Losing updated records in cache when changing page - acumatica

I'm extending the GL404000 screen, and I've got the following problem :
When I select a few records on the first page :
I'm able to easily retrieve them in the updated cache :
But when click on "Next Page" on the grid part, these records vanish from the updated cache. Yet when I click on "Previous Page" the status "Selected" is still there, so It has to be stored somewhere in the cache, but I can't figure out where.
My goal is to be able to retrieve every single selected record on this screen so I can process them all. Even if they are not displayed on the page anymore.
What did I miss ?

If you are trying to retrieve 'selected' items within a custom button on the extension you can achieve the proper results with the following code :
public class AccountByPeriodEnqExtension : PXGraphExtension<AccountByPeriodEnq>
public PXAction<AccountByPeriodFilter> RetrieveSelected;
[PXButton(CommitChanges = true)] //Must be true for button press to post modifications to the server
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Retrieve Selected")]
public virtual IEnumerable retrieveSelected(PXAdapter adapter)
List<GLTranR> items = new List<GLTranR>();
foreach (GLTranR item in Base.GLTranEnq.SearchAll<Asc<GLTranR.selected>>(new object[] { true }, new object[] { }))
return adapter.Get();


Add an Address to the Branch

I am trying to add another address to a Branch in 21.203, similar to the how the DefAddress works. I have extended the Branch DAC and added the field to the extension. I also tried extending the BAccount DAC and table to get this to work but, nothing is working so far. The Address record is being created in the Address table but, the PXDBChildIdentity attribute doesn't seem to be sending back the ID to the Address record. On the screen, when I enter the values for the address, and click Save, all of the values are wiped out and the custom field (UsrCustomAddress) is never populated.
#region UsrCustomAddress
[PXUIField(DisplayName="Custom Address")]
public virtual Int32? UsrCustomAddress { get; set; }
public abstract class usrCustomAddress : PX.Data.BQL.BqlInt.Field<usrCustomAddress> { }
And, then, I added the View to the BranchMaint extension.
namespace PX.Objects.CS
public class BranchMaint_Extension : PXGraphExtension<BranchMaint>
public PXSelect<Address, Where<Address.bAccountID, Equal<Current<BAccount.bAccountID>>,
And<Address.addressID, Equal<Current<BAccountExt.usrCustomAddress>>>>> CustomAddress;
Not sure what I'm missing?
I handled this by manually calling .Insert() on the specific Data View in the row inserting event and writing it to the field. PXDBChildIdentity then can update the field with the real identity value (on row persist) after the link is established.
protected void _(Events.RowInserting<Branch> e)
if (e.Row is null) return;
Address newAddress = CustomAddress.Insert();
BranchExt ext = e.Cache.GetExtension<BranchExt >(e.Row);
ext.UsrCustomAddress = newAddress.AddressID;
If anyone knows how to do this in an attribute id love to know. Note, this will only work for newly created records. Any existing records would not have a row inserting event fire and fill your custom field. You need to backfill the data with SQL or just a temporary custom action that you can invoke this code manually.

Adding Custom Entity Type in CRM Activity for selecting in Relative Entity

I have implemented CRM activity on the Custom page where the Key Field is SOOrder Type, SOOrder Nbr & Job Code which are stored in custom DAC. I have tried to add the Entity Type listed on Related Entity and I am not able to figure out how to do it. Pls let me know where to add or override the method to Implement the functionality
The following cod used to implement the CRM Activity
public sealed class SOOrderJobActivities : CRActivityList<PSSOOrderJob>
public SOOrderJobActivities(PXGraph graph)
: base(graph) { }
protected override RecipientList GetRecipientsFromContext(NotificationUtility utility, string type, object row, NotificationSource source)
var recipients = new RecipientList();
var order = _Graph.Caches[typeof(PSSOOrderJob)].Current as PSSOOrderJob;
if (order == null || source == null)
return null;
SOOrder ord = SOOrder.PK.Find(_Graph, order.OrderType, order.OrderNbr);
var contact = SOOrder.FK.Contact.FindParent(_Graph, ord);
if (contact == null || contact.EMail == null)
return null;
recipients.Add(new NotificationRecipient()
Active = true,
AddTo = RecipientAddToAttribute.To,
Email = contact.EMail
source.RecipientsBehavior = RecipientsBehaviorAttribute.Override;
return recipients;
After going through the Acumatica code, I have done the following changes
#region Noteid
[PXNote(ShowInReferenceSelector =true,Selector =typeof(Search2<PSSOOrderJob.jobCode,
InnerJoin<SOOrder,On<PSSOOrderJob.orderType,Equal<SOOrder.orderType>,And<PSSOOrderJob.orderNbr, Equal<SOOrder.orderNbr>>>>,
Where<SOOrder.orderType,Equal<Current<PSSOOrderJob.orderType>>,And<SOOrder.orderNbr, Equal<Current<PSSOOrderJob.orderNbr>>>>>))]
public virtual Guid? Noteid { get; set; }
public abstract class noteid : PX.Data.BQL.BqlGuid.Field<noteid> { }
The entity comes into selection, But I am not able to select the relative entity document and the value is not getting updated in the related entity field.
The above screenshot the select is missing and not able to select the document
The following steps I have done to add relative Entity for any Activity using custom DAC
1. Added ShowInReferenceSelector = true in PXNoteID field.
2. Added Selector in PXNoteID field
3. Decorated [PX.Data.EP.PXFieldDescription] attribute for Key fields
#region NoteID
[PXNote(ShowInReferenceSelector = true, Selector = typeof(Search2<PSSOOrderJob.jobCode,
InnerJoin<SOOrder, On<PSSOOrderJob.orderType, Equal<SOOrder.orderType>, And<PSSOOrderJob.orderNbr, Equal<SOOrder.orderNbr>>>>,
Where<SOOrder.orderType, Equal<Current<PSSOOrderJob.orderType>>, And<SOOrder.orderNbr, Equal<Current<PSSOOrderJob.orderNbr>>,And<PSSOOrderJob.jobType,Equal<Current<PSSOOrderJob.jobType>>>>>>), DescriptionField = typeof(PSSOOrderJob.jobCode))]
//[PXNote(ShowInReferenceSelector = true)]
public virtual Guid? NoteID { get; set; }
public abstract class noteID : PX.Data.BQL.BqlGuid.Field<noteID> { }
#region JobCode
[PXDBString(15, IsKey = true, IsUnicode = true, InputMask = ">CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC")]
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Job Code")]
[PXSelector(typeof(Search<PSSOOrderJob.jobCode, Where<PSSOOrderJob.orderType, Equal<Current<PSSOOrderJob.orderType>>, And<PSSOOrderJob.orderNbr, Equal<Current<PSSOOrderJob.orderNbr>>,And<PSSOOrderJob.jobType, Equal<Current<PSSOOrderJob.jobType>>>>>>), typeof(PSSOOrderJob.jobCode), ValidateValue = false)]
public virtual string JobCode { get; set; }
public abstract class jobCode : PX.Data.BQL.BqlString.Field<jobCode> { }
This automatically fills the related entity field with Jobcode.
There still one issue I am facing is not able to access the selector due to Entity field width is more than the popup window and I do not know how to fix it.
This answer is to address the popup size only.
First, give browser zoom a try 'control' + 'minus' key. It might work as a quick workaround.
Otherwise, use the browser debugger feature. Open it with F12 key. Then use the browser debugger inspect element feature (1). Click on the smart panel (2). Go up a bit in html control hierarchy until you reach and select the smart panel root which is a table element (3). Change the width of the smart panel popup using the debugger CSS properties editor (4).
If selector control size increases automatically with window size; change the selector control width instead of popup width using browser debugger CSS property editor.

Acumatica Customize Process Shipments Add branch field from PO Receipts

I'm trying to figure out if it's possible to add fields to the grid on the Process Shipments screen for PO Receipts when the "Prepare Drop-Ship Invoice" action is selected. Specifically, I want to add the POReceipts.BranchID field.
I've studied the source code, and I see where different select commands are run based on the selected action, but I don't understand what drives the grid to show the different set of columns.
I looked in the screen designer in the customization editor, and I don't see a different view or anything, hopefully I'm just missing something simple.
This is how I solved your mystery. First create a user field for SOShipment.
#region UsrReceiptBranchID
[PXUIField(DisplayName="Receipt Branch ID")]
public virtual int? UsrReceiptBranchID { get; set; }
public abstract class usrReceiptBranchID : PX.Data.BQL.BqlInt.Field<usrReceiptBranchID> { }
Next is the key part. I extended the data view delegate, and added an extra query to pull the POReceipt branch, when the Filter is Drop-Ship.
public virtual IEnumerable orders()
List<SOShipment> records = Base.orders().RowCast<SOShipment>().ToList();
if (Base.Filter.Current.Action.Contains("Drop"))
foreach (SOShipment sOShipment in records)
POReceipt receipt = PXSelect<POReceipt,
Equal<Required<POReceipt.receiptNbr>>>>.Select(Base, sOShipment.ShipmentNbr);
if (receipt != null)
SOShipmentExt shipExt = PXCache<SOShipment>.GetExtension<SOShipmentExt>(sOShipment);
shipExt.UsrReceiptBranchID = receipt.BranchID;
return records;
return records;

Including default Vendor Inventory ID on Multiple Grids

I've been tasked with adding the default vendor inventory ID to grids in multiple screens in Acumatica. The field does not need to be bound and is disabled. I've gotten it as far as showing the field correctly, but only on saved records. Adding a new line and even refreshing the grid will not display the ID, I have to close the screen or switch to another record and come back before the vendor ID will display, even clicking the save button and refreshing will not cause it show. The client is using this field as a reference point so it's important it shows as soon as they select an item.
Below is the code I have for the Kit Specification screen, I need to figure out a way to make it a little more reactive, at least show properly on a refresh. I have tried using Current<> in the where statement, but that just breaks it entirely and always shows nothing.
public class INKitSpecStkDetExt : PXCacheExtension<PX.Objects.IN.INKitSpecStkDet>
#region VendorInventoryCode
public abstract class vendorInventoryCode: IBqlField { }
On<PO.POVendorInventory.vendorID, Equal<IN.InventoryItem.preferredVendorID>, And<PO.POVendorInventory.inventoryID, Equal<IN.InventoryItem.inventoryID>>>>,
[PXString(40, IsUnicode = true)]
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Vendor Inventory Code", Enabled=false)]
public string VendorInventoryCode{ get; set; }
Once I have the code nailed down it will be used in several other places. Help very much appreciated! Frustrating to have it so close and not be able to cross the finish line...
Follow up based on feedback from HB_Acumatica, working code is below for reference:
public void INKitSpecStkDet_VendorInventoryCode_FieldSelecting(PXCache sender, PXFieldSelectingEventArgs e)
var row = e.Row as INKitSpecStkDet;
if (e.Row != null)
PO.POVendorInventory vendorInventory = PXSelectReadonly2<PO.POVendorInventory,
On<PO.POVendorInventory.vendorID, Equal<IN.InventoryItem.preferredVendorID>, And<PO.POVendorInventory.inventoryID, Equal<IN.InventoryItem.inventoryID>>>>,
Where<IN.InventoryItem.inventoryID, Equal<Required<IN.INKitSpecStkDet.compInventoryID>>>,
OrderBy<Desc<PO.POVendorInventory.vendorInventoryID>>>.Select(Base, row.CompInventoryID);
e.ReturnValue = vendorInventory != null ? vendorInventory.VendorInventoryID : null;
PXDBScalar attribute doesn't refresh by itself. Maybe explicitly calling RaiseFieldDefaulting method will refresh it:
object newValue = null;
base.Caches[typeof(INKitSpecStkDet)].RaiseFieldDefaulting<INKitSpecStkDetExt.vendorInventoryCode>(rowINKitSpecStkDet, out newValue);
Using PXFormula instead of PXDBScalar if possible will yield better automatic refresh behavior but has it's own set of limitation as well.
If you're looking for the simplest way that works in most contexts (except when no graph is used like in reports and generic inquiry) that would be the FieldSelecting event.
You can execute BQL and return any desired value from the event. It will be called each time the field is referenced so it should update by itself.
public void INKitSpecStkDet_VendorInventoryCode_FieldSelecting(PXCache sender, PXFieldSelectingEventArgs e)
PO.POVendorInventory vendorInventory = PXSelectReadonly2<Po.POVendorInventory […]>.Select(Base);
e.ReturnValue = vendorInventory != null ? vendorInventory.VendorInventoryCode : null;

Issue of creating new item using PXAction in Acumatica

I encounter an issue when using PXAction to create new item in Acumatica and appreciate you can give me a help.
I added the custom auto-increment attribute for the "DocumentNbr" field in my "Document" DAC following the Acumatica official document's example "Example 8.2: Creating the Custom AutoNumber Attribute" in the T200 Document as below.
Here is the snippet of code of the attribute setting for the "DocumentNbr" field:
#region DocumentNbr
protected string _DocumentNbr;
[PXDBString(15, IsUnicode = true, IsKey = true, InputMask = ">CCCCCCCC")]
[AutoNumber(typeof(MABUIPSetup.autoDocumentNbr), typeof(MABUIPSetup.lastDocumentNbr))]
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "ID")]
public string DocumentNbr
return this._DocumentNbr;
set { this._DocumentNbr = value; }
public class documentNbr : IBqlField { }
It is working fine that I can add, edit and delete documents normally as below:
I have a requirement that creates a new item when clicking button, so I created the "Test Creating new item" button including creating new item logic as below, in my understanding, it would show the created item after clicked the "Test Creating new item" button.
public PXAction<MABUIPDocument> BtnCreatingNew;
[PXButton(CommitChanges = true)]
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Test Creating new item", Visible = true)]
protected virtual void btnCreatingNew()
MABUIPDocument row = Documents.Current;
row.DocumentDesc = "Test" + DateTime.Now.ToString();
row = Documents.Update(row);
The actually circumstance is although the new row has been inserted into the database and will occur if I click the "Next" arrow but the form content of the current view is cleared after clicking the button, I tried many methods like setting "Document.Current = row" and "sender.SetValue(row, fieldName, fieldNewValue)" but the content has been keeping blank after clicking the button whatever I tried. Can you please give me a hint what possible reason caused the issue? Thank you very much!
Because your ID value is only generated while new document is saved in the database, you must accordingly update PXAdapter's Searches collection with the actual ID value saved in the database:
public PXAction<MABUIPDocument> BtnCreatingNew;
[PXButton(CommitChanges = true)]
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Test Creating new item", Visible = true)]
protected virtual IEnumerable btnCreatingNew(PXAdapter adapter)
MABUIPDocument row = Documents.Current;
row.DocumentDesc = "Test" + DateTime.Now.ToString();
row = Documents.Update(row);
adapter.Searches[adapter.Searches.Length - 1] = row.DocumentNbr;
return adapter.Get();
