The documentation is somewhat vague about this whereas I would've thought it'd be a pretty straight-forward thing to implement.
The k_mean algorithm applied to the MNIST digit dataset outputs 10 regions with a certain number associated with it, though it isn't the number represented by most of the digits contained within that region.
I do have my ground_truth label table.
How do I make it so that each region generated by the k_mean algorithm ends up being labeled as the digit which has the highest probability of being covered?
I've spent hours yesterday making up this code to do that, but it's still incomplete:
# TODO: for centroid-average method, see
def most_probable_digit(indices, data):
Avec un tableau d'indices (d'un label spécifique assigné par scikit, obtenu avec "get_indices_of_label")
où se situent les vrais labels dans 'data', cette fonction calcule combien de fois chaque vrai label
apparaît et retourne celui qui est apparu le plus souvent (et donc qui a la plus grande probabilité
d'être le ground_truth_label désigné par la région délimitée par scikit).
:param indices: tableau des indices dans 'data' qui font parti d'une région du k_mean
:param data: toutes les données réparties dans les régions du k_mean
:return: la valeur (le digit) le plus probable associé à cette région
actual_labels = []
for i in indices:
if verbose: print("The actual labels for each of those digits are:", actual_labels)
counts = count_labels("actual labels", actual_labels)
probable = counts.index(max(counts))
if verbose: print("Most probable digit:", probable)
return probable
def get_list_of_indices(data, label):
Retourne une liste d'indices correspondant à tous les endroits
où on peut trouver dans 'data' le 'label' spécifié
:param data:
:param label: le numéro associé à une région générée par k_mean
return (np.where(data == label))[0].tolist()
# TODO: reassign in case of doubles
def obtain_corresponding_labels(data, real_labels):
Assign the most probable label to each region.
:param data: list of regions associated with x_train or x_test (the order is preserved!)
:param real_labels: actual labels to assign to the region numbers
:return: the list of corresponding actual labels to region numbers
switches_to_make = []
for i in range(10):
list_of_indices = get_list_of_indices(data, i) # indices in 'data' which are associated with region "i"
probable_label = most_probable_digit(list_of_indices, real_labels)
print("The assigned region", i, "should be considered as representing the digit ", probable_label)
return switches_to_make
def rearrange_labels(switches_to_make, to_change):
Takes region numbers and assigns the most probable digit (label) to it.
For example, if switches_to_make[3] = 5, it means that the 4th region (index 3 of the list)
should be considered as representing the digit "5".
:param switches_to_make: list of changes to make
:param to_change: this table will be changed according to 'switches_to_make'
:return: nothing, the change is made in-situ
for region in range(len(to_change)):
for label in range(len(switches_to_make)):
if to_change[region] == label: # if it corresponds to the "wrong" label given by scikit
to_change[region] = switches_to_make[label] # assign the "most probable" label
def count_error_rate(found, truth):
wrong = 0
for i in range(len(found)):
if found[i] != truth[i]:
wrong += 1
print("Error rate = ", wrong / len(found) * 100, "%\n\n")
def treat_data(switches_to_make, predictions, truth):
rearrange_labels(switches_to_make, predictions) # Rearranging the training labels
count_error_rate(predictions, truth) # Counting error rate
For now, the problem with my code is that it can generate duplicates (if two regions have the same highest probability digit, that digit is associated with both regions).
Here is how I use the code:
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=10) # TODO: eventually use "init=ndarray" to be able to use custom centroids for init ?
training_labels = kmeans.labels_
print("Done with calculating the k-mean.\n")
switches_to_make = utils.obtain_corresponding_labels(training_labels, y_train) # Obtaining the most probable labels
utils.treat_data(switches_to_make, training_labels, y_train)
print("Assigned labels: ", training_labels)
print("Real labels: ", y_train)
print("\n####################################################\nMoving on to predictions")
predictions = kmeans.predict(x_test)
utils.treat_data(switches_to_make, predictions, y_test)
I obtain approximately a 50% error rate with my code.
If I understand you correctly, you want to assign the actual digit value as a cluster label that matches that cluster, correct? If that is the case, I don't think it is possible.
K-Means is an unsupervised learning algorithm. It does not understand what it is looking at and the labels it assigns are arbitrary. Instead of 0, 1, 2, ... it could have called them 'apple', 'orange', 'grape' ... . All K-Means can ever do, is to tell you that a bunch of data points are similar to each other based on some metric, that is all. It is great for data exploration or pattern finding. But not for telling you "What" it actually is.
It does not matter what post processing you do, because the computer can never, programmatically, know what the true labels are, unless you, the human, tell it. In which case you might as well use a supervised learning algorithm.
If you want to train a model, that, when it see's a number, it can then assign the correct label to it, you must use a supervised learning method (where labels are a thing). Look into Random Forest instead, for instance. Here is a similar endeavor.
Here is the code to use my solution:
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
import utils
# Extraction du dataset
x_train, y_train = utils.get_train_data()
x_test, y_test = utils.get_test_data()
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=10)
training_labels = kmeans.labels_
switches_to_make = utils.find_closest_digit_to_centroids(kmeans, x_train, y_train) # Obtaining the most probable labels (digits) for each region
utils.treat_data(switches_to_make, training_labels, y_train)
predictions = kmeans.predict(x_test)
utils.treat_data(switches_to_make, predictions, y_test)
import csv
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.metrics import pairwise_distances_argmin_min
use_reduced = True # Flag variable to use the reduced datasets (generated by '')
verbose = False # Should debugging prints be shown
def get_data(reduced_path, path):
Pour obtenir le dataset désiré.
:param reduced_path: path vers la version réduite (générée par '')
:param path: path vers la version complète
:return: numpy arrays (data, labels)
if use_reduced:
data = open(reduced_path)
data = open(path)
csv_file = csv.reader(data)
data_points = []
for row in csv_file:
data_points.pop(0) # On enlève la première ligne, soit les "headers" de nos colonnes
# Pour passer de String à int
for i in range(len(data_points)): # for each image
for j in range(len(data_points[0])): # for each pixel
data_points[i][j] = int(data_points[i][j])
# # Pour obtenir des valeurs en FLOAT normalisées entre 0 et 1:
# data_points[i][j] = np.divide(float(data_points[i][j]), 255)
# Pour séparer les labels du data
y_train = [] # labels
for row in data_points:
y_train.append(row[0]) # first column is the label
x_train = [] # data
for row in data_points:
x_train.append(row[1:785]) # other columns are the pixels
x_train = np.array(x_train)
y_train = np.array(y_train)
print("Done with loading the dataset.")
return x_train, y_train
def get_test_data():
Retourne le dataset de test désiré.
:return: numpy arrays (data, labels)
return get_data('../data/reduced_mnist_test.csv', '../data/mnist_test.csv')
def get_train_data():
Retourne le dataset de training désiré.
:return: numpy arrays (data, labels)
return get_data('../data/reduced_mnist_train.csv', '../data/mnist_train.csv')
def display_data(x_train, y_train):
Affiche le digit voulu.
:param x_train: le data (784D)
:param y_train: le label associé
# Exemple pour afficher: conversion de notre vecteur d'une dimension en 2 dimensions
matrix = np.reshape(x_train, (28, 28))
plt.imshow(matrix, cmap='gray')
plt.title("Voici un " + str(y_train))
def generate_mean_images(x_train, y_train):
Retourne le tableau des images moyennes pour chaque classe
:param x_train:
:param y_train:
counts = np.zeros(10).astype(int)
for label in y_train:
counts[label] += 1
sum_pixel_values = np.zeros((10, 784)).astype(int)
for img in range(len(y_train)):
for pixel in range(len(x_train[0])):
sum_pixel_values[y_train[img]][pixel] += x_train[img][pixel]
pixel_probability = np.zeros((len(counts), len(x_train[0]))) # (10, 784)
for classe in range(len(counts)):
for pixel in range(len(x_train[0])):
pixel_probability[classe][pixel] = np.divide(sum_pixel_values[classe][pixel] + 1, counts[classe] + 2)
mean_images = []
if verbose:
plt.figure(figsize=(20, 4)) # values of the size of the plot: (x,y) in INCHES
plt.suptitle("Such wow, much impress !")
for classe in range(len(counts)):
class_mean = np.reshape(pixel_probability[classe], (28, 28))
# Aesthetics
plt.subplot(1, 10, classe + 1)
plt.imshow(class_mean, cmap='gray')
return mean_images
# used for "k_mean" (for now)
def count_labels(name, data):
S'occupe de compter le nombre de data associé à chacun des labels.
:param name: nom de ce que l'on compte
:param data: doit être 1D
:return: counts = le nombre pour chaque label
header = "-- " + str(name) + " -- " # making sure it's a String
counts = [0]*10 # initializing the counting array
for label in data:
counts[label] += 1
if verbose: print(header, "Amounts for each label:", counts)
return counts
def get_list_of_indices(data, label):
Retourne une liste d'indices correspondant à tous les endroits
où on peut trouver dans 'data' le 'label' spécifié
:param data:
:param label: le numéro associé à une région générée par k_mean
return (np.where(data == label))[0].tolist()
def rearrange_labels(switches_to_make, to_change):
Takes region numbers and assigns the most probable digit (label) to it.
For example, if switches_to_make[3] = 5, it means that the 4th region (index 3 of the list)
should be considered as representing the digit "5".
:param switches_to_make: list of changes to make
:param to_change: this table will be changed according to 'switches_to_make'
:return: nothing, the change is made in-situ
for region in range(len(to_change)):
for label in range(len(switches_to_make)):
if to_change[region] == label: # if it corresponds to the "wrong" label given by scikit
to_change[region] = switches_to_make[label] # assign the "most probable" label
def count_error_rate(found, truth):
wrong = 0
for i in range(len(found)):
if found[i] != truth[i]:
wrong += 1
percent = wrong / len(found) * 100
print("Error rate = ", percent, "%")
return percent
def treat_data(switches_to_make, predictions, truth):
rearrange_labels(switches_to_make, predictions) # Rearranging the training labels
count_error_rate(predictions, truth) # Counting error rate
# TODO: reassign in case of doubles
# adapted from
def find_closest_digit_to_centroids(kmean, data, labels):
The array 'closest' will contain the index of the point in 'data' that is closest to each centroid.
Let's say the 'closest' gave output as array([0,8,5]) for the three clusters. So data[0] is the
closest point in 'data' to centroid 0, and data[8] is the closest to centroid 1 and so on.
If the returned list is [9,4,2,1,3] it would mean that the region #0 (index 0) represents the digit 9 the best.
:param kmean: the variable where the 'fit' data has been stored
:param data: the actual data that was used with 'fit' (x_train)
:param labels: the true labels associated with 'data' (y_train)
:return: list where each region is at its index and the value at that index is the digit it represents
closest, _ = pairwise_distances_argmin_min(kmean.cluster_centers_,
switches_to_make = []
for region in range(len(closest)):
truth = labels[closest[region]]
print("The assigned region", region, "should be considered as representing the digit ", truth)
print("Digits associated to each region (switches_to_make):", switches_to_make)
return switches_to_make
Essentially, here is the function that solved my problems:
# adapted from
def find_closest_digit_to_centroids(kmean, data, labels):
The array 'closest' will contain the index of the point in 'data' that is closest to each centroid.
Let's say the 'closest' gave output as array([0,8,5]) for the three clusters. So data[0] is the
closest point in 'data' to centroid 0, and data[8] is the closest to centroid 1 and so on.
If the returned list is [9,4,2,1,3] it would mean that the region #0 (index 0) represents the digit 9 the best.
:param kmean: the variable where the 'fit' data has been stored
:param data: the actual data that was used with 'fit' (x_train)
:param labels: the true labels associated with 'data' (y_train)
:return: list where each region is at its index and the value at that index is the digit it represents
closest, _ = pairwise_distances_argmin_min(kmean.cluster_centers_,
switches_to_make = []
for region in range(len(closest)):
truth = labels[closest[region]]
print("The assigned region", region, "should be considered as representing the digit ", truth)
print("Digits associated to each region (switches_to_make):", switches_to_make)
return switches_to_make
I want to pull the BOL number from the invoices in the picture below. I've pulled a lot of data successfully, but sometimes the vertical line in the table, to the left of the target data, gets misread in as a | or a \ or a 1. This would cause problems.
Currently, I'm failing the invoice upload when the confidence is low... but the confidence is too often low.
How can I make PyTorch "understand" that the vertical line is not a part of the target data, and thus improve confidence?
I'm using EasyOCR, which uses PyTorch.
Here's some relevant code:
import cv2
import easyocr
import numpy as np
from pdf2image import convert_from_path
def extract_bol_from_pdf(data: dict, result, testing=False):
Try to get the BOL number from an invoice.
:param data: contains information needed for uploads, such as
BOL, invoice #, etc.
:param result: nested lists and tuples of x- and y- coordinates
of where the strings were found in the images.
:param testing: if True, pull BOL regardless of confidence
:return: the data dict
low_confidence = None
bol_tuples = [tup for tup in result if "BOL" in tup[1]]
if len(bol_tuples) == 0:"Couldnt find BOL string")
bol_tuple = bol_tuples[0]
bol_num = find_match_by_vertical_alignment(bol_tuple, "BOL", result)
if len(bol_num) == 1:
bol_num_tuple = bol_num[0]
confidence = bol_num_tuple[2]
if confidence > 0.93 or testing:"Got the BOL #: {bol_num_tuple[1]}")
data["bol"] = bol_num_tuple[1]
"Image recognition confidence is too low, cannot "
f"capture BOL. Confidence: {confidence} BOL Guess: {bol_num_tuple[1]}"
low_confidence = True
else:"Couldnt find BOL number")
return data, low_confidence
pages = convert_from_path(attachment_path, dpi=300, grayscale=True, fmt="jpeg")
for i, page in enumerate(pages, start=1):
image_name = attachment_path.parent.joinpath(f"page_{str(i).zfill(3)}.jpg"), "JPEG")
pages = [
for page in sorted(list(attachment_path.parent.iterdir()))
if "page" in
for page in pages:
reader = easyocr.Reader(["en"], gpu=USE_GPU)
result = reader.readtext(str(page))
invoice_data, low_confidence = extract_bol_from_pdf(
invoice_data, result, testing=testing
Removing vertical lines might be helpful, but questions like this refer to pytesseract, and not to Pytorch: pytesseract Erase table borders as delicately as possible
I am try to implement my own MT engine, i am following the steps in
SRC = Field(tokenize=tokenize_en,
TRG = Field(tokenize=tokenize_de,
After training the model,the link only share a way to batch evaluate but i want to try single string and get the translation results. for example i want my model to translate the input "Boys" and get the German translations.
inputstring = 'Boys'
output_dim = output.shape[-1]
outputs = output[1:].view(-1, output_dim)
for item in outputs:
print('item shape is {} and item.argmax is {}, and words is {}'.format(item.shape,item.argmax(),TRG.vocab.itos[item.argmax()]))
So my question is that it it right to get the translation results by:
First: convert the string to tensor
inputstring = 'Boys'
Second: send the tensor to the model. As the model have a TRG param.I have to give the tensor,am i able not given the TRG tensor?
output_dim = output.shape[-1]
outputs = output[1:].view(-1, output_dim)
Third:through the return tensor, i use the argmax to get the translation results? is it right?
Or how can i get the right translation results?
for item in outputs:
print('item shape is {} and item.argmax is {}, and words is {}'.format(item.shape,item.argmax(),TRG.vocab.itos[item.argmax()+1]))
i got the answer from the translate_sentence.really thanks #Aladdin Persson
def translate_sentence(model, sentence, SRC, TRG, device, max_length=50):
# print(sentence)
# sys.exit()
# Create tokens using spacy and everything in lower case (which is what our vocab is)
if type(sentence) == str:
tokens = [token.text.lower() for token in spacy_en(sentence)]
tokens = [token.lower() for token in sentence]
# print(tokens)
# sys.exit()
# Add <SOS> and <EOS> in beginning and end respectively
tokens.insert(0, SRC.init_token)
# Go through each english token and convert to an index
text_to_indices = [SRC.vocab.stoi[token] for token in tokens]
# Convert to Tensor
sentence_tensor = torch.LongTensor(text_to_indices).unsqueeze(1).to(device)
# Build encoder hidden, cell state
with torch.no_grad():
hidden, cell = model.encoder(sentence_tensor)
outputs = [TRG.vocab.stoi["<sos>"]]
for _ in range(max_length):
previous_word = torch.LongTensor([outputs[-1]]).to(device)
with torch.no_grad():
output, hidden, cell = model.decoder(previous_word, hidden, cell)
best_guess = output.argmax(1).item()
# Model predicts it's the end of the sentence
if output.argmax(1).item() == TRG.vocab.stoi["<eos>"]:
translated_sentence = [TRG.vocab.itos[idx] for idx in outputs]
# remove start token
return translated_sentence[1:]
And the translation is not generated once. Acutualy it generate once a time and use several times.
I am using the plt library to create a diagram.
In this case I have a function to do some task and at the end draw a graph.
I created a loop with the function parameter and I want to display the graphs as a [3x3] matrix but I only get it to display them one by one consecutively.
here my code of my function
def dendrograma_test(datos, enlace, corte):
Z = linkage(datos, enlace)
dendrogram(Z, truncate_mode='lastp', p=12, leaf_rotation=45., color_threshold=corte, leaf_font_size=11., show_contracted=True)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(13,8))
plt.title('Dendrograma Jerarqueico con criterio' + enlace)
plt.xlabel("Tamano del cluster")
plt.ylabel('Distancia') # mide la distancia entre cluster
if (corte == "default"):
plt.axhline(y= 0.7*max(Z[:,2]))
plt.axhline(y= corte)
where I call this function
enlaces =["ward","average","centroid","single"]
cortes= ["default", 50, 25 ]
for enlace in enlaces:
i = 1
for corte in cortes:
ax = plt.subplot(2,3,i)
dendrograma_test(X, enlace, corte)
i = i+1
Any suggestion to fix the problem?
I am following the object_detection_tutorial.ipynb tutorial.
Here is the code ( I only put parts which are needed, the rest of the code is the same as the notebook):
my_results = [] # I added this, a list to hold the detected classes
PATH_TO_LABELS = 'D:\\TensorFlow\\models\\research\\object_detection\\data\\oid_v4_label_map.pbtxt'
category_index = label_map_util.create_category_index_from_labelmap(PATH_TO_LABELS, use_display_name=True)
PATH_TO_TEST_IMAGES_DIR = pathlib.Path('C:\\Users\\Bhavin\\Desktop\\objects')
TEST_IMAGE_PATHS = sorted(list(PATH_TO_TEST_IMAGES_DIR.glob("*.jpg")))
model = load_model()
def run_inference_for_single_image(model, image):
image = np.asarray(image)
# The input needs to be a tensor, convert it using `tf.convert_to_tensor`.
input_tensor = tf.convert_to_tensor(image)
# The model expects a batch of images, so add an axis with `tf.newaxis`.
input_tensor = input_tensor[tf.newaxis,...]
# Run inference
output_dict = model(input_tensor)
# All outputs are batches tensors.
# Convert to numpy arrays, and take index [0] to remove the batch dimension.
# We're only interested in the first num_detections.
num_detections = int(output_dict.pop('num_detections'))
output_dict = {key:value[0, :num_detections].numpy()
for key,value in output_dict.items()}
output_dict['num_detections'] = num_detections
# detection_classes should be ints.
output_dict['detection_classes'] = output_dict['detection_classes'].astype(np.int64)
# Handle models with masks:
if 'detection_masks' in output_dict:
# Reframe the the bbox mask to the image size.
detection_masks_reframed = utils_ops.reframe_box_masks_to_image_masks(
output_dict['detection_masks'], output_dict['detection_boxes'],
image.shape[0], image.shape[1])
detection_masks_reframed = tf.cast(detection_masks_reframed > 0.5,
output_dict['detection_masks_reframed'] = detection_masks_reframed.numpy()
return output_dict
def show_inference(model, image_path):
# the array based representation of the image will be used later in order to prepare the
# result image with boxes and labels on it.
image_np = np.array(
# Actual detection.
output_dict = run_inference_for_single_image(model, image_np)
# Visualization of the results of a detection.
instance_masks=output_dict.get('detection_masks_reframed', None),
name = "Image" + str(i) + ".jpg"
img = Image.fromarray(image_np)
my_results.append(output_dict['detection_classes']) # I added this
print(my_results) # I added this
i = 1
for image_path in TEST_IMAGE_PATHS:
show_inference(model, image_path)
i += 1
I checked some related stack overflow questions and the answer had something to do with category index. But the code and examples used are very different from the tutorial I am following.
The line : my_results.append(output_dict['detection_classes'])
Gives me output: [array([55], dtype=int64)]
How do I extract the classes of the detected objects?
First import six
Add get_classes_name_and_scores method, before def show_inference(model, image_path):
get_classes_name_and_scores method returns {'name': 'person', 'score': '91%'}
def get_classes_name_and_scores(
min_score_thresh=.9): # returns bigger than 90% precision
display_str = {}
if not max_boxes_to_draw:
max_boxes_to_draw = boxes.shape[0]
for i in range(min(max_boxes_to_draw, boxes.shape[0])):
if scores is None or scores[i] > min_score_thresh:
if classes[i] in six.viewkeys(category_index):
display_str['name'] = category_index[classes[i]]['name']
display_str['score'] = '{}%'.format(int(100 * scores[i]))
return display_str
Then add after vis_util.visualize_boxes_and_labels_on_image_array
I'm working on old French Napoleonian cadastre, I've vectorized it, and now I've been studying parcels' neighborhood relation. I want to know which polygon is next to which polygon.
I tried NetworkX python library, but I did not succeed to convert my shapefile to a graph. I want to extract centroids from my polygons and trace relation between them.
I can use line shapefile or area shapefile to represent my parcels.
There is my python code:
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
G=nx.read_shp('path/to/shp') #Read shapefile as graph
pos = {xy: xy for xy in G.nodes()}
This is my shapefile:
All right, I've fixed my problem with PySal library.
There is my code if someone need to generate some graphs!
##Définition des relations d'adjacence
qW = ps.queen_from_shapefile(str(planche)+".shp")
dataframe = ps.pdio.read_files(str(planche)+".shp")
## Affiche la matrice de voisinage complète.
Wmatrix, ids = qW.full() #ou ps.full(qW)
print("Matrice d'adjacence complète:\n", Wmatrix)
## pour compter le nombre de voisins que possède une parcelle:
n_neighbors = Wmatrix.sum(axis=1)
for i in range (len(n_neighbors)):
if n_neighbors[i] != 0:
print("La parcelle %i a %i voisins" %(i,n_neighbors[i]))
print("La parcelle %i n'a pas de voisin" %i)
## Affiche [parcelle choisie, ses voisins]:
for i in range (len(n_neighbors)):
self_and_neighbors = [i]
if self_and_neighbors[1:] == []:
print("La parcelle %i n'a pas de voisin" %i)
print("Les voisins de la parcelle %i sont les parcelles " %i, self_and_neighbors[1:])
##Extractions des coordonnées des centroïds:
centroids = np.array([list(poly.centroid) for poly in dataframe.geometry])
plt.plot(centroids[:,0], centroids[:,1],'.')
for k,neighs in qW.neighbors.items():
#origin = centroids[k]
for neigh in neighs:
segment = centroids[[k,neigh]]
plt.plot(segment[:,0], segment[:,1], '-')
##Affichage des numéros des centroïds sur le graph:
for i in range (len(centroids)):
plt.title('Graph de la planche '+str(planche)+ " de l'année "+str(annee))
print("\nDuree: %.2f sec" %(time.time()-deb))