How can I pass test-options with cabal new-test? - haskell

In the old cabal, you could pass test options like --color and --match=name by doing cabal test --test-option=--color --test-option=--match=name. Can this be done with cabal new-test? I don't see a --test-option in the help output of cabal new-test --help.

No, it is not possible, presumably because new-test runs all test suites, so it is unclear which test to pass it to.
But new versions of cabal tell you in the help for new-test:
To pass command-line arguments to a test suite, see the new-run command.
so that is now the way to run a single test suite with options.


Using multiple flags with cargo

I want to run tests with release optimisations using 1 test thread.
I can do these individually:
cargo test -- --test-threads=1
cargo test --release
How would I put these together?
You can use both in a single command like this:
cargo test --release -- --test-threads=1
How Cargo interprets these arguments ?
According to test subcommand's synopsis in reference :
Cargo interprets input as :
Arguments before separator (--) will be used as an option for test subcommand. In your case cargo test accepts profile parameter as an option since it builds the project. Available options can be found under this title, or by running cargo test --help.
Arguments after the separator will be passed to the test binaries. In Rust project, Cargo uses rustc's libtest to run unit tests. In your case --test-threads=1 will be an argument for libtest.
This interpretation might not be valid for other subcommands, it is best to check other cargo commands from here. Checking synopsis section will give you a huge hint about capabilities of cargo's subcommands.
See also:
Since arguments after the dash will be sent to the rustc's libtest you can see available options for testing by: cargo test -- --help.
Profile options can be found under this title

Why does `nix-shell` fail with missing `test-suite` dependencies when I only ask for a `library` of `haskellPackages`?

Might anyone of you know why
$ nix-shell \
-I nixpkgs= \
-p "haskellPackages.ghcWithPackages (p: [p.compose-ltr])" \
--run ghci
fails with
Configuring compose-ltr-0.2.3...
Setup: Encountered missing dependencies:
QuickCheck ==2.8.1, hspec ==2.2.0
builder for ‘/nix/store/pvmm9qcp9xpj5hw77nbfyfj4wxs49jl8-compose-ltr-0.2.3.drv’ failed with exit code 1
cannot build derivation ‘/nix/store/41znxh9qi408n9j63fqvixrlkaasrgkx-ghc-8.0.1-with-packages.drv’: 1 dependencies couldn't be built
(blank lines added for separation and emphasis)
I'm asking since as far as I am aware I'm not asking nix to build/run unit tests of compose-ltr, so why does it care about QuickCheck and hspec?
Yes, QuickCheck and hspec are mentioned in the .cabal file, but only for test-suite spec and not library.
Additionally, can I fix this either by
specifying something further in my nix-shell command,
changing something in the .cabal file of compose-ltr, or
adding a .nix file to compose-ltr?
I wouldn't say I have much experience with nix yet, so a detailed response is welcome.
(haskell.lib.dontCheck p.compose-ltr)
which disables tests for this package. Overall this should be included into (a PR on GitHub will be welcome, I think)

Generate coverage report with stack

I want to generate code coverage report using Stack. I run command that
amounts to (omitting options passed to test suite via --test-arguments):
$ stack test --coverage
This performs the testing and then outputs the following:
Error: The coverage report for myproject's test-suite "tests" did not
consider any code. One possible cause of this is if your test-suite builds
the library code (see stack issue #1008). It may also indicate a bug in
stack or the hpc program. Please report this issue if you think your
coverage report should have meaningful results.
I think it should (this creates empty report). GHC options are identical for
all components of my package. There is no need for test suite to rebuild the
library. After all, if Cabal can generate the report, Stack should be able
to do it given the same Cabal config or am I mistaken?
I've opened
an issue on Stack
GitHub repo as suggested.
After a while I decided to create good old sandbox and generate the report
using Cabal instead (I really need to see the report, you know). It worked
previously, but now I get:
$ cabal sandbox init
… <everything OK>
$ cabal update
… <everything OK>
$ cabal install --only-dependencies --enable-tests
… <everything OK>
$ cabal configure --enable-tests --enable-coverage
… <everything OK>
$ cabal build
… <everything OK>
$ cabal test
Running 2 test suites...
Test suite tests: RUNNING...
Test suite tests: PASS
Test suite logged to: dist/test/myproject-0.1.0-tests.log
hpc: can not find HUnit_DDLSMCRs3jyLBDbJPCH01j/Test.HUnit.Lang in ["./.hpc","./dist/hpc/vanilla/mix/myproject-0.1.0","./dist/hpc/vanilla/mix/tests"]
What? I've never seen this, although I generated many reports
before. Someone up there just decided that I won't get that report today,
it seems.
Do you know how to generate coverage report using Stack? Has anyone
succeeded at this?
In my case I was still getting this error. Running:
stack clean
stack test --coverage
solved the problem, as reported here.
Recent changes upstream fixed it. Should be resolved for users of and later.

How to make Cargo run tests for local dependencies?

I'm working on a project split across multiple crates. The top-level crate (the app) requires the two other crates (libraries) as dependencies. Running cargo test in the top-level crate builds the dependencies and runs tests for the top-level crate, but it doesn't run tests for the two other crates. Is there a way to configure cargo test so that it will run tests in all three crates?
You can pass the -p parameter to make Cargo run the tests of a dependency.
So, if your crate is called sublib, you can run its tests using:
cargo test -p sublib
From cargo test --help:
-p SPEC, --package SPEC Package to run tests for
If the --package argument is given, then SPEC is a package id
specification which indicates which package should be tested. If it is
not given, then the current package is tested. For more information on
SPEC and its format, see the cargo help pkgid command.

Minimal cabal file for use in sandbox

I’m trying to write a project with the Hakyll library. In order to avoid messing up with my system, I’d install it in a cabal sandbox in the same folder where my Hakyll project lives.
Being more or less a beginner, I’m still struggling with getting the pest practices right. A simple approach would be to just do
$ cabal sandbox init
$ cabal install hakyll
$ cabal exec ghc -- --make site.hs
where the last line compiles my Hakyll generator using the libraries in the sandbox. The obvious disadvantage is that this is not reproducible. The main version of Hakyll could have change when I try to run it again from a clean checkout.
Another approach would be to write a proper project.cabal file (For example like this: chromaticleaves.cabal) and then do cabal install or cabal run.
However, I feel that this may be a bit too much information. As I do not intend to publish this project any more than needed, I’m not really convinced I need to put a project name and version number in there. (For example, in a Ruby Gemfile, I would also only specify the libraries and nothing else unless I wanted to publish a gem myself.)
So, eventually I figured that with a file like
$ cat project.cabal
cabal-version: >= 1.2
build-depends: base >=4.6
, containers
, process
, hakyll >=4.5
, pandoc
, pandoc-types
I can type
$ cabal sandbox init
$ cabal install --only-dependencies
$ cabal exec ghc -- --make site.hs
and it seems to download all dependencies and is able to compile the file.
Is this a reasonable approach or is the best practice really to give a full specification with name, version and executable sections in the cabal file?
Edit: Apparently, my approach does not let me do cabal repl. So either there exists a completely different way of doing it or it seems I have to go with a fuller specification.
I use your first approach myself for my Hakyll-based webpage. You don't need to create a .cabal file to pin the Hakyll version, you only need to add the following line to cabal.config:
constraints: hakyll == 4.5
I think that cabal repl will work with this approach, but you will need to load site.hs manually (:l site.hs). Or you can use cabal exec ghci -- site.hs.
