Docker - accessing files inside container from host - node.js

I am new to docker.
I ran a node-10 images and inside the running container I cloned a repository, ran the app which started a server with file watcher. I need to access the codebase inside the container, open it up in an IDE running on the windows host. If that is done, then I also want that as I change the files in the IDE these changes induce the filewatcher in the container.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks,

The concept you are looking for is called volumes. You need to start a container and mount a host directory inside it. For the container, it will be a regular folder, and it will create files in it. For you, it will also be a regular folder. Changes made by either side will be visible to another.
docker run -v /a/local/dir:/a/dir/in/your/container
Note though that you can run into permission issues that you will need to figure out separately.

It depends on what you want to do with the files.
There is the docker cp command that you can use to copy files to/from a container.
However, it sounds to me like you are using docker for development, so you should mount a volume instead, that is, you mount a directory on the host as a volume in docker, so anything written to that directory will show up in the container, and vice versa.
For instance if you have the code base that you develop against in C:\src on your windows machine, then you run docker like docker run -v c:\src:/app where /app is the location that node is looking in. However, for Windows there are a few things to consider since Docker is not native in Windows, so have a look at the documentation first.

Hi I think you should use mount volumes for the source code and edit your code from your IDE normally:
docker run -it -v "$PWD":/app -w /app -u node node:10 yarn dev
here docker will create an image setting the working dir to "/app", mount the current dir to "/app" and run "yarn dev" at start up with the "node" user (none root user)
Hope this is helpfull.


"Docker context ls" and "sudo docker context ls" don't have same setting options

I am a docker newbie. I just installed Docker and Docker Desktop as per offical instruction. Soon, I start to have problem like: the Docker Desktop does not show container. I think it's because I haven’t set the contexts same for with and without sudo privilege, according to this post.
But I don’t understand why I only have the “default” option for “sudo docker context ls”. Please help me on this. Many thanks!
OS:Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS
The docker context data is stored in the user's home directory. When you use sudo, that changes users and home directories. Without sudo it might look in /home/yourname/.docker/contexts, but when you switch to root with sudo it also changes home directories and looks in /root/.docker/contexts.
You do not need Docker Desktop on native Linux. Installing Docker (what the Docker documentation now calls "Docker Engine") through your OS's package manager is sufficient. If you are on a single-user system, you can grant your ordinary user access to the Docker socket, but be aware that it's all but trivial to use this access to root the entire host.
When you do uninstall Docker Desktop, there are additional files in your home directory you need to remove
rm -rf $HOME/.docker/desktop
$EDITOR $HOME/.docker/config.json
# and remove `credsStore` and `currentContext`
Once you've done this cleanup, you'll revert to Docker's default behavior of using the $DOCKER_SOCK environment variable, or without that, /var/run/docker.sock. That system-global Docker socket file is the same regardless of which user you are, and it won't be affected by sudo.

How to develop node.js apps with docker on Windows?

I am developing a nodejs app using windows 10 WSL with remote container in visual studio code.
What are the best practices for Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml at this time?
Since we are in the development phase, we don't want to COPY or ADD the program source code in the Dockerfile (it's not practical to recreate the image every time we change one line).
I use docker compose to bind the folder with the source code on the windows side with volume, but in that case, the source code folder and the set of files from the Docker container will all have Root permission.
In the Docker container, node.js runs as node general user.
For the above reasons, node.js will not have write permission to the folders you bind.
Please let me know how to solve this problem.
I found a way to specify UID or GUID, but I could not specify UID or GID because I am binding from windows.
You can optionally mount Node code using NFS in Docker-compose

Docker won't copy files from the container to the host's /tmp folder

I am trying to copy a file from a linux container to a linux host using docker cp. I want to copy this file to the /tmp folder on the host machine.
The problem is simple: I can copy to other places, such as my home folder. For example, this works:
docker cp my_container:/certificate.cer /home/adam/Documents/certificate.cer
But this does not work:
docker cp my_container:/certificate.cer /tmp/certificate.cer.
However, the command completes with a zero exit code as if the operation was successful. I get no error feedback, but the file definitely isn't there.
Am I missing something, or is this a bug with the Docker CLI?
edit: From further testing I have noticed that creating a new directory in /tmp, (i.e.
mkdir /tmp/test) Then trying to copy the file into that subfolder, fails with an error: stat /tmp/test/: not a directory.
This seems to indicate that perhaps docker is looking at a different folder? I am not sure where it could be looking though.
I believe I have found the answer to this:
Docker was installed as an Ubuntu Snap, which as I understand, is sandboxed. Running sudo ls /tmp/snap.docker/tmp showed me all the files I was missing.
So, it seems the snap version of docker works a little differently than expected. Uninstalling it and reinstalling from apt fixed the problem. :)

How do I build an application with a docker image?

I have a docker image that I am trying to use to cross-compile an application for Windows. However, whenever I enter the docker image, it does not show my filesystem, so I cannot reach my source code.
How do I build with a docker image? Or am I missing something?
If I understand right, the image contains your development environment, and you only need a way for the container to see your code on the host machine at runtime. The answer is in the question then.
Just start your container with the source directory mounted:
docker run --rm -it -v%my_src_dir%:/workspace centos:6.6 /bin/sh
Then inside the container, you cd /workspace to continue development.

What is the file-system of a Docker container? On which file system does an application running inside this container runs on?

Basically, I am running Docker on my Windows 10 machine. I have mounted a windows directory inside this container to access the files on my windows machine, on which a couple of tasks are to be performed.
Which file system runs inside a docker container?
Is it the same as that of the OS on which this container is based? For instance, if I run a container having ubuntu as base OS, will it be the one that the current version of ubuntu (inside this container is running)?
Or is it the one that is running on the docker daemon?
Also, I am running an application inside this container, which accesses files in my windows directory as well as creates a couple of files. Now, these files are being written to Windows, hence follow the file system of Windows(NTFS).
So, how does it work? (Different file system inside the docker container and the windows file system; both in conjunctuion?)
Which file system runs inside a docker container?
The one from the docker host (Windows NTFS or Ubuntu FS).
$ docker run -d -P --name web -v /src/webapp:/opt/webapp training/webapp python
This command mounts the host directory, /src/webapp, into the container at /opt/webapp.
If the path /opt/webapp already exists inside the container’s image, the /src/webapp mount overlays but does not remove the pre-existing content.
Once the mount is removed, the content is accessible again.
Now, these files are being written to Windows, hence follow the file system of Windows(NTFS).
Yes, and that filesystem is case-sensitive (as illustrated in 18756).
