Overwrite backend template in bolt.cms - twig

I am trying to overwrite a template file located in vendor/bolt/bolt/app/view/twig/editcontent/fields/_block.twig (I want to replace the "block selection" dropdown). Regarding to #1173, #1269, #5588, #3768 and #5102 this is not supported by default so I have to write a extension for this. So I tried this:
namespace Bundle\Site;
use Bolt\Filesystem\Adapter\Local;
use Bolt\Filesystem\Filesystem;
use Silex\Application;
use Bolt\Extension\SimpleExtension;
class BackendBlockSelectionExtension extends SimpleExtension
public function getServiceProviders()
return [
new BackendBlockSelectionProvider(),
namespace Bundle\Site;
use Bolt\Filesystem\Adapter\Local;
use Bolt\Filesystem\Filesystem;
use Silex\Application;
use Silex\ServiceProviderInterface;
class BackendBlockSelectionProvider implements ServiceProviderInterface
public function register(Application $app)
$side = $app['config']->getWhichEnd();
if ($side == 'backend') {
$path = __DIR__ . '/App/templates/Backend';
$filesystem = $app['filesystem'];
$filesystem->mountFilesystem('bolt', new Filesystem(new Local($path)));
$app['twig.loader.bolt_filesystem'] = $app->share(
function ($filesystem, $app) {
$path = __DIR__ . 'src/App/templates/Backend/';
$filesystem->prependPath($path, 'bolt');
return $filesystem;
public function boot(Application $app)
This seems to do the job, but I got an error I don't understand at all: The "bolt://app/theme_defaults" directory does not exist.
So my final question is: Does anyone have some example code how to overwrite/modify vendor/bolt/bolt/app/view/twig/editcontent/fields/_block.twig without touching the vendor folder?

This should be much simplier than this.
In your extension class overwrite protected function registerTwigPaths() function like this:
protected function registerTwigPaths()
if ($this->getEnd() == 'backend') {
return [
'view' => ['position' => 'prepend', 'namespace' => 'bolt']
return [];
private function getEnd()
$backendPrefix = $this->container['config']->get('general/branding/path');
$end = $this->container['config']->getWhichEnd();
switch ($end) {
case 'backend':
return 'backend';
case 'async':
// we have async request
// if the request begin with "/admin" (general/branding/path)
// it has been made on backend else somewhere else
$url = '/' . ltrim($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $this->container['paths']['root']);
$adminUrl = '/' . trim($backendPrefix, '/');
if (strpos($url, $adminUrl) === 0) {
return 'backend';
return $end;
Now you can crete a view directory in your extensions directory in which you can define templates in structure like in Bolt's default. I would start with copy and overwrite.


Codeigniter 4 with drag/drop multiple image uploader, validation

I am using a drag/drop image uploader script with my Codeigniter 4 project and it works well and I can use standard CI4 rules for validating file size, type, etc. but I need to check the max number of files being uploaded. I tried creating a custom rule but the data array does not contain the files. How should this be handled?
Below is test code in my controller when the form is submitted.
public function test_do()
$validation = \Config\Services::validation();
$rules = ['business_images' => ['label' => 'business image(s)',
'rules' => 'validate_images[business_images]']
$error = $validation->getError('business_images');
echo 'Error - >'.$error;
echo 'good';
The image rule class is as follows.
class ImageRules
public function validate_images($str, string $fields, array $data, ?string &$error = null): bool
if(count($data['business_Images']) > 2)
$error = 'Too many files';
return false;
return true;

In EasyAdmin 3 configureActions method how do I get the current entity?

I wish to add an action to another to the index action with a predefined filter.
To build the filter I need the get current entity in the configureActions method.
public function configureActions(Actions $actions): Actions
$adminUrlGenerator = $this->get(AdminUrlGenerator::class);
$url = $adminUrlGenerator
->set('filters', [
'agent' => [
'comparison' => '=',
'value' => 2194, // How to get current entity here??
$viewRelatesSites = Action::new('viewRelatedSites', 'Sites', 'fa fa-file-invoice')
$actions->add(Action::DETAIL, $viewRelatesSites);
$actions->add(Action::EDIT, $viewRelatesSites);
return $actions;
How can I get the entity here?
To get the current entity the AdminContext is needed.
The best place to get this with the entity set is in a BeforeCrudActionEvent.
final class AgentCrudActionEventListen implements EventSubscriberInterface
private AdminUrlGenerator $adminUrlGenerator;
private AdminContextProvider $adminContextProvider;
public function __construct(AdminUrlGenerator $adminUrlGenerator, AdminContextProvider $adminContextProvider)
$this->adminUrlGenerator = $adminUrlGenerator;
$this->adminContextProvider = $adminContextProvider;
public static function getSubscribedEvents(): array
return [
BeforeCrudActionEvent::class => 'onBeforeCrudActionEvent',
public function onBeforeCrudActionEvent(BeforeCrudActionEvent $event): void
$crud = $event->getAdminContext()->getCrud();
if ($crud->getControllerFqcn() !== AgentCrudController::class) {
$entity = $this->adminContextProvider->getContext()->getEntity();
if (!$entity) {
$url = $this->adminUrlGenerator
->set('filters', [
'agent' => [
'comparison' => '=',
'value' => $entity->getPrimaryKeyValue(),
$viewRelatedSites = Action::new('viewRelatedSites', 'Sites', 'fa fa-file-invoice')
$actions = $crud->getActionsConfig();
$actions->appendAction(Action::DETAIL, $viewRelatedSites->getAsDto());
$actions->appendAction(Action::EDIT, $viewRelatedSites->getAsDto());
After a day looking for the current entity into my AbstractCrudController, I found this :
$currentEntity = $this->getContext()->getEntity()->getInstance();
Since EasyAdmin 3 events are discouraged per the docs:
Starting from EasyAdmin 3.0 everything is defined with PHP. That's why it's easier to customize backend behavior overloading PHP classes and methods and calling to your own services. However, the events still remain in case you want to use them.
public function configureActions(Actions $actions): Actions
// Create your action
$viewRelatedSites = Action::new('viewRelatedSites', 'Sites', 'fa fa-file-invoice');
//set the link using a string or a callable (function like its being used here)
$viewRelatedSites->linkToUrl(function($entity) {
$adminUrlGenerator = $this->get(AdminUrlGenerator::class);
$url = $adminUrlGenerator
->set('filters', [
'agent' => [
'comparison' => '=',
'value' => $entity->getId()
return $url;
$actions->add(Crud::PAGE_INDEX, $viewRelatedSites);
return $actions;

How to write object classificationstore in a product?

There is a class product, it has a layer ProductSpecs (classificationstore). How to write a classificationStore group I need into an object?
The documentation found nothing on this topic. Please, help me
namespace AppBundle\EventListener;
use Pimcore\Event\Model\ElementEventInterface;
use Pimcore\Event\Model\DataObjectEvent;
use Pimcore\Event\Model\AssetEvent;
use Pimcore\Event\Model\DocumentEvent;
class ProductPropertyListener
public function onPreUpdate (ElementEventInterface $e) {
if($e instanceof AssetEvent) {
// do something with the asset
$foo = $e->getAsset();
} else if ($e instanceof DocumentEvent) {
// do something with the document
$foo = $e->getDocument();
} else if ($e instanceof DataObjectEvent) {
// do something with the object
$foo = $e->getObject();
// getting an object here is not clear what to do with it
Assuming your CS field is called ProductSpecs, you could try this to set active group for object:
$groupConfig = GroupConfig::getByName($groupName, $storeId);
if ($groupConfig) {
$groupId = $groupConfig->getId();
$foo->getProductSpecs()->setActiveGroups([$groupId => true]);

local variable stays uninitialized

The private array $list_of_files stays uninitialized. How can I update it from the while loop?
class listOfFiles {
private $list_of_files = [];
function __construct() {
if ($handle = opendir(WEB_STORAGE_DIR)) {
while (false !== ($entry = readdir($handle))) {
$this->list_of_files[$entry] = filesize(WEB_STORAGE_DIR.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$entry);
// Remove . and .. from the list
function is_empty() {
return empty($list_of_files);
$list_of_files is referring to a variable, which is not the same as a property which would be $this->list_of_files.
Variables declared/referenced in a function are only available in that function (unless you use global - but this is generally considered 'evil' and should be avoided)
Properties are available from all methods in the class (unless they are static) and persist for the life of the object.
//lets show all error so we can see if anything else is going on..
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
class listOfFiles {
private $list_of_files = [];
function __construct() {
if ($handle = opendir(WEB_STORAGE_DIR)) {
while (false !== ($entry = readdir($handle))) {
$this->list_of_files[$entry] = filesize(WEB_STORAGE_DIR.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$entry);
// Remove . and .. from the list
function is_empty() {
return empty($this->list_of_files);
Is the issue that the directory doesn't exist? It would be better to check this before trying to open, and also allow for what to do when it does exist but you cant actually read it:
//lets show all error so we can see if anything else is going on..
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
class listOfFiles {
private $list_of_files = [];
function __construct() {
throw new Exception("Missing Web Storage Directory");
$handle = opendir(WEB_STORAGE_DIR);
if (!$handle) {
throw new Exception("Could not read Web Storage Directory");
while (false !== ($entry = readdir($handle))) {
$this->list_of_files[$entry] = filesize(WEB_STORAGE_DIR.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$entry);
// Remove . and .. from the list
function is_empty() {
return empty($this->list_of_files);
I have added error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE); to the examples as this would make sure that you see any errors and may help debug your issue. More info on this here: http://php.net/manual/en/function.error-reporting.php
The access a property, you need to use $this, otherwise you are making a local variable. You do this at one place, but e.g. not here
return empty($list_of_files);
As that variable is never set, this will always return the same thing.
return empty($this->list_of_files);
The same goes for other references to that property, making the complete code (this is untested of course, as you didn't provide anything testable) look something like this
class listOfFiles {
private $list_of_files = [];
function __construct() {
if ($handle = opendir(WEB_STORAGE_DIR)) {
while (false !== ($entry = readdir($handle))) {
$this->list_of_files[$entry] = filesize(WEB_STORAGE_DIR.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$entry);
// Remove . and .. from the list
unset( $this->list_of_files['.']);
unset( $this->list_of_files['..']);
function is_empty() {
return empty( $this->list_of_files);

How generate yii2 captcha and verifycode be unmber without any word?

I am trying to generate a captcha in yii2 with a verify code in number instead of string.
is there any way?
Extend CaptchaAction with your own class and override generateVerifyCode() there like:
namespace common\captcha;
use yii\captcha\CaptchaAction as DefaultCaptchaAction;
class CaptchaAction extends DefaultCaptchaAction
protected function generateVerifyCode()
if ($this->minLength > $this->maxLength) {
$this->maxLength = $this->minLength;
if ($this->minLength < 3) {
$this->minLength = 3;
if ($this->maxLength > 8) {
$this->maxLength = 8;
$length = mt_rand($this->minLength, $this->maxLength);
$digits = '0123456789';
$code = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < $length; ++$i) {
$code .= $digits[mt_rand(0, 9)];
return $code;
In this example class is saved in common\captcha folder. Remember to change the namespace if you would like to save it somewhere else.
Now you just need to use it in controller:
public function actions()
return [
'captcha' => [
'class' => 'common\captcha\CaptchaAction', // change this as well in case of moving the class
The rest is exactly the same like with default captcha.
