Emulate a mouse - node.js

I want to emulate a mouse, that just moves around and left clicks while doing so.
I tried using RobotJS(https://www.npmjs.com/package/robotjs) but it didn't work out for me, so I'm looking for an alternative.


Simulating keypress with mouse movement using DirectInput (dinput.dll)

I have been trying to play Omikron: The Nomad Soul, but I found it incredibly difficult to do so without using the mouse. I have been trying to use dinput.dll to simulate keyboard presses using mouse movement, but nothing I tried so far worked. I am a complete amateur at this, so I thought I should ask how to do this properly.
What I am trying to do is to edit dinput.dll source code from github, create a dinput.dll file with configurable ini file, where you can assign key presses to mouse movement. This would be beneficial in many old games.
For example;
Mouse moving up = press up arrow key
Mouse moving down = press down arrow key
Mouse moving left = press left arrow key
Mouse moving right = press right arrow key
Reason why I want to use dinput instead of something like autohotkey is because stuff like autohotkey doesn't always get along well with old games. For example Omikron: The Nomad Soul.
Thank you for any help in advance.

svg-pan-zoom wrong pan after zooming out

It is a great library. It works well. Thank you Bumbu Alex and Anders Riutta and all the contributors. Well I got stuck. I have tried a lot. I guess the answer is nearby.
When I zoomIn by wheel or pinch (no matter) it zooms well in and out. When I reach zoom back by 1 it stays in place.
But when I
ZoomIn 2 times (for example)
Move my mouse cursor away (1 inch for
ZoomOut all the way and my elements are all off. So nothing
centered anymore. It is applied a pan. Half elements are got cut off
of the viewport.
So it is not a bad. I guess I use it wrong. I have tried thousand times to resize it back but nothing works for me. I appreciate any help. Thank you.
It is normal behaviour as zooming with a mouse zooms based on current mouse position. Same goes about zooming out.
If you want to achieve zooming in and out that is always the same then you'd have to:
disable default mouse handing
add your own listener for mouse scroll events
when mouse scroll is fired - zoom in our out
(This demo) has some similar changes.
If you just want to centre the contents then you can use .center() or .contain() methods (you may also need to call .fit()).

Detecting touchpad movement vs regular mouse programmatically on Linux

I love the mod4 + mouse-drag combo for moving/resizing windows in Awesome WM, it's very intuitive with regular mouse. Now that I'm using Awesome WM on my laptop, however, I find this combo more annoying when using the touchpad vs regular mouse.
The problem stems from the fact that I now need 3 fingers to perform a gesture that I could do with 2 before (1 to move on the touchpad, 1 to keep on the left-click at all times, and one on mod4). Alternatively, I can apply more force to the touchpad and have it pressed as I drag my finger, which is not any better since it puts a lot of stress on the finger doing the dragging).
What I would like to do instead is have awesome treat left-mouse button as pressed if both of the following conditions are met:
mod4 is pressed
movement event is coming from touchpad and not regular mouse
To do so, however, I need to be able to detect that the movement is coming from the touchpad. Is there a way to do so in Awesome WM/Linux? I've looked through the keysyms (http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/List_of_keysyms) but don't see anything for the mouse. I've also looked at the mouse.lua file in Awesome WM but it doesn't seem to have anything to differentiate between the two either (https://github.com/awesomeWM/awesome/blob/master/lib/awful/mouse/init.lua). If there is a way to tell that the last coordinate change came from a touchpad on Linux that would resolve the issue as I could simply create a lua file to run such check whenever Mod4 is pressed.
To do so, however, I need to be able to detect that the movement is coming from the touchpad. Is there a way to do so in Awesome WM/Linux?
Nope, there is no such way in AwesomeWM. Sorry.
In X11, this is possible via the input extension. However, awesome does not use that extension.

Propagating all events from a X window

I'a currently working on a small utility, it's my first ever X project. The utility is used to draw a small circle around your mouse pointer. I use an app called Pinpoint to do the same on my Mac, it helps me find my mouse as I'm visually impaired.
The utility creates an transparent X window and draw a circle inside, it then moves that window with the mouse pointer so that the circle follows the mouse.
It currently works, except for one detail. Mouse events are not propagated up to the underlying windows. Basically, the utility makes the mouse useless.
As far as I can tell from the Xlib docs, if not otherwise specified, new windows should propagate all events. How can I fix this?
The code can be found on GitHub: https://github.com/blubber/circle-cursor it's a bit messy currently, becaue it is just a proof of concept.
I would suggest doing via cursor image as well, there are many ways when you won't be able to receive mouse events and only possible source would be polling with XQueryPointer.
With xfixes extension you can subscribe to all cursor image changed events and get most recent shape of the cursor, and whit XRender you can set your own ( possibly animated cursor )

How to write an X11 app that follows the cursor

I'd like to write a Linux screen magnifier that's customized to my liking. Ideally, the magnified window would be a square about 150 pixels wide that follows the mouse cursor wherever it goes.
Is it possible to do this in X11? Would it be easier to have an application window that follows the mouse around, or would it be better (or possible) to forget about the window altogether and just make the mouse pointer a 150x150 square that magnifies whatever's underneath?
Look at the source to xeyes?
This actually already exists, it's called Xmag (do a Google search for additional info). You might want to check out the source code for it if you want to know how it works.
EDIT: looks like I misread your question a little bit... if you want a magnified square to follow the mouse pointer around, I suppose it should be possible, but I don't know the technical details of how you'd do it. Regardless, the place to start is probably by looking at Xmag as a starting point.
I am unsure if this can run as its own app or would have to be integrated into your window manager. Either way, you would need libx11 (might have a different name from distro to distro). Also, I would suggest taking a look at swarp. I know this is not even close to what you are talking about, but the source code is only 35 lines and it shows what can be done with libx11.
I would personally make that a frameless window that always stays atop with a 1px hole in the middle. The events that the user makes (Mouse clicks, keypresses, whatever) is passed to the window below.
And when the user moves it's cursor it is ought to be visible to your window and you just move it over a bit. For the magnifying part, well - that is left as an exercise to the reader (Because I do not know how to do that as of yet ;-).
Texworks comes with such a feature to inspect the pdf resulting from typesetting a latex source. You can also choose between a square or a circular magnifier. See https://www.tug.org/texworks/ for access to the code which can serve a launchpad.
