How do I scrape website data into excel BUT append the results to log - excel

I have a device connected to local intranet, that will display various data values when requested. It's a very simple format. I can request the information in a web browser, or in Excel with a "get external data from web".
"parameter 1": 1234,
"parameter 2": -23,
"parameter 3": 20818,
The problem is that it just displays the information requested, but no history. It just overwrites the new values over the old, and will only to it once per minute.
I would like to be able to use the parameters as column headers, and the values to keep appending to new rows every 1 to 10 seconds.
Timestamp | parameter 1 | parameter 2 | parameter 3
8:00:00 | 1234 | -23 | 20818
8:00:01 | 1235 | -23 | 19800
8:00:02 | 1245 | -23 | 18550
Is there a way to do this in excel?


Importing CSV file to excel with special setup

I want to make a excel to create a graphic with my CSV file
My CSV look like that
I'd like to import that to excel but when I do, I don't know how to create a special output
In order to do my graphic I need to have something like :
blabla | bloblo | toto
20211103 | 100 | 134 | 34
20211102 | 15 | 145 | 12
20211101 | 45 | 132 | 36
SO one date with the product name and the number of sold for each product each day
Not sure if it's clear but I can't find how to do that :(
Thanks a lot for the help
Here's a pivot table I created in Google Sheets, sorry, I don't have Excel. Maybe it can help get you started.
I've shared the sheet so you can copy it and try to modify it.

Pandas: Sliding window, summing app 14 day data

I do wonder how it is possible to make sliding windows in Pandas.
I have a dataframe with three columns.
Country | Number | DayOfTheYear
No | 50 | 0
No | 20 | 1
No | 37 | 2
I would love to see 14 day chunks for every country and day combination.
The country think can be ignored for the moment, since I can filter those manually in some way. But imagine there is only one country, is there a smart way to get some sort of summed up sliding window, resulting in something like the following?
Country | Sum | DatesOftheYear
No | 504 | 0-13
No | 207 | 1-14
No | 337 | 2-15
I would also accept if if they where disjunct, being only 0-13, 14-27, etc.
But I just cannot come along with Pandas. I know an old SQL solution, but is there anybody having a nice idea for Pandas?
If you want a rolling windows of your dataframe, you can simply use the .rolling function of pandas :
In your case : df["Number"].rolling(14).sum()

Getting multiple readings from .txt into excel

I'm not sure if this is the correct place to ask this, but basically I have a .txt file containing values that came from 2 separate sensors.
Example of some data:
I'm trying to get the data into excel, so that for each "chunk" of data in the x1y1z1 section, I take the last set of recorded data and discard the rest and "pair" it with the next set of x2y2z2 data. I don't think I'm explaining it very well, but I basically want to take that text file and get this in excel:
| t | x1 | y1 | z1 | x2 | y2 | z2 |
| 3839138 | -1056 | 40 | -80 | -944 | 100 | -380 |
| 3839843 | -1052 | 44 | -80 | -948 | 100 | -380 |
| 3840776 | -1052 | 40 | -84 | -948 | 108 | -368 |
I'm really stuck as to where I should even start
I think like a programmer, so I would approach this problem in steps. If you are not a programmer, this might not be so helpful to you, and I am sorry for that.
First, define the data. How does each line of data get read and understood.
Second, write a parsing utility. A piece of code which interprets the data as it is read in and stores it in the form you want for your output
Third, import data into Excel.
So, based on the limited data you provided, I am not sure how you are able to determine the x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2 for each t, but I assume that the values enclosed in curly braces have something to do with that based on the values for s, n, and v I'm seeing in there. So, first of all you need to clearly determine the way you read the data. Take it one line at a time, and determine how you would build your output table based on each line of data. I assume you would treat the lines enclosed in curly braces differently from the lines with standalone x/y/z values for example.
I hope this points you in the right direction.

How to cycle a Pandas dataframe grouping by hierarchical multiindex from top to bottom and store results

I'm trying to create a forecasting process using hierarchical time series. My problem is that I can't find a way to create a for loop that hierarchically extracts daily time series from a pandas dataframe grouping the sum of quantities by date. The resulting daily time series should be passed to a function inside the loop, and the results stored in some other object.
The initial dataset is a table that represents the daily sales data of 3 hierarchical levels: city, shop, product. The initial table has this structure:
| Id_Level_1 | Id_Level_2 | Id_Level_3 | Date | Quantity |
| Rome | Shop1 | Prod1 | 01/01/2015 | 50 |
| Rome | Shop1 | Prod1 | 02/01/2015 | 25 |
| Rome | Shop1 | Prod1 | 03/01/2015 | 73 |
| Rome | Shop1 | Prod1 | 04/01/2015 | 62 |
| ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
| Milan | Shop3 | Prod9 | 31/12/2018 | 185 |
| Milan | Shop3 | Prod9 | 31/12/2018 | 147 |
| Milan | Shop3 | Prod9 | 31/12/2018 | 206 |
Each City (Id_Level_1) has many Shops (Id_Level_2), and each one has some Products (Id_Level_3). Each shop has a different mix of products (maybe shop1 and shop3 have product7, which is not available in other shops). All data are daily and the measure of interest is the quantity.
Hierarchical Index (MultiIndex)
I need to create a tree structure (hierarchical structure) to extract a time series for each "node" of the structure. I call a "node" a cobination of the hierarchical keys, i.e. "Rome" and "Milan" are nodes of Level 1, while "Rome|Shop1" and "Milan|Shop9" are nodes of level 2. In particulare, I need this on level 3, because each product (Id_Level_3) has different sales in each shop of each city. Here is the strict hierarchy.
Nodes of level 3 are "Rome, Shop1, Prod1", "Rome, Shop1, Prod2", "Rome, Shop2, Prod1", and so on. The key of the nodes is logically the concatenation of the ids.
For each node, the time series is composed by two columns: Date and Quantity.
# MultiIndex dataframe
Liv_Labels = ['Id_Level_1', 'Id_Level_2', 'Id_Level_3', 'Date']
df.set_index(Liv_Labels, drop=False, inplace=True)
The I need to extract the aggregated time series in order but keeping the hierarchical nodes.
Level 0:
Level_0 = df.groupby(level=['Data'])['Qta'].sum()
Level 1:
# Node Level 1 "Rome"
Level_1['Rome'] = df.loc[idx[['Rome'],:,:]].groupby(level=['Data']).sum()
# Node Level 1 "Milan"
Level_1['Milan'] = df.loc[idx[['Milan'],:,:]].groupby(level=['Data']).sum()
Level 2:
# Node Level 2 "Rome, Shop1"
Level_2['Rome',] = df.loc[idx[['Rome'],['Shop1'],:]].groupby(level=['Data']).sum()
... repeat for each level 2 node ...
# Node Level 2 "Milan, Shop9"
Level_2['Milan'] = df.loc[idx[['Milan'],['Shop9'],:]].groupby(level=['Data']).sum()
I already tried creating dictionaries and multiindex, but my problem is that I can't get a proper "node" use inside the loop. I can't even extract the unique level nodes keys, so I can't collect a specific node time series.
# Get level labels
Level_Labels = ['Id_Liv'+str(n) for n in range(1, Liv_Num+1)]+['Data']
# Initialize dictionary
TimeSeries = {}
# Get Level 0 time series
TimeSeries["Level_0"] = df.groupby(level=['Data'])['Qta'].sum()
# Get othe levels time series from 1 to Level_Num
for i in range(1, Liv_Num+1):
TimeSeries["Level_"+str(i)] = df.groupby(level=Level_Labels[0:i]+['Data'])['Qta'].sum()
Desired result
I would like a loop the cycles my dataset with these actions:
Creates a structure of all the unique node keys
Extracts the node time series grouped by Date and Quantity
Store the time series in a structure for later use
Thanks in advance for any suggestion! Best regards.
I'm currently working on a switch dataset that I polled from an sql database where each port on the respective switch has a data frame which has a time series. So to access this time series information for each specific port I represented the switches by their IP addresses and the various number of ports on the switch, and to make sure I don't re-query what I already queried before I used the .unique() method to get unique queries of each.
I set my index to be the IP and Port indices and accessed the port information like so:
def yield_df(df):
for ip in df.index.get_level_values('ip').unique():
for port in df.loc[ip].index.get_level_values('port').unique():
yield df.loc[ip].loc[port]
Then I cycled the port data frames with a for loop like so:
for port_df in yield_df(adb_df):
I'm sure there are faster ways to carry out these procedures in pandas but I hope this helps you start solving your problem

Web parts, dynamically created controls and eventhandlers

What is the best way to display, in a web part, dynamic tables where each cell can cause a postback to display a different set of data?
For example, imagine some financial data:
Table 1: Quarters in year
| Q1 | Q2 | Q3 | Q4 |
Things 1 | 23 | 34 | 44 | 32 |
Things 2 | 24 | 76 | 67 | 98 |
On clicking on the value for Q2, Things 1 (34), this will lead to a second table being displayed instead of Table 1:
Table 2: Weeks in Quarter
| W1 | W2 | W3 | W4 | W5 | W6 | W7 |
SubThings 1 | 231 | 22 | 44 | 22 | 344 | 86 | 12 |
SubThings 2 | 14 | 75 | 47 | 108 | 344 | 86 | 12 |
The problem with the approach I am taking at the moment is that I can create Table 1 in CreateChildControls, which leads to all the events being wired up fine for all the linkbuttons in the cells.
However, because on the postback, I need to create Table 1 in CreateChildControls again, in order to have the eventhandlers correctly wired up, and as the events fire after CreateChildControls, I only know that I need to change the table after CreateChildControls.
Thus, wherever I create Table 2 as a resault (since its after CreateChildControls), I cant get it to wire up events correctly.
Any thoughts?
Edit: Solved it.
What you need to do is check in OnPreRender any eventhandler calls, set any flags you need to and then call this.CreateChildControls manually so the new table is created and everything is wired up correctly.
Looks like you are talking about a master/detail situation here. Could you not create two web parts and use web part connection to communicate the required information from table 1, in the first web part to table 2 in the second web part?
Just add 2 tables to your web part, hide the second until the first has an element clicked, then set the second table's datasource in the OnClick event handler, set the second grid to visible and the first to hidden...
At Alex's suggestion, here is the answer:
The events need to be tied up prior to them being called, so you need to create the same control in CreateChildControls, allow the event to be called and then resetup everything afterward.
To do this, first do CreateChildControls identically to the prior page, then check in OnPreRender if any eventhandler calls have been made, set any flags you need to and then call this.CreateChildControls manually with the new setup information so the new table is created and everything is wired up correctly.
