Spyder not launching in python 3.7 - python-3.x

Several days ago, Spyder stopped running. I tried almost everything on forums. I desinstalled it and downloaded last version of anaconda package, but to no avail.
This is what the anaconda prompt shows me
As I said, I tried uploading qt, PySide, and even tried to locate .spyder2 to erase it as is said in Anaconda webpage.
I really don't know what else to try
EDIT: Don't know if you need versions of anything, because as I said, it is the standard last version package available in Anaconda.
EDIT2: I'm using Windows 10


Why does the graphics module in Python no longer exist?

I was writing a python script. When I saw VSCode thought that my Python Interpreter was invalid (Python 10 from Microsoft Store), so I tried reinstalling it, but then I saw an update to Python 11, so I updated that, but then I had to reinstall some modules, and when I tried to install graphics, it said it didn't exist, so I tried to update pip, and it did, but it still couldn't find it. So I tried to go back to Python 10, and updated pip, but then it still couldn't find it. I also looked at PyPI, and it didn't show the module it had before.
I tried updating stuff & installing graphics, but it didn't work today.
PyPI Search Graphics Module Documentation

Python, Anaconda & PyCharm multiple versions of Python3

I just installed Anaconda3-2019-10 on my MacBook.
I tried to make sure that my previous Python 3 version was totally uninstalled / removed from my system. Typing python3to the terminal didn´t work anymore.
After installing Anaconda and PyCharm (pycharm-community-anaconda-2019.3.3) I started a new Project to test everything. For that I selected to create a new Conda environment:
After I created the process I checked the Preferences and the "Project Interpreter". This is what I found:
I expected to find two interpreters 1.) my 3.7 Python version and 2.) the Conda environment just created.
Does finding 3 versions mean that I didn´t correctly deinstall Python3 before installing anaconda or is there anything that I don´t understand here?
Do I need both versions?
If not is there a safe way to remove one of them?
For removing Python3 from my system I did almost everythin suggested in numerous posts in Stackoverflow.
Upon creating a venv(virtual environment) you no longer need to worry about the existing interpreter. https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/venv.html this might be of help.

Anaconda 64bit install has begun to fail

I have been using Anaconda 3-5.0.1 with spyder3. Spyder has begun to fail.
I tried to remove and reinstall but reinstall fails. I removed hidden folder
anaconda3 to no avail. I now have no working spyder. I am installing 64-bit version in Windows 10. There are a variety of error messages including cant create menus. I have run this install many times prior to today (2/8/2018).
I assume continuum changed something.
I would greatly appreciate guidance.
For those of you who still have the same issue, try to follow the link below.
You may need to have a google translate as it's a Japanese blog.
I deleted JDK, JRE and all java related paths in the environment setting as suggested in the blog. Then I could successfully install anaconda3.5.1.0_64bit with no error.

Anaconda only comes with anaconda prompt

I used to have the whole anaconda package on my Windows 10 computer (an HP Envy) until recently, Windows 10 updated and the update caused problems so I restored the previous version of windows (keep in mind, I installed Anaconda about 3 updates ago so restoring should not have caused a problem). A few days later, I tried to use Jupyter but "jupyter notebook" no longer launched Jupyter when typed into PowerShell. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling with all different preferences (i.e. me only, all users, PATH, no PATH, etc.) but it still installs as only the anaconda prompt. When I type conda --version in PowerShell, my error says "The term conda is not recognized" ...
Does anyone have any suggestions? I really need to use Jupyter. Thanks!

Anaconda menu failed

I tried downloading/installing Versions 3.4, then 3.6 of Anaconda on Windows 10. Each time. I got an error message that the Anaconda menu filed to load.
I did a re-try, then even tried to IGNORE, but then I got another message that the directories had failed to load. Are these versions meant for Windows 10?
Thanks - Steve
This has come up quite a bit. It should be fixed in Anaconda4.3.1. It often happens when installing to all user areas and if you have spaces or unicode characters in the username. It is best to install to your user directory. Even though it gives an error Anaconda is still installed, it just didn't make the Start Menu items. You can install them yourself:
conda install -f console_shortcut ipython ipython-qtconsole anaconda-navigator spyder jupyter
