creating cron job that sends output to file every day and overwrites this file every month - linux

I need help with cron job that sends output to file every day and overwrites this file every month my only problem is how to make it overwrite each month and I need this in one job so creating 2 jobs one that outputs to a file and other removing it every month is out of picture

You could run it every day but use date +%w to print the day number and act differently (call with > to clobber the file instead of >> to append) based on that.
Note that some cron daemons require % to be escaped, hence \%.
# Run every day at 00:30 but overwrite file on Mondays; append every other day.
# Note that this requires bash as your shell.
# May need to override with SHELL=/bin/bash
30 00 * * * if [ "$(date +\%w)" = "1" ]; then /your/command > /your/logfile; else /your/command >> /your/logfile; fi
You mention in comments above that your actual goal is log rotation.
The norm for Linux systems is to use something like logrotate to manage logs like this. That also has the advantage that you can keep multiple previous log files and compress them if you like.
I would recommend making use of a logrotate config snippet to accomplish your goal instead of doing it in the cron job itself. To put this in the cron job is counter-intuitive if it's merely for log rotation.
Here's an example logrotate snippet, which may go in a location like /etc/logrotate.d/yourapp depending on which Linux distribution you're using.
/var/log/yourlog {
# keep one year of logs
rotate 365
# keep the first one uncompressed for ease of viewing
This will result in your log file being rotated daily, with the first iteration being like /var/log/yourlog.1 and then compressed iterations like /var/log/yourlog.2.gz, /var/log/yourlog.3.gz and so on.
In my opinion therefore, your question is not actually a cron question. The kind of cron trickery used above would only be appropriate in situations such as when you want a job to fire on the last Sunday of the month, or the last day of the month, or other criteria that can't be expressed in cron syntax.


how to generate batch files in a loop in Python (not a loop in a batch file) with slightly changed parameters per iteration

I am a researcher that needs to run files for a set of years on a SLURM system (high performance computing center). The available nodes for long compute times have a long queue. I have 42 years to run, and the only way to run them that gets my files processed quickly (due to the wait times, and that this is many GB of data, it takes time), is to submit them individually, one batch file per year, as jobs. I cannot include multiple years in a single batch file, or I have to wait a week in the queue to run my data due to the time I have to reserve per batch file. This is the fastest way my university's system lets me run my data.
To do this, I have 2 lines in my batch script that I have to change every time: the name of the job, and the last line which is the python script name plus a parameter being passed to it (the year)
like so: 2020.
I would like to generate batch files with a python or other script I can run, where it loops over a list of years and just changes the job name to jobNameYEAR and changes the last line to YEAR, writes that to a file, then continues in a loop to output the next batch file. ...Even better if it can write the batch file and submit the job (sjob jobNameYEAR) before continuing in the loop, but I realize maybe this is asking too much. But separately...
Is there a way to submit jobs in a loop once these files are created? E.g. loop through the year list and submit sjob, sjob, sjob
I do not want a loop in the batch file changing the variable, this would mean reserving too many hours on the SLURM system for a single job. I want a loop outside of the batch file that generates multiple batch files I can submit as jobs.
Thank you for your help!
This is what one of my .sl files looks like, it works fine, I just want to generate these files in a loop so I can stop editing them by hand:
#!/bin/bash -l
# The -l above is required to get the full environment with modules
# Set the allocation to be charged for this job
# not required if you have set a default allocation
# The name of the job
# 24 hour wall-clock time will be given to this job
#SBATCH -t 3:00:00
# Job partition
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=6
#SBATCH --mem=30GB
#SBATCH -p main
# load the anaconda module
ml PDC/21.11
ml Anaconda3/2021.05
conda activate myEnv
python YEAR
Create a script with the following content (let's call it
SCRIPT=${1?Usage: $0 script.slum arg1 arg2 ...}
ID=$(sbatch --job-name=jobName$ARG --parsable $SCRIPT $ARG)
for ARG in "$#"; do
ID=$(sbatch --job-name=jobName$ARG --parsable --dependency=afterok:${ID%%;*} $SCRIPT $ARG)
Then, adapt your script so that the last line
python YEAR
is replaced with
python $1
Finally submit all the jobs with
./ {2000..2004}
for instance for YEAR ranging from 2000 to 2004
… script I can run, where it loops over a list of years and just changes the job name to jobNameYEAR and changes the last line to YEAR, writes that to a file… submit the job (sjob jobNameYEAR) before continuing in the loop…
It can easily be done with a few shell commands and sed. Assume you have a template file as shown, which literally contains jobNameYEAR and YEAR as the parameters. Then we can substitute YEAR with each given year in the loop, e. g.
seq 2000 2002|while read year
do < sed s/YEAR$/$year/ >jobName$
sjob jobName$
If your years aren't in sequence, we can use e. g. echo 1962 1965 1970 instead of seq ….
Other variants are on Linux also possible, like for year in {2000..2002} instead of seq 2000 2002|while read year, and using envsubst instead of sed.

Creating Cron Expression with of Days and Months Simultaneously

I simply want to create a cron expression that will execute a job after 'N' number of days. Where N can be any number greater than Zero.
So, It's alright if number is between 1 and 30. For Example Cron Expression to Execute Job after each
25 days at 11 AM will be:
0 0 11 1/25 * ? //'?' can only be specfied for Day-of-Month or Day-of-Week.
but if user exceeds this limit so it means we will have to execute job after 'M' months and 'D' days.
I am unable to understand how I can specify both day and month at the same time. Can anyone make me understand how I can create cron expression for this scenario. You may assume job to be execute after each '65' days
thanks for your time.
The short answer is that cron expressions don't support what you want to do. You'll need to pre-process the user's request and convert it into the appropriate cron expression, or implement your own timing routine, which could use cron behind the scene with some extra logic. Another suggestion is to put some restrictions on the user API that will only allow the user to enter cron friendly times like every month, every week, every 3 months, etc.

cron job two parameters - start time and end time should cover entire day

I have written a shell script for data extraction that accepts two parameters - Start time and end time in YYDDMMHHSSSS format. The shell script in turn will run sql queries and fetch data between these two date parameters.
My intention is to deploy the shell script as a cron job which should run at least once every day(preferably every 6 hours). The second time it runs it should use that last End time as the Start time, and the new End time as, say (Starttime + 6 hours). So all data is always extracted once. Another job will kick off at say 12 in the midnight everyday and it will pick up the data that the shell scrip deposited for that day.
I have never setup a cron job before but it looks doable from what I have read, I'm not sure if the above thing can be done though?
Cron executes jobs at specific times and/or days with all parameters for the script defined at the time the job is placed into the cron job table. The script needs to handle all other requirements. If your requirements are based on the current time and the last time the script was executed, then the script will need to preserve the time of execution each time it is run and the obtain the last time it was invoked from the information preserved.
In this particular case, because you are accessing a database, I suggest that you use the database to preserve time of the previous script execution.

Storing run time logs in a folder

I am running a shell script in Linux environment to create some logs (dynamic log files) as text files.
I want to store all the log files created into a single folder after some particular time.
So how can I do that? Can anyone suggest some commands?
Thanks in advance.
In the script you can define that directory as a variable and you can use that one across the script.
LOG_FILE=$LOG_DIR/log_file.$$ ## $$ will create the different log file for each and every run
## You can also do it by using some time stamp using date command.
<Your commands> >> $LOG_FILE
It really depends on your situations:
[Suggested if your log files are small in size]
You may want to backup your logs by just add a cron job, and zip/tar it to another folder, as a snapshot. Since the log files are small, even zip/tar everything may need to take you many many years to fill-up your hard drive.
[Suggested if your log files are large]
In your script that generate logs, you may want to rotate through a few indexed files, say, log.0 to log.6, each for one week day, from Sunday to Saturday. And you can have another script to backup yesterday's log (so that it won't have race conditions between the log producer and the log consumer, i.e. the log mover/copier). You can have strategies for how many days of backup will be still existing, and for how long of those should be discarded.
The yesterdays' log mover/copier can be easily done by a cron job.

Can I schedule two cron jobs, say 24hours apart, in the same crontab file. How do I do it?

My crontab -l looks like:
0 3 * * * script to fire regression at 3AM and write the build number to a file
My second cron command is to collect coverage for the above regression. I want to kick it off, say 24 hours after the first job because a regression takes almost always less than a day.
Right now, my solution is
0 3 * * * collect coverage after reading said file and knowing where to go inside to start collection>
This means the first time both coverage collection and regression will happen at the same time and thus we will get zilch or nothing...but atleast the second time around the coverage collection can happen for the first regression. But I was wondering if there was a better way to do this.
