Difficulty processing CSV file, browser timeout - node.js

I was asked to import a csv file from a server daily and parse the respective header to the appropriate fields in mongoose.
My first idea was to make it to run automatically with a scheduler using the cron module.
const CronJob = require('cron').CronJob;
const fs = require("fs");
const csv = require("fast-csv")
new CronJob('30 2 * * *', async function() {
await parseCSV();
}, function() {
}, true);
Next, the parseCSV() function code is as follow:
(I have simplify some of the data)
function parseCSV() {
let buffer = [];
let stream = fs.createReadStream("data.csv");
csv.fromStream(stream, {headers:
"lot", "order", "cwotdt"
, trim:true})
.on("data", async (data) =>{
let data = { "order": data.order, "lot": data.lot, "date": data.cwotdt};
// Only add product that fulfill the following condition
if (data.cwotdt !== "000000"){
let product = {"order": data.order, "lot": data.lot}
// Check whether product exist in database or not
await db.Product.find(product, function(err, foundProduct){
if(foundProduct && foundProduct.length !== 0){
console.log("Product exists")
} else{
console.log("Product not exists")
.on("end", function(){
db.Product.find({}, function(err, productAvailable){
// Check whether database exists or not
if(productAvailable.length !== 0){
// console.log("Database Exists");
// Add subsequent onward
buffer = [];
} else{
// Add first time
buffer = [];
It is not a problem if it's just a few line of rows in the csv file but just only reaching 2k rows, I encountered a problem. The culprit is due to the if condition checking when listening to the event handler on, it needs to check every single row to see whether the database contains the data already or not.
The reason I'm doing this is that the csv file will have new data added into it and I need to add all the data for the first time if database is empty or look into every single row and only add those new data into mongoose.
The 1st approach I did from here (as in the code),was using async/await to make sure that all the datas have been read before proceeding to the event handler end. This helps but I see from time to time (with mongoose.set("debug", true);), some data are being queried twice, which I have no idea why.
The 2nd approach was not to use the async/await feature, this has some downside since the data was not fully queried, it proceeded straight to the event handler end and then insertMany some of the datas which were able to get pushed into the buffer.
If i stick with the current approach, it is not an issue, but the query will take 1 to 2 minutes, not to mention even more if the database keeps growing. So, during those few minutes of querying, the event queue got blocked and therefore when sending request to the server, the server time out.
I used stream.pause() and stream.resume() before this code but I can't get it to work as it just jump straight to the end event handler first. This cause the buffer to be empty every single time since end event handler runs before the on event handler
I cant' remember the links that I used but the fundamentals that I got from is through this.
Import CSV Using Mongoose Schema
I saw these threads:
Insert a large csv file, 200'000 rows+, into MongoDB in NodeJS
Can't populate big chunk of data to mongodb using Node.js
to be similar to what I need but it's a bit too complicated for me to understand what is going on. Seems like using socket or a child process maybe? Furthermore, I still need to check conditions before adding into the buffer
Anyone care to guide me on this?
Edit: await is removed from console.log as it is not asynchronous

Forking a child process approach:
When web service got a request of csv data file save it somewhere in app
Fork a child process -> child process example
Pass the file url to the child_process to run the insert checks
When child process finish processing the csv file, delete the file
Like what Joe said, indexing the DB would speed up the processing time by a lot when there are lots(millions) of tuples.

If you create an index on order and lot. The query should be very fast.
db.Product.createIndex( { order: 1, lot: 1 }
Note: This is a compound index and may not be the ideal solution. Index strategies
Also, your await on console.log is weird. That may be causing your timing issues. console.log is not async. Additionally the function is not marked async
// removing await from console.log
let product = {"order": data.order, "lot": data.lot}
// Check whether product exist in database or not
await db.Product.find(product, function(err, foundProduct){
if(foundProduct && foundProduct.length !== 0){
console.log("Product exists")
} else{
console.log("Product not exists")
I would try with removing the await on console.log (that may be a red herring if console.log is for stackoverflow and hiding the actual async method.) However, be sure to mark the function with async if that is the case.
Lastly, if the problem still exists. I may look into a 2 tiered approach.
Insert all lines from the CSV file into a mongo collection.
Process that mongo collection after the CSV has been parsed. Removing the CSV from the equation.


Firebase Firestore transactions incredibly slow (3-4 minutes)

Edit: Removing irrelevant code to improve readability
Edit 2: Reducing example to only uploadGameRound function and adding log output with times.
I'm working on a mobile multiplayer word game and was previously using the Firebase Realtime Database with fairly snappy performance apart from the cold starts. Saving an updated game and setting stats would take at most a few seconds. Recently I made the decision to switch to using Firestore for my game data and player stats / top lists, primarily because of the more advanced queries and the automatic scaling with no need for manual sharding. Now I've got things working on Firestore, but the time it takes to save an updated game and update a number of stats is just ridiculous. I'm clocking average between 3-4 minutes before the game is updated, stats added and everything is available in the database for other clients and viewable in the web interface. I'm guessing and hoping that this is because of something I've messed up in my implementation, but the transactions all go through and there are no warnings or anything else to go on really. Looking at the cloud functions log, the total time from function call to completion log statement appears to be a bit more than a minute, but that log doesn't appear until after same the 3-4 minute wait for the data.
Here's the code as it is. If someone has time to have a look and maybe spot what's wrong I'd be hugely grateful!
This function is called from Unity client:
exports.uploadGameRound = functions.https.onCall((roundUploadData, response) => {
console.log("UPLOADING GAME ROUND. TIME: ");
var d = new Date();
var n = d.toLocaleTimeString();
// Get a new write batch
const batch = firestoreDatabase.batch();
// Save game info to activeGamesInfo
var gameInfoRef = firestoreDatabase.collection('activeGamesInfo').doc(gameId);
batch.set(gameInfoRef, gameInfo);
// Save game data to activeGamesData
const gameDataRef = firestoreDatabase.collection('activeGamesData').doc(gameId);
batch.set(gameDataRef, { gameDataCompressed: updatedGameDataGzippedString });
if (foundWord !== undefined && foundWord !== null) {
const wordId = foundWord.timeStamp + "_" + foundWord.word;
// Save word to allFoundWords
const wordRef = firestoreDatabase.collection('allFoundWords').doc(wordId);
batch.set(wordRef, foundWord);
exports.incrementNumberOfTimesWordFound(gameInfo.language, foundWord.word);
console.log("COMMITTING BATCH. TIME: ");
var d = new Date();
var n = d.toLocaleTimeString();
// Commit the batch
batch.commit().then(result => {
return gameInfoRef.update({ roundUploaded: true }).then(function (result2) {
var d = new Date();
var n = d.toLocaleTimeString();
Again, any help with understanding this weird behaviour massively appreciated!
Ok, so I found the problem now and thought I should share it:
Simply adding a return statement before the batch commit fixed the function and reduced the time from 4 minutes to less than a second:
RETURN batch.commit().then(result => {
return gameInfoRef.update({ roundUploaded: true }).then(function (result2) {
var d = new Date();
var n = d.toLocaleTimeString();
Your function isn't returning a promise that resolves with the data to send to the client app. In the absence of a returned promise, it will return immediately, with no guarantee that any pending asynchronous work will terminate correctly.
Calling then on a single promise isn't enough to handle promises. You likely have lots of async work going on here, between commit() and other functions like incrementNumberOfTimesWordFound. You will need to handle all of the promises correctly, and make sure your overall function returns only a single promise that resolves when all that work is complete.
I strongly suggest taking some time to learn how promises work in JavaScript - this is crucial to writing effective functions. Without a full understanding, things will appear to go wrong, or not at all, in strange ways.

Node.js Firestore forEach collection query cannot populate associative array

In this simplified example, associative array A cannot be populated in a Node.js Firestore query---it's as if there is a scoping issue:
var A = {};
A["name"] = "nissa";
firestore.collection("magic: the gathering")
.then(function(query) {
query.forEach(function(document) {
A[document.id] = document.id;
.catch(function(error) {
Console output:
{ name: 'nissa' } < last console.log()
{ name: 'nissa', formats: 'formats' } < first console.log() (in forEach loop)
{ name: 'nissa', formats: 'formats', releases: 'releases' } < second console.log() (in forEach loop)
Grateful for any assistance, please request for further detail if needed.
Data is loaded from Firestore asynchronously, and while that is happening, your main code continues to run.
It's easiest to see what that means by placing a few logging statements:
console.log("Starting to load data");
firestore.collection("magic: the gathering")
.then(function(query) {
console.log("Got data");
console.log("After starting to load data");
When you run this code, it prints:
Starting to load data
After starting to load data
Got data
This is probably not the order that you expected the logging to be in. But it is actually working as intended, and explains the output you see. By the time your last console.log(A); runs, the data hasn't been loaded yet, so A is empty.
The solution is simple, but typically takes some time to get used to: all code that needs the data from the database must be inside the callback, or be called from there.
So something like this:
var A = {};
A["name"] = "nissa";
firestore.collection("magic: the gathering")
.then(function(query) {
query.forEach(function(document) {
A[document.id] = document.id;
Also see:
Array of JSON object is not empty but cannot iterate with foreach, show zero length
NodeJS, Firestore get field
Unable to add Google markers inside a loop, a more complex problem, calling multiple asynchronous API
scope issue in javascript between two Functions, which also shows using the more modern async and await keywords, instead of then()
How to get data from firestore DB in outside of onSnapshot, which uses an onSnapshot listener instead of get()

Can I commit a Firestore batch write without waiting?

I want to create some document references in a Cloud Function and return them to be used in another document. My app is time critical, so I don't want to wait for the batch to commit before returning the references.
Current solution
I currently create the references and the destination document in one Cloud Function and then commit the whole batch. This makes my code repetitive, as I need to create these references in other places, also.
My question
If I omit the .then from the batch.commit() can I simply pass the references straight back and leave Cloud Firestore to write the documents in its own time?
I've created this test script, which works. Is there a problem with this approach or should I always wait for a batch to finish writing before continuing code execution?
My sample code
// Set the data to be written
let myData = {test: '123'};
// Create the document references and return them for future processing
let docRefs = writeData(myData);
// Write these references to a master document
myDoc = {
name: 'A document containing references to other documents',
doc0Ref: docRefs[0],
doc1Ref: docRefs[1],
doc2Ref: docRefs[2]
return db.collection('masterCollection').add(myDoc).then(response => {
return Promise.resolve();
}).catch(err => {
return Promise.reject(err);
// Create the batch and write the data
function writeData(myData) {
let batch = firestore.batch();
let doc1Ref = firestore.collection('test').doc();
let doc2Ref = firestore.collection('test').doc();
let doc3Ref = firestore.collection('test').doc();
console.log(`doc1Ref: ${doc1Ref.id}, doc2Ref: ${doc2Ref.id}, doc3Ref = ${doc3Ref.id}`);
batch.set(doc1Ref, myData);
batch.set(doc2Ref, myData);
batch.set(doc3Ref, myData);
batch.commit(); // No .then to wait for the batch to be written
return [doc1Ref, doc2Ref, doc3Ref];
If your Cloud Function doesn't deal with all asynchronous work correctly (typically, with promises), there is a very good chance that the work may not complete successfully.
For HTTP triggers, you must only send your final response to the client after all the pending work is complete.
For all other types of triggers, you must return a promise that resolves only after all the async work in that function is complete.
What you have right now is a "dangling" promise that's not being handled according to these rules. If you're using ESLint or TSLint to check your code, the linter will likely detect this and complain about it.

Complex sequencing of promises - nested

After a lot of googling I have not been able to confirm the correct approach to this problem. The following code runs as expected but I have a grave feeling that I am not approaching this in the correct way, and I am setting myself up for problems.
The following code is initiated by the main app.js file and is passed a location to start loading XML files from and processing into a mongoDB
exports.processProfiles = function(path) {
var deferrer = q.defer();
q(dataService.deleteProfiles()) // simple mongodb call to empty the Profiles collection
.then(function(deleteResult) {
return loadFilenames(path); // method to load all filenames in the given path using fs
.then(function(filenames) {
// now we have all the file names lets load and save
filenames.forEach(function(filename) {
// Here is where i think the problem is!
// kick off another promise chain for the dynamically sized array of files to process
q(loadFileContent(path, filename)) // first we load the data in the file
.then(function(inboundFile) {
// then parse XML structure to my new shiny JSON structure
// and ask Mongo to store it for me
return dataService.createProfile(processProfileXML(filename, inboundFile));
.done(function(result) {
.catch(function(err) {
deferrer.reject('Unable to Process Profile records : ' + err);
.done(function() {
deferrer.resolve('Profile Processing Completed');
return deferrer.promise;
Whilst this code works these are my main concerns but cannot solve them on my own after a few hours of Google and reading.
1) Is this blocking? The read out to the console is difficult to understand if this is running asynchronously as i want it to - i think it is but advice on if I am doing something fundamentally wrong would be great
2) Is having a nested promise a bad idea, should I be linking it to the outter promise - I have tried but could not get anything to compile or run.
I haven't used Q in a really long time, but I think that you'd need to do is let it know you're about to hand back an array of promises that need to all be satisfied before moving on.
Additionally as you're waiting for multiple promises on one section of code, rather than nesting further, throw the 'set' of promises back up once they're all satisfied.
q(dataService.deleteProfiles()) // simple mongodb call to empty the Profiles collection
.then(function (deleteResult) {
return loadFilenames(path); // method to load all filenames in the given path using fs
.then(function (filenames) {
return q.all(
filenames.map(function (filename) {
return q(loadFileContent(path, filename)) { /* Do stuff with your filenames */ });
.then(function (resultsOfLoadFileContentsPromises) {
console.log('I did stuff with all the things');
.catch(function(err) {});
What you have is not 'blocking'. But really what you're doing with promises is moving things into a new 'block'ing section. The more blocks you have, the more async-ish your code will appear. If nothing else is running apart from this promise, it will still appear procedural.
But inner promises must still resolve before the parent promises resolve thereafter.
Inner promises like what you have aren't an inherently bad, personally I will break them out into seperate files to makes easier to reason about, but I wouldn't define that as 'bad' unless there's no need for that inner promise to exist, however where possible (and in your example here) I've adjusted so I throw back up the next set of promises for a new section to deal with the data after it's gotten it.
(I'm not great with Q though, this code will probably require a little further tweaking).

MongoDB NodeJS driver, how to know when .update() 's are complete

As the code is quite large to posted in here, I append my github repo https://github.com/DiegoGallegos4/Mongo
I am trying to use de NodeJS driver to update some records fulfilling a criteria but first I have to find some records fulfilling another criteria. On the update part, the records found and filter from the find operation are used. This is,
file: weather1.js
MongoClient.connect(some url, function(err,db){
db.collection(collection_name).find({},{},sort criteria).toArray(){
.... find the data and append to an array
.... this data inside a for loop
db.collection(collection_name).update(data[i], {$set...}, callback)
That´s the structure used to solve the problem, relating when to close the connection , it is when the length of the data array equals the number of callbacks on the update operation. For more details you can refer to the repo.
file: weather.js
On the other approach, Instead of toArray is used .each to iterate on the cursor.
I've looked up for a solution to this for a week now on several forums.
I've read about pooling connections but I want to know what is my conceptual error on my code. I would appreciate a deep insight on this topic.
The way you pose your question is very misleading. All you want to know is "When is the processing complete so I can close?".
The answer to that is you need to respect the callbacks generally only move through the cursor of results once each update is complete.
The simple way without other dependencies is to use the stream interface suported by the driver:
var MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;
if(err) throw err;
coll = db.collection('weather');
console.log('connection established')
var stream = coll.find().sort([['State',1],['Temperature',-1]])
stream.on('err',function(err) {
throw err;
stream.on('end',function() {
var month_highs = [];
var state = '';
var length = 0;
stream.on('data',function(doc) {
stream.pause(); // pause processing documents
if (err) throw err;
if (doc) {
length = month_highs.length
if(state != doc['State']){
state = doc['State']
if(month_highs.length > length){
coll.update(doc, {$set : {'month_high':true} }, function(err, updated){
if (err) throw err;
stream.resume(); // resume processing documents
} else {
} else {
That's just a copy of the code from your repo, refactored to use a stream. So all the important parts are where the word "stream" appears, and most importantly where they are being called.
In a nutshell the "data" event is emitted by each document from the cursor results. First you call .pause() so new documents do not overrun the processing. Then you do your .update() and within it's callback on return you call .resume(), and the flow continues with the next document.
Eventually "end" is emitted when the cursor is depleted, and that is where you call db.close().
That is basic flow control. For other approaches, look at the node async library as a good helper. But do not loop arrays with no async control, and do not use .each() which is DEPRECATED.
You need to signal when the .update() callback is complete to follow a new "loop iteration" at any rate. This is the basic no additional dependancy approach.
P.S I am a bit suspect about the general logic of your code, especially testing if the length of something is greater when you read it without possibly changing that length. But this is all about how to implement "flow control", and not to fix the logic in your code.
