What modification should I apply to the dynamic programming implementation of two partition problem to solve the following task:
You are given an array of positive integers as input, denote it C. The program should decide if it is possible to partition the array into two equal sum subsequences. You are allowed to remove some elements from the array, but not all, in order to make such partition feasible.
Suppose the input is 4 5 11 17 9. Two partition is possible if we remove 11 and 17. My question is what adjustments to my two partition implementation I should make to determine if two partition is possible (may or may not require to remove some elements) or output that two partition is impossible even if some elements are removed. The program should run in O(sum^2 * C) time.
Here is my two partition implementation in Python:
def two_partition(C):
n = len(C)
s = sum(C)
if s % 2 != 0: return False
T = [[False for _ in range(n + 1)] for _ in range(s//2 + 1)]
for i in range(n + 1): T[0][i] = True
for i in range(1, s//2 + 1):
for j in range(1, n + 1):
T[i][j] = T[i][j-1]
if i >= C[j-1]:
T[i][j] = T[i][j] or T[i-C[j-1]][j-1]
return T[s // 2][n]
For example, with input [2, 3, 1] the expected output is {2,1} and {3}. This makes it is possible to partition the array into two equal subsets. We don't need to remove any elements in this case. In the above example of 4 5 11 17 9, the two subsets are possible if we remove 11 and 17. This leaves {4,5} and {9}.
Create a 3 dimensional array indexed by sum of 1st partition, sum of 2nd partition and number of elements.
T[i][j][k] if only true if it's possible to have two disjoint subsets with sum i & j respectively within the first k elements.
To calculate it, you need to consider three possibilities for each element. Either it's present in first set, or second set, or it's removed entirely.
Doing this in a loop for each combination of sum possible generates the required array in O(sum ^ 2 * C).
To find the answer to your question, all you need to check is that there is some sum i such that T[i][i][n] is true. This implies that there are two distinct subsets both of which sum to i, as required by the question.
If you need to find the actual subsets, doing so is easy using a simple backtracking function. Just check which of the three possibilities are possible in the back_track functions and recurse.
Here's a sample implementation:
def back_track(T, C, s1, s2, i):
if s1 == 0 and s2 == 0: return [], []
if T[s1][s2][i-1]:
return back_track(T, C, s1, s2, i-1)
elif s1 >= C[i-1] and T[s1 - C[i-1]][s2][i-1]:
a, b = back_track(T, C, s1 - C[i-1], s2, i-1)
return ([C[i-1]] + a, b)
a, b = back_track(T, C, s1, s2 - C[i-1], i-1)
return (a, [C[i-1]] + b)
def two_partition(C):
n = len(C)
s = sum(C)
T = [[[False for _ in range(n + 1)] for _ in range(s//2 + 1)] for _ in range(s // 2 + 1)]
for i in range(n + 1): T[0][0][i] = True
for s1 in range(0, s//2 + 1):
for s2 in range(0, s//2 + 1):
for j in range(1, n + 1):
T[s1][s2][j] = T[s1][s2][j-1]
if s1 >= C[j-1]:
T[s1][s2][j] = T[s1][s2][j] or T[s1-C[j-1]][s2][j-1]
if s2 >= C[j-1]:
T[s1][s2][j] = T[s1][s2][j] or T[s1][s2-C[j-1]][j-1]
for i in range(1, s//2 + 1):
if T[i][i][n]:
return back_track(T, C, i, i, n)
return False
print(two_partition([4, 5, 11, 9]))
print(two_partition([2, 3, 1]))
print(two_partition([2, 3, 7]))
To determine if it's possible, keep a set of unique differences between the two parts. For each element, iterate over the differences seen so far; subtract and add the element. We're looking for the difference 0.
4 5 11 17 9
0 (empty parts)
|0 ± 4| = 4
set now has 4 and empty-parts-0
|0 ± 5| = 5
|4 - 5| = 1
|4 + 5| = 9
set now has 4,5,1,9 and empty-parts-0
|0 ± 11| = 11
|4 - 11| = 7
|4 + 11| = 15
|5 - 11| = 6
|5 + 11| = 16
|1 - 11| = 10
|1 + 11| = 12
|9 - 11| = 2
|9 + 11| = 20
... (iteration with 17)
|0 ± 9| = 9
|4 - 9| = 5
|4 + 9| = 13
|5 - 9| = 4
|5 + 9| = 14
|1 - 9| = 8
|1 + 9| = 10
|9 - 9| = 0
Python code:
def f(C):
diffs = set()
for n in C:
new_diffs = [n]
for d in diffs:
if d - n == 0:
return True
new_diffs.extend([abs(d - n), abs(d + n)])
diffs = diffs.union(new_diffs)
return False
> f([2, 3, 7, 2])
=> True
> f([2, 3, 7])
=> False
> f([7, 1000007, 1000000])
=> True
I quickly adapted code for searching of three equal-sums subsets to given problem.
Algorithm tries to put every item A[idx] in the first bag, or in the second bag (both are real bags) or in the third (fake) bag (ignored items). Initial values (available space) in the real bags are half of overall sum. This approach as-is has exponential complexity (decision tree with 3^N leaves)
But there is a lot of repeating distributions, so we can remember some state and ignore branches with no chance, so a kind of DP - memoization is used. Here mentioned state is set of available space in real bags when we use items from the last index to idx inclusively.
Possible size of state storage might reach N * sum/2 * sum/2
Working Delphi code (is not thoroughly tested, seems has a bug with ignored items output)
function Solve2(A: TArray<Integer>): string;
Map: TDictionary<string, boolean>;
Lists: array of TStringList;
found: Boolean;
s2: integer;
function CheckSubsetsWithItem(Subs: TArray<Word>; idx: Int16): boolean;
key: string;
i: Integer;
if (Subs[0] = Subs[1]) and (Subs[0] <> s2) then begin
found:= True;
if idx < 0 then
//debug map contains current rests of sums in explicit representation
key := Format('%d_%d_%d', [subs[0], subs[1], idx]);
if Map.ContainsKey(key) then
Result := Map.Items[key]
else begin
Result := false;
//try to put A[idx] into the first, second bag or ignore it
for i := 0 to 2 do begin
if Subs[i] >= A[idx] then begin
Subs[i] := Subs[i] - A[idx];
Result := CheckSubsetsWithItem(Subs, idx - 1);
if Result then begin
//retrieve subsets themselves at recursion unwindning
if found then
//reset sums before the next try
Subs[i] := Subs[i] + A[idx];
//remember result - memoization
Map.add(key, Result);
n, sum: Integer;
Subs: TArray<Word>;
n := Length(A);
sum := SumInt(A);
s2 := sum div 2;
found := False;
Map := TDictionary<string, boolean>.Create;
SetLength(Lists, 3);
Lists[0] := TStringList.Create;
Lists[1] := TStringList.Create;
Lists[2] := TStringList.Create;
if CheckSubsetsWithItem([s2, s2, sum], n - 1) then begin
Result := '[' + Lists[0].CommaText + '], ' +
'[' + Lists[1].CommaText + '], ' +
' ignored: [' + Lists[2].CommaText + ']';
end else
Result := 'No luck :(';
Memo1.Lines.Add(Solve2([1, 5, 4, 3, 2, 16,21,44, 19]));
Memo1.Lines.Add(Solve2([1, 3, 9, 27, 81, 243, 729, 6561]));
[16,21,19], [1,5,4,2,44], ignored: [3]
No luck :(
I need to solve a nonlinear system of equations in Python using Sympy.
For this, I wrote the code below. However, when I run this code the Python remains busy without returning any error message and, additionally, does not return the solution.
For comparison, I did the same work in Matlab and within a few seconds, the program returns two solutions for this system.
How, using Sympy, I can solve the system?
import sympy as sym
import numpy as np
# Variables of the system
S, V, E, A, I, R = sym.symbols('S, V, E, A, I, R')
# Parameters of the system
N = sym.Symbol("N", positive = True)
mi = sym.Symbol("mi", positive = True)
v = sym.Symbol("v", positive = True)
epsilon = sym.Symbol("epsilon", positive = True)
alpha = sym.Symbol("alpha", positive = True)
gamma_as = sym.Symbol("gamma_as", positive = True)
gamma_s = sym.Symbol("gamma_s", positive = True)
gamma_a = sym.Symbol("gamma_a", positive = True)
lamb = sym.Symbol("lamb", positive = True)
tau = sym.Symbol("tau", positive = True)
beta = sym.Symbol("beta", positive = True)
x = sym.Symbol("x")
# Declaration of the system equations
system = [mi*N - v*S + R - (beta*(A+I)/N)*S - mi*S,\
v*S - (1-epsilon)*(beta*(A+I)/N)*V - mi*V,\
(beta*(A+I)/N)*S + (1-epsilon)*(beta*(A+I)/N)*V - sym.exp(-mi*tau)*(beta*(A+I)/N)*S - mi*E,\
alpha*sym.exp(-mi*tau)*(beta*(A+I)/N)*S - (gamma_as + gamma_a + mi)*A,\
(1-alpha)*sym.exp(-mi*tau)*(beta*(A+I)/N)*S + gamma_as*A - (gamma_s + mi)*I,\
gamma_a*A + gamma_s*I - (1+mi)*R]
# Solution
solution_set = sym.nonlinsolve(system, [S, V, E, A, I, R])
pyS, pyV, pyE, pyA, pyI, pyR = solution_set[0]
SymPy generally solves a system of polynomial equations like this using Groebner bases. To compute the Groebner basis SymPy needs to identify each of the equations as a polynomial in the given unknowns with coefficients in a computable field (a "domain"). Your coefficients involve both mi and exp(-mi*tau) which SymPy's construct_domain doesn't like so it gives up constructing a computable domain and uses the "EX" domain instead which is very slow.
The solution then is to replace exp(mi*tau) with another symbol (I'll just use tau) and then compute the Groebner basis explicitly yourself:
In [103]: rep = {exp(-mi*tau):tau}
In [104]: system2 = [eq.subs(rep) for eq in system]
In [105]: for eq in system2: pprint(eq)
S⋅β⋅(A + I)
N⋅mi + R - S⋅mi - S⋅v - ───────────
V⋅β⋅(1 - ε)⋅(A + I)
S⋅v - V⋅mi - ───────────────────
S⋅β⋅τ⋅(A + I) S⋅β⋅(A + I) V⋅β⋅(1 - ε)⋅(A + I)
-E⋅mi - ───────────── + ─────────── + ───────────────────
S⋅α⋅β⋅τ⋅(A + I)
-A⋅(γₐ + γₐₛ + mi) + ───────────────
S⋅β⋅τ⋅(1 - α)⋅(A + I)
A⋅γₐₛ - I⋅(γₛ + mi) + ─────────────────────
A⋅γₐ + I⋅γₛ - R⋅(mi + 1)
Now we could use solve or nonlinsolve but it's faster to compute and solve the Groebner basis ourselves:
In [106]: %time gb = groebner(system2, [S, V, E, A, I, R])
CPU times: user 3min 1s, sys: 100 ms, total: 3min 1s
Wall time: 3min 1s
The Groebner basis puts the system of equations into an almost solved form known as a rational univariate representation (RUR). In this case it looks like
S - a*R
V - b*R
E - c*R
A - d*R
I - e*R
R**2 + f*R + g
where the coefficients a, b, c, d, e, f, g are complicated rational functions of the symbolic parameters in the equations (alpha, beta etc). From here we can follow these steps to solve the Groebner basis:
Solve the first 5 linear equations for S, V, E, A and I in terms of R.
Solve the final quadratic equation for R giving two solutions R1 and R2.
Substitute the the solutions for R1 and R2 into the solutions for S, V, E, A and I.
Put it all together as two solution tuples.
That is:
In [115]: syms = [S, V, E, A, I, R]
In [116]: [lsol] = linsolve(gb[:-1], syms[:-1])
In [117]: R1, R2 = roots(gb[-1], R)
In [118]: sol1 = lsol.subs(R, R1) + (R1,)
In [119]: sol2 = lsol.subs(R, R2) + (R2,)
Now we have the two solution tuples in the form that would have been returned by nonlinsolve. Unfortunately the solutions are quite complicated so I won't show them in full. You can get some idea of the complexity by seeing the length of their string representations:
In [122]: print(len(str(sol1)))
In [123]: print(len(str(sol2)))
Now at this point it's worth considering what you actually wanted these solutions for. Maybe it's just that you wanted to substitute some explicit numeric values in for the symbolic parameters. It's worth noting here that potentially it would have been more efficient in the first place to substitute those values into the equations before attempting to solve them symbolically. If you want to see how your solutions depend on some particular parameters say just mi then you can substitute values for everything else and obtain a simpler form of the solution involving only that parameter more quickly:
In [136]: rep = {alpha:1, beta:2, epsilon:3, gamma_as:4, gamma_s:5, gamma_a:6, exp(-mi*tau):7, N:8, v
...: :9}
In [137]: system2 = [eq.subs(rep) for eq in system]
In [138]: %time solve(system2, syms)
CPU times: user 3.92 s, sys: 4 ms, total: 3.92 s
Wall time: 3.92 s
⎡ ⎛ ⎛ 2
⎢⎛ 8⋅mi 72 ⎞ ⎜4⋅(mi + 5)⋅(mi + 10) 36⋅(mi + 5)⋅(mi + 10)⋅(mi + 12)⋅⎝mi + 4⋅mi
⎢⎜──────, ──────, 0, 0, 0, 0⎟, ⎜────────────────────, ─────────────────────────────────────────────
⎢⎝mi + 9 mi + 9 ⎠ ⎜ 7⋅(mi + 9) ⎛ 4 3 2
⎣ ⎝ 7⋅(mi + 9)⋅⎝3⋅mi + 38⋅mi + 161⋅mi + 718⋅mi
⎞ ⎛ 2 ⎞ ⎛ 3 2 ⎞
- 25⎠ 24⋅(mi + 1)⋅(mi + 5)⋅(mi + 10)⋅⎝mi + mi + 50⎠⋅⎝3⋅mi + 41⋅mi + 209⋅mi + 787⎠ -4⋅(mi + 1
───────, ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────, ──────────
⎞ ⎛ 2 ⎞ ⎛ 4 3 2 ⎞
+ 900⎠ 7⋅(mi + 12)⋅⎝mi + 4⋅mi - 25⎠⋅⎝3⋅mi + 38⋅mi + 161⋅mi + 718⋅mi + 900⎠ (mi +
⎛ 2 ⎞ ⎛ 2 ⎞ ⎛ 2 ⎞ ⎞⎤
)⋅(mi + 5)⋅⎝mi + mi + 50⎠ -16⋅(mi + 1)⋅⎝mi + mi + 50⎠ -8⋅(3⋅mi + 25)⋅⎝mi + mi + 50⎠ ⎟⎥
───────────────────────────, ─────────────────────────────, ───────────────────────────────⎟⎥
⎛ 2 ⎞ ⎛ 2 ⎞ ⎛ 2 ⎞ ⎟⎥
12)⋅⎝mi + 4⋅mi - 25⎠ (mi + 12)⋅⎝mi + 4⋅mi - 25⎠ (mi + 12)⋅⎝mi + 4⋅mi - 25⎠ ⎠⎦
If you substitute values for all parameters then it's a lot faster:
In [139]: rep = {alpha:1, beta:2, epsilon:3, gamma_as:4, gamma_s:5, gamma_a:6, exp(-mi*tau):7, N:8, v
...: :9, mi:10}
In [140]: system2 = [eq.subs(rep) for eq in system]
In [141]: %time solve(system2, syms)
CPU times: user 112 ms, sys: 0 ns, total: 112 ms
Wall time: 111 ms
⎡⎛1200 124200 5224320 -960 -256 -640 ⎞ ⎛80 72 ⎞⎤
⎢⎜────, ──────, ───────, ─────, ─────, ─────⎟, ⎜──, ──, 0, 0, 0, 0⎟⎥
⎣⎝133 55727 67459 23 23 23 ⎠ ⎝19 19 ⎠⎦
If you look at your system you will see that the 4th and 5th equations have two solutions since solving the 4th for A and substituting into the 5th gives an expression that factors as I*f(S) -- giving, for the value of A, I = 0 and S such that f(S) = 0. Judicious selection of which equation(s) to solve next and taking time to lump constants together so you don't bog down the solver gives both solutions in about 10 seconds with relatively small operation counts (relative to the results of nonlinsolve above -- 10 and 5192 operations). The process gives the same solutions for the representative values above:
def condense(eq, *x, reps=None):
"""collapse additive/multiplicative constants into single
variables, returning condensed expression and replacement
Note: use of the replacement dictionary may require topological sorting
if values depend on the keys.
from sympy.core.traversal import bottom_up
from sympy.simplify.radsimp import collect
from sympy.utilities.iterables import numbered_symbols
if reps is None:
reps = {}
reps = {v:k for k,v in reps.items()}
con = numbered_symbols('c')
free = eq.free_symbols
def c():
while True:
rv = next(con)
if rv not in free:
return rv
def do(e):
if not e.args:
return e
e = e.func(*[do(i) for i in e.args])
if not (isAdd or e.is_Mul):
return e
if isAdd:
ee = collect(e, x, exact=None)
if ee != e:
e = do(ee)
co, id = e.as_coeff_Add() if isAdd else e.as_coeff_Mul()
i, d = id.as_independent(*x, as_Add=isAdd)
if not i.args:
return e
return e.func(co, reps.get(i, reps.setdefault(i, c())), d)
rv = do(bottom_up(eq, do))
return rv, {v: k for k, v in reps.items()}
def repsort(*replace):
"""Return sorted replacement tuples `(o, n)` such that `(o_i, n_i)`
will appear before `(o_j, n_j)` if `o_j` appears in `n_i`. An error
will be raised if `o_j` appears in `n_i` and `o_i` appears in `n_k`
if `k >= i`.
>>> from sympy.abc import x, y, z, a
>>> repsort((x, y + 1), (z, x + 2))
[(z, x + 2), (x, y + 1)]
>>> repsort((x, y + 1), (z, x**2))
[(z, x**2), (x, y + 1)]
>>> repsort(*Tuple((x,y+z),(y,a),(z,1/y)))
[(x, y + z), (z, 1/y), (y, a)]
Any two of the following 3 tuples will not raise an error,
but together they contain a cycle that raises an error:
>>> repsort((x, y), (y, z), (z, x))
Traceback (most recent call last):
raise ValueError("cycle detected")
from itertools import permutations
from sympy import default_sort_key, topological_sort
free = {i for i,_ in replace}
defs, replace = sift(replace,
lambda x: x[1].is_number or not x[1].has_free(*free),
edges = [(i, j) for i, j in permutations(replace, 2) if
i[1].has(j[0]) and (not j[0].is_Symbol or j[0] in i[1].free_symbols)]
rv = topological_sort([replace, edges], default_sort_key)
return rv
def dupdate(d, s):
"""update values in d with values from s and return the combined dictionaries"""
rv = {k: v.xreplace(s) for k,v in d.items()}
return rv
# Variables of the system
syms=S, V, E, A, I, R = symbols('S, V, E, A, I, R')
# Parameters of the system
const = var('a:j k')
system = [
-A*S*c/a - I*S*c/a + R + S*(-h - j) + a*h,
A*(V*c*d/a - V*c/a) + I*(V*c*d/a - V*c/a) + S*j - V*h,
A*(-S*c*k/a + S*c/a - V*c*d/a + V*c/a) - E*h +
I*(-S*c*k/a + S*c/a - V*c*d/a + V*c/a),
A*(S*b*c*k/a - e - f - h) + I*S*b*c*k/a,
A*(-S*b*c*k/a + S*c*k/a + f) + I*(-S*b*c*k/a + S*c*k/a - g - h),
A*e + I*g + R*(-h - 1)
import sympy as sym
# Variables of the system
syms = S, V, E, A, I, R = sym.symbols('S, V, E, A, I, R')
# Parameters of the system
N = sym.Symbol("N", positive = True)
mi = sym.Symbol("mi", positive = True)
v = sym.Symbol("v", positive = True)
epsilon = sym.Symbol("epsilon", positive = True)
alpha = sym.Symbol("alpha", positive = True)
gamma_as = sym.Symbol("gamma_as", positive = True)
gamma_s = sym.Symbol("gamma_s", positive = True)
gamma_a = sym.Symbol("gamma_a", positive = True)
lamb = sym.Symbol("lamb", positive = True)
tau = sym.Symbol("tau", positive = True)
beta = sym.Symbol("beta", positive = True)
# Declaration of the system equations
system = [
mi*N - v*S + R - (beta*(A+I)/N)*S - mi*S,
v*S - (1-epsilon)*(beta*(A+I)/N)*V - mi*V,
(beta*(A+I)/N)*S + (1-epsilon)*(beta*(A+I)/N)*V -
sym.exp(-mi*tau)*(beta*(A+I)/N)*S - mi*E,
alpha*sym.exp(-mi*tau)*(beta*(A+I)/N)*S - (gamma_as + gamma_a + mi)*A,
(1-alpha)*sym.exp(-mi*tau)*(beta*(A+I)/N)*S + gamma_as*A - (gamma_s + mi)*I,
gamma_a*A + gamma_s*I - (1+mi)*R]
system, srep = condense(Tuple(*system), *syms)
asol = solve(system[3], A, dict=True)[0]
aeq=Tuple(*[i.xreplace(asol) for i in system])
si = solve(aeq[4], *syms, dict=True)
sol1 = dupdate(asol, si[0])
sol1 = dupdate(sol1, solve(Tuple(*system).xreplace(sol1),syms,dict=1)[0]); sol1
aeqs4 = Tuple(*[i.xreplace(si[1]) for i in aeq])
ceq, crep = condense(Tuple(*aeqs4),*syms,reps=srep)
ir = solve([ceq[0], ceq[-1]], I, R, dict=1)[0]
ve = solve([i.simplify() for i in Tuple(*ceq).xreplace(ir)], syms, dict=True)[0] # if we don't simplify to make first element 0 we get no solution -- bug?
sol2 = dupdate(asol, si[1])
sol2 = dupdate(sol2, ir)
sol2 = dupdate(sol2, ve)
crep = repsort(*crep.items())
sol1 = Dict({k:v.subs(crep) for k,v in sol1.items()}) # 10 ops
sol2 = Dict({k:v.subs(crep) for k,v in sol2.items()}) # 5192 ops
Test for specific values (as above):
>>> rep = {alpha: 1, beta: 2, epsilon: 3, gamma_as: 4, gamma_s: 5,
... gamma_a: 6, exp(-mi*tau): 7, N: 8, v: 9, mi: 10}
>>> sol1.xreplace(rep)
{A: 0, E: 0, I: 0, R: 0, S: 80/19, V: 72/19}
>>> sol2.xreplace(rep)
{A: -960/23, E: 89280/851, I: -256/23,
R: -640/23, S: 1200/133, V: -124200/4921}
Of course, it took time to find this path to the solution. But if the solver could make better selections of what to solve (rather than trying to get the Groebner basis of the whole system) the time for obtaining a solution from SymPy could be greatly reduced.
I have 2 lua tables:
OrderTbl = {'Hello', 'Question', 'Answer', 'Bye'}
UnsortedTbl = {'Question', 'Bye, 'Bye', 'Question', 'Hello', 'Something'}
How to sort UnsortedTbl in order given by OrderTbl? (Fields not found in OrderTbl are placed in the end of result table, unsorted)
I have translated a sample of code from Java, and it works with numbers. Here it is:
function first(arr, low, high, x, n)
if high >= low then
-- (low + high)/2
local mid = low + math.floor((high - low) / 2)
if (mid == 1 or x > arr[mid - 1]) and arr[mid] == x then
return mid
if x > arr[mid] then return first(arr, (mid + 1), high, x, n) end
return first(arr, low, (mid - 1), x, n)
return nil
-- Sort A1 according to the order
-- defined by A2
function sortAccording(A1, A2)
local m=#A1
local n=#A2
-- The temp array is used to store a copy
-- of A1{} and visited{} is used to mark the
-- visited elements in temp{}.
local temp = {}
local visited = {}
for i = 1, m do
temp[i] = A1[i]
visited[i] = 0
-- Sort elements in temp
-- for index of output which is sorted A1{}
local ind = 0
-- Consider all elements of A2{}, find them
-- in temp{} and copy to A1{} in order.
for i = 1, n do
-- Find index of the first occurrence
-- of A2[i] in temp
local f = first(temp, 1, m, A2[i], m+1)
-- If not present, no need to proceed
if not f then
-- continue
-- Copy all occurrences of A2[i] to A1{}
j = f
while j < m and temp[j] == A2[i] do
A1[ind] = temp[j]
ind = ind + 1
visited[j] = 1
j = j + 1
-- Now copy all items of temp{} which are
-- not present in A2{}
for i = 1, m do
if visited[i] == 0 then
ind = ind + 1
A1[ind] = temp[i]
function printArray(arr)
for i = 1, #arr do
print(arr[i] .. " ")
-- Driver program to test above function.
local A1 = {2, 1, 2, 5, 7, 1, 9, 3, 6, 8, 8}
local A2 = {2, 1, 4, 3, 6, 5, 8, 7}
sortAccording(A1, A2)
I don't quite understand how to make it work with strings. Could you help me?
You can use the form of table.sort that accepts a custom comparator:
local OrderTbl = {'Hello', 'Question', 'Answer', 'Bye'}
local UnsortedTbl = {'Question', 'Bye', 'Bye', 'Question', 'Hello', 'Something', 'Else'}
-- convert the order to hash that can be easily queried
for idx, val in ipairs(OrderTbl) do OrderTbl[val] = idx end
local maxIdx = #OrderTbl + 1 -- this will mark "missing" elements
-- pass a custom comparator that will check OrderTbl
table.sort(UnsortedTbl, function(a, b)
local pa = OrderTbl[a] or maxIdx -- desired index of a
local pb = OrderTbl[b] or maxIdx -- desired index of b
if pa == pb then return a < b end -- sort by name
return pa < pb -- sort by index
I am a beginner in Constraint Programming using Minizinc and I need help from experts in the field.
How can I compute all the possible combinations: 6 Rectangles inside the Square (10x10) using Minizinc?
Considering that the RESTRICTIONS of the problem are:
1) No Rectangle Can Overlap
2) The 6 rectangles may be vertical or horizontal
0,1,1,0,0, . . . , 0,0,6,6,6
1,1,1,0,0, . . . , 0,0,0,4,4
0,0,5,5,0, . . . , 0,0,1,1,1
0,0,0,2,2, . . . , 0,0,0,0,0
0,0,0,0,2, . . . , 0,0,0,0,0
6,6,6,0,0, . . . , 0,4,4,4,0
Continue Combination...
The following model finds solutions within a couple of seconds:
% Chuffed: 1.6s
% CPLEX: 3.9s
% Gecode: 1.5s
int: noOfRectangles = 6;
int: squareLen = 10;
int: Empty = 0;
set of int: Coords = 1..squareLen;
set of int: Rectangles = 1..noOfRectangles;
% decision variables:
% The square matrix
% Every tile is either empty or belongs to one of the rectangles
array[Coords, Coords] of var Empty .. noOfRectangles: s;
% the edges of the rectangles
array[Rectangles] of var Coords: top;
array[Rectangles] of var Coords: bottom;
array[Rectangles] of var Coords: left;
array[Rectangles] of var Coords: right;
% function
function var Coords: getCoord(Coords: row, Coords: col, Rectangles: r, Coords: coord, Coords: defCoord) =
if s[row, col] == r then coord else defCoord endif;
% ----------------------< constraints >-----------------------------
% Determine rectangle limits as minima/maxima of the rows and columns for the rectangles.
% Note: A non-existing rectangle would have top=squareLen, bottom=1, left=squareLen, right=1
% This leads to a negative size and is thus ruled-out.
constraint forall(r in Rectangles) (
top[r] == min([ getCoord(row, col, r, row, squareLen) | row in Coords, col in Coords])
constraint forall(r in Rectangles) (
bottom[r] == max([ getCoord(row, col, r, row, 1) | row in Coords, col in Coords])
constraint forall(r in Rectangles) (
left[r] == min([ getCoord(row, col, r, col, squareLen) | row in Coords, col in Coords])
constraint forall(r in Rectangles) (
right[r] == max([ getCoord(row, col, r, col, 1) | row in Coords, col in Coords])
% all tiles within the limits must belong to the rectangle
constraint forall(r in Rectangles) (
forall(row in top[r]..bottom[r], col in left[r]..right[r])
(s[row, col] == r)
% enforce a minimum size per rectangle
constraint forall(r in Rectangles) (
(bottom[r] - top[r] + 1) * (right[r] - left[r] + 1) in 2 .. 9
% symmetry breaking:
% order rectangles according to their top/left corners
constraint forall(r1 in Rectangles, r2 in Rectangles where r2 > r1) (
(top[r1]*squareLen + left[r1]) < (top[r2]*squareLen + left[r2])
% output solution
output [ if col == 1 then "\n" else "" endif ++
if "\(s[row, col])" == "0" then " " else "\(s[row, col]) " endif
| row in Coords, col in Coords];
The grid positions in the sqare can be empty or assume one of six values. The model determines the top and bottom rows of all rectangles. Together with the left and right columns, it makes sure that all tiles within these limits belong to the same rectangle.
To experiment, it is helpful to start with smaller square dimensions and/or smaller numbers of rectangles. It might also make sense to delimit the size of rectangles. Otherwise, the rectangles tend to become too small (1x1) or too big.
Symmetry breaking to enforce a certain ordering of rectangles, does speed-up the solving process.
Here's another solution using MiniZincs Geost constraint. This solution is heavily based on Patrick Trentins excellent answer here. Also make sure to see his explanation on the model.
I assume using the geost constraint speeds up the process a little. Symmetry breaking might further speed things up as Axel Kemper suggests.
include "geost.mzn";
int: k;
int: nObjects;
int: nRectangles;
int: nShapes;
set of int: DIMENSIONS = 1..k;
set of int: OBJECTS = 1..nObjects;
set of int: RECTANGLES = 1..nRectangles;
set of int: SHAPES = 1..nShapes;
array[DIMENSIONS] of int: l;
array[DIMENSIONS] of int: u;
array[RECTANGLES,DIMENSIONS] of int: rect_size;
array[RECTANGLES,DIMENSIONS] of int: rect_offset;
array[SHAPES] of set of RECTANGLES: shape;
array[OBJECTS,DIMENSIONS] of var int: x;
array[OBJECTS] of var SHAPES: kind;
array[OBJECTS] of set of SHAPES: valid_shapes;
constraint forall (obj in OBJECTS) (
kind[obj] in valid_shapes[obj]
constraint geost_bb(k, rect_size, rect_offset, shape, x, kind, l, u);
And the corresponding data:
k = 2; % Number of dimensions
nObjects = 6; % Number of objects
nRectangles = 4; % Number of rectangles
nShapes = 4; % Number of shapes
l = [0, 0]; % Lower bound of our bounding box
u = [10, 10]; % Upper bound of our bounding box
rect_size = [|
2, 3|
3, 2|
3, 5|
5, 3|];
rect_offset = [|
0, 0|
0, 0|
0, 0|
0, 0|];
shape = [{1}, {2}, {3}, {4}];
valid_shapes = [{1, 2}, {1, 2}, {1, 2}, {1, 2}, {1, 2}, {3, 4}];
The output reads a little different. Take this example:
x = array2d(1..6, 1..2, [7, 0, 2, 5, 5, 0, 0, 5, 3, 0, 0, 0]);
kind = array1d(1..6, [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3]);
This means rectangle one is placed at [7, 0] and takes the shape [2,3] as seen in this picture:
Building on the answer of #Phonolog, one way to obtain the wanted output format is to use a 2d-array m which is mapped to x through constraints (here size is the bounding box size):
% mapping to a 2d-array output format
set of int: SIDE = 0..size-1;
array[SIDE, SIDE] of var 0..nObjects: m;
constraint forall (i, j in SIDE) ( m[i,j] = sum(o in OBJECTS)(o *
(i >= x[o,1] /\
i <= x[o,1] + rect_size[kind[o],1]-1 /\
j >= x[o,2] /\
j <= x[o,2] + rect_size[kind[o],2]-1)) );
% symmetry breaking between equal objects
array[OBJECTS] of var int: pos = [ size*x[o,1] + x[o,2] | o in OBJECTS ];
constraint increasing([pos[o] | o in 1..nObjects-1]);
solve satisfy;
output ["kind=\(kind)\n"] ++
["x=\(x)\n"] ++
["m="] ++ [show2d(m)]
Edit: Here is the complete code:
include "globals.mzn";
int: k = 2;
int: nObjects = 6;
int: nRectangles = 4;
int: nShapes = 4;
int: size = 10;
set of int: DIMENSIONS = 1..k;
set of int: OBJECTS = 1..nObjects;
set of int: RECTANGLES = 1..nRectangles;
set of int: SHAPES = 1..nShapes;
array[DIMENSIONS] of int: l = [0, 0];
array[DIMENSIONS] of int: u = [size, size];
array[OBJECTS,DIMENSIONS] of var int: x;
array[OBJECTS] of var SHAPES: kind;
array[RECTANGLES,DIMENSIONS] of int: rect_size = [|
3, 2|
2, 3|
5, 3|
3, 5|];
array[RECTANGLES,DIMENSIONS] of int: rect_offset = [|
0, 0|
0, 0|
0, 0|
0, 0|];
array[SHAPES] of set of SHAPES: shape = [
{1}, {2}, {3}, {4}];
array[OBJECTS] of set of SHAPES: valid_shapes =
[{1, 2}, {1, 2}, {1, 2}, {1, 2}, {1, 2}, {3, 4}];
constraint forall (obj in OBJECTS) (
kind[obj] in valid_shapes[obj]
% mapping to a 2d-array output format
set of int: SIDE = 0..size-1;
array[SIDE, SIDE] of var 0..nObjects: m;
constraint forall (i, j in SIDE) ( m[i,j] = sum(o in OBJECTS)(o *
(i >= x[o,1] /\
i <= x[o,1] + rect_size[kind[o],1]-1 /\
j >= x[o,2] /\
j <= x[o,2] + rect_size[kind[o],2]-1)) );
% symmetry breaking between equal objects
array[OBJECTS] of var int: pos = [ size*x[o,1] + x[o,2] | o in OBJECTS ];
constraint increasing([pos[o] | o in 1..nObjects-1]);
solve satisfy;
output ["kind=\(kind)\n"] ++
["x=\(x)\n"] ++
["m="] ++ [show2d(m)]
I am examining every contiguous 8 x 8 x 8 cube within a 50 x 50 x 50 cube. I am trying to create a collection (in this case a dictionary) of the subcubes that contain the same sum and a count of how many subcubes share that same sum. So in essence, the result would look something like this:
{key = sum, value = number of cubes that have the same sum}
{256 : 3, 119 : 2, ...}
So in this example, there are 3 cubes that sum to 256 and 2 cubes that sum to 119, etc. Here is the code I have thus far, but it only sums (at least I think it does):
an_array = np.array([i for i in range(500)])
cube = np.reshape(an_array, (8, 8, 8))
c_size = 8 # cube size
sum = 0
idx = None
for i in range(cube.shape[0] - cs + 2):
for j in range(cube.shape[1] - cs + 2):
for k in range(cube.shape[2] - cs + 2):
cube_sum = np.sum(cube[i:i + cs, j:j + cs, k:k + cs])
new_list = {cube_sum : ?}
What I am trying to make this do is iterate the cube within cubes, sum all cubes then count the cubes that share the same sum. Any ideas would be appreciated.
from collections import defaultdict
an_array = np.array([i for i in range(500)])
cube = np.reshape(an_array, (8, 8, 8))
c_size = 8 # cube size
sum = 0
idx = None
result = defaultdict(int)
for i in range(cube.shape[0] - cs + 2):
for j in range(cube.shape[1] - cs + 2):
for k in range(cube.shape[2] - cs + 2):
cube_sum = np.sum(cube[i:i + cs, j:j + cs, k:k + cs])
result[cube_sum] += 1
The defaultdict(int), can be read as a result.get(key, 0). Which means that if a key doesn't exists it will be initialized with 0. So the line result[cube_sum] += 1, will either contain 1, or add 1 to the current number of cube_sum.
I have a list of characters, say x in number, denoted by b[1], b[2], b[3] ... b[x]. After x,
b[x+1] is the concatenation of b[1],b[2].... b[x] in that order. Similarly,
b[x+2] is the concatenation of b[2],b[3]....b[x],b[x+1].
So, basically, b[n] will be concatenation of last x terms of b[i], taken left from right.
Given parameters as p and q as queries, how can I find out which character among b[1], b[2], b[3]..... b[x] does the qth character of b[p] corresponds to?
Note: x and b[1], b[2], b[3]..... b[x] is fixed for all queries.
I tried brute-forcing but the string length increases exponentially for large x.(x<=100).
When x=3,
b[] = a, b, c, a b c, b c abc, c abc bcabc, abc bcabc cabcbcabc, //....
//Spaces for clarity, only commas separate array elements
So for a query where p=7, q=5, answer returned would be 3(corresponding to character 'c').
I am just having difficulty figuring out the maths behind it. Language is no issue
I wrote this answer as I figured it out, so please bear with me.
As you mentioned, it is much easier to find out where the character at b[p][q] comes from among the original x characters than to generate b[p] for large p. To do so, we will use a loop to find where the current b[p][q] came from, thereby reducing p until it is between 1 and x, and q until it is 1.
Let's look at an example for x=3 to see if we can get a formula:
p N(p) b[p]
- ---- ----
1 1 a
2 1 b
3 1 c
4 3 a b c
5 5 b c abc
6 9 c abc bcabc
7 17 abc bcabc cabcbcabc
8 31 bcabc cabcbcabc abcbcabccabcbcabc
9 57 cabcbcabc abcbcabccabcbcabc bcabccabcbcabcabcbcabccabcbcabc
The sequence is clear: N(p) = N(p-1) + N(p-2) + N(p-3), where N(p) is the number of characters in the pth element of b. Given p and x, you can just brute-force compute all the N for the range [1, p]. This will allow you to figure out which prior element of b b[p][q] came from.
To illustrate, say x=3, p=9 and q=45.
The chart above gives N(6)=9, N(7)=17 and N(8)=31. Since 45>9+17, you know that b[9][45] comes from b[8][45-(9+17)] = b[8][19].
Continuing iteratively/recursively, 19>9+5, so b[8][19] = b[7][19-(9+5)] = b[7][5].
Now 5>N(4) but 5<N(4)+N(5), so b[7][5] = b[5][5-3] = b[5][2].
b[5][2] = b[3][2-1] = b[3][1]
Since 3 <= x, we have our termination condition, and b[9][45] is c from b[3].
Something like this can very easily be computed either recursively or iteratively given starting p, q, x and b up to x. My method requires p array elements to compute N(p) for the entire sequence. This can be allocated in an array or on the stack if working recursively.
Here is a reference implementation in vanilla Python (no external imports, although numpy would probably help streamline this):
def so38509640(b, p, q):
p, q are integers. b is a char sequence of length x.
list, string, or tuple are all valid choices for b.
x = len(b)
# Trivial case
if p <= x:
if q != 1:
raise ValueError('q={} out of bounds for p={}'.format(q, p))
return p, b[p - 1]
# Construct list of counts
N = [1] * p
for i in range(x, p):
N[i] = sum(N[i - x:i])
print('N =', N)
# Error check
if q > N[-1]:
raise ValueError('q={} out of bounds for p={}'.format(q, p))
print('b[{}][{}]'.format(p, q), end='')
# Reduce p, q until it is p < x
while p > x:
# Find which previous element character q comes from
offset = 0
for i in range(p - x - 1, p):
if i == p - 1:
raise ValueError('q={} out of bounds for p={}'.format(q, p))
if offset + N[i] >= q:
q -= offset
p = i + 1
print(' = b[{}][{}]'.format(p, q), end='')
offset += N[i]
return p, b[p - 1]
Calling so38509640('abc', 9, 45) produces
N = [1, 1, 1, 3, 5, 9, 17, 31, 57]
b[9][45] = b[8][19] = b[7][5] = b[5][2] = b[3][1]
(3, 'c') # <-- Final answer
Similarly, for the example in the question, so38509640('abc', 7, 5) produces the expected result:
N = [1, 1, 1, 3, 5, 9, 17]
b[7][5] = b[5][2] = b[3][1]
(3, 'c') # <-- Final answer
Sorry I couldn't come up with a better function name :) This is simple enough code that it should work equally well in Py2 and 3, despite differences in the range function/class.
I would be very curious to see if there is a non-iterative solution for this problem. Perhaps there is a way of doing this using modular arithmetic or something...