I tried to implement IValidatableObject on my Razor Page model in ASPNET Core 2.
I was surprised that the Validate method was not invoked. Moving all [BindableProperty]s to a new type implementing IValidatableObject did work, however.
Is this the only way? It would be nice to be able to implement IValidatableObject directly on my .Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.RazorPages.PageModel type.
I'm attempting to create view/viewModel pair to act as a MessageBox replacement which will be called by the UIVisualizer Service. The viewModel has five different constructors, one being the default, and the others to define the different attributes of the MessageBox(e.g. Type, Image, Message, Title, etc.). I will be creating the viewModel using one of the four non-Default constructors each time I desire a MessageBox to popup. I am doing this versus using the built-in MessageService is because I'm using third party controls for my application and I want the MessageBox look-and-feel to match the rest of the application.
My problem is that even though I'm creating the viewModel, Catel is not using the viewModel I pass in to UIVisualizer, but is creating a new viewModel from the default constructor.
Does anybody know how to get this behavior to stop.
The best thing to do is create your own version of the IMessageService (create new class deriving from MessageService and override the Show method).
Catel should re-use the passed in view model. If you think you have found a bug, please report it at http://www.catelproject.com/support/issue-tracker
I have created my application using seam-gen. Seam-gen has created all the crud operations & forms for all my objects. They all inherit from seam's EntityHome.
I have this requirement that I need to create from an object A another object B (A has a List). So I need to redirect the user to the B form, save a new B object, and then redirect him to the original A form with the updated List contents.
I am a newbie in Seam and I am not sure how to implement this properly.
Edit: I am using seam version 2.2.2 final.
You can create an action class (similar to how entityHome works without the baggage that comes with it) to manage your contained entities and their behaviors. If no relationship exists between the entities you can make one here.
Refreshing the original list can be tricky, but once you have some code started post it.
So I would start with something like:
Class ActionBean {
ClassAObj classA;
List<ClassBObj> classBList;
public void methodThatLinksAandB() {
// ... stuff happens here
// getters and setter for view
// private worker methods
I've got a stringly-type view defined using #model MyNamespace.Customer with a form created using Html.BeginForm( "NewCustomer", "CustomerReg", FormMethod.Post ) helper.
The NewCustomer action on my CustomerRegController controller looks like
public ViewResult NewCustomer( MyNamespace.Customer objCustomer )
I am "filling" from model-bound fields on the page a portion of the Customer fields.
When I submit I get into the correct action, but the objCustomer is all initial values. I though I could pass strongly-typed data that way; am I doing something wrong?
The fact that your view is strongly typed to #model MyNamespace.Customer doesn't mean that this model will somehow be automagically posted to your action when the form is submitted. Basically you need to have input fields for each property you want to retrieve inside your form if you want this property to be passed to your POST action.
Also make sure that this Customer object is a POCO with a default (parameterless) constructor where each property you would like to retrieve has public getters and setters. Otherwise the default model binder will never be able to deserialize the request to this model. The ideal solution to this problem is to use a view model which is a class that you specifically design to meet the requirements of your view and stop passing your domain models to it. This view model will of course have a default constructor and public setters and getters for all properties you would like to retrieve.
WHAT I HAVE is a standard JavaFX application: Main.java, MainController.java & main.fxml. To add custom component, I created CustomComponentController.java and custom_component_controller.fxml.
PROBLEM is that in CustomComponentController methods I need to reference other methods and standard components from MenuController. I add public static MainController mc; to MainController class body, so that it can be seen from CustomComponentController (MainController.mc.neededMethod()). Then I try to pass everything to it in MainController.initialize() method (mc = this;) - when debugging this breakpoint, I see this full of components instances, but mc remains with null components afterwards.
QUESTION is how to reference the running instance of MainController to use its components and methods in other classes and to crossreference different custom components from each other? How to clean MainController code from event handlers and assistance methods of components by moving it all to component's own class?
I tried the following approaches, but found no way to make them work without errors:
Accessing FXML controller class
How can I access a Controller class in JavaFx 2.0?
JavaFX 2.0 + FXML. Updating scene values from a different Task
JavaFX 2.2 -fx:include - how to access parent controller from child controller
The problem can be solved if you comply the following conditions:
Not only public, but obligatory static MainController mc should be.
Do not forget id in fxml for CustomComponentController: <CustomComponentController fx:id="cc"/>, where cc is the name of the "#FXML imported" CustomComponentController in your MainController class.
Omit parameter fx:controller="main.CustomComponentController" in custom_component_controller.fxml as it results in "Controller value already specified" error (a conflict between main.fxml and custom_component_controller.fxml markup declared controllers).
Put mc = this; in the beginning of MainController's initialize() method. Before using mc in CustomComponentController class, check if it's not null. It can be null when all components, including CustomComponentController, are instantiated at application startup, but there is no mc instance yet. MainController method initialize() where MainController is instantiated is called after components are loaded. Therefore better practice is to use approach in the next paragraph.
In main.fxml create primary component of the same type that CustomComponentController and with the only fx:id parameter. Replace primary component with your CustomComponentController by creating reloadCustomComponents() method and calling it from CustomComponentController's initialize() method. Do it by adding the following to reloadCustomComponents() method:
customComponent = new customComponent();
Thus all components can be placed outside CustomComponentController with all their methods and reloaded at the startup of the apllication. All component declarations stay in MainController class and can be reached through MainController mc reference. No duplicate creating of components in detail with parameters is needed.
Your problem looks like the classic catalog-crud forms updating, I implemented an interface that I called Updatable with an update method so I could reference any catalog form with any crud form easy after passing Controller Main Class as the UserData Property of the Child Root Component's Form
Hope it Can Solve your problem
Hi I have a question about best practices vs safe programming in building a JSF Web Applicaiton.
I have employee.xhtml page having backing Bean - EmployeeBean. All the variables that I declare in the backing bean are non static and have getter and setter methods. For example:
ArrayList <Employee> alEmployees = new ArrayList<Employee>();
int userId;
The constructor of the BackingBean loads the employees. I acheive this by calling a static method in delegate.
userId = //some value.
alEmployees = EmployeeDelegate.loadEmployees(userId);
The Delegate method calls a static method in DAO Class.
Will the static methods cause any data concurrency issues when n users are using the application at same time? I mean userId 56 seeing userId 75 list when both are using the application same time?
Is it really advisable to have static methods in Delegate and DAO layer?
Please let me know if I was not clear.
If the EmployeeDelegate does not hold any class variables which is sensitive to changes caused by method calls and/or has influence on how methods behave, then it's safe to do so.
You however have another major problem with this approach. The delegate should be an interface so that you can easily substitute it with a different implementation. This approach suggests that the delegate is not an interface at all (since it can impossibly have static methods).