How to use Sass with NetBeans on Linux / macOS - linux

I used to be able to install and use Sass with NetBeans 8 as described in the top answer on How to use SASS with Netbeans 8.0.1
Now, with the current version of Sass (1.14.1), installing is different. Basically just download and untar. That's done and I've pointed NetBeans to the correct location. But this current version of Sass won't run correctly from NetBeans:
"/opt/dart-sass/sass" "--cache-location"
"path_to_my.scss" "path_to_my.css"
Could not find an option named "cache-location".
This error is also covered by Sass output error in Netbeans 8.2 where they are using Windows.
I tried to add the cache location parameter (similar to the solution for Windows) to this line in the sass file:
exec "$path/src/dart" --no-preview-dart-2 "-Dversion=1.14.1" "$path/src/sass.dart.snapshot" "$#"
but I could not get it working (same error keeps appearing).
Anybody any ideas on how to get Sass 1.14.1 working from NetBeans 8.2 on Linux (Ubuntu)?

The issue is that --cache-location is no longer supported and should be removed. All of the original parameters are used by "$#". To remove the first two parameters, you should be able to use "${#:3}" (see Process all arguments except the first one (in a bash script)), but somehow that resulted into a "Bad substitution" error for me. So I opted to use shift 2 to remove them:
# Copyright 2016 Google Inc. Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
# This script drives the standalone Sass package, which bundles together a Dart
# executable and a snapshot of Sass. It can be created with `pub run grinder
# package`.
follow_links() {
while [ -h "$file" ]; do
# On Mac OS, readlink -f doesn't work.
file="$(readlink "$file")"
echo "$file"
# Unlike $0, $BASH_SOURCE points to the absolute path of this file.
path=`dirname "$(follow_links "$0")"`
shift 2
exec "$path/src/dart" --no-preview-dart-2 "-Dversion=1.14.1" "$path/src/sass.dart.snapshot" "${#}"
Make sure to keep the original file and create a copy to only be used with NetBeans and make the change there.
macOS (Home Brew)
If you are looking for the Dart Sass install location (after installing it with Home Brew), it is located here:
macOS (node.js)
When using node.js, you will run into the "env: node: No such file or directory" issue.
To work around that I created (make sure you make it executable (chmod a+x)):
and added:
export PATH="$PATH:"/usr/local/bin/
shift 3
sass ${#}
NetBeans 11+
On NetBeans 11 and 12 I had to use shift 3 instead of shift 2.

My response is based heavily on Jasper de Vries'one:
It seems that Netbeans simply adds some additional parameters that are no longer supported by sass compiler.
In my case the complete command issued by Netbeans was:
"/home/alex/tools/dart-sass/sass" "--cache-location" "/home/alex/snap/netbeans/common/cache/12.0/sass-compiler" "--debug-info" "/home/alex/projects/" "/home/alex/projects/"
So the first 3 parameters
"--cache-location" "/home/alex/snap/netbeans/common/cache/12.0/sass-compiler" "--debug-info"
must be "deleted" or ignored.
So you need to either alter the sass file or make a copy of it (safest way)
and add
shift 3
So if you start from original version like:
# This script drives the standalone dart-sass package, which bundles together a
# Dart executable and a snapshot of dart-sass.
follow_links() {
while [ -h "$file" ]; do
# On Mac OS, readlink -f doesn't work.
file="$(readlink "$file")"
echo "$file"
# Unlike $0, $BASH_SOURCE points to the absolute path of this file.
path=`dirname "$(follow_links "$0")"`
exec "$path/src/dart" "$path/src/sass.snapshot" "$#"
You need to end up with something like:
# This script drives the standalone dart-sass package, which bundles together a
# Dart executable and a snapshot of dart-sass.
follow_links() {
while [ -h "$file" ]; do
# On Mac OS, readlink -f doesn't work.
file="$(readlink "$file")"
echo "$file"
# Unlike $0, $BASH_SOURCE points to the absolute path of this file.
path=`dirname "$(follow_links "$0")"`
shift 3
exec "$path/src/dart" "$path/src/sass.snapshot" "$#"
An interesting aspect is that this bug is known by Netbeans developers (See: Could not find an option named "cache-location") but I was not able to achieve that because under my Xubuntu 18 the Netbeans is a "snap" and therefore it's netbeans.conf file is read only.
But in case you CAN modify that file it might be a cleaner solution.


Execute p4 aliased command result in messed wrong order of lines in output

I have the following content inside my p4aliases.txt.
diff-cl $(target-cl) = diff -dl //...#$(EQ)$(target-cl)
Basically it diffs against your files in current workspace toward the target shelved files of changelist.
It is fine. I can execute it. But when I compare the result coming from above aliased command against the direct raw (non-aliased) command as follows
p4 diff -dl //...#=<target-cl>
the output lines of text from aliased command is in wrong order e.g. changes according to a certain file shows up first before a line of file shown, line orders are messed up. This is not the case if you execute with a non-aliased command.
Expected result
==== //depot/common.h#none - x:\mydir\project\src\common.h ====
==== //depot/file.cpp#none - x:\mydir\project\src\file.cpp ====
> added line 1
==== //depot/file.h#none - x:\mydir\project\src\file.h ====
Actual result
> added line 1
==== //depot/common.h#none - x:\mydir\project\src\common.h ====
==== //depot/file.cpp#none - x:\mydir\project\src\file.cpp ====
==== //depot/file.h#none - x:\mydir\project\src\file.h ====
I have p4 version as of Rev. P4/NTX64/2021.1/2126753 (2021/05/12).
Perforce server version (got from p4 info) is Server version: P4D/LINUX26X86_64/2017.1/1574018 (2017/10/02).
How can I solve this issue?
Could this be a version too far away between client and server
I have tested p4 client all the way down from 2016-2020 version by downloading old binaries from (in directory perforce). No luck. Output still messed the same. So it's not the problem about version mismatch.
This looks like a bug in the p4 client. When the client does a diff, it's written by the ClientUser::Diff() method, which defaults to writing to stdout (i.e. it does not route the output through ClientUser::OutputText()):
Output from commands run as part of an alias go through the ClientUserStrBuf subclass, which buffers all of its output. The file headers, for example, are buffered by ClientUserStrBuf::OutputInfo():
There isn't a ClientUserStrBuf::Diff() implementation, though, so that diff output goes straight to stdout while the headers are buffered and printed at the end (presumably after some post-processing) -- hence the diff output showing up first in the console.
The fix I'd make would be to have the base ClientUser::Diff() implementation route the output through OutputText() when no output file is provided, which seems like the least-surprise behavior; that'd fix the aliases behavior and might even make life a little easier for other client developers who would otherwise hit the same issue. If you have a support contract with Perforce you can file this as a bug report, or since the client is open source you can take a crack at fixing and building it yourself. I don't think there's a workaround that doesn't involve modifying the client source code.
Samwise has the correct approach to truly fix the problem at hands although it might take some effort to understand the code, and conduct the fix itself.
At any rate, if we took such approach we won't be able to take benefits of bug fixes and future updates as we will be stuck with 2018-2 version of p4 as it's the latest as it can be in which we can grab the source.
I would recommend to use WSL then interact with p4.exe (yes, a Windows-based binary) for Windows-based project, and p4 for Linux-based binary. If you didn't use WSL, please find the .bash_aliases-like solution as I have below to seamlessly solve aliases diff operation.
Put the following code into your ~/.bash_aliases
# p4 - fix of aliases diff operation
# platform independent, it will choose a correct binary path to execute properly
p4() { cmd="p4.exe" # default is Windows-based
# get the last argument value, if "-lx" passed in then we know it's linux
if [[ "${#: -1}" == "-lx" ]]; then
if [[ $1 == "diff-cl" ]]; then
if [ -z "$2" ]; then
echo "usage: p4 diff-cl <CL>"
return 1
$cmd diff -dl //...#=$2 | diffp4 | less -r
elif [[ $1 == "diff-cl-fonly" ]]; then
if [ -z "$2" ]; then
echo "usage: p4 diff-cl-fonly <CL>"
return 1
$cmd diff -Od -dl -ds //...#=$2 | diffp4 | grep ==== | less -r
$cmd "$#"
then source ~/.bash_aliases.
What it does is to allow you to still use p4 with all of its original commands & arguments normally with exceptions of diff-cl (which is the same name of alias I've put into p4aliases.txt for Windows or ~/.p4aliases for Linux). You can safely remove diff-cl entry from p4's alias file, or just leave it there. What we have in ~/.bash_aliases file will intercept whenever such argument matches then execute the raw command, just that we don't have to type long command ourselves.
We can later remove such section in our ~/.bash_aliases file when upstream p4 has been fixed.
In else section, we just relay the the whole arguments, and it will be performed just as normally done.
Extra: diff-cl-fonly to list out only files (its depot path, and local workspace path) which have changes.

Integrate a built-in Update function in shell in order to receive OTA updates when there are available

i'm struggled here with this thing that it would be awesome if it's gonna be integrated.
Well my idea is to, create a function which it will be runned at a certain time which is gonna to check if there is a new version of the script . But i don't know how to put the commands together.
I already have a sort of sketch Here:
check_upgrade () {
# check if there is a new version of this file
# here, hypothetically we check if a file exists in the disk.
# it could be an apt/yum check or whatever...
[ -f "$NEW_FILE" ] && {
# install a new version of this file or package
# again, in this example, this is done by just copying the new file
echo "Found a new version of me, updating myself..."
rm -f "$NEW_FILE"
# note that at this point this file was overwritten in the disk
# now run this very own file, in its new version!
echo "Running the new version..."
# now exit this old instance
exit 0
I know it's possible to do this, but i didn't found anything useful on internet.
Every advice will be much appreciated.
Assuming the script is always running, make another script that curls the file and checks it against the original. Something like:
if [ version newer ]; then
kill old verseion
mv "new version" 'old version"
./new version
delete tmp file
Run it with cron at intervals you see fit

Don't add "+" to linux kernel version

I am building linux kernel, if my kernel under git, then kernel version every time is:
Image Name: Linux-2.6.39+
If I am not using git, then everything is OK without any plus at the end.
I know that this done by scripts/setlocalversion script:
if test "$CONFIG_LOCALVERSION_AUTO" = "y"; then
# full scm version string
# append a plus sign if the repository is not in a clean
# annotated or signed tagged state (as git describe only
# looks at signed or annotated tags - git tag -a/-s) and
# LOCALVERSION= is not specified
if test "${LOCALVERSION+set}" != "set"; then
scm=$(scm_version --short)
So, it is possible without code changes say to build system that no need to add "+" at the end of version line?
The plus sign at the end of your version string is there as an indicator that the kernel was built from modified sources (that is, there were non-committed changes). This is also indicated by the comments in scripts/setlocalversion.
To avoid the '+' being appended despite having a dirty working directory, simply set LOCALVERSION explicityly when running make:
You may also have to change the configuration option CONFIG_LOCALVERSION_AUTO to n in your kernel config (.config) before building:
To prevent the script scripts/setlocalversion to append the + to the end of the kernel local version, create an empty .scmversion file in the root of the kernel sources.
touch .scmversion
this way, you'll be able to leave LOCALVERSION as is in the kernel configuration file, in case you want to append a local signature to the kernel name.
Manipulating scripts/setlocalversion seems to be the only way for me.
Force return in scm_version():
local short
Add this line to your local.conf if you're using yocto and imx soc
SCMVERSION_pn-linux-imx = ""
Tested on imx-4.9.88-2.0.0_ga release
Just comment the line as a workaround/quickfix in scripts/setlocalversion. Then the kernel version should be same as "make kernelversion".
# Check for git and a git repo.
if test -z "$(git rev-parse --show-cdup 2>/dev/null)" &&
head=$(git rev-parse --verify HEAD 2>/dev/null); then
# If we are at a tagged commit (like "v2.6.30-rc6"), we ignore
# it, because this version is defined in the top level Makefile.
if [ -z "$(git describe --exact-match 2>/dev/null)" ]; then
# If only the short version is requested, don't bother
# running further git commands
if $short; then
#echo "+" #comment this line

Assign Unused Unicode Character in Ubuntu

I have a piece of old code that is trying to assign two unicode characters to one unused Unicode character (sorry, I am not using the right terms, but hopefully it gets the issue across). So U17ff is mapped to "ាំ" etc.
Here's the bash script:
for folder in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/locale/*UTF-8
if [ -f "$file" ] # is there a compose file?
if grep -q "<U17ff>" "$file" # is there Khmer in the file already
echo "Warning: $file includes Khmer already!"
cp --backup=t --force -v "$file" "$file" # create a backup file
cat Compose >>"$file" # append Khmer
echo "$file Khmer added"
The Compose file is this:
# Khmer digraphs
<U17ff> : "ាំ"
<U17fe> : "ោះ"
<U17fd> : "េះ"
<U17fc> : "ុំ"
<U17fb> : "ុះ"
I think the directory isn't right for this code, so the keyboard it is trying to install doesn't work because the unicode character it calls is still blank (I've used the default Khmer keyboard that comes with Ubuntu, and it doesn't work properly, so I am trying to fix it).
Can anyone tell me the directory I should use rather than /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/locale/*UTF-8
For Ubuntu 11.x?
Turns out this was a bigger issue than I thought (it is a bug), but there is a way around it:
sudo gedit /etc/environment
Add a line
Save and close.
4.Then in terminal type:
sudo gedit /usr/share/X11/locale/en_US.UTF-8/Compose
Gedit should open, search for Khmer and make sure the following exists (if not, copy and paste it in):
# Khmer digraphs
<U17ff> : "ាំ"
<U17fe> : "ោះ"
<U17fd> : "េះ"
<U17fc> : "ុំ"
<U17fb> : "ុះ"
Save and reboot.
And everything works fine.

Translating Cygwin path to Windows

I have cygwin installed in my Windows system.
I have written two function in my profile file so that every time I open vi/vim, it will open with gvim.
But with this one of the issue, the windows path and Cygwin path. I tried with Cygpath as below:
function vi ()
win_file_path=$(cygpath -w $*)
gvim "$win_file_path" &
Bu with this, when ever I open a file like this: "vi /etc/exports +5", it will result in error. So let me know if any of you have any solution.
You can treat the file arguments only:
function vi ()
local -a viargs
local a
while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]
if [ -e "$a" ]; then a="$(cygpath -w "$a")"; fi
gvim "${viargs[#]}" &
Instead of being 'smart' about existing files like this, feel free to simplify to treat just the first argument :)
In recent bash versions you can replace the ugly line
viargs+=( "$a" )
cyg-wrapper has been written for this sole purpose.
NB: See also the related wikia page.
