How do I replace all occurrences of string in Excel documents in a folder using Powershell - excel

I was able to find here the code for Word Document files, how could I use /adjust the same set of code to run Excel files
$objWord = New-Object -comobject Word.Application
$objWord.Visible = $false
$list = Get-ChildItem "C:\Users\john\foldername\*.*" -Include *.doc*
foreach($item in $list){
$objDoc = $objWord.Documents.Open($item.FullName,$true)
$objSelection = $objWord.Selection
$wdFindContinue = 1
$FindText = "1911"
$MatchCase = $False
$MatchWholeWord = $true
$MatchWildcards = $False
$MatchSoundsLike = $False
$MatchAllWordForms = $False
$Forward = $True
$Wrap = $wdFindContinue
$Format = $False
$wdReplaceNone = 0
$ReplaceWith = "456"
$wdFindContinue = 1
$ReplaceAll = 2
$a = $objSelection.Find.Execute($FindText,$MatchCase,$MatchWholeWord, `

Based on this answer, you could do something like this:
$folderPath = "C:\Users\john\foldername\*"
$fileType = "*.xls*"
$excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$textToReplace = #{
# "TextToFind" = "TextToReplaceWith"
"This1" = "That1"
"This2" = "That2"
"This3" = "That3"
Function findAndReplace($wsheet, $FindText, $ReplaceWith) {
#simple Replace to execute on all columns of a Worksheet object
$wsheet.Columns.Replace($FindText, $ReplaceWith) > $null
Function findAndReplaceMulti($wsheet, $lookupTable) {
#apply multiple Replace on the same Worksheet object
$lookupTable.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object {
findAndReplace $wsheet $_.Key $_.Value
Function findAndReplaceWholeWb($wbook, $lookupTable) {
#apply multiple Replace in all Worksheets
$wbook.Worksheets | ForEach-Object {
findAndReplaceMulti $_ $lookupTable
Get-ChildItem -Path $folderPath -Recurse -Filter $fileType | ForEach-Object {
$excel.Visible = $False
Write-Host "Processing `"$($_.Name)`"..."
$wbook = $excel.Workbooks.Open($_.FullName)
findAndReplaceWholeWb $wbook $textToReplace
$excel = $null


Replace a string of text in multiple Excel files using a PowerShell script

I have multiple Excel files that have similar data, and I want a PowerShell script that searches and replaces a string of text in all Excel files in a specified folder.
So far, I have the following PowerShell script that opens all my Excel files and attempts to replace matching strings in the second Worksheet, but the expected changes are not made:
$Path = "C:\Users\mabrant\Downloads\Workstations (21)\Workstations\"
$files = Get-ChildItem "C:\Users\mabrant\Downloads\Workstations (21)\Workstations" -Filter *.xlsx
ForEach ($item in $files) {
$Excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$Excel.visible = $true
$Workbook = $$Path + [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName("$item"))
$Worksheets = $Workbooks.worksheets
$Worksheet = $Workbook.Worksheets.Item(2)
$SearchString = "NEW" #String to Find
$Range = $Worksheet.Range("S4:Y4").EntireColumn #Range of Cells to look at
$Search = $Range.find($SearchString) }
$Search = $Range.find($SearchString)
if ($search -ne $null) {
$FirstAddress = $search.Address
do {
$Search.value() = "Installed" # Replacement Value
$search = $Range.FindNext($search)
} while ( $search -ne $null -and $search.Address -ne $FirstAddress)
[void]$excel.quit() `
Seems like you were really close to having a working script. I believe the main problem is that your ForEach block should include everything except the $excel.quit() so that you save and close each workbook as you go.
I reformatted your code to make it easier to see the entire ForEach block, I removed the duplicate $Search = $Range.find($SearchString) statement, and I set some Excel.Application properties to $false to make it work better.
Here is the updated code:
$Path = "C:\Users\mabrant\Downloads\Workstations (21)\Workstations\"
$files = Get-ChildItem $Path -Filter *.xlsx
$Excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$Excel.Visible = $false
$Excel.EnableEvents = $false
$Excel.DisplayAlerts = $false
ForEach ($item in $files) {
$Workbook = $Excel.Workbooks.Open($Path + [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName("$item"))
$Worksheet = $Workbook.Worksheets.Item(2)
$SearchString = "NEW" #String to Find
$Range = $Worksheet.Range("S4:Y4").EntireColumn #Range of Cells to look at
$Search = $Range.find($SearchString)
if ($Search -ne $null) {
$FirstAddress = $Search.Address
do {
$Search.Value() = "Installed" # Replacement Value
$Search = $Range.FindNext($Search)
} while ( $Search -ne $null -and $Search.Address -ne $FirstAddress)

How to use powershell to select range and dump that to csv file

Actually, this is a version of question here:
How to use powershell to select and copy columns and rows in which data is present in new workbook.
The goal is to grab certain columns from multiple Excel workbooks and dump everything to one csv file. Columns are always the same.
I'm doing that manually:
$xl = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$xl.Visible = $false
$xl.DisplayAlerts = $false
$counter = 0
$input_folder = "C:\Users\user\Documents\excelfiles"
$output_folder = "C:\Users\user\Documents\csvdump"
Get-ChildItem $input_folder -File |
Foreach-Object {
$wb = $xl.Workbooks.Open($_.FullName, 0, 1, 5, "")
try {
$ws = $wb.Worksheets.item('Calls') # => This specific worksheet
$rowMax = ($ws.UsedRange.Rows).count
for ($i=1; $i -le $rowMax-1; $i++) {
$newRow = New-Object -Type PSObject -Property #{
'Type' = $ws.Cells.Item(1+$i,1).text
'Direction' = $ws.Cells.Item(1+$i,2).text
'From' = $ws.Cells.Item(1+$i,3).text
'To' = $ws.Cells.Item(1+$i,4).text
$newRow | Export-Csv -Path $("$output_folder\$ESO_Output") -Append -noType -Force
} catch {
Write-host "No such workbook" -ForegroundColor Red
# Return
This works, but is extremely slow because Excel has to select every cell, copy that, then Powershell has to create array and save row by row in output csv file.
Is there a method to select a range in Excel (number of columns times ($ws.UsedRange.Rows).count), cut header line and just append this range (array?) to csv file to make everything much faster?
So that's the final solution
Script is 22 times faster!!! than original solution.
Hope somebody will find that useful :)
PasteSpecial is to filter out empty rows. There is no need to save them into csv
$xl = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$xl.Visible = $false
$xl.DisplayAlerts = $false
$counter = 0
$input_folder = "C:\Users\user\Documents\excelfiles"
$output_folder = "C:\Users\user\Documents\csvdump"
Get-ChildItem $input_folder -File |
Foreach-Object {
try {
$new_ws1 = $wb.Worksheets.add()
$ws = $wb.Worksheets.item('Calls')
$rowMax = ($ws.UsedRange.Rows).count
$range = $ws.Range("A1:O$rowMax")
$x = $range.copy()
$y = $new_ws1.Range("A1:O$rowMax").PasteSpecial([System.Type]::Missing,[System.Type]::Missing,$true,$false)
} catch {
Write-host "No such workbook" -ForegroundColor Red
# Return
Part above will generate a bunch of csv files.
Part below will read these files in separate loop and combine them together into one.
-exclude is an array of something I want to omit
Remove-Item to remove temporary files
Answer below is based on this post:
$getFirstLine = $true
Get-ChildItem "$output_folder\*.csv" -exclude $excluded | foreach {
$filePath = $_
$lines = Get-Content $filePath
$linesToWrite = switch($getFirstLine) {
$true {$lines}
$false {$lines | Select -Skip 1}
$getFirstLine = $false
Add-Content "$($output_folder)\MERGED_CSV_FILE.csv" $linesToWrite
Remove-Item $_.FullName

Powershell, close Excel

I have the following code and it works perfectly except it's not closing Excel properly. It's leaving an Excel process running.
Is there a way to close Excel properly without killing the process?
Since i'm using other Excel files while running this script i can not kill all active Excel processes.
I think i tried everything i found online.
$WorkDir = "D:\Test\QR_ES\RG_Temp"
$BGDir = "D:\Test\QR_ES\3_BG"
$File = "D:\Test\QR_ES\4_Adr_Excel\KD_eMail.xlsx"
$SentDir = "D:\Test\QR_ES\RG_Temp\Sent\Dunning"
chdir $WorkDir
$firstPageList = Get-ChildItem "$WorkDir\1*.pdf" -File -Name
ForEach ($firstPage in $firstPageList)
$secondPage = "$BGDir\BG_RG.pdf"
$output = "Dunn-$firstPage"
invoke-command {pdftk $firstPage background $secondPage output $output}}
del 1*.pdf
gci $WorkDir\Dunn-*.pdf | rename-item -newname {$_.Name.Substring(5)} -Force
$Excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$Excel.visible = $false
$Workbook = $$file)
$DunnList = Get-ChildItem "$WorkDir\1*.pdf" -File -Name
ForEach ($Dunn in $DunnList)
$Worksheets = $Workbooks.worksheets
$Worksheet = $Workbook.Worksheets.Item("KD_eMail")
$Range = $Worksheet.Range("A1").EntireColumn
$DunnSearch = $Dunn.Substring(0,5)
$SearchString = $DunnSearch
$Search = $Range.find($SearchString)
$Recipient = $Worksheet.Cells.Item($Search.Row, $Search.Column + 1)
$Msg = "<span style='font-family:Calibri;font-size:12pt;'>Test</span>"
$Outlook = New-Object -ComObject Outlook.Application
$namespace = $Outlook.GetNameSpace("MAPI")
$namespace.Logon($null, $null, $false, $true)
$EmailFrom = ('')
$account = $outlook.Session.Accounts.Item($EmailFrom)
$Mail = $Outlook.CreateItem(0)
$Mail.HTMLBody = $Msg
$Mail.Subject = "OP - $SearchString"
$Mail.To = $Recipient
function Invoke-SetProperty {
[__ComObject] $Object,
[String] $Property,
[Void] $Object.GetType().InvokeMember($Property,"SetProperty",$NULL,$Object,$Value)
Invoke-SetProperty -Object $mail -Property "SendUsingAccount" -Value $account
chdir $WorkDir
del 1*.pdf
See this post:
which is not accepted as an answer, but I believe is the full, correct way to close Excel.
This is what did it for me:
$FilePID = (Get-Process -name Excel | Where-Object { $_.MainWindowTitle -like 'FileName.xlsx*' }).Id
Stop-Process $FilePID
Elaborating on #ASD's answer, since the MainWindowTitle doesn't (always) include the file suffix (.xlsx) you may have to strip that when comparing it to the filename. I'm using -replace to use a Regex match of everything before the last dot.
$excelPID = (Get-Process -name Excel | Where-Object { $_.MainWindowTitle -eq $fileName -replace '\.[^.]*$', '' }).Id
Stop-Process $excelPID

Why is my code not saving the correct worksheet?

I have this following Powershell script to convert the 2nd sheet on a XLSB file to CSV.
Function XLSBtoCSV ($Path)
foreach($File in (Get-childItem $Path -Filter "*.xlsb"))
$pwd = $Path
$excelFile = "$pwd\" + $File
$Excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$Excel.Visible = $false
$Excel.DisplayAlerts = $false
$wb = $Excel.Workbooks.Open($excelFile)
$ws = $wb.Worksheets.item(2)
$ws.SaveAs("$pwd\" + $File.BaseName + "-" + $ + ".csv", 6)
$FilePath = Get-Location
XLSBtoCSV -Path $FilePath
This script used to work but somehow now it only saves the last worksheet (sheet 3). I have tried to change to different sheet number but every time, the last worksheet is saved.
Very close. You need to loop through the worksheet items instead of just calling items(2) as covered in another answer:
Function XLSBtoCSV ($Path)
foreach($File in (Get-childItem $Path -Filter "*.xlsb"))
$pwd = $Path
$excelFile = "$pwd\" + $File
$Excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$Excel.Visible = $false
$Excel.DisplayAlerts = $false
$wb = $Excel.Workbooks.Open($excelFile)
# source
foreach($ws in $wb.Worksheets)
$ws.SaveAs("$pwd\" + $File.BaseName + "-" + $ + ".csv", 6)
# close/dispose all the open parts of Excel
$FilePath = Get-Location
XLSBtoCSV -Path $FilePath

Convert code from Excel Macro to PowerShell

I open a CSV file in Excel and run this macro to change the background color. I am trying to convert this part of code to PowerShell.
lrow = Range("G" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Set MR = Range("G2:G" & lrow)
For Each cell In MR
If UCase(Trim(cell.Value)) = "FALSE" Then
cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 3
End If
Any help converting this code to PowerShell.
You could write something like this:
$objExcel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$objExcel.Visible = $true
$objExcel.DisplayAlerts = $false
$filePath = "c:\logs\2015-04-23.csv"
$xlsFilePath = Get-Item -Path $filePath | % { Join-Path (Split-Path $_ -Parent) "$($_.BaseName).xls" }
$workBook = $objExcel.Workbooks.Open($filePath)
$workSheet = $WorkBook.sheets | select -First 1
$xlup = -4162
$lrow = $workSheet.cells.Range("G" + $workSheet.Rows.Count).End($xlup).Row
$workSheet.cells.Range("G2:G" + $lrow) | % {
$value = $_.Text
if($value.ToUpper() -eq "TRUE"){
$_.Interior.ColorIndex = 3
$WorkBook.SaveAs($xlsFilePath, 18)
If you have a very large file, it is faster to search values using powershell then updating the Excel sheet. The following example looks a bit funny but executes much faster.
$filePath = "c:\logs\2015-04-23.csv"
$rowAliases = 97..122 | foreach { ([char]$_).ToString().ToUpper() }
$selectedRow = "G"
$selectedName = (Get-Content $filePath -ReadCount 1 -TotalCount 1).Split(",")[$rowAliases.IndexOf($selectedRow)]
$startRow = 2
$rowCount = 1;
$objExcel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$objExcel.Visible = $true
$objExcel.DisplayAlerts = $false
$xlsFilePath = Get-Item -Path $filePath | % { Join-Path (Split-Path $_ -Parent) "$($_.BaseName).xls" }
$workBook = $objExcel.Workbooks.Open($filePath)
$workSheet = $WorkBook.sheets | select -First 1
Import-Csv -Path $filePath | % {
if($rowCount -ge $startRow){
[string]$value = $_ | select -ExpandProperty $selectedName
if($value.ToUpper() -eq "TRUE"){
$workSheet.cells.Item($rowCount + 1, $selectedIndex + 1).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
$rowCount ++
$WorkBook.SaveAs($xlsFilePath, 18)
