Azure: Call one functionapp from another functionapp - azure

have two function app (httptrigger) in one of azure function apps project.
In certain condition, would like to call DELETE function app from PUT function app.
Is it possible to get directly RUN of DELETE function app as both are resides in same function app project ?

I wouldn't recommend trying to call the actual function directly, but you can certainly refactor the DELETE functionality into a normal method and then call that from both the DELETE and PUT functions.

There is a few ways to call a function from the function:
HTTP request - it's simple, execute a normal HTTP request to your second function. It's not recommended, because it extends function execution time and generates a few additional problems, such as the possibility of receiving a timeout, the unavailability of the service and others.
Storage queues - make communication through queues (recommended), e.g. the first function (in your situation: "PUT function) can insert a message to the queue and the second function ("DELETE function") can listen on this queue and process a message.
Azure Durable Functions - this extensions allows to create rich, easy-to-understand workflows that are cheap and reliable. Another advantage is that they can retain their own internal state, which can be used for communication between functions.
Read more about cross function communication here.


Calling functions from other functions in Azure servless function app

I have a timer function that runs by itself once per minute.
Is it possible to invoke this function from another type of function if I want to call it at an arbitrary time (not on its cron schedule).
An orchestrator function?
An activity function?
Also, it is it possible to call an orchestrator directly from a an activity function? I have heard that you can do "sub orchestrations" from an orchestrator. But what about directly from an activity function.
You cannot call the Time Trigger Function, but one thing you can do is extract the logic to a class library and share it with a Http Trigger that function that will be running in the same Azure Function App as the time trigger one.
About the Durable part, it's been a while since the last time I worked with that, but as far as I know, the orchestrator can call sub orchestrators and activities.

With Azure Functions with Flask, How I can implement 2 Azure function webhook to simultaneously run from console

How to actively create webhook links through ngrok / any other services from Azure Function applications.
I am in need of 2 different function(), one function programmed to run all the time.
And another when I perform respective event at my spreadsheet.
The way to do it is to create a web hook the calls a single function.
That function would then call your 2 functions, the first every time and the second when conditions are met.

Is there a way to programmatically restart an azure function

I have an Azure function running on a timer every few minutes that after a varied amount of time of running will begin to fail every time it runs because of an external API and hitting the restart button manually in the azure portal fixes the problem and the job works again.
Is there a way to either get an azure function to restart itself or have something externally restart an azure function via a web hook or API request or running on a timer
I have tried using Azures API Management service which can be used to restart other kinds of app services in azure but it turns out there is no functionality in the API to request a restart of an azure function, Also looked into power shell and it seems to be the same problem you can restart different app services but not azure functions
i have tried working with the API
Example API request where you can list functions within an azure function
but there is no functionality to restart an azure function from what i have researched
Basically i want to Restart the Azure function as if i was to hit this button
Azure functions manual stop/start and restart buttons in azure portal
because there is a case where the job gets into a bad state every time it runs because of an external API i have no control over and hitting restart manually gets the job going again
Another way to restart your function is by using the "watchDirectories" setting in the host.json file. If your host.json looks like this:
"version": "2.0",
"watchDirectories": [ "Toggle" ]
You could toggle a restart by using following statement in a function:
System.IO.File.WriteAllText("D:/home/site/wwwroot/Toggle/restart.conf", DateTime.Now.ToString());
Looking at the logs, the function reloads as it has detected the file change in the directory:
Watched directory change of type 'Changed' detected for 'D:\home\site\wwwroot\Toggle\restart.conf'
Host configuration has changed. Signaling restart
Azure functions by their nature are called upon an event. That may be a timer, a trigger or invocation like a HTTP event. They cannot be restarted per se, i.e. if you a function throws and exception, you cannot find the specific instance and re-run it using the out of the box functionality.
However, you can engineer your way to a more reliable solution:
Replay the event that invoked the function (i.e. kick it off again)
For non-sensitive data, log the payload of the function and create a another function that can be called on demand to re-run it. I.e. you create a proxy to "re-invoke" the function.
Harden your code by implementing a retry policy. See Polly.
Add a service bus in to your architecture. Have a simple function to write the call payload to a message bus payload. Have another function to pick up the payload and process it more extensively where there may be unreliable integrations etc). That way if the call fails you can abandon and dead letter failures for later reprocessing.
Consider using Durable Function Extensions and leveraging the durable patterns, these can help make your functions code more robust and manage state.
Why don't you try below ARM API. Since Azure function also fall under App service category, sometimes this may be helpful,

Microservicess with Serverless (Lambda or Function)

I have some concern on getting an idea of migrating current microservices system into serverless.
Right now, between services are communicating with HTTP or API based.
Serverless like lambda or function can talk to each other with function call or lambda call. This way can be done by changing all HTTP code into lambda call within all services.
Another way is still using HTTP request to call another service that on lambda through API Gateway. This method of calling is not good because the service request gone to Internet and go back again into API Gateway then neighbor service get the request. Too long and does not make sense for me.
I will be glad if lambda app call another lambda app with local network HTTP request, this is still on my research on how to do it.
I would like to know from all of you about your experience on migrating microservices based on HTTP communication between services into serverless like Lambda or Functions ?
Do you change all your code into specific lambda function call ?
Do you use HTTP over internet and API Gateway again to call neighbor service ?
Have you guys figured it out on Local / Private network lambda call ?
Thank You
Am I correct that you're talking about the orchestration of your microservices/functions?
If so have you looked at AWS Step Functions or Durable Functions on Azure?
AWS Step Functions
AWS Step Functions lets you coordinate multiple AWS services into serverless workflows so you can build and update apps quickly. Using Step Functions, you can design and run workflows that stitch together services such as AWS Lambda and Amazon ECS into feature-rich applications. Workflows are made up of a series of steps, with the output of one step acting as input into the next. Application development is simpler and more intuitive using Step Functions, because it translates your workflow into a state machine diagram that is easy to understand, easy to explain to others, and easy to change. You can monitor each step of execution as it happens, which means you can identify and fix problems quickly. Step Functions automatically triggers and tracks each step, and retries when there are errors, so your application executes in order and as expected.
Azure Durable Functions
The primary use case for Durable Functions is simplifying complex, stateful coordination problems in serverless applications. The following sections describe some typical application patterns that can benefit from Durable Functions: Function Chaining, Fan-out/Fan-in, Async HTTP APIs, Monitoring.
You should consider communicating using queues. When one function finishes, it puts the results into the Azure Storage Queue, which is picked up by another function. Therefore there is no direct communication between functions unless it's necessary to trigger the other function.
In other words, it may look like this
function1 ==> queue1 <== function2 ==> queue2 <== function 3 ==> somewhere else, e.g. storage

Calling Azure function synchronously, without HttpTrigger

I want to test a Queue-triggered Azure Function over HTTP (integration test).
Is there any general method to call a deployed Azure Function, synchronously?
I have successfully called it with the admin/functions/{function} endpoint as shown here. But I get 202 Accepted which is no good - My test needs to wait for the function to complete (and fail if the function failed).
That behavior is driven by the Function, not the client. So if your Function properly closes the http connection, but continues processing, there's nothing the client can do about that.
So, you can either test through the queue, or have a side function with an HTTP Trigger that calls the same processing method(s) that only returns when it's done.
This is not possible. The Azure Functions host does not support returning the output of a queue trigger to the admin HTTP endpoint. I suggest looking into the suggestion by Johns-305.
