UML syntax highlighting for Sublime - colors

I cannot find the syntax for UML in the bottom right syntax list. I am guessing UML is not a standard language
Can anyone help me out? (It is quite a nightmare to code in plain text!)
Thanks a lot,

Simple Steps to install the syntax plugin for UML
Download this plugin package for Sublime - Diagram plugin
Git. as TAR ball
UnZip and save it to your package folder. In MacOS, copy the folder to ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages/User/
Restart your sublime
Open Command Pallete under Tools ->
Command Pallete or CMD + Shift + P Type 'Diagram' and chose.
are "All Set"
P.S. -
Install it on ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages/User/ Location on your MacOS.


Smalltalk syntax highlighting in Sublime?

I'm trying to get sublime to highlight smalltalk .st files but am running into some trouble.
A quick search found this package, but after adding the repository like it says in the README, I don't see the package that its supposed to add when doing Package Control: install package.
I also tried looking into this one but am completely lost when it says This syntax file can be converted to .tmLanguage using PackageDev 'Convert to PList'. Place the converted file in Packages/Smalltalk/Smalltalk.tmLanguage and reopen any .st file.
Can anybody help me out please? I'm running ST3 on MacOSX.
The installtion instructions using Package Control did not work for me either, but you can take the language file, Smalltalk.tmLanguage, from Smalltalk syntax for Sublime Text 3 and use the manual installation instructions you cited:
Place the file in Packages/Smalltalk/Smalltalk.tmLanguage
As you asked about macOS, on macOS this means:
/Users/<your user name>/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/Smalltalk/Smalltalk.tmLanguage
The Library folder might be hidden by default. Use the Terminal or Finder's Go ▶︎ Go To Folder… to access it.
For Smalltalk/X you can download a highlighting package at - sublime highlighting for smalltalk/X called Smalltalk.sublime-package.
You can copy it to the path provided by #MartinW above.

Export list of installed packages in SublimeText

I am aware that I can see all installed packages in Sublime using Ctrl+Shift+P and selecting Package Control: List Packages.
I have many packages installed (>20) and I need a way to export their names (and ideally also the link to their page) to a text file or similar output.
Can this be done at all?
You can easily get the list of installed packages by looking at Package Control's user preferences file: Preferences -> Package Settings -> Package Control -> Preferences - User and checking the installed_packages value.
Getting the URL as well is a bit more complicated, but can be done for example by executing the following in ST's Python console (View menu -> Show Console):
import os; [(os.path.dirname(file)[len('Packages/'):], sublime.decode_value(sublime.load_resource(file))['url']) for file in sublime.find_resources('package-metadata.json')]
The accepted answer unfortunately didn't work for me.
Then I found that in Windows 10 (at least for ST 3) you can obtain what you want by listing the files contained in
C:\Users\<your_user_name>\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Installed Packages
But some installed packages might be missing from this list ! Crosscheck your result with the content of the directory
C:\Users\<your_user_name>\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages
Install Sublime Package Control
From inside Sublime Text, open Package Control's Command Pallet: CTRL SHIFT P (Windows, Linux) or CMD SHIFT P (Mac).
Type install package, select command Package Control: Install Package and hit Return/Enter. A list of available packages will be displayed.
From inside Sublime Text, open Package Control's Command Pallet: CTRL SHIFT P (Windows, Linux) or CMD SHIFT P (Mac).
Type PackageSync, select the PackageSync package and hit Return/Enter. The package will be downloaded to the appropriate directory.

How do i get ctrlpbuftag to work?

So I've been experimenting with Vim, switching over from Sublime. I wanted a feature in vim similar to that of ctrl R in Sublime, which would show me a list of functions in the current document, and narrow it down as I keep typing. Sublime code-like method browser in Vim has the answer to the same. But I've done all the steps mentioned there, including installing the CtrlP plugin, installing and setting up ctags, adding the shortcut in .vimrc file, but when I use the shortcut, it gives me a "NO ENTRIES". I'm editing on scala.
If this feature is not working after installing CtrlP you may have the following issues :
Missing ctags :
Linux : sudo apt-get install exuberant-ctags
Mac : brew install ctags
Windows :
Download CTAGS from sourceforce
Add it to your PATH variable
Follow my second solution
CtrlPBufTag is not enabled :
Since :CtrlPBugTag is considered a plugin you may need to enable it in your .vimrc file :
let g:ctrlp_extensions = ['buffertag']

How to run a program in Atom Editor?

I found Atom editor as good free alternative to Sublime text editor. Not able to find a straightforward way to run a program in Atom editor. In my case, I am trying to run a java program. Please let me know if it's possible? If yes, please describe the steps to follow.
I find the Script package useful for this. You can download it here.
Once installed you can run scripts in many languages directly from Atom using cmd-i on Mac or shift-ctrl-b on Windows or Linux.
Click on Packages --> Commmand Palette --> Select Toggle.
Type Install Packages and Themes.
Search for Script and then install it.
Press Command + I to run the code (on Mac)
You can go settings, select packages and type atom-runner there if your browser can't open this link.
To run your code do Alt+R if you're using Windows in Atom.
For C/C++ programs there's very good package gpp-compiler.
To compile and run: F5
To debug: F6
If you know how to launch your program from the command line then you can run it from the platformio-ide-terminal package's terminal. See platformio-ide-terminal provides an embedded terminal within the Atom text editor. So you can issue commands, including commands to run your Java program, from within it. To install this package you can use APM with the command:
$ apm install platformio-ide-terminal --no-confirm
Alternatively, you can install it from the command palette with:
Pressing Ctrl+Shift+P. I am assuming this is the appropriate keyboard shortcut for your platform, as you have dealt ith questions about Ubuntu in the past.
Type Install Packages and Themes.
Search for the platformio-ide-terminal.
Install it.
This package in Atom can run scripts.
Atom script package
press Alt+X for the running script.
For running javascript you need to install 'node js'
Also pressing ctrl+shift+i in atom gives developer option like chrome
you can test javascript code side by side in atom editor.
In order to get this working properly on Windows, you need to manually set the path to the JDK (...\jdk1.x.x_xx\bin) in the system environment variables.
You can try to use the runner in atom
Hit Ctrl+R (Alt+R on Win/Linux) to launch the runner for the active window.
Hit Ctrl+Shift+R (Alt+Shift+R on Win/Linux) to run the currently selected text in the active window.
Hit Ctrl+Shift+C to kill a currently running process.
Hit Escape to close the runner window
You can run specific lines of script by highlighting them and clicking shift + ctrl + b
You can also use command line by going to the root folder and writing:
$ node nameOfFile.js

How to fix VIM system clipboard usage in Mountain Lion

set clipboard+=unnamed is one of my favorite .vimrc configs. Thanks to it, yanks and deletes are copied to my system clipboard and I can easily paste them to other applications.
However, when I upgraded to Mountain Lion, this setting broke down.
Do you know how to fix this problem?
The version of Vim provided by Apple has always been lacking useful features, +clipboard among them, but also Python and Ruby support or X11-related capabilities.
The solution has always been to install an up-to-date Vim yourself. There are many ways to do that. From relatively painless to rather involved:
Install MacVim and put the bundled mvim script in your path. After that $ mvim filename will open MacVim and $ mvim -f filename will open MacVim's Vim executable in the terminal. Use an alias if you want to keep typing $ vim filename.
Use Homebrew or MacPorts.
Install from the sources.
