VBA connection via ODBC (3.0.6) / ADODB to MariaDB 10.3.8 - excel

I downloaded and installed the MariaDB ODBC Driver 3.0.6 and installed it on my computer. Then I wrote a small piece of VBA in EXCEL 2016 which connects to the DB, which seems to work, and tries to query some entries.
Here is where the problems start:
The recordset allways returns a RecordCount of -1
EXCEL crashes when executing any rs cursor command (MoveLast etc.), but that is probably because I don't have any recors
If I use CursorLocation adUseClient, as suggested in many posts I could find, instead of asUseServer VBA throws the following error: Runtime error '-2147467259 (80004005)' ... returned Status E_FAIL
The issue was officialy fixed in the following versions: 3.0.7, 2.0.19, 3.1.0
Link to Issue

I found the Solution: use MariaDB ODBC Driver 3.0.5 instead of 3.0.6. Then everything works fine with the adUseClient Cursor...
Perhaps it saves someone a little time... :-)


Problem sending datas by Excel-VBA to PostgressSQL: [ODBC driver manager] data source name not found and no default driver specified

I need help with a task.
I have a VBA code at Excel to send some datas for PostgressSQL.
These days I reinstalled my Excel, but now, when I try to send the data the VBA presents the message below and the data is not include in my database:
"[ODBC driver manager] data source name not found and no default driver specified"
The debug highlight that the problem is in Conexao.Open. Below is part of the code with this:
Sub Conectar_BD()
Set Conexao = New ADODB.Connection
Conexao.ConnectionString = "DRIVER={PostgreSQL ANSI(x64)}; SERVER=localhost; DATABASE=yyyy; UID=marcel; PASSWORD=xxx;"
End Sub
Looking for some answers I found the explanation that I have to install the driver, but I´m not sure about how I could do that.
However, researching more I discovered a tutorial teaching how to connect the driver by admnistrative tool in the panel of control of windows called Datasource ODBC.
Following the instructions, when I added PostgreSQL ANSI(x64), that is there and put the credentials of my database, the conecction was sucessfully but the excel continue to present the same message.
Anyway, I don´t know how to fix this problem yet.
Anyone can help me?

SqlState 24000, Invalid cursor state

I am trying to help one of our developers resolve an Azure SQL DB error. He has attempted to run a script, connecting using sqlcmd and (I presume) ODBC. It seems no matter what he does he receives the error message "SqlState 24000, Invalid cursor state".
His script consists of roughly 80 "insert into table where not exists sub-select" statements. Some of the sub-selects return zero records.
I read this post which is admittedly almost a year old now. The short version seems to be "this is a known Azure SQL DB bug".
sqlcmd on Azure SQL Data Warehouse - SqlState 24000, Invalid cursor state after INSERT statement
I know for certain my developer has been able to run these statements previously. Is that just the nature of a bug - sometimes it occurs and sometimes it doesn't? Does he need to use a different ODBC driver? Any other suggestions?
Please make sure you are using ODBC driver 13.1 or later. You can download it from here.

How to resolve the "Error occurred while loading translation library" Linux ODBC connection issue?

After installing unixODBC and the Netezza drivers on a Linux client and configuring ~/.odbcinst.ini and ~/.odbc.ini data sources according to the documentation, attempting to connect to a Netezza PureData warehouse via some tools may yield an error similar to:
(Error) ('HY000', '[HY000] [unixODBC]Error occurred while loading translation library (45) (SQLDriverConnect)')
For example, this was output by the Python SQLAlchemy library via a DBAPI connection on a RHEL7 box (though has been reported from other distributions and other tools).
Does anyone know the detail of what is happening and how to properly resolve it?
Extra info: I had a similar issue with the exact same error message.
Turns out I had /etc/odbcinst.ini set up with UnicodeTranslationOption=utf8 for the [NetezzaSQL] driver.
Also a wrong (32-bit) driver was used.
Fixed with /etc/odbcinst.ini:
Driver = /opt/netezza/lib64/libnzodbc.so
DebugLogging = true
LogPath = /tmp
Trace = 0
TraceAutoStop = 0
TraceFile = /tmp/trace.log
UsageCount = 1
One way to work-around the issue, is to add the following lines to the specific data-source section of your ~/.odbc.ini file:
I don't know what other implications doing that may have (for example on non-English error messages or using unusual character encodings).
Set the UnicodeTranslationOption to be UTF16 instead of UTF8 in your odbc.ini. Make sure that it has that setting in both the odbc.ini recognized by 'odbcinst -j' and also a spare copy in your home directory called just 'odbc.ini'. The latest netezza files seems to read the configuration without being a hidden file '.odbc.ini'
You can also enable Netezza ODBC debug log to figure out detailed error. In odbcinst.ini , set
DebugLogging = true

VBA odbc connection accessing a single library only

I have successfully connected to an as400 server. But whenever i execute an sql statement
select * from nosd0
It doesn't work, because nosd0 is in lib1/fil1(nosd0)
it gives an error saying nosd0 is not in lib2.
When I execute the query on STRSQL on as400 it works fine.
I tried creating an alias and it's malfunctioning. Please I really need some help on this one
Alias is working, I am accessing the wrong file.
Ok I figured out the problem, this will also help all those who wants to connect to their AS400 iSeries using VBA. ;)
My problem above is that when I try my Query on the box, it accesses lib1/nosd0, and in VBA, I was trying to get lib2/fil1(nosd0) which is a description of the table nosdo itself. The simple solution is to query
select * from lib1.nosd0
More on that when connecting to an AS400 iSeries using ODBC, there is a parameter called DBQ
Connection String Parameters
My final connection string would be.
ConnectString = "Driver={ISeries Access ODBC Driver};System=" & DCServer(I) & ";Uid=--;Pwd=--;NAM=0;DBQ=lib1,*ALL;"

pyodbc fetchall() returns no results when a column returned by the query contains too much data

Setup:I am using Python 3.3 on a Windows 2012 client.
I have a select query running using pyodbc which is not returning any results via fetchall(). I know the query works fine because i can take it out and run it from Microsoft SQL Management Studio without any issues.
I can also remove one column from the select list and the query will return results. For the database row in question, this column contains a large amount of XML data (> 10,000 characters), so it seems as though there is some buffer overflow issue going on causing fetchall() to fail, though it doesn't throw any exceptions. I have tried googling around and i have seen rumors of a config option to raise the buffer size, but i haven't been able to nail down exactly how to do it, or what a workaround would be.
Is there a configuration option that I can use, or any alternative to pyodbc.
Disclaimer: I have only been using python for about 2 weeks now so i
am still quite the noob, though i have made every attempt to research
my problems thoroughly this one has proven to be elusive:
On a side note, i tried using odbc instead of pyodbc but the same query throws this oddball error which google isn't helping me solve either
[ERROR] An exception while executing the Select query: [][Negative size passed to PyBytes_FromStringAndSize]
It seems this issue was resolved by changing my SQL connection string
DRIVER={SQL Server Native Client 11.0}
