Setup jest multi projects with create-react-app and node - node.js

My projects uses a /server folder for my backend code and /react-ui for my client side code. There's a package.json in each folder. I can run test separately in the cmd line, but I would like to run both at the same time. I know about the multi projects feature of jest, but it doesn't seem to work with create-react-app. I'm trying to setup jest with babel as if I was not using create-react-app, but it seems like the wrong approach considering jest is already setup in CRA.
My current setup runs from the /server jest installation. With projects: ['<rootDir>', '<rootDir>/../react-ui']. The jest documentation isn't clear how I could direct it to run npm test in /react-ui
My only goal is to be able to watch both at the same time and I would like to not eject from CRA.

You can have (gulp) scripts on the main level that run each tests separately, but using same configs.


What are the tasks performed by "npm start" command in React?

Please help with my below questions:
"npm" is the one which comes when we install Node.js. Am I correct?
"create-react-app" package installs/loads the Babel & Webpack which are required for our React project. Am I correct?
When will the React code gets compiled & Translated? Does the below points are correct?
a. After creating React project and developing some code, we are loading our application in browser by running the "npm start" command. So while running this command, will the Babel is going to compile the React code and convert it to JavaScript code which has ES5 standards? Does this conversion to ES5 happens when we run the "npm start" command?
b. Also I learned that Webpack is going to merge all various files within the React project to a single .js file. So does this merging of all the different files by Webpack will be performed when we run "npm start" command?
So if my above understanding is correct, the React code will be Compiled, Translated & Merged into a single file when we run "npm start" command. Correct?
npm start is really just a command that exists in the package.json which can be configured to do whatever you please. It is typically use to kick off all things needed to "start" the app. In the context of a react app created using create-react-app the start command will call react-scripts start and that points to a file called react-scripts which sits in your node_modules/.bin. If you want to see everything that happens you can read through that file.
In short tho, you are correct that it will use babel to transpile the code to something the browser understands, it will use webpoack to create one bundle file (or multiple if you are using code splitting). It will also start a webpack dev server which will usually listen on port 3000 and it will open your default browser to your app. These default settings can be overwritten in the package.json.
Hope this gives you some clarity.

Run specific jest project

I'm setting up a lerna monorepo with jest, I'm using jest's projects like so: projects: ['<rootDir>/packages/*'].
Running tests work as expected, however, I'm not sure how can I run a specific project? Say I have:
Currently jest runs tests in both packages using their specific configs, however, I'm not sure how can I tell jest to just run tests in one of those packages?
Assuming you want to do this with Jest's projects property:
As of Jest v26.1.0, you can now run selected projects with Jest by doing the following:
jest --selectProjects myproj
This will find any "project" in your jest.config.js by it's displayName value.
You can call jest with the name of a test that you want to run. You can also use just parts of the path to the test, or even a regular expression. So in your case, you could run tests in the core package like this:
jest packages/core
There is currently no clean way of doing it from the CLI (see, but you can use to achieve it in watch mode

React npm run build, what is that, why we need that?

Currently I made a simple app with react, it works perfectly and I use react-scripts. I installed React by following the Facebook github page, and it written that "When you're ready to deploy to production, running npm run build will create an optimized build of your app in the build folder. ". After I press npm run build, a folder build created, but I do not know what to do with this folder. I tried some method like, move all folders except build and npm run, but it did not work. Anyone can explain me what is this folder "build" ? Thank you
npm run build builds the app for production to the build folder.
It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.
The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes.
npm run build creates a build directory with a production build of your app. Set up your favourite HTTP server so that a visitor to your site is served index.html, and requests to static paths like /static/js/main..js are served with the contents of the /static/js/main..js file.

Run MochaJS tests on Heroku NodeJS server

I have an extensive MochaJS test suite for my ExpressJS / NodeJS API. The test suite includes creation of objects and removal of those same objects from the database.
Currently, all of my regression tests are passing in my development environment. We'd like to be able to run the same test on the staging environment that has data objects that were migrated and not created after the new code was deployed.
How do we run our mocha tests from the server?
Currently, I use the following command to run my tests, locally:
foreman run node node_modules/mocha/bin/mocha
Thanks in advance for any help!
You can probably leverage the package.json scripts:
If heroku uses a simple npm install to install your package, you can define a prepublish script which runs mocha. It's as simple as defining this in your package.json:
"scripts": {
"prepublish": "mocha"
Don't worry about mocha not being installed globally, npm install will add the node_modules/.bin folder to the PATH environment variable during installation.
Our team decided to go the route of using continuous integration as the mechanism for running server side tests. Two birds with one stone!
We're using CircleCI to make that happen.
We're now passing the supertest library the app module rather than a URL. This allows the endpoints to be called at the HTTP layer by supertest.
Hope this helps anyone else looking at similar alternatives!

Use jasmine-node to test meteor application with auto-test

I'm using jasmine-node to test my Meteor application and I want to use the auto-test feature so I don't have to rerun the tests all the time by myself.
My meteor application folder structure is like this:
And with the spec file I want to test code which is located in I start jasmine-node with this args:
jasmine-node ./ --autotest --coffee --test-dir tests
And now I would assume that the autotest feature will react on all changes in the root folder but it just reacts on changes in the test folder. And I can't start it in the root folder because I get an error in the .meteor files (and I don't want to have jasmine testing/including the meteor code anyway).
So I want to have jasmine rerun the tests even if I change code in the server folder. How can I achieve that?
Use the --watch parameter along with --autotest and specify the directories that contain whatever files you want to have watched.
