Error While Writing into a Hive table from Spark Sql - apache-spark

I am trying to insert data into a Hive External table from Spark Sql.
I am created the hive external table through the following command
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE tab1 ( col1 type,col2 type ,col3 type) CLUSTERED BY (col1,col2) SORTED BY (col1) INTO 8 BUCKETS STORED AS PARQUET
In my spark job , I have written the following code
Dataset df ="header","true").csv(csvInput);
df.repartition(numBuckets, somecol)
Each time I am running this code I am getting the following exception
org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Table `tab1` already exists.;
at org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrameWriter.saveAsTable(DataFrameWriter.scala:408)
at org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrameWriter.saveAsTable(DataFrameWriter.scala:393)
at somepackage.Parquet_Read_WriteNew.writeToParquetHiveMetastore(

You should be specifying a save mode while saving the data in hive.
Spark provides the following save modes:
Save Mode
ErrorIfExists: Throws an exception if the target already exists. If target doesn’t exist write the data out.
Append: If target already exists, append the data to it. If the data doesn’t exist write the data out.
Overwrite: If the target already exists, delete the target. Write the data out.
Ignore: If the target already exists, silently skip writing out. Otherwise write out the data.

You are using the saveAsTable API, which create the table into Hive. Since you have already created the hive table through command, the table tab1 already exists. so when Spark API trying to create it, it throws error saying table already exists, org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Tabletab1already exists.
Either drop the table and let spark API saveAsTable create the table itself.
Or use the API insertInto to insert into an existing hive table.
df.repartition(numBuckets, somecol)


Write spark Dataframe to an exisitng Delta Table by providing TABLE NAME instead of TABLE PATH

I am trying to write spark dataframe into an existing delta table.
I do have multiple scenarios where I could save data into different tables as shown below.
I have an existing delta table and I have to write dataframe into that table with option mergeSchema since the schema may change for each load.
I am doing the same with below command by providing delta table path
finalDF01.write.format("delta").option("mergeSchema", "true").mode("append") \
Just want to know whether this can be done by providing exisiting delta TABLE NAME instead of delta PATH.
This has been resolved by updating data write command as below.
finalDF01.write.format("delta").option("mergeSchema", "true").mode("append") \
Is this the correct way ?
I have to update the existing table if the record already exists and if not insert a new record.
For this I am currently doing as shown below.
spark.sql("SET = true")
" = AND")
I tried with below script."t")
" =")
but getting below error(even with alias instead of as).
error: value as is not a member of String"t")
Here also I am using delta table path as destination, Is there any way so that we could provide delta TABLE NAME instead of TABLE PATH?
It will be good to provide TABLE NAME instead of TABLE PATH, In case if we chage the table path later will not affect the code.
I have not seen anywhere in databricks documentation providing table name along with mergeSchema and autoMerge.
Is it possible to do so?
To use existing data as a table instead of path you either were need to use saveAsTable from the beginning, or just register existing data in the Hive metastore using the SQL command CREATE TABLE USING, like this (syntax could be slightly different depending on if you're running on Databricks, or OSS Spark, and depending on the version of Spark):
USING delta
LOCATION 'path_to_existing_data'
after that, you can use saveAsTable.
For the second question - it looks like destMasterTable is just a String. To refer to existing table, you need to use function forName from the DeltaTable object (doc):

Spark jdbc overwrite mode not working as expected

I would like to perform update and insert operation using spark
please find the image reference of existing table
Here i am updating id :101 location and inserttime and inserting 2 more records:
and writing to the target with mode overwrite
.option("url", "jdbc:mysql://localhost/test")
.option("user", "root")
.option("password", "root")
After executing the above command my data is corrupted which is inserted into db table
Data in the dataframe
Could you please let me know your observations and solutions
Spark JDBC writer supports following modes:
append: Append contents of this :class:DataFrame to existing data.
overwrite: Overwrite existing data.
ignore: Silently ignore this operation if data already exists.
error (default case): Throw an exception if data already exists
Since you are using "overwrite" mode it recreate your table as per then column length, if you want your own table definition create table first and use "append" mode
i would like to perform update and insert operation using spark
There is no equivalent in to SQL UPDATE statement with Spark SQL. Nor is there an equivalent of the SQL DELETE WHERE statement with Spark SQL. Instead, you will have to delete the rows requiring update outside of Spark, then write the Spark dataframe containing the new and updated records to the table using append mode (in order to preserve the remaining existing rows in the table).
In case where you need to perform UPSERT / DELETE operations in your pyspark code, i suggest you to use pymysql libary, and execute your upsert/delete operations. Please check this post for more info, and code sample for reference : Error while using INSERT INTO table ON DUPLICATE KEY, using a for loop array
Please modify the code sample as per your needs.
I wouldn't recommend TRUNCATE, since it would actually drop the table, and create new table. While doing this, the table may lose column level attributes that were set be careful while using TRUNCATE, and be sure, if it's ok for dropping the table/recreate the table.
Upsert logic is working fine when following below steps
df = ("csv").
load("file:///C:/Users/test/Desktop/temp1/temp1.csv", header=True,
and doing this
option("url", "jdbc:mysql://localhost/test").
option("driver", "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver").
option("dbtable", "temptgtUpdate").
option("user", "root").
option("password", "root").
option("truncate", "true").
Still, I am unable to understand the logic why its failing when i am writing using the data frame directly

Create External Hive table using pyspark

I am trying to create an external hive table using spark. But facing below error:
using Create but with is expecting
Use of location implies that a created table via Spark it will be treated as an external table.
From the manual: You can also reference this:
The created table uses the specified directory to store its data. This
clause automatically implies EXTERNAL.
More explicitly:
// Prepare a Parquet data directory
val dataDir = "/tmp/parquet_data"
// Create a Hive external Parquet table
sql(s"CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE hive_bigints(id bigint) STORED AS PARQUET LOCATION '$dataDir'")
// The Hive external table should already have data
sql("SELECT * FROM hive_bigints").show()
Also, has nothing to do with pyspark.
If using spark dataframe writer, then the option "path" used below means unmanaged and thus external as well.
df.write.mode("OVERWRITE").option("path", unmanagedPath).saveAsTable("myTableUnmanaged")

How to create an EXTERNAL Spark table from data in HDFS

I have loaded a parquet table from HDFS into a DataFrame:
val df ="hdfs://user/zeppelin/my_table")
I now want to expose this table to Spark SQL but this must be a persitent table because I want to access it from a JDBC connection or other Spark Sessions.
Quick way could be to call df.write.saveAsTable method, but in this case it will materialize the contents of the DataFrame and create a pointer to the data in the Hive metastore, creating another copy of the data in HDFS.
I don't want to have two copies of the same data, so I would want create like an external table to point to existing data.
To create a Spark External table you must specify the "path" option of the DataFrameWriter. Something like this:
The problem though, is that it will empty your hdfs path hdfs://user/zeppelin/my_mytable eliminating your existing files and will cause an org.apache.spark.SparkException: Job aborted.. This looks like a bug in Spark API...
Anyway, the workaround to this (tested in Spark 2.3) is to create an external table but from a Spark DDL. If your table have many columns creating the DDL could be a hassle. Fortunately, starting from Spark 2.0, you could call the DDL SHOW CREATE TABLE to let spark do the hard work. The problem is that you can actually run the SHOW CREATE TABLE in a persistent table.
If the table is pretty big, I recommend to get a sample of the table, persist it to another location, and then get the DDL. Something like this:
// Create a sample of the table
val df ="hdfs://user/zeppelin/my_table")
option("path", "/user/zeppelin/my_table_tmp").
// Now get the DDL, do not truncate output
spark.sql("SHOW CREATE TABLE my_table_tmp").show(1, false)
You are going to get a DDL like:
CREATE TABLE `my_table_tmp` (`ID` INT, `Descr` STRING)
USING parquet
`serialization.format` '1',
path 'hdfs:///user/zeppelin/my_table_tmp')
Which you would want to change to have the original name of the table and the path to the original data. You can now run the following to create the Spark External table pointing to your existing HDFS data:
CREATE TABLE `my_table` (`ID` INT, `Descr` STRING)
USING parquet
`serialization.format` '1',
path 'hdfs:///user/zeppelin/my_table')""")

save Spark dataframe to Hive: table not readable because "parquet not a SequenceFile"

I'd like to save data in a Spark (v 1.3.0) dataframe to a Hive table using PySpark.
The documentation states:
"spark.sql.hive.convertMetastoreParquet: When set to false, Spark SQL will use the Hive SerDe for parquet tables instead of the built in support."
Looking at the Spark tutorial, is seems that this property can be set:
from pyspark.sql import HiveContext
sqlContext = HiveContext(sc)
sqlContext.sql("SET spark.sql.hive.convertMetastoreParquet=false")
# code to create dataframe
However, when I try to query the saved table in Hive it returns:
hive> select * from my_dataframe;
Failed with exception
not a SequenceFile
How do I save the table so that it's immediately readable in Hive?
I've been there...
The API is kinda misleading on this one.
DataFrame.saveAsTable does not create a Hive table, but an internal Spark table source.
It also stores something into Hive metastore, but not what you intend.
This remark was made by spark-user mailing list regarding Spark 1.3.
If you wish to create a Hive table from Spark, you can use this approach:
1. Use Create Table ... via SparkSQL for Hive metastore.
2. Use DataFrame.insertInto(tableName, overwriteMode) for the actual data (Spark 1.3)
I hit this issue last week and was able to find a workaround
Here's the story:
I can see the table in Hive if I created the table without partitionBy:
hive> desc TBL_HIVE_IS_HAPPY;
user_id string
email string
ts string
But Hive can't understand the table schema(schema is empty...) if I do this:
# col_name data_type from_deserializer
spark-shell>sqlContext.sql("SET spark.sql.hive.convertMetastoreParquet=false")
.saveAsTable("Happy_HIVE")//Suppose this table is saved at /apps/hive/warehouse/Happy_HIVE
hive> CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE Happy_HIVE (user_id string,email string,ts string)
LOCATION '/apps/hive/warehouse/Happy_HIVE';
The problem is that the datasource table created through Dataframe API(partitionBy+saveAsTable) is not compatible with Hive.(see this link). By setting spark.sql.hive.convertMetastoreParquet to false as suggested in the doc, Spark only puts data onto HDFS,but won't create table on Hive. And then you can manually go into hive shell to create an external table with proper schema&partition definition pointing to the data location.
I've tested this in Spark 1.6.1 and it worked for me. I hope this helps!
I have done in pyspark, spark version 2.3.0 :
create empty table where we need to save/overwrite data like:
create table databaseName.NewTableName like databaseName.OldTableName;
then run below command:
The issue is you can't read this table with hive but you can read with spark.
metadata doesn't already exist. In other words, it will add any partitions that exist on HDFS but not in metastore, to the hive metastore.
