Updating Excel VBA reference - excel

I have 2 sheets in a workbook Sheet1 and Sheet2.
Sheet1 Cell A1 contains ='Sheet2'!B2
Sheet2 Cell B2 contains 01/10/2018 and is formatted for dates
Sheet2 Cell B3 contains 01/11/2018 and is formatted for dates
Using VBA, I want to read the contents of Sheet1 Cell A1 and then update its contents to read the next date in the list ie.to become ='Sheet2'!B3
The problem I am having is that when I try to access Sheet1 Cell A1 it returns the value of the date in Sheet2 B2 rather than the contents of A1.
Any help would be greatly appreciated - thank you.


How to get excel sheet 1 data in excel sheet 2 using cell number

I have two Excel sheets and I want to fetch data from the particular cell number from sheet1 to sheet2.
In sheet2 I have two columns: the first column contain the cell number of sheet1; and using that cell number I want to fetch that data into the adjacent cell.
Sheet1 : A15 contains "Hello"
Sheet2 : column A contains cell name and number
Worked example: in sheet2 cell A5 contains A15 so in B5 I want "Hello" (i.e. the data in A15 on sheet1)
In Sheet2, cell B5 use the formula:

Partial Match in Excel

I have an excel workbook with two sheets with hundreds of row in each sheet.
Sheet1 contains "ABCESX42 - Port 1" in Cell A2.
Sheet2 contains "ABCESX42" in Cell A2 and "EMAIL" in B2.
I am trying to go a VLOOKUP in Sheet1 Cell B2 to do a wildcard vlookup on Sheet1 A2 to partial match against any entry in Sheet2 Column A and output Email into Sheet1 B2
I hope this makes sense.
use this in B2:

Excel formula or Vba to Sum of all lookup value from multiple excelsheet

I need some help for the below scenario,
Sheet1 A2 has a date
Sheet2 and Sheet3 has dates in column A and numbers in column B
example as below,
I want to get the sum value from Sheet2 & Sheet3 B column for all the values in Sheet1 A2 if finds in Sheet2 & Sheet3 A.
Below is my formula which I can get the sum from Sheet2 but not able to do with both sheet2 and sheet3.
Please help in formula or vba, thanks
Can't you just add the two?
In B2 of sheet 1

If cell A1 in sheet 1 equals 'x' like in sheet 2, then display cell B1 from sheet 2 in sheet 1 cell C2

This might be confusing but I'll give this a go.
As in the title of this question, I need to link cells between two sheets. Seems simple enough, but I think in this case I need to include an IF function?
I want cell C2 in sheet 1 to display what is in cell B2 from sheet 2 IF cell A1 in sheet 1 is the same as cell B1.
In other words: I have 2 sheets, on the second page I have months in on row and in the row under I have values for those months. I want to be able to link sheet 1 and 2 so that if I select February in one cell in sheet 1, then the cell under February in sheet 2 (the value) is shown in another cell on sheet 1.
Help please?
I think the relationships are satisfied by:
=IF(A1='sheet 2'!B1,'sheet 2'!B2,"")
(in Sheet 1!C2) but have assumed that the result should be nothing if Sheet 1!A1 != Sheet 2!B2.
I think you might be looking for in cell C2 (if you are talking about A1 and B1 being from the same sheet like 1):
edit: can't read question, only works if A1 and B1 are on same sheet
If I am not misunderstanding your wish, there is the code below. Please insert it into cell C2 in Sheet1
=IF(A1=B1, Sheet2!B2, "")
But you did not provide what sheet of cell B1 in pharse
I want cell C2 in sheet 1 to display what is in cell B2 from sheet 2 IF cell A1 in sheet 1 is the same as cell B1
So, I assumed that it is the same as A1 that is Sheet1. If you want to compare with the cell B2 in another sheet please Insert Sheet2: before B1.

Formula to grab value from a cell and use that to refer to a cell in another spreadsheet?

I need help creating a formula in a cell in a spreadsheet that would allow me to grab a value from another cell and use that value to refer to yet another cell in another sheet.
For example, in a cell that returns a student's class grade (a progress report sheet) I have the cell refer to my master grade sheet (eg. the progress report sheet's cell would be: =mastersheet!E[grab value in cell A1 of current sheet])
What formula do I use to grab a cell's value and use it to define/refer to another cell?
In Excel, if Sheet1 A1 contains B2 then in Sheet1 =INDIRECT("Sheet2!"&A1) will return the contents of Sheet2!B2.
In Google Docs spreadsheet, if Sheet1 E1 contains 4 then in Sheet1 =Indirect("Sheet2!E"&E1) will return the contents of Sheet2 Cell E4.
