How to JOIN 3 RDD's using Spark Scala - apache-spark

I want to join 3 tables using spark rdd. I achieved my objective using spark sql but when I tried to join it using Rdd I am not getting the desired results. Below is my query using spark SQL and the output:
filter(col("df3.mov_title")==="Annie Hall").select($"df1.act_fname",$"df1.act_lname",$"df2.role").show(false)
|act_fname|act_lname|role |
|Woody |Allen |Alvy Singer|
Now I created the pairedRDDs for three datasets and it is as below :
scala> val"\t",-1)).map(p=>(p(0),(p(1),p(2),p(3))))
scala> actPairedRdd.take(5).foreach(println)
(104,(Robert,De Niro,M))
(105,(F. Murray,Abraham,M))
scala> val"\t",-1)).map(p=>(p(0),(p(1),p(2))))
movieCastPairedRdd: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[(String, (String, String))] = MapPartitionsRDD[318] at map at <console>:29
scala> movieCastPairedRdd.foreach(println)
(101,(901,John Scottie Ferguson))
(102,(902,Miss Giddens))
(103,(903,T.E. Lawrence))
(105,(905,Antonio Salieri))
(106,(906,Rick Deckard))
scala> val"\t",-1)).map(p=>(p(0),(p(1),p(2),p(3),p(4),p(5),p(6))))
moviePairedRdd: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[(String, (String, String, String, String, String, String))] = MapPartitionsRDD[322] at map at <console>:29
scala> moviePairedRdd.take(2).foreach(println)
(902,(The Innocents,1961,100,English,1962-02-19,SW))
Here actPairedRdd and movieCastPairedRdd is linked with each other and movieCastPairedRdd and moviePairedRdd is linked since they have common column.
Now when I join all the three datasets I am not getting any data
scala> actPairedRdd.join(movieCastPairedRdd).join(moviePairedRdd).take(2).foreach(println)
I am getting blank records. So where am I going wrong ?? Thanks in advance

JOINs like this with RDDs are painful, that's another reason why DFs are nicer.
You get no data as the pair RDD = K, V has no common data for the K part of the last RDD. The K's with 101, 102 will join, but there is no commonality with the 901, 902. You need to shift things around, like this, my more limited example:
val rdd1 = sc.parallelize(Seq(
(104,("Robert","De Niro","M"))
val rdd2 = sc.parallelize(Seq(
(101,(901,"John Scottie Ferguson")),
(102,(902,"Miss Giddens")),
(103,(903,"T.E. Lawrence")),
val rdd3 = sc.parallelize(Seq(
(901,("Vertigo",1958 )),
(902,("The Innocents",1961))
val rdd4 = rdd1.join(rdd2)
val new_rdd4 = rdd4.keyBy(x => x._2._2._1) // Redefine Key for join with rdd3
val rdd5 = rdd3.join(new_rdd4)
res14: Array[(Int, ((String, Int), (Int, ((String, String, String), (Int, String)))))] = Array((901,((Vertigo,1958),(101,((James,Stewart,M),(901,John Scottie Ferguson))))), (902,((The Innocents,1961),(102,((Deborah,Kerr,F),(902,Miss Giddens))))))
You will need to strip out the data via a map, I leave that to you. INNER join per default.


Technique for joining with spark dataframe w/ custom partitioner works w/ python, but not scala?

I recently read an article that described how to custom partition a dataframe
[ ] in which the author illustrated the technique in Python. I use Scala, and the technique looked like a good way to address issues of skew, so I tried something similar, and what I found was that when one does the following:
- create 2 data frames, D1, D2
- convert D1, D2 to 2 Pair RDDs R1,R2
(where the key is the key you want to join on)
- repartition R1,R2 with a custom partitioner 'C'
where 'C' has 2 partitions (p-0,p-1) and
stuffs everything in P-1, except keys == 'a'
- join R1,R2 as R3
- OBSERVE that:
- partitioner for R3 is 'C' (same for R1,R2)
- when printing the contents of each partition of R3 all entries
except the one keyed by 'a' is in p-1
- set D1' <- R1.toDF
- set D2' <- R2.toDF
We note the following results:
0) The join of D1' and D2' produce expected results (good)
1) The partitioners for D1' and D2' are None -- not Some(C),
as was the case with RDD's R1/R2 (bad)
2) The contents of the glom'd underlying RDDs of D1' and D2' did
not have everything (except key 'a') piled up
in partition 1 as expected.(bad)
So, I came away with the following conclusion... which will work for me practically... But it really irks me that I could not get the behavior in the article which used Python:
When one needs to use custom partitioning with Dataframes in Scala one must
drop into RDD's do the join or whatever operation on the RDD, then convert back
to dataframe. You can't apply the custom partitioner, then convert back to
dataframe, do your operations, and expect the custom partitioning to work.
Now...I am hoping I am wrong ! Perhaps someone with more expertise in Spark internals can guide me here. I have written a little program (below) to illustrate the results. Thanks in advance if you can set me straight.
In addition to the Spark code which illustrates the problem I also tried a simplified version of what the original article presented in Python. The conversions below create a dataframe, extract its underlying RDD and repartition it, then recover the dataframe and verify that the partitioner is lost.
Python snippet illustrating problem
from pyspark.sql.types import IntegerType
mylist = [1, 2, 3, 4]
df = spark.createDataFrame(mylist, IntegerType())
def travelGroupPartitioner(key):
return 0
dfRDD = x: (x[0],x))
dfRDD2 = dfRDD .partitionBy(8, travelGroupPartitioner)
# this line uses approach of original article and maps to only the value
# but map doesn't guarantee preserving pratitioner, so i tried without the
# map below...
df2 = spark.createDataFrame(dfRDD2 .map(lambda x: x[1]))
print ( df2.rdd.partitioner ) # prints None
# create dataframe from partitioned RDD _without_ the map,
# and we _still_ lose partitioner
df3 = spark.createDataFrame(dfRDD2)
print ( df3.rdd.partitioner ) # prints None
Scala snippet illustrating problem
object Question extends App {
val conf =
new SparkConf().setAppName("blah").
setMaster("local").set("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions", "2")
val sparkSession = SparkSession.builder .config(conf) .getOrCreate()
val spark = sparkSession
import spark.implicits._
class CustomPartitioner(num: Int) extends Partitioner {
def numPartitions: Int = num
def getPartition(key: Any): Int = if (key.toString == "a") 0 else 1
case class Emp(name: String, deptId: String)
case class Dept(deptId: String, name: String)
val value: RDD[Emp] = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(
Emp("anne", "a"),
Emp("dave", "d"),
Emp("claire", "c"),
Emp("roy", "r"),
Emp("bob", "b"),
Emp("zelda", "z"),
Emp("moe", "m")
val employee: Dataset[Emp] = value.toDS()
val department: Dataset[Dept] = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(
Dept("a", "ant dept"),
Dept("d", "duck dept"),
Dept("c", "cat dept"),
Dept("r", "rabbit dept"),
Dept("b", "badger dept"),
Dept("z", "zebra dept"),
Dept("m", "mouse dept")
val dumbPartitioner: Partitioner = new CustomPartitioner(2)
// Convert to-be-joined dataframes to custom repartition RDDs [ custom partitioner: cp ]
val deptPairRdd: RDD[(String, Dept)] = { dept => (dept.deptId, dept) }
val empPairRdd: RDD[(String, Emp)] = { emp: Emp => (emp.deptId, emp) }
val cpEmpRdd: RDD[(String, Emp)] = empPairRdd.partitionBy(dumbPartitioner)
val cpDeptRdd: RDD[(String, Dept)] = deptPairRdd.partitionBy(dumbPartitioner)
assert(cpEmpRdd.partitioner.get == dumbPartitioner)
assert(cpDeptRdd.partitioner.get == dumbPartitioner)
// Here we join using RDDs and ensure that the resultant rdd is partitioned so most things end up in partition 1
val joined: RDD[(String, (Emp, Dept))] = cpEmpRdd.join(cpDeptRdd)
val reso: Array[(Array[(String, (Emp, Dept))], Int)] = joined.glom().collect().zipWithIndex
reso.foreach((item: Tuple2[Array[(String, (Emp, Dept))], Int]) => println(s"array size: ${item._2}. contents: ${item._1.toList}"))
System.out.println("partitioner of RDD created by joining 2 RDD's w/ custom partitioner: " + joined.partitioner)
val recoveredDeptDF: DataFrame = deptPairRdd.toDF
val recoveredEmpDF: DataFrame = empPairRdd.toDF
"partitioner for DF recovered from custom partitioned RDD (not as expected!):" +
val joinedDf = recoveredEmpDF.join(recoveredDeptDF, "_1")
println("printing results of joining the 2 dataframes we 'recovered' from the custom partitioned RDDS (looks good)")
println("PRINTING partitions of joined DF does not match the glom'd results we got from underlying RDDs")
zipWithIndex.foreach {
item: Tuple2[Any, Int] =>
val asList = item._1.asInstanceOf[Array[org.apache.spark.sql.Row]].toList
println(s"array size: ${item._2}. contents: $asList")
assert(joinedDf.rdd.partitioner.contains(dumbPartitioner)) // this will fail ;^(
Check out my new library which adds partitionBy method to the Dataset/Dataframe API level.
Taking your Emp and Dept objects as example:
class DeptByIdPartitioner extends TypedPartitioner[Dept] {
override def getPartitionIdx(value: Dept): Int = if (value.deptId.startsWith("a")) 0 else 1
override def numPartitions: Int = 2
override def partitionKeys: Option[Set[PartitionKey]] = Some(Set(("deptId", StringType)))
class EmpByDepIdPartitioner extends TypedPartitioner[Emp] {
override def getPartitionIdx(value: Emp): Int = if (value.deptId.startsWith("a")) 0 else 1
override def numPartitions: Int = 2
override def partitionKeys: Option[Set[PartitionKey]] = Some(Set(("deptId", StringType)))
Note that we are extending TypedPartitioner.
It is compile-time safe, you won't be able to repartition a dataset of persons with emp partitioner.
val spark = SparkBuilder.getSpark()
import //<-- addtitonal import
import spark.implicits._
val deptPartitioned = department.repartitionBy(new DeptByIdPartitioner)
val empPartitioned = employee.repartitionBy(new EmpByDepIdPartitioner)
Let's check how our data is partitioned:
Dep dataset:
Partition N 0
: List([a,ant dept])
Partition N 1
: List([d,duck dept], [c,cat dept], [r,rabbit dept], [b,badger dept], [z,zebra dept], [m,mouse dept])
If we join repartitioned by the same key dataset Catalyst will properly recognize this:
val joined = deptPartitioned.join(empPartitioned, "deptId")
val result: Array[(Int, Array[Row])] = joined.rdd.glom().collect()
for (elem <- result) {
println(s"Partition N ${elem._1}")
println(s"\t: ${elem._2.toList}")
Partition N 0
: List([a,ant dept,anne])
Partition N 1
: List([b,badger dept,bob], [c,cat dept,claire], [d,duck dept,dave], [m,mouse dept,moe], [r,rabbit dept,roy], [z,zebra dept,zelda])
What version of Spark are you using? If it's 2.x and above, it's recommended to use Dataframe/Dataset API instead, not RDDs
It's much easier to work with the mentioned API than with RDDs, and it performs much better on later versions of Spark
You may find the link below useful for how to join DFs:
How to join two dataframes in Scala and select on few columns from the dataframes by their index?
Once you get your joined DataFrame, you can use the link below for partitioning by column values, which I assume you're trying to achieve:
Partition a spark dataframe based on column value?

Join Dstream[Document] and Rdd by key Spark Scala

Here is my code:
ssc =streamingcontext(sparkcontext,Seconds(time))
spark = sparksession.builder.config(properties).getorcreate()
val Dstream1: ReceiverInputDstream[Document] = ssc.receiverStream(properties) // Dstream1 has Id1 and other fields
val Rdd2 = spark.sql("select Id1,key from hdfs.table").rdd // RDD[Row]
Is there a way I can join this two?
You'll first want to transform your Dstream & Rdd to use pairRDD's.
Something like this should do.
val DstreamTuple = => (x. Id1, x))
val Rdd2Tuple = => (x. Id1, x))
Once you do that, you can simply do a transformation on the dstream and join it on the RDD.
val joinedStream = DstreamTuple.transform(rdd =>
Hope this helps :)

Perform join in spark only on one co-ordinate of pair key?

I have 3 RDDs:
1st one is of form ((a,b),c).
2nd one is of form (b,d).
3rd one is of form (a,e).
How can I perform join in scala over these RDDs such that my final output is of the form ((a,b),c,d,e)?
you can do something like this:
val rdd1: RDD[((A,B),C)]
val rdd2: RDD[(B,D)]
val rdd3: RDD[(A,E)]
val tmp1 = {case((a,b),c) => (a, (b,c))}
val tmp2 = tmp1.join(rdd3).map{case(a, ((b,c), e)) => (b, (a,c,e))}
val res = tmp2.join(rdd2).map{case(b, ((a,c,e), d)) => ((a,b), c,d,e)}
With current implementations of join apis for paired rdds, its not possible to use condtions. And you would need conditions when joining to get the desired result.
But you can use dataframes/datasets for the joins, where you can use conditions. So use dataframes/datasets for the joins. If you want the result of join in dataframes then you can proceed with that. In case you want your results in rdds, then *.rdd can be used to convert the dataframes/datasets to RDD[Row]*
Below is the sample codes of it can be done in scala
//creating three rdds
val first = sc.parallelize(Seq((("a", "b"), "c")))
val second = sc.parallelize(Seq(("b", "d")))
val third = sc.parallelize(Seq(("a", "e")))
//coverting rdds to dataframes
val firstdf = first.toDF("key1", "value1")
val seconddf = second.toDF("key2", "value2")
val thirddf = third.toDF("key3", "value3")
//udf function for the join condition
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
def joinCondition = udf((strct: Row, key: String) => strct.toSeq.contains(key))
//joins with conditions
.join(seconddf, joinCondition(firstdf("key1"), seconddf("key2"))) //joining first with second
.join(thirddf, joinCondition(firstdf("key1"), thirddf("key3"))) //joining first with third
.drop("key2", "key3") //dropping unnecessary columns
.rdd //converting dataframe to rdd
You should have output as

Spark filtering broadcast vars from RDD

I am learning broadcast vars and trying to filter those from the RDD. This is not happening for me.
Here is my sample data
Hello this is
This is
Apache Spark Training
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Hello, is, this, the
scala> val content = sc.textFile("FilterCount/Content.txt")
scala> val contentRDD = content.flatMap(x => x.split(","))
scala> val remove = sc.textFile("FilterCount/Remove.txt")
scala> val removeRDD = remove.flatMap(x => x.split(",")).map(w => w.trim)
scala> val bRemove = sc.broadcast(removeRDD.collect().toList)
scala> val filtered = contentRDD.filter{case (word) => !bRemove.value.contains(word)}
scala> filtered.foreach(print)
Hello this is This is Bell.comApache Spark TrainingThis is
Spark Learning SessionSpark is faster than MapReduce
As you can see above, filtered list still contains the broadcast vars. How can i remove these?
This is because you are splitting a file with ",", But your file is delimited with space " ".
scala> val content = sc.textFile("FilterCount/Content.txt")
scala> val contentRDD = content.flatMap(x => x.split(","))
Replace this with
scala> val content = sc.textFile("FilterCount/Content.txt")
scala> val contentRDD = content.flatMap(x => x.split(" "))
Use this to ignore case
val filtered = contentRDD.filter{case (word) =>
Hopr this should work!

How to iterate over groups from cogroup to print key and its values (per group)?

I am learning spark and have the following code:
val rdd2 = sc.parallelize(Seq(("key1", 5),("key2", 4),("key4", 1)))
val grouped = rdd1.cogroup(rdd2)
Array[(String, (Iterable[Int], Iterable[Int]))] = Array(
(key1,(CompactBuffer(1, 3),CompactBuffer(5))),
How to iterate the values in a way that I get the output as follows:
below is the code i have tried.
val key=x._1
val value=x._2
val source1=value._1
val{if(value._1>=1) value._1}
I recommend that you replace cogroup with join that would give you a sequence of pairs with a key and its values (as a collection) as follows:
val rdd1 = sc.parallelize(Seq(("key1", 1), ("key1", 3), ("key2", 2), ("key3", 1)))
val rdd2 = sc.parallelize(Seq(("key1", 5),("key2", 4),("key4", 1)))
val joined = rdd1.join(rdd2)
scala> joined.foreach(println)
// or using Spark SQL's Dataset API
scala> joined.toDF("key", "values").show
| key|values|
|key1| [1,5]|
|key1| [3,5]|
|key2| [2,4]|
If however you want to stay with cogroup to learn Spark's RDD API, you'd print grouped.collect as follows:
// I assume grouped is the value after cogroup+collect
// just because it's easier to demo the solution
val grouped = rdd1.cogroup(rdd2).collect
scala> grouped.foreach(println)
(key1,(CompactBuffer(1, 3),CompactBuffer(5)))
// the solution
map { case (k, (g1, g2)) => (k, g1 ++ g2) }.
map { case (k, vs) => s"$k,${vs.mkString(",")}" }.
I think the esiest way is to convert to Data frame and group by key and collect the values as list.
val rdd2 = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(Seq(("key1", 3),("key1", 5),("key2", 4),("key4", 1))).toDF("K", "V")
Hope this helps
