How to query on nested object using loopback model query? - node.js

I have this data on mongodb in a table named "Alerts" in geojson format
"_id" : ObjectId("5be40b8099d5b81e6115d517"),
"title" : "Real-time earthquake",
"priority" : "high",
"status" : NumberInt("1"),
"extAlertData" : {
"type" : "Feature",
"properties" : {
"mag" : 4.11,
"place" : "12km S of Tres Pinos,
"time" : 1541163534230,
"geometry" : {
"type" : "Point",
"coordinates" : [
"id" : "nc73105276"
"_id" : ObjectId("5be401c39b9e021a4c1a5c80"),
"title" : "Real-time earthquake",
"priority" : "high",
"status" : NumberInt("1"),
"extAlertData" : {
"type" : "Feature",
"properties" : {
"mag" : 4.5,
"place" : "107km NW of Tobelo,
"time" : 1541665816710,
"geometry" : {
"type" : "Point",
"coordinates" : [
"id" : "us1000hp6t"
I want to retrieve the field "id" which is nested inside "extAlertData" and time using model query.
Expected Output :
Following query does not working.
db.Alerts.find({fields : {"": true}},
function (err, Alerts){
//process alert
Query is retrieving the following error:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'id' of undefined
How can I query using fields filter in mongoDB? I am using loopback framework of node js.
Thanks in advance.

var yourdata =[];
var cursor = db.collection('Alerts').find();
cursor.each(function(err, item) {
if (item != null) {
var yourid =;
var yourtime =;
var pushdata = {id: yourid,time: yourtime};


Appending to list works in MongoDB shell, but not in Node,js

This is the structure of the file.
"_id" : ObjectId("5f45274bbbe768fe0d56d9d0"),
"article" : "article-name",
"comments" : [
"id" : "_lj7cfhx7z",
"name" : "person",
"date" : "25/08/2020",
"text" : "asdasdsddsdsdasd",
"replies" : [
"name" : "person2",
"date" : "25/08/2020",
"text" : "replyyyteextttttt"
"name" : "person3",
"date" : "25/08/2020",
"text" : "replyyyteextttttt"
"id" : "_wpdpj7kv6",
"name" : "person4",
"date" : "25/08/2020",
"text" : "aaaa",
"replies" : [ ]
I am trying to write a function that appends to replies list given the id of the comment. When I do it in the MongoDB shell like this db.comments.findOneAndUpdate({"article": "exif-parsing", "": "_t2aqbhi5a"}, {"$push": {"comments.$.replies": {"text": "new"}}});, it works. But in Node.js it doesn't work.
var db = new DataBase("mongodb://localhost:27017/")
replyTo(article, id, name, comment) {
db.connect("blog", "comments", function(collection) {
var reply = {name: name, date: getCurrentDate(), text: comment};
collection.findOneAndUpdate({"article": article, "": id}, {"$push": {"comments.$.replies": reply}});

Mongo: filter documents from multiple collections and merge

I am new to mongo and NodeJS and have a use case where I want to get filtered results from multiple collection.
Advance apologies for the long post.
for ex:
"_id" : "",
"name" : "Foo",
"location" : {
"coordinates" : [
"type" : "Point"
"_id" : ",
"name" : "Bar",
"location" : {
"coordinates" : [
"type" : "Point"
collectionB: Some attributes are not present for all the documents and hence optional
"_id" : ""
"AttributeA" : [
"name" : "AttA_Name",
"val" : "Coll_B_AttA_Val_Foo"
"name" : "AttA_Name1",
"val" : "Coll_B_AttA_Val_Foo"
"_id" : ""
"AttributeA" : [
"name" : "AttA_Name",
"val" : "Coll_B_AttA_Val_Bar"
"name" : "AttA_Name2",
"val" : "Coll_B_AttA_Val_Bar"
"AttributeB" : [
"name" : "AttB_Name",
"val" : "Coll_B_AttB_Val_Bar"
CollectionC: Some attributes are not present for all the documents and hence optional
"_id" : ""
"AttributeA" : [
"name" : "Coll_C_AttA_Name",
"val" : "Coll_C_AttA_Val_Foo"
"_id" : ""
"AttributeA" : [
"name" : "Coll_C_AttA_Name",
"val" : "Coll_C_AttA_Val_Bar"
"AttributeB" : [
"name" : "Coll_C_AttB_Name",
"val" : "Coll_C_AttB_Val_Bar"
I know Collection B and C schema looks the same but the purpose is different and they have to be different. DB design is not the question so I would appreciate if do not put all the focus on it.
Assume there is another user (Alan) with same attributes present as Bar that exist in the collection but is not living nearby the location of Bar.
The query I am trying to build on top of these is,
Find people living nearby from CollectionA
And Collection B, if AttributeA exist and have an element with name: AttA_Name
And in Collection C, if AttributeA exist and have an name: Coll_C_AttA_Name
In the above case I am expecting a result as
"_id" : "",
"name" : "Foo",
"location" : {
"coordinates" : [
"type" : "Point"
"collectionB_AttributeA" : [
"name" : "AttA_Name",
"val" : "Coll_B_AttA_Val_Foo"
"name" : "AttA_Name1",
"val" : "Coll_B_AttA_Val_Foo"
"collectionC_AttributeA" : [
"name" : "Coll_C_AttA_Name",
"val" : "Coll_C_AttA_Val_Foo"
"_id" : ",
"name" : "Bar",
"location" : {
"coordinates" : [
"type" : "Point"
"name" : "AttA_Name",
"val" : "Coll_B_AttA_Val_Bar"
"name" : "AttA_Name2",
"val" : "Coll_B_AttA_Val_Bar"
"name" : "Coll_C_AttA_Name",
"val" : "Coll_C_AttA_Val_Bar"
There is one way of doing is in parts:
query Collection A and get the nearby people
Loop through the result of 1 and find in CollectionB if they have AttributeA and an element with name AttA_Name and eliminate if they don't match.
Loop through the filtered results from 2 and find in CollectionC if they have AttributeA and and element with name Coll_C_AttA_Name and if they don't eliminate such documents.
Is there a way I can use aggregate to build this query as one? I tried reading and trying the aggregate but seems like my understanding is incomplete.
let result = await CollectionASchema.aggregate([
$geoNear: {
near: { type: "Point", coordinates: [ Number(long) , Number(lat) ] },
distanceField: "dist.calculated",
minDistance: 0,
maxDistance: radiusinmetres,
spherical: true
from: 'collectionB',
pipeline: [
{ $match : { $and: [{ AttributeA :{$exists: true}}, { [category]: { $elemMatch: { name: “AttA_Name” } } }] }},
{ $project: { AttributeA: 0 } }
as: "collectionB_AttributeA"
If you can explain if this is possible or let me know off this is the right approach that would be helpful.

Mongo pull object from array inside array

i have inside my mongoDB collection this document
"_id" : ObjectId("5b633025579fac22e74bf3be"),
"FLAGS" : [
"toSent" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("5b633025579fac22e74bf3c2"),
"phone" : "+84404040404"
"_id" : ObjectId("5b633025579fac22e74bf3c1"),
"phone" : "+212652253403"
"_id" : ObjectId("5b633025579fac22e74bf3c0"),
"phone" : "+212123456788"
"_id" : ObjectId("5b633025579fac22e74bf3bf"),
"action" : "group_p_a"
"toSent" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("5b633031579fac22e74bf3c9"),
"phone" : "+212651077199"
"_id" : ObjectId("5b633031579fac22e74bf3c8"),
"phone" : "+84404040404"
"_id" : ObjectId("5b633031579fac22e74bf3c7"),
"phone" : "+212652253403"
"_id" : ObjectId("5b633031579fac22e74bf3c6"),
"phone" : "+212123456788"
"_id" : ObjectId("5b633031579fac22e74bf3c5"),
"action" : "group_p_a"
"time" : ISODate("2018-08-02T16:24:05.747+0000"),
"action_user_phone" : "+212123456788",
"idGroup" : "e534379a-1580-4568-b5ec-6eaf981538d2",
"nomGroup" : "MOH FOR EVER",
"__v" : NumberInt(0)
I need to remove for example this element { "_id" : ObjectId("5b633025579fac22e74bf3c2"), "phone" : "+84404040404"}
GroupEvents.update({}, {$pull:{FLAGS:{$elemMatch:{toSent:{phone: "+84404040404"} }}}},function(err,ret){
It remove all what's inside toSent event if it doesn't match.
Any help please
You need to use $ positional operator instead of $elemMatch here
{ "": "+84404040404" },
{ "$pull": { "FLAGS.$.toSent": { "phone": "+84404040404" }}},
If you want remove from every element of FLAGS array this you need to use $[] the all positional operator
{ "": "+84404040404" },
{ "$pull": { "FLAGS.$[].toSent": { "phone": "+84404040404" }}},

Targeting a query in Mongo to find and email nested in an object

I'm trying to do a query for an endpoint in my Node/Express & Mongo/Mongoose API.
Here is a representation of the document/schema I'm trying to query:
"_id" : ObjectId("59474bc3478604a75e1980e2"),
"initial" : "D",
"last_name" : "Spitz",
"first_name" : "Chris",
"owner_id" : "59474b92478604a75e1980e1",
"contacts" : [
"last_name" : "Jones",
"first_name" : "Tom",
"_id" : ObjectId("5947fd928389ffb393fbc310"),
"addresses" : [ ],
"phones" : [ ],
"emails" : [
"email_type" : "home",
"email_address" : "",
"_id" : ObjectId("5947fd928389ffb393fbc311")
"email_type" : "home",
"email_address" : "",
"_id" : ObjectId("5947ff9ed8fa7cb4c781acc9")
"last_name" : "Smith",
"first_name" : "Linda",
"_id" : ObjectId("5947ff9ed8fa7cb4c781acc8"),
"addresses" : [ ],
"phones" : [ ],
"emails" : [
"email_type" : "home",
"email_address" : "",
"_id" : ObjectId("5947ff9ed8fa7cb4c781acc9")
I'm trying to check if an email exists in the "" array of the document.
Here is the way I'm checking (based on the whey it the item is nested in the schema above):
Profile.find({'contacts.emails.email_address':req.body.invited_email}, function(err, profile){
console.log('Error in looking for profile.');
if(profile.contacts.emails.email_address !== null){
console.log('Found contact: ' + profile.contacts.emails.email_address);
} else {
console.log('Contact does not exist');
But for some reason I'm getting a "TypeError: Cannot read property 'emails' of undefined" error in the console when testing.
What am I missing here?

How to fetch specific fields in Mongo DB only values without keys?

My data set is following:
{ "_id" : "EVNQUERY-k9Uoo74Q3WcdmU", "event_data" : "{\"data\":\"helo\"}", "event_name" : "onOemPushAlert", "timestamp_start" : 1452678481433, "timestamp_end" : 1452678481433, "sender" : "USR-ADMIN", "status" : "pending", "query" : { "user" : { "and" : [ { "email" : { "eq" : "" } } ] } }, "updated_on" : ISODate("2016-01-13T09:48:01.459Z"), "created_on" : ISODate("2016-01-13T09:48:01.459Z") }
{ "_id" : "EVNQUERY-yAKmrbzs2JeaUY", "event_data" : "{\"data\":\"ji\"}", "event_name" : "onOemPushAlert", "timestamp_start" : 1452681060159, "timestamp_end" : 1452681060159, "sender" : "USR-ADMIN", "status" : "pending", "query" : { "user" : { "###and###" : [ { "email" : { "eq" : "" } } ] } }, "updated_on" : ISODate("2016-01-13T10:31:00.223Z"), "created_on" : ISODate("2016-01-13T10:31:00.223Z") }
{ "_id" : "EVNQUERY-0NeCstt2eJchDZ", "event_data" : "{\"data\":\"hyg\"}", "event_name" : "onOemPushAlert", "timestamp_start" : 1452681073882, "timestamp_end" : 1452681073882, "sender" : "USR-ADMIN", "status" : "pending", "query" : { "user" : { "###and###" : [ { "email" : { "eq" : "" } } ] } }, "updated_on" : ISODate("2016-01-13T10:31:13.897Z"), "created_on" : ISODate("2016-01-13T10:31:13.897Z") }
and i am running following query
but it give me
{ "_id" : "EVNQUERY-k9Uoo74Q3WcdmU" }
{ "_id" : "EVNQUERY-yAKmrbzs2JeaUY" }
{ "_id" : "EVNQUERY-0NeCstt2eJchDZ" }
but what i want is
["EVNQUERY-k9Uoo74Q3WcdmU", "EVNQUERY-yAKmrbzs2JeaUY", "EVNQUERY-0NeCstt2eJchDZ"]
Perform a distinct() query against the _id field on the collection:
In the node.js driver run the distinct() command which would have a callback with the results:
collection.distinct("_id", function(err, docs) {
if (err) { /* handle error */ };
You can use aggregation to achieve what you want. You can try this out
$group : {
keys : { $push : "_id" }
