Running 16 processes on single jvm machine - apache-spark

I'm using a 64 GB RAM & 24 core machine and allocated 32 GB to JVM. I wanted to run following processes :-
7 Kafka Brokers
3 instance of zookeeper
Elastic Search
Kafka Manager
& running 4-5 Spark Application on 5-6 executor with 1GB each simulatenously. The working of Spark jobs are as follows :-
1) 1 Spark job takes data from kafka and inserts into Cassandra
2) 1 Spark job takes data from another kafka topic and inserts into different Cassandra Table.
3) 2 Spark Job takes data from Cassandra, did some processing/analysis and writes data into their respective different cassandra table.
So, Sometimes my insertion application gets hang. It is taking around 500 records/second from Kafka. After running for sometime, It starts creating batches in queue and there is no error still processing time in Spark dashboard is increasing gradually.
I have used TOP to check CPU usage and found there is one process "0QrmJB" which is taking 1500+ CPU% usage and java is taking 200% usage.
What might be the issues ? I'm not able to analyse.Is it ok to run these many processes on single JVM machine? Thanks,


Partitioning in Spark 3.1 with java

I am using spark 3.1 with java. In my code, I am writing final result dataset into GCP storage, in that it creates multiple files as my dataset is large. I am spark job in GCP dataproc cluster. It is configured to use 250 worker nodes(each has 8 vCPUs). Spark command is configured to run 2 executers per node and 3 cores for each executor. When the spark job is trigger YARN ResourceManager is showing only 25% of worker cores being used to containers per node. Also I configured, shuffle partition size as 5500(spark.sql.shuffle.partitions=5500). And I used
mydataset.coalesce(4500) to reduce the number of result files creating in Cloud stoage. But it creates 5499 files for one of the dataset which has nearly 45000 rows and 3500 files for another dataset which has nearly 85000 rows. Its really confusing on what basis its creating file partition s. Can't I control that? Is there any default value there? If yes, can i get that default value in Java code?
Thanks in Advance

Is there any relation between vCpu on Fargate resource and spark core/threads?

I'm running a spark batch job on aws fargate in standalone mode. On the compute environment, I have 8 vcpu and job definition has 1 vcpu and 2048 mb memory. In the spark application I can specify how many core I want to use and doing this using below code
sparkSess = SparkSession.builder.master("local[8]")\
.appName("test app")\
.config("spark.debug.maxToStringFields", "1000")\
.config("spark.sql.sources.partitionOverwriteMode", "dynamic")\
local[8] is specifying 8 cores/threads (that’s what I'm assuming).
Initially I was running the spark app without specifying cores and I think job was running in single thread and was taking around 10 min to complete but with this number it is reducing the time to process. I started with 2 it almost reduced to 5 minutes and then I have changed to 4, 8 and now it is taking almost 4 minutes. But I don't understand the relation between vcpu and spark threads. Whatever the number I specify for cores, sparkContext.defaultParallelism shows me that value.
Is this the correct way? Is there any relation between this number and the vcpu that I specify on job definition or compute environment.
You are running in Spark Local Mode. Learning Spark has this to say about Local mode:
Spark driver runs on a single JVM, like a laptop or single node
Spark executor runs on the same JVM as the driver
Cluster manager Runs on the same host
Damji, Jules S.,Wenig, Brooke,Das, Tathagata,Lee, Denny. Learning Spark (p. 30). O'Reilly Media. Kindle Edition.
local[N] launches with N threads. Given the above definition of Local Mode, those N threads must be shared by the Local Mode Driver, Executor and Cluster Manager.
As such, from the available vCPUs, allotting one vCPU for the Driver thread, one for the Cluster Manager, one for the OS and the remaining for Executor seems reasonable.
The optimal number of threads/vCPUs for the Executor will depend on the number of partitions your data has.

How will we come to know that the data are evenly distributed across cluster in Spark?

How will we come to know that the data are evenly distributed across cluster in Spark
You can check the same in Spark Web UI where you can see how many tasks are getting created and how are they executing in different nodes. You can also check whether your executors are getting skewed and taking time to write. You can also work on a real time example , take a file of 15 GB and process the file in your 4 node 16 GB 4 core machines. After reading do a re-partition of 10 and do some simple aggregation and write to some other directory. You will able to see how parallel tasks are getting create and executing in Task Nodes.

Bad read performance on Spark over HBase Hadoop

When reading 161 000 elements from HBase (462 MB based on HDFS file size) Spark spends at least 6 seconds to read them.
HBase is configured to use a block cache. During the test (there is no other process running at that moment), the block cache has a size of 470.1 MB (752.0 MB free).
All the elements are in the block cache.
The executor is running in an Yarn container (yarn mode) of 1408 MB memory.
Everything is running on a single node (including the master) over an Amazon m4 large node.
There is no other row in the table and a range scanning is performed.
RDD initialized like this
Executor Logs (it took 8 seconds in debug logging level)
The job is executed via Spark JobServer
Even a simple count on the RDD (no other operation) takes 5 seconds
I don't know what I can do based on the figures below. Where does the executor spend its time? How can I identify the bottleneck?
Thank you very much,

Spark Streaming Job Keeps growing memory

I am running spark v 1.6.1 on a single machine in standalone mode, having 64GB RAM and 16cores.
I have created five worker instances to create five executor as in standalone mode, there cannot be more than one executor in one worker node.
SPARK_MASTER_OPTS "-Dspark.deploy.default.Cores=5"
all other configurations are default in
I am running a spark streaming direct kafka job at an interval of 1 min, which takes data from kafka and after some aggregation write the data to mongo.
when I start master and slave, it starts one master process and five worker processes. each only consume about 212 MB of ram.when i submit the job , it again creates 5 executor processes and 1 job process and also the memory uses grows to 8GB in total and keeps growing over time (slowly) also when there is no data to process.
we are unpersisting cached rdd at the end also set spark.cleaner.ttl to 600. but still memory is growing.
one more thing, I have seen the merged SPARK-1706, then also why i am unable to create multiple executor within a worker.and also in file , setting any configuration related to executor comes under YARN only mode.
Any help would be greatly appreciated,
