Cassandra simple primary key queries - cassandra

We would like to create a Cassandra table with Simple Primary Key that is consisted of UUID column.
The table will look like:
CREATE TABLE simple_table(
col1 text,
col2 text,
col3 UUID
This table will potentially store few billions of rows, and the rows should expire after some time (few months) using the TTL feature.
I have few questions regarding the efficiency of this table:
What is the efficiency of a query against this table using the primary key? Meaning, how Cassandra finds a specific row after resolving in which partition it resides?
Considering that the rows will expire and create many tombstones, how does this will effect the reads and writes to this table? Let's say that we expire the data after 180 days, if I am not mistaken, the ratio of tombstones would be 10/180~=0.056 (when 10 is the gc_grace_periods in days).

In your case, the primary key is equal to the partition key, so you have so-called "skinny" partitions, consisting of one row. If you remove data, then instead of data inside partition you'll have only tombstone, and it's not a problem. If the data is expired, then it will be simply removed during compaction - gc_grace_period isn't applied here - it's required only when you explicitly remove the data - we need to keep tombstone because other nodes may need to "catch up" with changes if they weren't able to receive delete operation. You can find more details about data deletion in following document.
Problem with tombstones arise when you have many (thousands) of rows inside the same partition, for example, if you use several clustering keys. And when such data is deleted, then the tombstone is generated, and should be skipped when we read data inside partition.
P.S. Have you seen this blog post that explains how deletions happen?

After reading the blog (and the comments) that #Alex referred me to, I concluded that tombstones are created for expired rows due to default_time_to_live of the table.
Those tombstones will be cleaned only after gc_grace_periods have passed. See this stack overflow question.
Regarding my first questions this datastax page describes it pretty well.


Cassandra data model for high ingestion rate and delete operation

I am using the following Cassandra data model
ruleid - bigint
patternid - bigint
key - string
value - string
time - timestamp
event_uuid -time based uuid
partition key - ruleid, patterid
clustering key - event_uuid order by descending
Our ingestion rate is around 100 records per second per pattern id and there might be 10 000+ pattern ids.
Our query is fairly straightforward we query the last 100 000 records based on the desc uuid filtered by the partition key.
Also for our use case we would need to perform around 5 deletes per second on this per pattern ids.
However this leads to the so called tombstones and causes readtimeout on querying on the datastore again.
How to overcome the above issue?
It sounds like you are storing records into the table, doing some transformation/processing on the records, then deleting them.
But since you're deleting rows within partitions (instead of the partitions themselves), you have to iterate over the deleted rows (tombstones) to get to the live records.
The real problem though is reading too many rows which won't perform well. Retrieving 100K rows is going to be slow so consider paging through the result set.
With limited information you've provided, this is not an easy problem to solve. Cheers!

Is it a bad practice to have a Cassandra table with partitions of a single row?

Let's say I have a table like this
transaction_id text,
request_date timestamp,
data text,
PRIMARY KEY (transaction_id)
The transaction_id is unique, so as far as I understand each partition in this table would have one row only and I'm not sure if this situation causes a performance issue in the OS, maybe because Cassandra creates a file for each partition causing lots of files to manage for its hosting OS, as a note I'm not sure how Cassandra creates its files for its tables.
In this scenario I can find a request by its transaction_id like
select data from request where transaction_id = 'abc';
If the previous assumption is correct, a different approach could be the next one?
the_date date,
transaction_id text,
request_date timestamp,
data text,
PRIMARY KEY ((the_date), transaction_id)
The field the_date would change every next day, so the partitions in the table would be created for each day.
In this scenario I would have to have the_date data always available to the client so I can find a request using the next query
select data from request where the_date = '2020-09-23' and transaction_id = 'abc';
Thank you in advance for your kind help!
Cassandra doesn't create a separate file for each partition. One SSTable file may contain multiple partitions. Partitions that consist only of one row are often called "skinny rows" - they aren't very bad, but may cause some performance issues:
to access such partitions you still need to read a block with compressed data (by default it's 64Kb) that needs to be decompressed to read that data. If you're doing really random access, such blocks would be discarded from file cache and needs to be re-read from disk. In this case, it's maybe useful to decrease the block size
if you have a lot of such partitions per table per node - this may heavily increase the size of the bloom filter, because each partition has a separate entry in it. I saw some customers that had tens of gigabytes of memory allocated for bloom filter only because of the skinny partitions
so it's really depends on the amount of data, access patterns, etc. It could be good or bad, depends on that factors.
If you have date available, and want to use it as part partition key - that may also not advisable because if you're writing and reading a lot of data on that day, then only some nodes will handle that load - this is so-called "hot partitions".
You may implement so-called bucketing, when you infer partition key from the data. But this will depend on the data available. For example, if you have date + transaction ID as a string, you may create partition key as date + 1st character of that string - in this case you'll have N partition keys per day, that are distributed between nodes, eliminating the hot partition problem.
See the corresponding best practices doc from DataStax about that topic.
Let me not get into the different types of keys, but let me mention and shortly explain the two keys you use in your question.
A row MUST have a unique primary key (which identifies the row as what it is regarding equality). The primary key can be a collection of columns (as in your second example with (the_date), transaction_id) or just a single column (as in your first example with transaction_id). Nevertheless, as mentioned the important part is that for a row the primary key must be unique to identify the row.
The partition key is actually determined based on the primary key. You can have composite partition key (you used the syntax for that in your second example, to enforce the (the_date) to be the partition key, this is actually not necessary since it would be by default the first column of the primary key).
Cassandra uses the hashed value of the (combined) partition key(s') values to determine on which node(s) the data is stored (or retrieved from when requesting data).
So the answer to your question is, it's totally ok to use the transaction_id as primary and partition key. And that is not bad practice, it's more or less pretty common practice if you have a unique identifier in your data which can be stored in one row and fulfills your needs regarding requests.
More Infos:
Hashing Explained: Consistent hashing
Defining a basic primary key
Defining a multi-column partition key

Best Cassandra data model for maintaining bounded lists per user

I have Kafka streams containing interactions of users with a website, so every event has a timestamp and information about the event. For each user I want to store the last K events in Cassandra (e.g. 100 events).
Our website is constantly experiencing bot / heavy users that is why we want to cap events, just to consider "normal" users.
I currently have the current data model in Cassandra:
user_id, event_type, timestamp, event_blob
<user_id, event_type> = partition key, timestamp = clustering key
For now we write a new record in Cassandra as soon as a new event happens and later on we go and clean up "heavier" partitions (i.e. count of events > 100).
This doesn't happen in real time and until we don't clean up the heavy partitions we sometimes get bad latencies when reading.
Do you have any suggestions of a better table design for such case?
Is there a way to tell Cassandra to store only at most K elements for partition and expire the old ones in a FIFO way? Or is there a better table design that I can opt for?
Do you have any suggestions of a better table design for such case?
When data modeling for scenarios like this, I recommend a pattern that makes use of three things:
Default TTL set on the table.
Clustering on a time component in descending order.
Adjust query to use a range on the timestamp, never querying data past the TTL.
later on we go and clean up "heavier" partitions
How long (on average) before the cleanup happens? One thing I would do, is to use a TTL on that table set to somewhere around the maximum amount of time before your team usually has to clean them up.
Clustering Key, Descending Order:
So your PRIMARY KEY definition looks like this:
PRIMARY KEY ((user_id,event_type),timestamp)
Make sure that you're also clustering in a descending order on timestamp.
This is important to use in conjunction with your TTL. Here, your tombstones are on the "bottom" of the partition (when sorting on timestamp descinding) and the recent data (the data you care about) is at the "top" of the partition.
Range Query:
Finally, make sure your query has a range component on the timestamp.
For example: if today is the 11th, and my TTL is 5 days, I can then query the last 4 days of data without pulling back tombstones:
SELECT * FROM events
WHERE user_id = 11111 AND event_type = 'B'
AND timestamp > '2020-03-07 00:00:00';
Problem with your existing implementation is that deletes create tombstones which eventually cause latencies in the read. Creating too many tombstones is not recommended.
FIFO implementation based on count (number of rows per partition) is not possible. The better approach for your use case is not to delete records in the same table. Use Spark to migrate the table into a new temp table and remove the extra records in the migration process. Something like:
1) Create a new table
2) Using Spark , read from the orignal table , migrate all required records (filter extra records) and write to new temp table.
3) Truncate the orignal table. Note that truncate operation do not create Tombstones.
4) Migrate everything from the temp table back to orignal table using Spark.
5) Truncate the temp table.
You can do this in maintenance window of your application ( something like once in a month) until then you can restrict reads with Limit 100 per partition.

Purge old data strategy for Cassandra DB

We store events in multiple tables depending on category.
Each event have an id but contains multiple subelements.
We have a lookup table to find events using the subelement_id.
Each subelement can participate at max in 7 events.
Hence the partition will hold max 7 rows.
We will have 30-50 BILLIONS of rows in eventlookup over a period of 5 years.
CREATE TABLE eventlookup (
subelement_id text,
recordtime timeuuid,
event_id text,
PRIMARY KEY ((subelement_id), recordtime)
Problem: How do we delete old data once we reach the 5 (or some other number) year mark.
We want to purge the "tail" at some specific intervals, say every week or month.
Approaches investigated so far:
TTL of X years (performs well, but TTL needs to be known before hand, 8 extra bytes for each column)
NO delete - simply ignore the problem (somebody else's problem :0)
Rate limited single row delete (do complete table scan and potentially billions of delete statements)
Split the table to multiple tables -> "CREATE TABLE eventlookupYYYY". Once a year is not needed, simply drop it. (Problem is every read should potentially query all tables)
Is there any other approaches we can consider ?
Is there a design decision we can make now ( we are not in production yet) that will mitigate the future problem?
If it's worth the extra space, track for ranges of recordtimes your subelement_id in a seperate table / columnfamiliy.
Then you can easily get the ids to delete for records having a specific age if you do not want to set a ttl a priori.
But keep in mind to make this tracking distribute well, just a single date will generate hotspots in your cluster and very wide rows, so think about some partition key like (date,chunk) where I uses a random number from 0-10 in the past for chunk. Also you might look at TimeWindowCompactionStrategy - here is a blog post about it:
Your partition key is only set to subelement_id, so all tuples of 7 events for all recordtimes will be in one partition.
Given your table structure, you need to know all the subelement_id of all your data just to fetch a single row. So, with this assumption, your table structure can be improved a bit by sorting your data by recordtime DESC:
CREATE TABLE eventlookup (
subelement_id text,
recordtime timeuuid,
eventtype int,
parentid text,
partition bigint,
event_id text,
PRIMARY KEY ((subelement_id), recordtime)
Now all of your data is in descending order and this will give you a big advantage.
Suppose that you have multiple years of data (eg from 2000 to 2018). Assuming you need to keep only the last 5 years, you'd need to fetch data by something like:
SELECT * FROM eventlookup WHERE subelement_id = 'mysub_id' AND recordtime >= '2013-01-01';
This query is efficient because C* will retrieve your data and will stop scanning the partition exactly where you wanted to: 5 years ago. The big plus is that if you have tombstones after that point, well, they won't impact your reads at all. That means you can "safely" trim after that point safely by issuing a delete with
WHERE subelement_id = 'mysub_id' AND recordtime < '2013-01-01';
Beware that this delete will create tombstones that will be skipped by your reads, BUT they will be read during compactions, so keep it in mind.
Alternatively, you can simply skip the delete part if you don't need to reclaim your storage space, your system will always run smooth because you will always retrieve your data efficiently.

Why don't an upsert create Tombstones in Cassandra?

As per Question regarding Tombstone, why doesn't upserts create tombstones?
As per datastax documentation, How is data updated ? for every upsert, cassandra considers as delete followed by insert, as the new timestamps of the insert overwrites the old timestamp. The old timestamp data has to be marked as delete which relates to tombstone.
Why do we have contradicting statements? or else am I missing anything here?
Data is inserted with unique key (uuid) in Cassandra and some of the columns in this data keeps updating frequently. Which approach do you recommend?
Inserting the same data with new column values in the
Insert query.
Updating the existing record based on given uuid
with new column values in the update query.
Which approach does or doesn't create tombstones? and how does Cassandra handle both queries?
As Russ pointed out, you may want to read other similar questions on this topic. However,
An upsert/overwrite is just-another-cell, with a name, a timestamp and a value.
A tombstone is just like an overwrite, except it gets one extra field indicating that it's been deleted, so that it isn't returned as valid output. The reason tombstones are often harmful is that they can accumulate in bad data models, even when people think the data is gone - and skipping them to get to live data actually requires memory.
When you update/upsert as you describe, the cell you create SHADOWS (obsoletes) the previous cell, which will be removed upon compaction. That previous cell is NOT a tombstone, even though it's no longer live/active - it will be compacted away and completely replaced by the new, live, highest-timestamp value as soon as compaction allows.
The biggest thing to keep in mind is this: tombstones aren't necessarily removed by compaction - they're kept around (persisted/rewritten) for at least gc_grace_seconds, and potentially even long if they need to shadow/cover other cells in sstables not-yet-compacted. Because of this, tombstones stay around for a long time, but shadowed/overwritten cells are gc'd as soon as the sstable they're in is compacted.
