alertmanager: custom receiver or webhook receiver with custom POST payload? - prometheus-alertmanager

Is there a way to modify the webhook receiver's POST payload?
If not: is there documentation or a template on how to write an own receiver?

Was looking for the same thing, and ended-up finding couple of issues on alertmanager repository informing that webhook receiver currently does not support this type of customization.
Seems the general consensus is that when using a webhook receiver one should write its own application to send notifications to the provider of choice.
Prometheus/Alertmanager: Issue 1422
Prometheus/Alertmanager: Issue 1496


How to create a bot in lex/azure that respond in slack threads?

I have created 2 chatbots using AWS lex and Azure bot framework each. I have integrated them with slack and they respond to the mentions in channels.
Currently, the bot responds as a new message however I want it to respond in the slack thread of the original message posted by the user. I tried to look for articles in various places but could not find anything helpful. Does anyone have any idea on how to achieve this or a reference to a GitHub repo for a sample?
Since you are able to post replies, I am assuming that you are using chat.postMessage API.
To send the reply as a thread, all you need to do is that add thread_ts argument in the api call.
(Provide original message's ts (timestamp) value to make this message a reply.)

DocuSign REST API - pause workflow + webhooks (node.js)

Good afternoon,
I am integrating DocuSign into our business applications (node.js) and have an issue:
Is there a way to use the DocuSign connect webhook to let me know when a workflow is paused? On the admin connect page, I have all possible boxes checked on the connect options - which do not include anything about workflow status (mostly signed/delivered/completed/declined stuff).
My current workaround is to add a customField on the Signer 'pauseAfterSigned' which I check for in the webhook xml. If the signer with that field has Status "Completed" then I know the workflow has been paused. This seems like a lousy workaround :(
We currently don't have an event fired when a workflow is paused as far as I know. So your workaround would have to do for now. Can you please provide more information around your scenario? Perhaps it's something we should consider adding depending on the scenario here. Thank you.

Is there a way to achieve the same behavior of sending notifications as email notifications using GitHub API?

I'm building a Telegram bot for myself that should send to me notifications when I get any. I'm trying to achieve the same behavior as GitHub's email notifications. The problem is that I'm not sure if it's even possible. I'm working with GitHub API for few days straight trying to solve this issue but I still have no idea how to do it. It's like GitHub API doesn't provide enough information about the notification.
For example, it provides field "reason", which describes why I got this notification but how to understand what this notification is about? Like, if I was assigned to the issue or pull request (right now it seems like notifications are the same whether I got assigned to the issue or got a new message in the assigned issue), or got a new message in a watching issue/pull request or anything else.

Sending and receiving session state info (user data) while exchanging WhatsApp messages

I am new in Twilio and want to use it for connecting an existing chatbot to WhatsApp. Setting up a basic bi-directional message exchange (using the Twilio sandbox) turned out to be quite simple. I use node.js + Express in combination with the npm twilio package.
The chatbot is set up stateless. Therefore, what I need is a mechanism to keep track of the state the chatbot is in for a particular user.
Question: is it possible to send session state info (session data) back and forth with the WhatsApp message flow?
Not sure if this behavior also applies to the WhatsApp message flow, otherwise the answer is no. Curious on your findings.
How do Twilio cookies work?
I submitted my question to Twilio Support; below is (part of) the answer I got.
Twilio Support:
Unfortunately, our WhatsApp integration does not support cookies. Instead, I would strongly recommend our Conversations API:
This would allow you to create meaningful connections with customers across channels. You could integrate Twilio autopilot to build an intelligent chatbot.

Firebase (Google) Cloud Messaging (FCM, old GCM) - check message status

I'm trying to find a solution to ensure a push notification to my Chrome extension has been received before sending another one. IF it hasn't been received and another one should go, I would change its content to tell the user he has multiple new informations to check.
So I'm looking for a way to check the previous message status using its ID, or check the queue of messages if using a collapse key, before sending a new one. But I can't find anything related to this, except here : there is FCM message status detailed, but no way to get them after the first response.
I am aware receipts can be implemented using XMPP but I would really prefer to remain on the regular HTTP protocol.
Thanks ahead for any help.
XMPP receipts would be the recommended way for you to get an ack that the message was delivered. You can also use the Play Developer console (Android developer console) to view statistics on the status of messages. However this will not be sufficient if you want to automatically resend, you would have to do this manually.
