnostic logs in settings option and Turn On Application logging in Diagnostic Logs Tab.
And then you can login the Kudu console site of your web app(https://<Your_Webapp_name> and browse to your Application folder(D:\home\LogFiles\Application folder).
Otherwise, you can click the Diagnostic dump on the top nav bar of the kudu console site to download the log files.
On the other hand, you can use the Log stream tool on the Azure portal( for a real time debugging online.
At last, you can integrate a 3rd part node.js log modules, such like winston into your application. And catch the logs into your own log file.
Any further concern, please feel free to let me know.
This guide seems to answer your question: (If not, please provide additional info about what you'd like to achieve.)

AzureWebApp: Monitor Application Logs

I'm building an Azure web-app and if there are certain unexpected errors, I want to be able to bubble it up in the Azure Dashboard / add alerts.
Any System.Diagnostics.Trace.TraceError() messages are logged to the ApplicationLog. Is there a way to add alert/monitoring-graphs for these in Azure Portal?
I think and most flexible option for configuring alerts on Web Apps is enabling the Application insights have the App Insight be one of your event sources:
Once you have the Application Insight setup then you can easily set any kind of alerts based on the diagnostics that are collected:
Aram's links below really helps. Please read them.
To Get this working:
Add the ApplicationInsights to your project.
(Optional) If you want log traces (System.Diagnostics.Trace) to be searchable on insights, add Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.TraceListener nuget to your project.
Use telemetryClient.TrackException() to place a server exception
when you hit a critical error.
Add an alert on Azure portal to check for ServerExceptions within the given time window.
