Is it possible to manage MongoDB Users in NodeJs? - node.js

I have been searching for this but all i can find is the CRUD of a collection named "users" with Moongose but i mean this users:
I hope to have explained my problem well. Thanks in advance.

I don't think it is possible.
However, you can use the Atlas API to manage your users.

In mongodb, you can. If you are asking especially Atlas mongodb I'm not sure.


How to change a MongoDB schema on request

I'm about to develop an application in MEANJS. Now I think it would be a nice thing to change the mongodb connection, at least the schema, programatically.
The reason why I'm thinking about this is, so I can have seperate and different data, by driving the same application code.
I read the API documentation for mongoose, but didn't find anything about this.
Has anyone done this or something similar, or has a better suggestion?
Thanks in advance.

Saas MongoDB + Node.js Architecture

Sorry if there's another question like mine. I just searched a lot but couldn't find an answer.
Let's say I'm willing to create an business management app for schools, and let's say I really need one database for each user.
I'm now using Express + MongoDB + Angular. I just stuck at this question.
How should I build it? I mean, is there any MongoDB driver that allow, I don't know, something like 200 concurrent connections in differente databases? If yes, is there enough documentation for it?
Thank you very much.

Creating a new database using NPoco

I'm trying to create a database using NPoco. I would like to know how I could do that ? Please list out the ways to create/initiate Database in Npoco .Thanks in Advance
You don't. Npoco is not responsible for creating the database and scheme etc. It's a micro orm for querying and mapping.
You need to script off your database yourself.

Other nosql database than mongodb with mongoose?

I would like to use another platform than mongodb with mongoose.
I used mongoose in my school project, and my school ask me to have a multiple database project.
Any idea ? I don't want to duplicate my code..
Mongoose is MongoDB-specific as the website says:
elegant mongodb object modeling for node.js
so it's not possible to use it with another NoSQL tool.
CosmosDB from Azure is compatible with Mongoose and I have used this setup.
TingoDB claims to be compatible too using an additional driver called Tingus.
NeDB claims "its API is a subset of the MongoDB API" so there may be some compatibility with Mongoose too.
There may be other projects out there.

How to provide code samples for nodejs and mongoose

What is the best way to provide code samples for my NodeJS application that uses mongo via mongoose.
I am dealing with a problem where I want to post a working example of some schemas & models that requires DB access.
I was hoping for something like jsfiddle but could not quite figure out how to use that for what I wanted.
Yes, I'm a noob... Thanks!
Why don't you try the reliable service of
I haven't tried using Mongoose there, but it shouldn't be much of a magic.
