How do I declare and use a variable in the yaml file that is formatted for pyresttest? - python-3.x

So, a brief description of what I want, what my issue is, and what I have tried.
I want to declare and use a dictionary variable for my tests in pyrest, specifically for the [url, body] section so that I can conduct my POST tests targeting a specific endpoint and with a preformatted body.
Here is how mytest.yml file is structured:
- data:
- id: 63
- rate: 25
... a sizable set of field for reasons ...
- type: lab_test_authorization
- modified_at: ansible_date_time.datetime # Useful way to generate
- test:
- url: "some-valid-url/{the_url_question}" # data['special_key']
- method: 'POST'
- headers : {etc..etc}
- body: '{ "data": ${the_body_question} }' # data (the content)
Now the problem starts in my lack of understanding why (if true) does pyrest does not have support for dictionary mappings. I understand yaml supports these feature but am not sure if pyrest can parse through it. Knowing how to call and use dictionary variable in my url and body tags would be significantly helpful.
As of right now, if I try to convert my data Sequence into a data Dictionary, I will get an error stating:
yaml.parser.ParserError: while parsing a block mapping
in "<unicode string>", line 4, column 1:
expected <block end>, but found '-'
in "<unicode string>", line 36, column 1:
- config:
I'm pretty sure there are gaps in my knowledge regarding how yaml and pyresttest interact with each other, so any insight would be greatly appreciated.


Appending a key to the top of an array

I have some hiera not unlike the following (I know this is invalid hiera with two keys... bare with me):
- name: my_rules
- alert: highCPU
expr: CPU > 90
for: 5m
summary: "CPU is too high"
description: "CPU should be less than 90"
- name: someone_elses_rules
- alert: highCPU
expr: CPU > 70
for: 5m
summary: "CPU is too high"
description: "CPU should be less than 70 on someone else's system"
I'm trying to turn this into a yaml file (the key is the filename). Now I know this is invalid hiera and I can remove the groups key to get this working (exactly what I've done), however when I try to reinsert it into the array, I can't get the formatting right. Here's the puppet code I'm using:
$alert_files = hiera('an::example::rule_files'),
$alert_files.each | String $alerts_file_name, Array $alert_config_pre | {
$prefix = [ "groups:" ]
$alert_config = $prefix + $alert_config_pre
file { "/etc/prometheus/${alerts_file_name}.rules":
ensure => file,
content => $alert_config.to_yaml,
Here's what I want:
cat /etc/prometheus/my_rules.rules
- name: my_rules
- alert: highCPU
expr: CPU > 90
for: 5m
summary: CPU is too high
description: CPU should be less than 90
and here's what I get:
- 'groups:'
- name: my_rules
- alert: highCPU
expr: CPU > 90
for: 5m
summary: CPU is too high
description: CPU should be less than 90
Any help would be massively appreciated. I feel like this should be simple but I've not really made any progress (I can't even remove the quotes from the word groups). If this is possible in either hiera or puppet (perhaps I've defined the hiera wrong) then great; any progress I can make in any way will be really appreciated.
This ...
$alert_files = hiera('an::example::rule_files'),
$alert_files.each | String $alerts_file_name, Array $alert_config_pre | {
... depends on the data associated with key an::example::rule_files to be a Hash with String keys and Array values. In the YAML presented at the top of the question, that item is instead a hash with String keys and Hash values. Inasmuch as the data seem to match the wanted file content, the problem seems to be not with the YAML (except for the inconsistent indentation), but rather with the Puppet code.
To work as you appear to want with the data you want, the Puppet code might look more like so:
$alert_files = lookup('an::example::rule_files'),
$alert_files.each |String $alerts_file_name, Hash $alert_config| {
file { "/etc/prometheus/${alerts_file_name}.rules":
ensure => 'file',
content => $alert_config.to_yaml,
Note that I have switched from the deprecated hiera() function to its replacement, lookup().

How to fetch only parts of json file in python3 requests module

So, I am writing a program in Python to fetch data from google classroom API using requests module. I am getting the full json response from the classroom as follows :
{'announcements': [{'courseId': '#############', 'id': '###########', 'text': 'This is a test','state': 'PUBLISHED', 'alternateLink': '', 'creationTime': '2021-04-11T10:25:54.135Z', 'updateTime': '2021-04-11T10:25:53.029Z', 'creatorUserId': '###############'}, {'courseId': '############', 'id': '#############', 'text': 'Hello everyone', 'state': 'PUBLISHED', 'alternateLink': '', 'creationTime': '2021-04-11T10:24:30.952Z', 'updateTime': '2021-04-11T10:24:48.880Z', 'creatorUserId': '##############'}, {'courseId': '##################', 'id': '############', 'text': 'Hello everyone', 'state': 'PUBLISHED', 'alternateLink': '', 'creationTime': '2021-04-11T10:23:42.977Z', 'updateTime': '2021-04-11T10:23:42.920Z', 'creatorUserId': '##############'}]}
I was actually unable to convert this into a pretty format so just pasting it as I got it from the http request. What I actually wish to do is just request the first few announcements (say 1, 2, 3 whatever depending upon the requirement) from the service while what I'm getting are all the announcements (as in the sample 3 announcements) that had been made ever since the classroom was created. Now, I believe that fetching all the announcements might make the program slower and so I would prefer if I could get only the required ones. Is there any way to do this by passing some arguments or anything? There are a few direct functions provided by google classroom however I came across those a little later and have already written everything using the requests module which would require changing a lot of things which I would like to avoid. However if unavoidable I would go that route as well.
Use the pageSize field to limit the number of responses you want in the announcements: list request, with an orderBy parameter of updateTime asc.
More Information:
As per the documentation:
orderBy: string
Optional sort ordering for results. A comma-separated list of fields with an optional sort direction keyword. Supported field is updateTime. Supported direction keywords are asc and desc. If not specified, updateTime desc is the default behavior. Examples: updateTime asc, updateTime
pageSize: integer
Maximum number of items to return. Zero or unspecified indicates that the server may assign a maximum.
So, let's say you want the first 3 announcements for a course, you would use a pageSize of 3, and an orderBy of updateTime asc:
# Copyright 2021 Google LLC.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
service = build('classroom', 'v1', credentials=creds)
asc = "updateTime asc"
pageSize = 3
# Call the Classroom API
results =, orderBy=asc ).execute()
or an HTTP request example:
&key=[YOUR_API_KEY] HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer [YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN]
Accept: application/json
Method: announcements.list | Classroom API | Google Developers

Unable to match all required fields. invoice2data

I'm trying to create templates and have the data with invoice2data but that gives me this error
regexp for field amount didn't match
regexp for field amount_untaxed didn't match
regexp for field date didn't match
Unable to match all required fields. The required fields are: ['date', 'amount', 'invoice_number', 'issuer']. Output contains the following fields: ['vat', 'issuer', 'currency', 'invoice_number'].
I searched on my template template.yaml and i have all these fields
there is my template:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
issuer: Online SAS / Scaleway
amount: (Total.*)\w+
amount_untaxed: (Total.*)\w+
date: (Date.*)\w+
invoice_number: Facture n\W\s+(\d+)
static_vat: FR35433115904
- Sosh
- Orange
- Votre facture mobile
currency: EUR
- '%B %d, %Y'
decimal_separator: ','
I tried with a second example "pdf2.pdf" and it gives me
Syntax Error (69926): No current point in closepath
Syntax Error (69950): No current point in closepath
Syntax Error (69970): No current point in closepath
I searched on internet and i didn't see any answer.
Can someone explains me the problem
Thanks for your answer and sorry for my english.

Minimal self-compiling to .pdf Rmarkdown file

I need to compose a simple rmarkdown file, with text, code and the results of executed code included in a resulting PDF file. I would prefer if the source file is executable and self sifficient, voiding the need for a makefile.
This is the best I have been able to achieve, and it is far from good:
#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
pandoc('hw_ch4.rmd', format='latex')
# TODO: how to NOT print the above commands to the resulting .pdf?
# TODO: how to avoid putting everyting from here on in ""s?
# TODO: how to avoid mentioning the file name above?
# TODO: how to render special symbols, such as tilde, miu, sigma?
# Unicode character (U+3BC) not set up for use with LaTeX.
# See the inputenc package documentation for explanation.
# nano hw_ch4.rmd && ./hw_ch4.rmd && evince hw_ch4.pdf
4E1. In the model definition below, which line is the likelihood?
A: y_i is the likelihood, based on the expectation and deviation.
4M1. For the model definition below, simulate observed heights from the prior (not the posterior).
points <- 10
rnorm(points, mean=rnorm(points, 0, 10), sd=runif(points, 0, 10))
4M3. Translate the map model formula below into a mathematical model definition.
flist <- alist(
y tilda dnorm( mu , sigma ),
miu tilda dnorm( 0 , 10 ),
sigma tilda dunif( 0 , 10 )
What I eventually came to use is the following header. At first it sounded neat, but later I realized
+ is indeed easy to compile in one step
- this is code duplication
- mixing executable script and presentation data in one file is a security risk.
#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
argv <- commandArgs(trailingOnly=FALSE)
fname <- sub("--file=", "", argv[grep("--file=", argv)])
render(fname, output_format="pdf_document")
date: "compiled on: `r Sys.time()`"
The quit() line is supposed to guarantee that the rest of the file is treated as data. The <!--- and --> comments are to render the executable code as comments in the data interpretation. They are, in turn, hidden by the #s from the shell.

hiera() function and YAML hash lookups

How do I rewrite this YAML so it is more structured, then reference it in Puppet using hiera function?
Currently, I am working with a hieradata syntax that looks very flat and hard to read.
service::proxy::behind_reverse_proxy: true
service::proxy::proxy_timeout: 300
- host1.fqdn
- host2.fqdn
And grabbed these in a params.pp file, for example
$behind_reverse_proxy = hiera('service::proxy::behind_reverse_proxy', 'False')
$serverlist = hiera('service::proxy::serverlist')
I thought I could rewrite the YAML like so in an effort to make it more readable...
behind_reverse_proxy: true
proxy_timeout: 300
- host1.fqdn
- host2.fqdn
And updated the params.pp file according to
Hiera Key.subkey syntax
interacting with structured data
$behind_reverse_proxy = hiera('service::proxy.behind_reverse_proxy', 'False')
$serverlist = hiera('service::proxy.serverlist')
However upon puppet agent -t that resulted in
Error 400 on SERVER: Could not find data item service::proxy.serverlist in any Hiera data file and no default supplied
I think these are relevant
[user#server ~]$ facter -y | grep 'version'
facterversion: 2.4.4
puppetversion: 3.8.2
Following up on my comment about how you can access your restructured data:
behind_reverse_proxy: true
proxy_timeout: 300
- host1.fqdn
- host2.fqdn
In your manifest, instead of this ...
$behind_reverse_proxy = hiera('service::proxy.behind_reverse_proxy', 'False')
$serverlist = hiera('service::proxy.serverlist')
... you might do this:
$proxy_info = merge(
{ 'behind_reverse_proxy' => false, 'serverlist' => [] },
hiera('service::proxy', {})
$behind_reverse_proxy = $proxy_info{'behind_reverse_proxy'}
$serverlist = $proxy_info{'serverlist'}
The merge() function is not built-in, but rather comes from Puppet's (formerly PuppetLabs's) widely-used stdlib module. There's a good chance that you are already using that module elsewhere, but even if not, it may be well worth your while to introduce it to your stack.
I've never used Hiera, but I think the problem is that you have a sequence (array) when you wanted a mapping (hash).
In the below YAML, the value of the service::proxy key is a sequence with three elements, each of which is a mapping with one key:
- behind_reverse_proxy: true
- proxy_timeout: 300
- serverlist:
- host1.fqdn
- host2.fqdn
What you probably wanted, though, was for service::proxy to be a mapping with three keys:
behind_reverse_proxy: true
proxy_timeout: 300
- host1.fqdn
- host2.fqdn
The examples in the Hiera docs you linked to seem to support this.
