Maybe monad and a list - haskell

Ok, so I am trying to learn how to use monads, starting out with maybe. I've come up with an example that I can't figure out how to apply it to in a nice way, so I was hoping someone else could:
I have a list containing a bunch of values. Depending on these values, my function should return the list itself, or a Nothing. In other words, I want to do a sort of filter, but with the consequence of a hit being the function failing.
The only way I can think of is to use a filter, then comparing the size of the list I get back to zero. Is there a better way?

This looks like a good fit for traverse:
traverse :: (Traversable t, Applicative f) => (a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b)
That's a bit of a mouthful, so let's specialise it to your use case, with lists and Maybe:
GHCi> :set -XTypeApplications
GHCi> :t traverse #[] #Maybe
traverse #[] #Maybe :: (a -> Maybe b) -> [a] -> Maybe [b]
It works like this: you give it an a -> Maybe b function, which is applied to all elements of the list, just like fmap does. The twist is that the Maybe b values are then combined in a way that only gives you a modified list if there aren't any Nothings; otherwise, the overall result is Nothing. That fits your requirements like a glove:
noneOrNothing :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Maybe [a]
noneOrNothing p = traverse (\x -> if p x then Nothing else Just x)
(allOrNothing would have been a more euphonic name, but then I'd have to flip the test with respect to your description.)
There are a lot of things we might discuss about the Traversable and Applicative classes. For now, I will talk a bit more about Applicative, in case you haven't met it yet. Applicative is a superclass of Monad with two essential methods: pure, which is the same thing as return, and (<*>), which is not entirely unlike (>>=) but crucially different from it. For the Maybe example...
GHCi> :t (>>=) #Maybe
(>>=) #Maybe :: Maybe a -> (a -> Maybe b) -> Maybe b
GHCi> :t (<*>) #Maybe
(<*>) #Maybe :: Maybe (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b
... we can describe the difference like this: in mx >>= f, if mx is a Just-value, (>>=) reaches inside of it to apply f and produce a result, which, depending on what was inside mx, will turn out to be a Just-value or a Nothing. In mf <*> mx, though, if mf and mx are Just-values you are guaranteed to get a Just value, which will hold the result of applying the function from mf to the value from mx. (By the way: what will happen if mf or mx are Nothing?)
traverse involves Applicative because the combining of values I mentioned at the beginning (which, in your example, turns a number of Maybe a values into a Maybe [a]) is done using (<*>). As your question was originally about monads, it is worth noting that it is possible to define traverse using Monad rather than Applicative. This variation goes by the name mapM:
mapM :: (Traversable t, Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> t a -> m (t b)
We prefer traverse to mapM because it is more general -- as mentioned above, Applicative is a superclass of Monad.
On a closing note, your intuition about this being "a sort of filter" makes a lot of sense. In particular, one way to think about Maybe a is that it is what you get when you pick booleans and attach values of type a to True. From that vantage point, (<*>) works as an && for these weird booleans, which combines the attached values if you happen to supply two of them (cf. DarthFennec's suggestion of an implementation using any). Once you get used to Traversable, you might enjoy having a look at the Filterable and Witherable classes, which play with this relationship between Maybe and Bool.

duplode's answer is a good one, but I think it is also helpful to learn to operate within a monad in a more basic way. It can be a challenge to learn every little monad-general function, and see how they could fit together to solve a specific problem. So, here's a DIY solution that shows how to use do notation and recursion, tools which can help you with any monadic question.
forbid :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Maybe [a]
forbid _ [] = Just []
forbid p (x:xs) = if p x
then Nothing
else do
remainder <- forbid p xs
Just (x : remainder)
Compare this to an implementation of remove, the opposite of filter:
remove :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
remove _ [] = []
remove p (x:xs) = if p x
then remove p xs
let remainder = remove p xs
in x : remainder
The structure is the same, with just a couple differences: what you want to do when the predicate returns true, and how you get access to the value returned by the recursive call. For remove, the returned value is a list, and so you can just let-bind it and cons to it. With forbid, the returned value is only maybe a list, and so you need to use <- to bind to that monadic value. If the return value was Nothing, bind will short-circuit the computation and return Nothing; if it was Just a list, the do block will continue, and cons a value to the front of that list. Then you wrap it back up in a Just.


Hidden forall quantified types in ReifiedTraversal

This question really is more generic, since while I was asking it I found out how to fix it in this particular case (even though I don't like it) but I'll phrase it in my particular context.
I'm using the lens library and I found it particularly useful to provide functionality for "adding" traversals (conceptually, a traversal that traverses all the elements in both original traversals). I did not find a default implementation so I did it using Monoid. In order to be able to implement an instance, I had to use the ReifiedTraversal wrapper, which I assume is in the library precisely for this purpose:
-- Adding traversals
add_traversals :: Semigroup t => Traversal s t a b -> Traversal s t a b -> Traversal s t a b
add_traversals t1 t2 f s = liftA2 (<>) (t1 f s) (t2 f s)
instance Semigroup t => Semigroup (ReifiedTraversal s t a b) where
a1 <> a2 = Traversal (add_traversals (runTraversal a1) (runTraversal a2))
instance Semigroup s => Monoid (ReifiedTraversal' s a) where
mempty = Traversal (\_ -> pure . id)
The immediate application I want to extract from this is being able to provide a traversal for a specified set of indices in a list. Therefore, the underlying semigroup is [] and so is the underlying Traversable. First, I implemented a lens for an individual index in a list:
lens_idx :: Int -> Lens' [a] a
lens_idx _ f [] = error "No such index in the list"
lens_idx 0 f (x:xs) = fmap (\rx -> rx:xs) (f x)
lens_idx n f (x:xs) = fmap (\rxs -> x:rxs) (lens_idx (n-1) f xs)
All that remains to be done is to combine these two things, ideally to implement a function traversal_idxs :: [Int] -> Traversal' [a] a
I get type checking errors when I try to use this. I know it has to do with the fact that Traversal is a type that includes a constrained forall quantifier in its definition. In order to be able to use the Monoid instance, I need to first reify the lenses provided by lens_idx (which are, of course, also traversals). I try to do this by doing:
r_lens_idx :: Int -> ReifiedTraversal' [a] a
r_lens_idx = Traversal . lens_idx
But this fails with two errors (two versions of the same error really):
Couldn't match type ‘f’ with ‘f0’...
Ambiguous type variable ‘f0’ arising from a use of ‘lens_idx’
prevents the constraint ‘(Functor f0)’ from being solved...
I understand this has to do with the hidden forall f. Functor f => in the Traversal definition. While writing this, I realized that the following does work:
r_lens_idx :: Int -> ReifiedTraversal' [a] a
r_lens_idx idx = Traversal (lens_idx idx)
So, by giving it the parameter it can make the f explicit to itself and then it can work with it. However, this feels extremely ad-hoc. Specially because originally I was trying to build this r_lens_idx inline in a where clause in the definition of the traversal_idxs function (in fact... on a function defining this function inline because I'm not really going to use it that often).
So, sure, I guess I can always use lambda abstraction, but... is this really the right way to deal with this? It feels like a hack, or rather, that the original error is an oversight by the type-checker.
The "adding" of traversals that you want was added in the most recent lens release, you can find it under the name adjoin. Note that it is unsound to use if your traversals overlap at all.
I am replying to my own question, although it is only pointing out that what I was trying to do with traversals was not actually possible in that shape and how I overcame it. There is still the underlying problem of the hidden forall quantified variables and how is it possible that lambda abstraction can make code that does not type check suddenly type check (or rather, why it did not type check to start with).
It turns out my implementation of Monoid for Traversal was deeply flawed. I realized when I started debugging it. For instance, I was trying to combine a list of indices, and a function that would return a lens for each index, mapping to that index in a list, to a traversal that would map to exactly those indices. That is possible, but it relies on the fact that List is a Monad, instead of just using the Applicative structure.
The function that I had written originally for add_traversal used only the Applicative structure, but instead of mapping to those indices in the list, it would duplicate the list for each index, concatenating them, each version of the list having applied its lens.
When trying to fix it, I realized I needed to use bind to implement what I really wanted, and then I stumbled upon this:
So the answer was clear: I can do what I want, but it's not a Monoid over Traversal, but instead a Monoid over MTraversal. It still serves my purposes perfectly.
This is the resulting code for that:
-- Monadic traversals: Traversals that only work with monads, but they allow other things that rely on the fact they only need to work with monads, like sum.
type MTraversal s t a b = forall m. Monad m => (a -> m b) -> s -> m t
type MTraversal' s a = MTraversal s s a a
newtype ReifiedMTraversal s t a b = MTraversal {runMTraversal :: MTraversal s t a b}
type ReifiedMTraversal' s a = ReifiedMTraversal s s a a
-- Adding mtraversals
add_mtraversals :: Semigroup t => MTraversal r t a b -> MTraversal s r a b -> MTraversal s t a b
add_mtraversals t1 t2 f s = (t2 f s) >>= (t1 f)
instance Semigroup s => Semigroup (ReifiedMTraversal' s a) where
a1 <> a2 = MTraversal (add_mtraversals (runMTraversal a1) (runMTraversal a2))
instance Semigroup s => Monoid (ReifiedMTraversal' s a) where
mempty = MTraversal (\_ -> return . id)
Note that MTraversal is still a LensLike and an ASetter, so you can use many operators from the lens package, like .~.
As I mentioned, though, I still have to use lambda abstraction when using this for my purposes due to the forall quantifier being in an uncomfortable place, and I'd love if someone could clarify what the heck is up with the type checker in that regard.

Monads: Determining if an arbitrary transformation is possible

There are quite a few of questions here about whether or not certain transformations of types that involve Monads are possible.
For instance, it's possible to make a function of type f :: Monad m => [m a] -> m [a], but impossible to make a function of type g :: Monad m => m [a] -> [m a] as a proper antifunction to the former. (IE: f . g = id)
I want to understand what rules one can use to determine if a function of that type can or cannot be constructed, and why these types cannot be constructed if they disobey these rules.
The way that I've always thought about monads is that a value of type Monad m => m a is some program of type m that executes and produces an a. The monad laws reinforce this notion by thinking of composition of these programs as "do thing one then do thing two", and produce some sort of combination of the results.
Right unit Taking a program and just returning its value should
be the same as just running the original program.
m >>= return = m
Left unit If you create a simple program that just returns a value,
and then pass that value to a function that creates a new program, then
the resulting program should just be as if you called the function on the
return x >>= f = f x
Associativity If you execute a program m, feed its result into a function f that produces another program, and then feed that result into a third function g that also produces a program, then this is identical to creating a new function that returns a program based on feeding the result of f into g, and feeding the result of m into it.
(m >>= f) >>= g = m >>= (\x -> f x >>= g)
Using this intuition about a "program that creates a value" can come to some conclusions about what it means for the functions that you've provided in your examples.
Monad m => [m a] -> m [a] Deviating from the intuitive definition of what this function should do is hard: Execute each program in sequence and collect the results. This produces another program that produces a list of results.
Monad m => m [a] -> [m a] This doesn't really have a clear intuitive definition, since it's a program that produces a list. You can't create a list without getting access to the resulting values which in this case means executing a program. Certain monads, that have a clear way to extract a value from a program, and provide some variant of m a -> a, like the State monad, can have sane implementations of some function like this. It would have to be application specific though. Other monads, like IO, you cannot escape from.
Monad m => (a -> m b) -> m (a -> b) This also doesn't really have a clear intuitive definition. Here you have a function f that produces a program of type m b, but you're trying to return a function of type m (a -> b). Based on the a, f creates completely different programs with different executing semantics. You cannot encompass these variations in a single program of type m (a -> b), even if you can provide a proper mapping of a -> b in the programs resulting value.
This intuition doesn't really encompass the idea behind monads completely. For example, the monadic context of a list doesn't really behave like a program.
Something easy to remember is : "you can't escape from a Monad" (it's kind of design for it). Transforming m [a] to [m a] is a form of escape, so you can't.
On the other hand you can easily create a Monad from something (using return) so traversing ([m a] -> m [a]) is usually possible.
If you take a look at "Monad laws", monad only constrain you to define a composition function but not reverse function.
In the first example you can compose the list elements.
In the second one Monad m => m [a] -> [m a], you cannot split an action into multiple actions ( action composition is not reversible).
Let's say you have to read 2 values.
s1 <- action
s2 <- action
Doing so, action result s2 depends by the side effect made by s1.
You can bind these 2 actions in 1 action to be executed in the same order, but you cannot split them and execute action from s2 without s1 made the side effect needed by the second one.
Not really an answer, and much too informal for my linking, but nevertheless I have a few interesting observations that won't fit into a comment. First, let's consider this function you refer to:
f :: Monad m => [m a] -> m [a]
This signature is in fact stronger than it needs to be. The current generalization of this is the sequenceA function from Data.Traversable:
sequenceA :: (Traversable t, Applicative f) -> t (f a) -> f (t a)
...which doesn't need the full power of Monad, and can work with any Traversable and not just lists.
Second: the fact that Traversable only requires Applicative is I think really significant to this question, because applicative computations have a "list-like" structure. Every applicative computation can be rewritten to have the form f <$> a1 <*> ... <*> an for some f. Or, informally, every applicative computation can be seen as a list of actions a1, ... an (heterogeneous on the result type, homogeneous in the functor type), plus an n-place function to combine their results.
If we look at sequenceA through this lens, all it does is choose an f built out of the appropriate nested number of list constructors:
sequenceA [a1, ..., an] == f <$> a1 <*> ... <*> an
where f v1 ... vn = v1 : ... : vn : []
Now, I haven't had the chance to try and prove this yet, but my conjectures would be the following:
Mathematically speaking at least, sequenceA has a left inverse in free applicative functors. If you have a Functor f => [FreeA f a] and you sequenceA it, what you get is a list-like structure that contains those computations and a combining function that makes a list out of their results. I suspect however that it's not possible to write such a function in Haskell (unSequenceFreeA :: (Traversable t, Functor f) => FreeA f (t a) -> Maybe (t (Free f a))), because you can't pattern match on the structure of the combining function in the FreeA to tell that it's of the form f v1 ... vn = v1 : ... : vn : [].
sequenceA doesn't have a right inverse in a free applicative, however, because the combining function that produces a list out of the results from the a1, ... an actions may do anything; for example, return a constant list of arbitrary length (unrelated to the computations that the free applicative value performs).
Once you move to non-free applicative functors, there will no longer be a left inverse for sequenceA, because the non-free applicative functor's equations translate into cases where you can no longer tell apart which of two t (f a) "action lists" was the source for a given f (t a) "list-producing action."

How to implement delete with foldr in Haskell

I've been studying folds for the past few days. I can implement simple functions with them, like length, concat and filter. What I'm stuck at is trying to implement with foldr functions like delete, take and find. I have implemented these with explicit recursion but it doesn't seem obvious to me how to convert these types of functions to right folds.
I have studied the tutorials by Graham Hutton and Bernie Pope. Imitating Hutton's dropWhile, I was able to implement delete with foldr but it fails on infinite lists.
From reading Implement insert in haskell with foldr, How can this function be written using foldr? and Implementing take using foldr, it would seem that I need to use foldr to generate a function which then does something. But I don't really understand these solutions and don't have an idea how to implement for example delete this way.
Could you explain to me a general strategy for implementing with foldr lazy versions of functions like the ones I mentioned. Maybe you could also implement delete as an example since this probably is one of the easiest.
I'm looking for a detailed explanation that a beginner can understand. I'm not interested in just solutions, I want to develop an understanding so I can come up with solutions to similar problems myself.
Edit: At the moment of writing there is one useful answer but it's not quite what I was looking for. I'm more interested in an approach that uses foldr to generate a function, which then does something. The links in my question have examples of this. I don't quite understand those solutions so I would like to have more information on this approach.
delete is a modal search. It has two different modes of operation - whether it's already found the result or not. You can use foldr to construct a function that passes the state down the line as each element is checked. So in the case of delete, the state can be a simple Bool. It's not exactly the best type, but it will do.
Once you have identified the state type, you can start working on the foldr construction. I'm going to walk through figuring it out the way I did. I'll be enabling ScopedTypeVariables just so I can annotate the type of subexpressions better. One you know the state type, you know you want foldr to generate a function taking a value of that type, and returning a value of the desired final type. That's enough to start sketching things.
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
delete :: forall a. Eq a => a -> [a] -> [a]
delete a xs = foldr f undefined xs undefined
f :: a -> (Bool -> [a]) -> (Bool -> [a])
f x g = undefined
It's a start. The exact meaning of g is a little bit tricky here. It's actually the function for processing the rest of the list. It's accurate to look at it as a continuation, in fact. It absolutely represents performing the rest of the folding, with your whatever state you choose to pass along. Given that, it's time to figure out what to put in some of those undefined places.
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
delete :: forall a. Eq a => a -> [a] -> [a]
delete a xs = foldr f undefined xs undefined
f :: a -> (Bool -> [a]) -> (Bool -> [a])
f x g found | x == a && not found = g True
| otherwise = x : g found
That seems relatively straightforward. If the current element is the one being searched for, and it hasn't yet been found, don't output it, and continue with the state set to True, indicating it's been found. otherwise, output the current value and continue with the current state. This just leaves the rest of the arguments to foldr. The last one is the initial state. The other one is the state function for an empty list. Ok, those aren't too bad either.
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
delete :: forall a. Eq a => a -> [a] -> [a]
delete a xs = foldr f (const []) xs False
f :: a -> (Bool -> [a]) -> (Bool -> [a])
f x g found | x == a && not found = g True
| otherwise = x : g found
No matter what the state is, produce an empty list when an empty list is encountered. And the initial state is that the element being searched for has not yet been found.
This technique is also applicable in other cases. For instance, foldl can be written as a foldr this way. If you look at foldl as a function that repeatedly transforms an initial accumulator, you can guess that's the function being produced - how to transform the initial value.
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
foldl :: forall a b. (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a
foldl f z xs = foldr g id xs z
g :: b -> (a -> a) -> (a -> a)
g x cont acc = undefined
The base cases aren't too tricky to find when the problem is defined as manipulating the initial accumulator, named z there. The empty list is the identity transformation, id, and the value passed to the created function is z.
The implementation of g is trickier. It can't just be done blindly on types, because there are two different implementations that use all the expected values and type-check. This is a case where types aren't enough, and you need to consider the meanings of the functions available.
Let's start with an inventory of the values that seem like they should be used, and their types. The things that seem like they must need to be used in the body of g are f :: a -> b -> a, x :: b, cont :: (a -> a), and acc :: a. f will obviously take x as its second argument, but there's a question of the appropriate place to use cont. To figure out where it goes, remember that it represents the transformation function returned by processing the rest of the list, and that foldl processes the current element and then passes the result of that processing to the rest of the list.
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
foldl :: forall a b. (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a
foldl f z xs = foldr g id xs z
g :: b -> (a -> a) -> (a -> a)
g x cont acc = cont $ f acc x
This also suggests that foldl' can be written this way with only one tiny change:
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
foldl' :: forall a b. (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a
foldl' f z xs = foldr g id xs z
g :: b -> (a -> a) -> (a -> a)
g x cont acc = cont $! f acc x
The difference is that ($!) is used to suggest evaluation of f acc x before it's passed to cont. (I say "suggest" because there are some edge cases where ($!) doesn't force evaluation even as far as WHNF.)
delete doesn't operate on the entire list evenly. The structure of the computation isn't just considering the whole list one element at a time. It differs after it hits the element it's looking for. This tells you it can't be implemented as just a foldr. There will have to be some sort of post-processing involved.
When that happens, the general pattern is that you build a pair of values and just take one of them at completion of the foldr. That's probably what you did when you imitated Hutton's dropWhile, though I'm not sure since you didn't include code. Something like this?
delete :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [a]
delete a = snd . foldr (\x (xs1, xs2) -> if x == a then (x:xs1, xs1) else (x:xs1, x:xs2)) ([], [])
The main idea is that xs1 is always going to be the full tail of the list, and xs2 is the result of the delete over the tail of the list. Since you only want to remove the first element that matches, you don't want to use the result of delete over the tail when you do match the value you're searching for, you just want to return the rest of the list unchanged - which fortunately is what's always going to be in xs1.
And yeah, that doesn't work on infinite lists - but only for one very specific reason. The lambda is too strict. foldr only works on infinite lists when the function it is provided doesn't always force evaluation of its second argument, and that lambda does always force evaluation of its second argument in the pattern match on the pair. Switching to an irrefutable pattern match fixes that, by allowing the lambda to produce a constructor before ever examining its second argument.
delete :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [a]
delete a = snd . foldr (\x ~(xs1, xs2) -> if x == a then (x:xs1, xs1) else (x:xs1, x:xs2)) ([], [])
That's not the only way to get that result. Using a let-binding or fst and snd as accessors on the tuple would also do the job. But it is the change with the smallest diff.
The most important takeaway here is to be very careful with handling the second argument to the reducing function you pass to foldr. You want to defer examining the second argument whenever possible, so that the foldr can stream lazily in as many cases as possible.
If you look at that lambda, you see that the branch taken is chosen before doing anything with the second argument to the reducing function. Furthermore, you'll see that most of the time, the reducing function produces a list constructor in both halves of the result tuple before it ever needs to evaluate the second argument. Since those list constructors are what make it out of delete, they are what matter for streaming - so long as you don't let the pair get in the way. And making the pattern-match on the pair irrefutable is what keeps it out of the way.
As a bonus example of the streaming properties of foldr, consider my favorite example:
dropWhileEnd :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
dropWhileEnd p = foldr (\x xs -> if p x && null xs then [] else x:xs) []
It streams - as much as it can. If you figure out exactly when and why it does and doesn't stream, you'll understand pretty much every detail of the streaming structure of foldr.
here is a simple delete, implemented with foldr:
delete :: (Eq a) => a -> [a] -> [a]
delete a xs = foldr (\x xs -> if x == a then (xs) else (x:xs)) [] xs

Is Haskell designed to encourage Hungarian Notation?

I'm learning Haskell and started noticing common suffixes in functions like:
Which is known as Hungarian Notation. But at the same time I can use type classes to write non-ambiguous code like:
Since functions like map are so common and used in many contexts, why not let type checker to pick correct polymorphic version of map, fmap, mapM, mapM_ or mapCE?
There's a little bit of "Hungarian notation", but it's quite different. In short, Haskell's type system removes the need for most of it.
The map/mapM thing is a neat example. These two functions confer the exact same concept, but cannot be polymorphically represented because abstracting over the difference would be really noisy. So we pick a Hungarian notation instead.
To be clear, the two types are
map :: (a -> b) -> ([a] -> [b])
mapM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> ([a] -> m [b])
These look similar, all mapM does is add the monad, but not the same. The structure is revealed when you make the following synonyms
type Arr a b = a -> b
type Klei m a b = a -> m b
and rewrite the types as
map :: Arr a b -> Arr [a] [b]
mapM :: Monad m => Klei m a b -> Klei m [a] [b]
The thing to note is that Arr and Monad m => Klei m are often extremely similar things. They both form a certain structure known as a "category" which allows us to hoist all kinds of computation inside of it. [0]
What we'd like is to abstract over the choice of category with something like
class Mapping cat where
map :: cat a b -> cat [a] [b]
instance Mapping (->) where map =
instance Monad m => Mapping (Klei m) where map = mapM -- in spirit anyway
but it turns out that there is way more to be gained by abstracting over the list part with Functor [1]
class Functor f where
map :: (a -> b) -> (f a -> f b)
instance Functor [] where
map =
instance Functor Maybe where
map Nothing = Nothing
map (Just a) = Just (f a)
and so for simplicity's sake, we use Hungarian notation to make the difference of category instead of rolling it up into Haskell's polymorphism functionality.
[0] Notably, the fact that Klei m is a category implies m is a monad and the category laws become exactly the monad laws. In particular, that's my favorite way for remembering what the monad laws are.
[1] Technically, the sole method of Functor is called fmap not map, but it could and perhaps should have been called just map. The f was added so that the type signature for map remains simple (specialized to lists) and thus is a little less intimidating to beginners. Whether or not that was the right decision is a debate that continues today.
Your assumption is that all of these do roughly the same thing - they don't. map and fmap are pretty much the same function - map is just fmap specialized to the [] functor (either for historical reasons, or so that beginners would get less confusing type errors - I'm not sure).
mapM and mapM_ on the other hand are like map followed by sequence or sequence_ respectively - while what they're doing may look related, they're doing different things. Incidentally, the function that behaves like fmap for monads is... fmap (which is also aliased with a specialized signature to liftM, for historical reasons), as Monads are, by definition, also Functors; note that this is, right now, not enforced by the standard library - a historical oversight that should be corrected with GHC 7.10 if I'm not mistaken.
I don't know what to tell you about debugM and mapCE as I haven't seen these before.

Type-safe difference lists

A common idiom in Haskell, difference lists, is to represent a list xs as the value (xs ++). Then (.) becomes "(++)" and id becomes "[]" (in fact this works for any monoid or category). Since we can compose functions in constant time, this gives us a nice way to efficiently build up lists by appending.
Unfortunately the type [a] -> [a] is way bigger than the type of functions of the form (xs ++) -- most functions on lists do something other than prepend to their argument.
One approach around this (as used in dlist) is to make a special DList type with a smart constructor. Another approach (as used in ShowS) is to not enforce the constraint anywhere and hope for the best. But is there a nice way of keeping all the desired properties of difference lists while using a type that's exactly the right size?
We can view [a] as a free monad instance Free ((,) a) ().
Thus we can apply the scheme described by Edward Kmett in Free Monads for Less.
The type we'll get is
newtype F a = F { runF :: forall r. (() -> r) -> ((a, r) -> r) -> r }
or simply
newtype F a = F { runF :: forall r. r -> (a -> r -> r) -> r }
So runF is nothing else than the foldr function for our list!
This is called the Boehm-Berarducci encoding and it's isomorphic to the original data type (list) — so this is as small as you can possibly get.
Will Ness says:
So this type is still too "wide", it allows more than just prefixing - doesn't constrain the g function argument.
If I understood his argument correctly, he points out that you can apply the foldr (or runF) function to something different from [] and (:).
But I never claimed that you can use foldr-encoding only for concatenation. Indeed, as this name implies, you can use it to calculate any fold — and that's what Will Ness demonstrated.
It may become more clear if you forget for a moment that there's one true list type, [a]. There may be lots of list types — e.g. I can define one by
data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a)
It's be different from, but isomorphic to [a].
The foldr-encoding above is just yet another encoding of lists, like List a or [a]. It is also isomorphic to [a], as evidenced by functions \l -> F (\a f -> foldr a f l) and \x -> runF [] (:) and the fact that their compositions (in either order) is identity. But you are not obliged to convert to [a] — you can convert to List directly, using \x -> runF x Nil Cons.
The important point is that F a doesn't contain an element that is not the foldr functions for some list — nor does it contain an element that is the foldr functions for more than one list (obviously).
Thus, it doesn't contain too few or too many elements — it contains precisely as many elements as needed to exactly represent all lists.
This is not true of the difference list encoding — for example, the reverse function is not an append operation for any list.
