Fractional quantities in stripe - stripe-payments

I would like to use stripe to bill per GB of data used in an application. Here is an example of an invoice:
Usage: 2.38GB
Rate: $0.20/GB
Total: $0.46
However, it seems like Stripe only allows integer quantity, so how would the above be done? If I were to bill per MB, then I'd have the following:
Usage: 2380MB
Rate: $0.0002
Total: $0.46
However, the lowest rate that I could add (at least from what it looked like in the dashboard) was $0.01.
So, what would be the best way to accomplish the above (other than round to the nearest GB -- which looks a bit fishy to an end user, imho).

Stripe cannot support charging less than the minimum unit for a currency (because you can't charge a customer less than that, for example if they only used 1 unit).
You could set your "Unit" to be the smallest amount of data that would total to one cent, so that you are rounding to the smallest amount possible. In this case, $0.20/GB = $0.0002/MB = $0.01/50MB, 1 cent per 50 MB. You would have to account for this when reporting usage to the API, by keeping track of their usage yourself and updating the API using action= set rather than increment[0].
While this is what you'd have to do behind the scenes, there's no reason you have to expose that to the user. You could still list your rate in units of MB, with a note saying that totals will be rounded to the nearest 50MB.


calculate maximum total of RU/s in 24 hours for CosmosDB

I set 400 RU/s for my collection in CosmosDB. I want to estimate, maximum total of RU/s in 24 hours. please let me know, how can I calculate it?
is the calculation right?
400 * 60 * 60 * 24 = 34.560.000 RU in 24 hours
When talking about maximum RU available within a given time window, you're correct (except that would be total RU, not total RU/second - it would remain constant at 400/sec unless you adjusted your RU setting).
But... given that RUs are reserved on a per-second basis: What you consume within a given one-second window is really up to you and your specific operations, and if you don't consume all allocated RUs (400, in this case) in a given one-second window, it's gone (you're paying for reserved capacity). So yes, you're right about absolute maximum, but that might not match your real-world scenario. You could end up consuming far less than the maximum you've allocated (imagine idle-times for your app, when you're just not hitting the database much). Also note that RUs are distributed across partitions, so depending on your partitioning scheme, you could end up not using a portion of your available RUs.
Note that it's entirely possible to use more than your allocated 400 RU in a given one-second window, which then puts you into "RU Debt" (see my answer here for a detailed explanation).

Azure percent-cpu avg and max are too different

The graph shows cpu's max > 96%, but cpu's avg < 10%
How can this be the case? (I mean, shouldn't cpu's avg > 40, or at least >30?)
Not really, I estimated some of the values from the Graph, and put them in a spreadsheet and calculated a 5 Min Average, as well as calculated the Max CPU and the Average of the 5 Min Average. Below is what it looks like. When you are doing an Average over a time, it smooths out all the peaks and lows.
Max 5 Min Avg
25 35
40 26
5 19
10 17
99 35.8
Max Average
99 26.56
If it is continually at high CPU, then your overall average will start growing.
However that average does look rather low on your graph, but you aren't showing the Min CPU either, so it may be short burst where it is high, but more often low CPU usage, you should graph that as well.
Are you trying to configure alerts or scaling? Then you should be looking at the average over a small period e.g. 5 minutes, and if that exceeds a threshold (usually 75-80%) then you send the alert and or scale out.
I asked Microsoft Azure support about this. The answer I received was not great and essentially amounts to "Yes, it does that." They suggested only using the average statistic since (as we've noticed) "max" doesn't work. This is due to the way data gets aggregated internally. The Microsoft Product engineering team has a request (ID: 9900425) in their large list to get this fixed, so it may happen someday.
I did not find any documentation on how that aggregation works, nor would Microsoft provide any.
Existing somewhat useful docs:
Data sources:
Metrics and data collection:

Am I applying Little's Law correctly to model a workload for a website?

Using these metrics (shown below), I was able to utilize a workload modeling formula (Littleā€™s Law) to come up with what I believe are the correct settings to sufficiently load test the application in question.
From Google Analytics:
Users: 2,159
Pageviews: 4,856
Avg. Session Duration: 0:02:44
Pages / Session: 2.21
Sessions: 2,199
The formula is N = Throughput * (Response Time + Think Time)
We calculated Throughput as 1.35 (4865 pageviews / 3600 (seconds in an hour))
We calculated (Response Time + Think Time) as 74.21 (164 seconds avg. session duration / 2.21 pages per session)
Using the formula, we calculate N as 100 (1.35 Throughput * 74.21 (Response Time + Think Time)).
Therefore, according to my calculations, we can simulate the load the server experienced on the peak day during the peak hour with 100 users going through the business processes at a pace of 75 seconds between iterations (think time ignored).
So, in order to determine how the system responds under a heavier than normal load, we can double (200 users) or triple (300 users) the value of N and record the average response time for each transaction.
Is this all correct?
When you do a direct observation of the logs for the site, blocked by session duration, what are the maximum number of IP addresses counted in each block?
Littles law tends to undercount sessions and their overhead in favor of transactional throughput. That's OK if you have instantaneous recovery on your session resources, but most sites are holding onto them for a period longer than 110% of the longest inter-request window for a user (the period from one request to the next).
Below formula always worked good for me, If you are looking to calculate pacing
"Pacing = No. of Users * Duration of Test (in seconds) / Transactions you want to achieve in said Test Duration"
You should be able to get closer to the Transactions you want to achieve using this Formula. If Its API, then its almost always accurate.
For Example, You want to achieve 1000 transactions using 5 users in one hour of Test Duration
Pacing = 5 * 3600/1000
= 18 seconds

Azure VM stats - Network In/Out - what are the measurements?

I feel perturbed, but I don't understand the measurement Azure uses for Network In/Out and a few other things.
On Azure portal -> my VM -> Metrics -> [Host] Network In/Out, it says that it is measured in bytes, but then it also draws graph over time. If it were plain, bytes, it should be cumulative and therefore grow indefinitely, but it isn't, therefore I am inclined to believe it is measured per second or something like that. But Azure docs claim that it is bytes and not bytes per second (link here)
Am I missing something obvious?
I am inclined to believe the data is in bytes per minute. At least for mine it appears that way. I set my graph for a 10 minute interval. Taking the mouse off the graph the total bytes show at the bottom. Hovering over the individual sample points (10 in total) they average between 31-34MB each. Adding them up you get close to the total for the graph interval 326MB. 10*32.5 is very close to the this total leading me to believe that each interval on the graph is a sum of the individual interval (1 minute). That is what I am seeing anyway. Terrible documentation from Microsoft. Why not just specify this in the (i) hover point on the individual graph?
#eddyP23 - if you add up all your points in your graph it appears you would come to the same conclusion. Each point is a sum of the interval (1 minute). I am not sure how else to read this.
If it were bytes per second the data total for the complete interval would be vastly larger. 10 minute interval
Sorry for the delay.
therefore I am inclined to believe it is measured per second or
something like that. But Azure docs claim that it is bytes and not
bytes per second
You can find the Network In here:
The Network In (bytes per second) used for monitor your VM's performance.

In New Relic RPM, I get reports with an Apdex index listed. What is the subscript meaning?

This sounds ridiculous, but New Relic RPM reports an Apdex index in a form like this:
Where the 3.5 is subscripted.
What does the 3.5 mean? I can't find the definition anywhere, and yet there it is in my reports, staring me in the face.
The bracketed/subscripted number is the threshold (in seconds) for your Apdex score. So, in your case, if the full application response (page load) is less than 3.5s then that satisfies the requirement. If your app responds slower than the threshold then your Apdex score is impacted.
This threshold is customizable, so you can select what is appropriate for your application type.
You can read more about Apdex in our docs.
The sub-scripted number is your target response time for that tier. On the user agent (browser) the high water mark is 7 seconds. You should check US-Only and make this number 2 to 4 seconds to be world class.
The app server tier must respond much faster. The high water mark default that NR sets is .5 seconds or 500 milliseconds, a world class page buffer flush would be in the 50-200 ms on average.
Remember all this information is about aggregated averages and not instance data which will have many outliers and have a broad distribution.
