Insert Date in TextBox - VBA - excel

I know that we can use function Date in forms for the insertion of the date. But for some dates (such as Hijri Shamsi and Hijri lunar history, etc.), this is impossible and difficult. So I wrote a code that works with the text box. But I think the code that I wrote can be simpler. Do you have a solution to make it simpler?
For example: checking the slash or preventing of Double message display for the moon and day error.
Thanks in advance for the friends who respond.
Private Sub TextBox1_Change()
'To check the slash in the correct place
If Mid(TextBox1, 1) = "/" Or Mid(TextBox1, 2) = "/" Or Mid(TextBox1, 3) = "/" Or Mid(TextBox1, 4) = "/" Or Mid(TextBox1, 6) = "/" Or Mid(TextBox1, 7) = "/" Or Mid(TextBox1, 9) = "/" Or Mid(TextBox1, 10) = "/" Then
MsgBox "Please insert date with format: YYYYMMDD or YYYY/MM/DD"
SendKeys ("{BACKSPACE}")
End If
'Insert the slash automatically
If TextBox1.TextLength = 8 Then
Me.TextBox1.Value = Format(Me.TextBox1.Value, "0000/00/00")
End If
'Year Error!
If Mid(TextBox1, 4) = 0 Then
MsgBox "Year Error!" & vbNewLine & "Please insert date with format: YYYYMMDD or YYYY/MM/DD"
With TextBox1
.SelStart = 0
.SelLength = Len(.Text)
End With
Exit Sub
End If
'Month Error!
If TextBox1.TextLength = 10 Then
If Mid(TextBox1.Value, 6, 2) = 0 Or Mid(TextBox1.Value, 6, 2) > 12 Then
MsgBox "Month Error!" & vbNewLine & "Please insert date with format: YYYYMMDD or YYYY/MM/DD"
With TextBox1
.SelStart = 5
.SelLength = 2
'.SelText = ""
End With
Exit Sub
End If
End If
'Day Error!
If TextBox1.TextLength = 10 Then
If Mid(TextBox1.Value, 9, 2) = 0 Or Mid(TextBox1.Value, 9, 2) > 31 Then
MsgBox "Day Error!" & vbNewLine & "Please insert date with format: YYYYMMDD or YYYY/MM/DD"
With TextBox1
.SelStart = 8
.SelLength = 2
End With
Exit Sub
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub textbox1_KeyPress(ByVal KeyAscii As MSForms.ReturnInteger)
'Accept only number and slash
If Not Chr(KeyAscii) Like "[0-9,/ ]" Then
KeyAscii = 0
MsgBox "Only Numbers Allowed!" & vbNewLine & "Please insert date with format: YYYYMMDD or YYYY/MM/DD"
With TextBox1
Exit Sub
End With
End If
End Sub

I am not familiar enough with the calendar forms you're dealing with, so please understand my example based on a western-style calendar.
The way you're performing some of your error checking somewhat obscures the values you'e checking. For example,
If Mid(TextBox1.Value, 6, 2) = 0 Or Mid(TextBox1.Value, 6, 2) > 12 Then
is a perfectly valid check, but you're overusing the Mid function. One suggestion is to parse the date string and pull out substrings into values you're looking for. As in:
Dim month As Long
month = CLng(Mid$(TextBox1.Value, 6, 2))
If (month = 0) Or (month > 12) Then
this makes more intuitive sense. Yes, it creates an extra variable, but it makes your code much more readable.
Here's my (untested) version of your code as another example of how it can be done. Notice that I'm separating the error checking into a separate function because it's more involved. (This way it isn't cluttering the main routine.)
EDIT: Answer has been updated and tested. Changed the event code from TextBox1_Change and now catching two different events: LostFocus and KeyDown in order to kick off a validation when the user clicks away from the textbox or types Enter while in the textbox.
Option Explicit
Private Enum ValidationError
End Enum
Private Sub TextBox1_KeyDown(ByVal KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, _
ByVal Shift As Integer)
If KeyCode = Asc(vbCr) Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub TextBox1_LostFocus()
End Sub
Private Sub ValidateDate()
With TextBox1
Select Case InputIsValidated(.text)
Case LengthError
MsgBox "Please insert date with format: YYYYMMDD or YYYY/MM/DD with only numbers and a '/'"
Case FormatError
MsgBox "Please insert date with format: YYYYMMDD or YYYY/MM/DD with only numbers and a '/'"
Case YearError
.SelStart = 0
.SelLength = 4
MsgBox "Invalid Year. Must be between 2015 and 2020"
Case MonthError
.SelStart = 5
.SelLength = 2
MsgBox "Invalid Month. Must be between 1 and 12"
Case DayError
.SelStart = 7
.SelLength = 2
MsgBox "Invalid Day. Must be between 1 and 31"
Case NoErrors
'--- nothing to do, it's good!
MsgBox "It's good!"
End Select
End With
End Sub
Private Function InputIsValidated(ByRef text As String) As ValidationError
'--- perform all sorts of checks to validate the input
' before any processing
'--- MUST be the correct length
If (Len(text) <> 8) And (Len(text) <> 10) Then
InputIsValidated = LengthError
Exit Function
End If
'--- check if all characters are numbers
Dim onlyNumbers As String
onlyNumbers = Replace(text, "/", "")
If Not IsNumeric(onlyNumbers) Then
InputIsValidated = FormatError
Exit Function
End If
Dim yyyy As Long
Dim mm As Long
Dim dd As Long
yyyy = Left$(onlyNumbers, 4)
mm = Mid$(onlyNumbers, 5, 2)
dd = Right$(onlyNumbers, 2)
'--- only checks if the numbers are in range
' you can make this more involved if you want to check
' if, for example, the day for February is between 1-28
If (yyyy < 2015) Or (yyyy > 2020) Then
InputIsValidated = YearError
Exit Function
End If
If (mm < 1) Or (mm > 12) Then
InputIsValidated = MonthError
Exit Function
End If
If (dd < 1) Or (dd > 31) Then
InputIsValidated = DayError
Exit Function
End If
text = onlyNumbers
InputIsValidated = NoErrors
End Function

Thanks to #PeterT, I corrected the code with guidance #PeterT and I give it to all the interested people. Enjoy it.
Option Explicit
Private Enum ValidationError
End Enum
Private Sub TextBox1_Change()
'To check the slash in the correct place
If TextBox1.TextLength = 10 Then
If InStr(Left(TextBox1, 4), "/") Or InStr(Mid(TextBox1, 6, 2), "/") Or InStr(Mid(TextBox1, 9, 2), "/") <> 0 Then
MsgBox "Please insert date with format: YYYYMMDD or YYYY/MM/DD"
With TextBox1
.SelStart = 0
.SelLength = Len(.text)
End With
End If
End If
'Insert the slash automatically
If TextBox1.TextLength = 8 Then
If InStr(TextBox1, "/") Then
Me.TextBox1.Value = Format(Me.TextBox1.Value, "0000/00/00")
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub textbox1_KeyPress(ByVal KeyAscii As MSForms.ReturnInteger)
'Accept only number and slash
If Not Chr(KeyAscii) Like "[0-9,/ ]" Then
KeyAscii = 0
MsgBox "Only Numbers Allowed!" & vbNewLine & "Please insert date with format: YYYYMMDD or YYYY/MM/DD"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub TextBox1_KeyDown(ByVal KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, ByVal Shift As Integer)
If KeyCode = Asc(vbCr) Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub TextBox1_LostFocus()
End Sub
Private Sub ValidateDate()
With TextBox1
Select Case InputIsValidated(.text)
Case LengthError
MsgBox "Please insert date with format: YYYYMMDD or YYYY/MM/DD with only numbers and a '/'"
Case FormatError
MsgBox "Please insert date with format: YYYYMMDD or YYYY/MM/DD with only numbers and a '/'"
Case YearError
.SelStart = 0
.SelLength = 4
MsgBox "Invalid Year. Must be between 2015 and 2020"
Case MonthError
.SelStart = 5
.SelLength = 2
MsgBox "Invalid Month. Must be between 1 and 12"
Case DayError
.SelStart = 8
.SelLength = 2
MsgBox "Invalid Day. Must be between 1 and 31"
Case NoErrors
'--- nothing to do, it's good!
MsgBox "It's good!"
End Select
End With
End Sub
Private Function InputIsValidated(ByRef text As String) As ValidationError
'--- perform all sorts of checks to validate the input
' before any processing
'--- MUST be the correct length
If InStr(TextBox1, "/") And TextBox1.TextLength < 10 Then
InputIsValidated = FormatError
Exit Function
End If
Dim yyyy As Long
Dim mm As Long
Dim dd As Long
yyyy = Left$(TextBox1, 4)
mm = Mid$(TextBox1, 6, 2)
dd = Right$(TextBox1, 2)
'--- only checks if the numbers are in range
' you can make this more involved if you want to check
' if, for example, the day for February is between 1-28
If (yyyy < 2015) Or (yyyy > 2020) Then
InputIsValidated = YearError
Exit Function
End If
If (mm < 1) Or (mm > 12) Then
InputIsValidated = MonthError
Exit Function
End If
If (dd < 1) Or (dd > 31) Then
InputIsValidated = DayError
Exit Function
End If
text = TextBox1
InputIsValidated = NoErrors
End Function


BeforeUpdate event validation control

I want to make a simple userform to record some serial numbers into excel, it contains a textbox_serialNo., a command button “enter” and another command button “cancel”.
I made a validation control in that serialNo textbox so that only number can be entered. However, when I run the program and input some numbers into the textbox, both command buttons (the "enter" button named as label_enter,the "cancel" button named as label_cancel) have no reactions (e.g. the "cancel" button doesn't unload the form when press) , how should I correct the program? Below are the relevant codes, Thanks.
Private Sub TextBox_SerialNo_BeforeUpdate(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
If Not IsNumeric(TextBox_SerialNo.Value) Then
TextBox_SerialNo.BackColor = rgbYellow
End If
Cancel = True
End Sub
Private Sub TextBox_SerialNo_AfterUpdate()
If TextBox_SerialNo.Value <> "" Then
TextBox_SerialNo.BackColor = rgbWhite
End If
End Sub
Private sub label_enter_click()
Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Select
ActiveCell.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(-1, 0).Value + 1
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1) = TextBox_SerialNo.Value
TextBox_SerialNo.Value = ""
End Sub
Private Sub Label_Cancel_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Sorry to be posting as an answer, not enough rep.
Shouldn't Cancel=True be inside the if statement? You are locking it up regardless of entry being numeric or not as is.
Actually upon further testing still not working proper. However, change event works better and you can get instant feedback for any non numerics.
Updated code would look like this, control names differ. I am used to working with .Text, same thing as .Value. Also, since I am not sure what you would do with an empty string, assumed it to be yellow background as well.
One concern would be, can you allow comma or period in there? Depending on locale settings, a decimal would also be considered a numeric.
Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub cmdEnter_Click()
If TextBox1.BackColor = rgbYellow Then Exit Sub
test4.Range("A1").Value = TextBox1.Text
End Sub
Private Sub TextBox1_Change()
If Not IsNumeric(TextBox1.Text) Or TextBox1.Text = "" Then
TextBox1.BackColor = rgbYellow
If TextBox1.Text <> "" Then
TextBox1.BackColor = rgbWhite
End If
End If
End Sub
Edit 2: I use this piece of code to check for only numbers (assuming number Ascii codes are standard). Maybe it can help.
Public Function isnumber(ByVal strValue As Variant) As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
Dim i As Long
isnumber = True
If Not strValue = "" Then
For i = 1 To Len(CStr(strValue))
If Asc(Mid(strValue, i, 1)) > 57 Or Asc(Mid(strValue, i, 1)) < 48 Then
isnumber = False
Exit For
End If
Next i
isnumber = False
End If
On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Edit 3: I have revised the TextBox1_Change event code so all invalid characters are stripped right away. However, in this state if you copy paste a serial no with a non-allowed char, it will strip them leaving only the numbers. Not sure if it is acceptable.
Private Sub TextBox1_Change()
If Not isnumber(TextBox1.Text) Or TextBox1.Text = "" Then
TextBox1.BackColor = rgbYellow
Dim i As Long
Dim strValue As String
strValue = ""
If Not TextBox1.Text = "" Then
For i = 1 To Len(CStr(TextBox1.Text))
If Not (Asc(Mid(TextBox1.Text, i, 1)) > 57 Or Asc(Mid(TextBox1.Text, i, 1)) < 48) Then
strValue = strValue & Mid(TextBox1.Text, i, 1)
End If
Next i
End If
TextBox1.Text = strValue
If TextBox1.Text <> "" Then
TextBox1.BackColor = rgbWhite
End If
End If
End Sub

How to allow double only data type in textbox?

I have a userform, where users are supposed to enter measured dimensions of a part (Quality Management field) into checkboxes. This means no text is allowed, neither some random digits, only numbers.
What I have now, is this:
Private Sub TextBox25_AfterUpdate()
If Not IsNumeric(TextBox25.Value) Then
MsgBox "Invalid data!"
TextBox25.BackColor = RGB(255, 200, 200)
Cancel = True
End If
End Sub
It's not perfect though, user still can type in some random digits like 09 instead of 0,9 and get no error message. I believe allowing only double-type data is the key but I tried the code below and it does not work (I get the error message every time, no matter the data type). Any ideas?
Private Sub TextBox19_AfterUpdate()
If Not VarType(TextBox19.Value) = vbDouble Then
MsgBox "Invalid data!"
TextBox19.BackColor = RGB(255, 200, 200)
Cancel = True
End If
End Sub
The .Value of a TextBox is always a String the name "TextBox" already includes that it is "Text". So it cannot be of type Double unless you take that String and convert it (implicit or explicit) into a Double.
VarType(TextBox19.Value) will always return vbString because it returns the type of the variable not the type of the data inside the variable.
So you actually need to test if it is decimal (not a integer).
The only way to test this properly is to check if the String contains exactly one , (respective . depending on your localization). And then test if this is numeric (otherwise it would accept a,b too).
Option Explicit
Public Sub TestForDecimalInput()
Dim DecimalValue As Double
Dim TextBoxValue As String
TextBoxValue = "9" 'just for testing get your text box value here: TextBoxValue = TextBox19.Value
'this replaces . and , with the actual decimal seperator of your operating system
'so the user is allowed to either enter `0,9` or `0.9`
TextBoxValue = Replace$(TextBoxValue, ".", Application.DecimalSeparator)
TextBoxValue = Replace$(TextBoxValue, ",", Application.DecimalSeparator)
'Check if there is exactly one! decimal seperator
If Len(TextBoxValue) = Len(Replace$(TextBoxValue, Application.DecimalSeparator, "")) + 1 Then
'we need to check for numeric too because yet it could be `a,b` too
If IsNumeric(TextBoxValue) Then
DecimalValue = CDbl(TextBoxValue)
End If
End If
If DecimalValue <> 0 Then
Debug.Print TextBoxValue, "->", DecimalValue
Debug.Print TextBoxValue, "->", "Invalid Data"
End If
End Sub
This would be the result of some example inputs
0.9 -> 0,9
09 -> Invalid Data
0,9 -> 0,9
0,9,0 -> Invalid Data
0,0 -> Invalid Data
9,0 -> 9
9 -> Invalid Data
Note that 9,0 will be accepted as input but 9 will be invalid as input.
Try this. This will limit entires at runtime :)
'~~> Prevent anything other than numbers and decimals
Private Sub TextBox19_KeyPress(ByVal KeyAscii As MSForms.ReturnInteger)
Select Case KeyAscii
Case vbKey0 To vbKey9, vbKeyBack, vbKeyClear, vbKeyDelete, _
vbKeyLeft, vbKeyRight, vbKeyUp, vbKeyDown, vbKeyTab
If KeyAscii = 46 Then If InStr(1, TextBox19.Text, ".") Then KeyAscii = 0
Case Else
KeyAscii = 0
End Select
End Sub
'~~> Allow only decimals
Private Sub TextBox19_AfterUpdate()
If Int(Val(TextBox19.Value)) = TextBox19.Value And _
InStr(1, TextBox19.Value, ".") = 0 Then
MsgBox "Invalid data!"
TextBox19.BackColor = RGB(255, 200, 200)
End If
End Sub
Note: If you do not want to allow 9.0 then remove InStr(1, TextBox19.Value, ".") = 0 in the _AfterUpdate()
AND If you want to disable the inputs like 0x.xx then you can use this as well
Private Sub TextBox19_AfterUpdate()
If Int(Val(TextBox19.Value)) = TextBox19.Value And _
InStr(1, TextBox19.Value, ".") = 0 Or _
(Left(TextBox19.Value, 1) = 0 And Mid(TextBox19.Value, 2, 1) <> ".") Then
MsgBox "Invalid data!"
TextBox19.BackColor = RGB(255, 200, 200)
End If
End Sub

Getting Type Mismatch Error while calling sub procedure

I am taking two input from USERFORM "CheckIn Time (hh:mm format)" and "Checkout Time (hh:mm format)" through TextBox, and trying to get immediate output in 3rd Text Box (hh:mm format) which shows difference between check in and checkout.
To achieve this I am using Call Sub procedure method.
However I am getting error
"Run time 13: Type mismatch".
I am new to VBA and I am literally stuck at this since 2 weeks. Please help.
I tried changing DATA type but didn't get any positive result.
Private Sub CHKIN_Change() 'Calling GetTime
Call GetTime
End Sub
Private Sub CHKOUT_Change() 'Calling GetTime
Call GetTime
End Sub
Private Sub TOTALHRS_Change() 'Calling GetTime
Call GetTime
End Sub
'below Calculating difference b/t Checkin & Checkout, displaying in "TOTALHRS" textbox
Sub GetTime()
Dim Time1, Time2, TotalTime As Date
Time1 = CHKIN.Text
Time2 = CHKOUT.Text
TotalTime = DateDiff("s", Time1, Time2)
TotalTime = Totalhour / 86400
TOTALHRS.Text = Format(Totalhour, "hh:mm")
End Sub
'Using below code to convert checkin and checkout input in hh:mm format.
Private Sub CHKIN_AfterUpdate()
Dim tDate As Date
Dim tString As String
'Check if user put in a colon or not
If InStr(1, .Value, ":", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
'If not, make string 4 digits and insert colon
tString = Format(.Value, "0000")
tDate = TimeSerial(Left(tString, 2), Right(tString, 2), 0)
CHKIN.Value = Format(tDate, "HH:MM")
'Otherwise, take value as given
.Value = Format(.Value, "hh:mm")
End If
End With
Exit Sub
End Sub
Desired result wanted: checkout - checkin = hh:mm
Example: 23:20 - 9:35 = 13:45

Restrict Userform Textbox input to [H]:MM

I have multiple textboxes on multiple userforms that are for time allocations. For simplicity say userform1 & userform2, with textbox1 & textbox2 on each.
Userform1 is for user input, which places values into a table and userform2 pulls the values from this table and displays in the relevant textbox. I need to restrict both the input of these boxes and the display to the [H]:mm format where minutes cannot exceed 59 but hours can be 25+ i.e 125:59 but not 4:67
I tried a combination of code from both of these threads as well as others but can't seem to get it to work.
Excel VBA Textbox time validation to [h]:mm
Time format of text box in excel user form
eventually i just tried to manipulate user input with message boxes but this still leaves entries open to error
Sub FormatHHMM(textbox As Object)
Dim timeStr As String
With textbox
'Check if user put in a colon or not
If InStr(1, .Value, ":", vbTextCompare) = 0 And Len(.Value) > 1 Then
MsgBox "Please use HH:mm Format"
textbox.Value = ""
If Right(.Value, 2) > 60 Then
MsgBox "Minutes cannot be more than 59"
textbox.Value = ""
End If
End If
End With
End Sub
this allows users put alpha characters in and even if correctly input when called from the table is shows as a value instead i.e 5.234... instead of 125:59
How about you split hours and minutes into two seperate input fields on the same inputbox.
So the user has to type in hours and in the next field minutes. This way you can check the input for isnumeric and >60 for seconds.
I know this is not ideal, but it would be a way to evade the given problems.
Have you tried using the Like operator? That allows checking for numeric values in each character-position. I would do it like this:
Function FormatCheck(ByVal strEntered As String)
Dim correctformat As Boolean
If strEntered Like "*#:##" And IsNumeric(Mid(strEntered, 1, InStr(1, strEntered, ":", 1) - 1)) Then
If Mid(strEntered, InStr(1, strEntered, ":", 1) + 1, 999) <= 59 Then
correctformat = True
End If
End If
If Not correctformat Then FormatCheck = "Incorrect format"
End Function
This requires at least one number before the ":"
Edit: Below is a Sub version instead of using a Function. This will pop up a MsgBox like you were using originally. You could probably replace your whole FormatHHMM sub with this without any adverse effect.
Sub FormatCheck(ByVal strEntered As String)
Dim correctformat As Boolean
If strEntered Like "*#:##" And IsNumeric(Mid(strEntered, 1, InStr(1, strEntered, ":", 1) - 1)) Then
If Mid(strEntered, InStr(1, strEntered, ":", 1) + 1, 999) <= 59 Then
correctformat = True
End If
End If
If Not correctformat Then MsgBox "Incorrect format"
End Sub
i think this may be helpful:
Option Explicit
Sub test()
Dim str As String
str = TextBox.Value
'Test string lenght. Maximun lenght number 4
If Len(str) <> 4 Then
MsgBox "Enter a valid time. Proper number of digits are 4."
Exit Sub
End If
'Test if string includes only one ":"
If (Len(str) - Len(Replace(str, ":", ""))) / Len(":") <> 1 Then
MsgBox "Use only one "":"" to separate time."
Exit Sub
End If
'Test how many digits are before and after ":"
If InStr(1, str, ":") <> 2 Then
MsgBox """:"" position should be place 2."
Exit Sub
End If
'Test if number 1,3 & 4 are number
If IsNumeric(Mid(str, 1, 1)) = False Or IsNumeric(Mid(str, 1, 1)) = False Or IsNumeric(Mid(str, 1, 1)) = False Then
MsgBox "Enter number in position 1,3 and 4."
Exit Sub
End If
'Test 2 last to digits
If Right(str, 2) <= 60 Then
MsgBox "Second limit is 60."
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
You could use regular expressions :
Sub inputTimeFormat()
Dim userInput As String
Dim strPattern As String
Dim msgBoxText As String
Dim regEx As New RegExp
Dim objRegex As Object
strPattern = "(^[0-9]+):([0-5])([0-9])$"
msgBoxText = "Insert time in HH:mm, or hit Cancel to escape"
Set objRegex = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
With regEx
.ignorecase = True
.Pattern = strPattern
If userInput <> vbNullString Then msgBoxText = "PLEASE RETRY" & Chr(13) & msgBoxText
userInput = Application.InputBox(msgBoxText, Default:="17:01")
If userInput = "False" Then
MsgBox "User hit cancel, exiting code", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
Loop Until .Test(userInput)
End With
MsgBox "Format OK"
End Sub
(you need to activate regular expressions : in VBA, "Tools" > "References" > Check the box "Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5" > "OK")
More details on How to use Regular Expressions (Regex) in Microsoft Excel both in-cell and loops

Dates from Task Form show US format unless date does not exist

I have a small user interface, using Excel's Form functionality, which allows users to input start and finish dates for projects.
If the user puts in dates that are available in both the US and UK formats (e.g. 7th May 2018, 5/7/2018) the variable will come out in the US format (e.g. 5th July 2018, 5/7/2018). However, if the dates are not available in both formats (e.g. 31st August 2018, 31/8/2018), the variable will return in the (correct) UK format.
My current code for the particular variables in the form is as follows:
Private Sub Calculate_Click()
sDate = CDate(sDate.Text)
eDate = CDate(eDate.Text)
If sDate = vbNullString Then
sDate = Now()
End If
If eDate = vbNullString Then
eDate = Now() + 40
End If
If HoursPD = vbNullString Then
HoursPD = 6
ElseIf HoursPD > 7.5 Then
HoursPD = 7.5
End If
End Sub
Is there any way to ensure that the variable format is fixed to the UK version?
I'd use a separate procedure to check any dates on the form.
This also colours the control red if a non-valid date is entered.
Formatting the date as dd-mmm-yyyy makes it easier to spot a date in the wrong format as month is written in full(ish).
Public Sub FormatDate(ctrl As Control)
Dim dDate As Date
Dim IsDate As Boolean
If Replace(ctrl.Value, " ", "") <> "" Then
On Error Resume Next
dDate = CDate(ctrl.Value)
IsDate = (Err.Number = 0)
On Error GoTo 0
If IsDate Then
ctrl.Value = Format(ctrl.Value, "dd-mmm-yyyy")
ctrl.BackColor = RGB(255, 255, 255)
ctrl.BackColor = RGB(255, 0, 0)
End If
End If
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Sub
'Error Handling routines.
'DisplayError Err.Number, Err.Description, "mdl_FormatDate.FormatDate()"
End Sub
This is then called on the AfterUpdate event of the control:
Private Sub txtDate_AfterUpdate()
With Me
FormatDate .txtDate
End With
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Sub
'Error Handling routines.
'DisplayError Err.Number, Err.Description, "Data_Entry_Form.txtDate_AfterUpdate()"
End Sub
You could do something like below, but your users should know to enter the dates in the correct (UK) format:
sDate = Format(CDate(sDate.Text), "dd/mm/yyyy")
EDate = Format(CDate(EDate.Text), "dd/mm/yyyy")
