What does "-" symbol do in -$(VARIABLE) type of makefile commands? - linux

In one of the makefiles that i came across, i found something like below in a recipe part of a rule.
-$(RM) $#
Here RM variable is equal to rm Unix command. (it is set in the top part of the code)
I know that here $# represent the target. And without the - symbol, above command removes that target file (maybe still with - symbol it still deletes it). But what is the use of - here?


Is there a way to define custom implicit GNU Make rules?

I'm often creating png files out of dot (graphviz format) files. The command to do so is the following:
$ dot my_graph.dot -o my_graph.png -Tpng
However, I would like to be able to have a shorter command format like $ make my_graph.dot to automatically generate my png file.
For the moment, I'm using a Makefile in which I've defined the following rule, but the recipe is only available in the directory containing the Makefile
%.eps: %.dot
dot $< -o $# -Teps
Is it possible to define custom implicit GNU Make recipes ? Which would allow the above recipe to be available system-wide
If not, what solution do you use to solve those kind of problem ?
Fedora Linux with ZSH/Bash
You could define shell functions in your shell's startup files, e.g.
echo dot ${1%.dot}.dot -o ${1%.dot}.png -Tpng;
This function can be called like
dotpng my_graph.dot
dotpng my_graph
The code ${1%.dot}.dot strips .dot from the file name if present and appends it (again) to allow both my_graph.dot and my_graph as function argument.
Is it possible to define custom implicit GNU Make recipes ?
Not without modifying the source code of GNU Make.
If not, what solution do you use to solve those kind of problem ?
I wouldn't be a fan o modyfying the system globally, but you could do:
Create a file /usr/local/lib/make/myimplicitrules.make with the content
%.eps: %.dot
dot $< -o $# -Teps
Use include /usr/local/lib/make/myimplicitrules.make in your Makefile.
I would rather use a git submodule or similar to share common configuration between projects, rather than depending on global configuration. Depending on global environment will make your program hard to test and non-portable.
I would rather go with a shell function, something along:
mymake() {
make -f <(cat <<'EOF'
%.eps: %.dot
dot $< -o $# -Teps
) "$#"
mymake my_graph.dot
GNU Make lets you specify extra makefiles to read using the MAKEFILES
environment variable. Quoting from info '(make)MAKEFILES Variable':
the default goal is never taken from one of these makefiles (or any
makefile included by them) and it is not an error if the files listed
in 'MAKEFILES' are not found
if you are running 'make' without a specific makefile, a makefile
in 'MAKEFILES' can do useful things to help the built-in implicit
rules work better
As an example, with no makefile in the current directory and the
following .mk files in make's include path (e.g. via
MAKEFLAGS=--include-dir="$HOME"/.local/lib/make/) you can create
subdir gen/ and convert my_graph.dot or dot/my_graph.dot by
MAKEFILES=dot.mk make gen/my_graph.png
To further save some typing it's tempting to add MAKEFILES=dot.mk
to a session environment but defining MAKEFILES in startup files
can make things completely nontransparent. For that reason I prefer
seeing MAKEFILES=… on the command line.
File: dot.mk
include common.mk
genDir ?= gen/
dotDir ?= dot/
dotFlags ?= $(if $(DEBUG),-v)
Tvariant ?= :cairo:cairo
vpath %.dot $(dotDir)
$(genDir)%.png $(genDir)%.svg $(genDir)%.eps : %.dot | $(genDir).
dot $(dotFlags) $< -o $# -T'$(patsubst .%,%,$(suffix $#))$(Tvariant)'
The included common.mk is where you'd store general definitions to
manage directory creation, diagnostics etc., e.g.
.PRECIOUS: %/. ## preempt 'unlink: ...: Is a directory'
%/. : ; $(if $(wildcard $#),,mkdir -p -- $(#D))
?= = := … - info '(make)Reading Makefiles'
vpath - info '(make)Selective Search'
order-only prerequisites (e.g. | $(genDir).) - info '(make)Prerequisite Types'
.PRECIOUS - info '(make)Chained Rules'

How to let MAKEFILE retain the backslash sequences within a string when used in a make rule?

This is my first question on Stackoverflow so forgive me if I ask anything ridiculous :D.
Suppose I want to compile a program that is in the directory "my dir/" with a space in it. Say the pathname of the program is "my dir/test.c".
Here is the sample makefile that I was trying out:
CC = gcc
DIR = my\ dir
$(DIR)/test.out: $(DIR)/test.c
# $(CC) $< -o $#
$(CC) $(DIR)/test.c -o $(DIR)/test.out
As you can see that in the last line(line-5) I have written the pathnames of the source and the output files directly as written in the prerequisite and the target, respectively. Doing this works fine because it yields the command:gcc my\ dir/test.c -o my\ dir/test.outwhich a syntactically correct way of passing filenames(with spaces) to gcc or any other shell command.
The second last line(line-4) is where the problem is(commented line). I've used automatic variables $# (Target) and $< (First and the only Prerequisite) to produce the filename arguments for gcc which I expected to bemy\ dir/test.out and my\ dir/test.c, respectively. But here, for some reason, the produced filenames are my dir/test.out and my dir/test.c and hence the yielded command is: gcc my dir/test.c -o my dir/test.out
Now here, gcc considers my and dir/test.c as different two different input filenames and the command generates errors.
Here is a screenshot of the generated error output when I uncomment line-4 and comment line-5 of the above Makefile:
My Question:
Is there any way to retain those backslashes even by using automatic variables the way I did? Or is there any alternative that will achieve the same goal as using automatic variables and also solve my problem? Because flexibility is important here.
Thanks in advance for your help!!!
Use double or single quotes for the automatic variables.
Use single quotes, if you want to avoid shell expansion of the values referenced by the automatic variables:
$(DIR)/test.out: $(DIR)/test.c
$(CC) '$<' -o '$#'
Double quotes allow shell expansion. For example, if there was a dollar sign in DIR:
DIR := $$my\ dir
then "$#" would expand to "$my dir", and the shell would interpret $my as variable.

Makefile rule with percent symbol is not evaluated

I'm trying to port linux kernel's kconfig util to my product
while compiling I got next error:
make[6]: *** No rule to make target `zconf.tab.c', needed by `zconf.tab.o'. Stop.
I found next rule in Makefile.lib for this file
$(obj)/%: $(src)/%_shipped
$(call cmd,shipped)
It looks ok for me and it just works in kernel but not in my product.
Then I added another rule right after previous one.
$(obj)/%c: $(src)/%c_shipped
$(call cmd,shipped)
And now it works just fine.
Can someone explain me what's wrong with original rule?
In my case obj=. and src=. (both = dot). Current dir contains appropriate *_shipped file.
My guess is that $(obj)/%: $(src)/%_shipped qualifies as a match-anything pattern rule. (The manual doesn't mention how targets and prerequisites with with directory components are handled, but it would make sense.)
Note the following in the manual:
A non-terminal match-anything rule cannot apply to a file name that indicates a specific type of data. A file name indicates a specific type of data if some non-match-anything implicit rule target matches it.
Since there are already built-in implicit rules for creating .c files (using parser generators for example), the match-anything rule is never considered.
The reason the error doesn't happen for the kernel makefiles is that they run make with -r, which eliminates built-in implicit rules. It's done in the top-level makefile by setting the MAKEFLAGS variable:
# Do not use make's built-in rules and variables
# (this increases performance and avoids hard-to-debug behaviour);
As a simple experiment, I created a file test.c_foo and the following makefile:
%: %_foo
#echo building
make test.c without the first line gives
make: *** No rule to make target 'test.c'. Stop.
With the first line, it prints "building" instead.

Why $$PWD instead of $PWD in TI x-loader makefile for omap devices

I started to analyse the TI X-Loader, including it's makefiles. I found the following lines in the top makefile:
TOPDIR := $(shell if [ "$$PWD" != "" ]; then echo $$PWD; else pwd; fi)
ifeq (include/config.mk,$(wildcard include/config.mk))
Regarding the first line: i know that "$PWD" means the value of PWD (the working directory)
My question:
why the double dollar sign in this special case?
Regarding the second line: I'm trying to understand what is compared and why.
I already red the GNU MAKE manual wildcard explanation. I'm still missing something.
My questions:
what is the "$(wildcard" for?
Which config.mk files exactly are compared to each other?
Why are they compared? (this question is more about the makefile structure)
Thanks for your help in advance.
In make, you escape a dollar sign (so that it's not expanded by make) using two dollar signs ($$). So, if you write $PWD then make will interpret the $P as a make variable reference, which is likely not set and so empty, and the result (passed to the shell) will be WD. If you use $$PWD then the dollar sign is escaped and the result passed to the shell command will be $PWD which is what you want.
For the second line, the wildcard function will, among other things, expand to the empty string if there are no files that match the wildcard. So this invocation of wildcard is testing to see if the file include/config.mk exists or not. If it does, then the result of the function will be include/config.mk and the ifeq test will be true. If it doesn't then the result will be the empty string and the ifeq test will be false.
Nothing here is comparing the contents or timestamps or anything else of include/config.mk. This is purely a "does this file exist?" test.

Recursive make is recursing too much and requires a dummy prerequisite

I have a very simple Makefile that isn't doing what I expect it would do. The ultimate goal is that it should call itself recursively, including the appropriate file each time, resulting in a build specific to what was included (I'm building several projects that all share the same code base, but utilize different combinations of the source files). I've never really dealt with recursive calls to make, so I must be missing something obvious. At the moment, I only have one .mk file in the same folder as my Makefile. It's a simple one-liner just for the purposes of this test. It will eventually contain various per-project settings.
SHELL = /bin/sh
ifdef MYFILE
include $(MYFILE)
PROGRAM = $(basename $(MYFILE))
all: $(wildcard *.mk)
#echo -- Entering dummy stub ... why do I need this?
%.mk: dummy
#echo Calling $(MAKE) MYFILE=$# $*
$(MAKE) MYFILE=$# $*
$(PROGRAM): objs
#echo Time to link!
#echo Building objs!
SOMEVAR = SomeValue
I have the following two problems:
Problem 1
If I remove the dummy prerequisite from my pattern rule, the pattern rule never gets called (I get the dreaded 'Nothing to be done for all' error). Is there a way I can get the recipes under the %.mk rule to run without needing that dummy prerequisite?
Problem 2
Given the two aforementioned files, I would expect make to do the following:
make[1] starts and hit the all rule
make[1] jumps down to the %.mk pattern rule
make[1] calls itself recursively (the call would look like make MYFILE=test.mk test)
make[2] starts, includes the test.mk file, and sets up the PROGRAM variable
make[2] jumps down to the $(PROGRAM) rule (since we were explicitly called with that target)
make[2] jumps to the objs rule, runs the recipes, and returns back up the chain
In actuality, make gets stuck on the %.mk pattern rule and enters an infinite loop. I don't understand why it's insisting on hitting the pattern rule, when I explicitly told it to build test in my first recursive call (which should correspond to the $(PROGRAM) target). What am I missing here?
Problem 0:
This is overdesigned. You don't need to use recursive Make here.
Problem 1:
The reason Make doesn't try to rebuild test.mk (without a dummy preq) is that test.mk is up to date. A better approach is to switch to a static pattern rule and use PHONY:
MKS = $(wildcard *.mk)
$(MKS): %.mk:
#echo Calling $(MAKE) MYFILE=$# $*
$(MAKE) MYFILE=$# $*
An even better approach is not to use the name of a real file as a target of a rule that doesn't rebuild (or even "touch") that file.
Problem 2:
In make[2], the makefile includes test.mk. If a makefile includes another file, Make will attempt to rebuild that file before doing anything else. If there is a rule for that file (which there is) and if it succeeds (which it does) Make then reinvokes itself.
You should reconsider this design from the ground up. There are many ways to get the behavior you're looking for, depending on the specifics (how many variable will be defined in a foo.mk? do you really want to manage the build by manually moving those files around? and so on).
P.S. Here's one kludge that springs to mind. Whether it suits your case depends on the specifics:
# includes nothing
%.mk: dummy
#echo Calling $(MAKE) MYFILE=$# -f $# $*
$(MAKE) MYFILE=$# -f $# $*
SOMEVAR = SomeValue
include makefile
