What is the bit rate? - audio

I am new to audio programming,
But I am wondering formula of bitRate,
According to wiki https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bit_rate#Audio,
bit rate = sample rate X bit depth X channels
sample rate is the number of samples (or snapshots taken) per second obtained by a digital audio device.
bit depth is the number of bits of information in each sample.
So why bit rate = sample rate X bit depth X channels?
From my perspective, if bitDepth = 2 bit, sample rate = 3 HZ
then I can transfer 6 bit data in 1 second
For example:
Sample data = 00 //at 1/3 second.
Sample data = 01 //at 2/3 second.
Sample data = 10 //at 3/3 second.
So I transfer 000110 in 1 second, is that correct logic?

Bit-rate is the expected amount of bits per interval (eg: per second).
Sound cycles are measured in hertz, where 1 hertz == 1 second. So to get full sound data that represents that 1 second of audio, you calculate how many bits are needed to be sent (or for media players, they check the bit-rate in a file-format's settings so they can read & playback correctly).
Why is channels involved (isn't sample rate X bit-depth enough)?
In digital audio the samples are sent for each "ear" (L/R channel). There will always be double the amount of samples in a stereo sound versus if it was mono sound. Usually there is a "flag" to specify if sound is stereo or mono.
Logic Example: (without bit-depth, and assuming 1-bit per sample)...
There is speech "Hello" recorded at 200 samples/sec at bitrate of 100/sec. What happens?
If stereo flag, each ear gets 100 samples per sec (correct total of 200 played)
If mono, audio speech will sound slow by half (since only 100 samples played at expected bit-rate of 100, but remember, a full second was recorded at 200 sample/sec. You get half of "hello" in one second and the other at next second to (== slowed speech).
Taking the above example, you will find these audio gives slow/double speed adventures in your "new to audio programming" experience. The fix will be either setting channels amount or setting bit-rate correctly. Good luck.

The 'sample rate' is the rate at which each channel is sampled.
So 'sample rate X bit depth' will give you the bit rate for a single channel.
You then need to multiply that by the number of channels to get the total bit rate flowing through the system.
For example the CD standard has a sample rate of 44100 samples per second and a bit depth of 16 giving a bit rate of 705600 per channel and a total bit rate of 1411200 bits per seconds for stereo.


How samples are aligned in the audio file?

I'm trying to better understand how samples are aligned in the audio file.
Let's say we have a 2s audio file with sampling rate = 3.
I think there are three possible ways to align those samples. Looking at the picture below, can you tell me which one is correct?
Also, is this a standard for all audio files or does different formats have different rules?
Sampling rate in audio typically tells you how many samples are in one second, a unit called Hertz. Strictly speaking, the correct answer would be (1), as you have 3 samples within one second. Assuming there's no latency, PCM and other formats dictate that audio starts at 0. Next "cycle" (next second) also starts at zero, same principle like with a clock.
To get total length of the audio (following question in the comment), you should simply take number of samples / rate. Example from a 30s WAV using soxi, one of canonical tools used in the community for sound manipulation:
Input File : 'book_00396_chp_0024_reader_11416_5_door_Freesound_validated_380721_0-door_Freesound_validated_381380_0-9IfN8dUgGaQ_snr10_fileid_1138.wav'
Channels : 1
Sample Rate : 16000
Precision : 16-bit
Duration : 00:00:30.00 = 480000 samples ~ 2250 CDDA sectors
File Size : 960k
Bit Rate : 256k
Sample Encoding: 16-bit Signed Integer PCM
480000 samples / (16000 samples / seconds) = 30 seconds exactly. Citing manual, duration is "Equivalent to number of samples divided by the sample-rate."

About audio record sample rate

We want to record stereo audio signals by AudioRecord as the below.
If we set sample rate to 44,100, are both stereo channels recorded
at 44,100Hz or 22,050Hz?
According to our implementation, it seems that half sampling frequency is applied to each channel
AudioRecord audioInputStream = new AudioRecord(Media.Recorder.CAMCORDER,
sampleRate, AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_STEREO, AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT,
samplesPerBuffer * bytesPerSample)
The sample rate is constant no matter what the number of channels. So 1 channel at 44.1k you get 44100 total samples per second and with 2 channels you would get 88200 total samples per second.
I don't really know about the API you are using but I can point to one possible area that arises from terminology. The is the difference between a sample and a frame. Usually you consider a sample to be a single value a frame to contain a single sample for each channel. So if you encounter any API that looks something like this: process(double* samples, int numChannels, int numFrames) just beware that the actual number of samples in the buffer is numChannels*numFrames. And misinterpreting something like that could definitely lead to consuming half as many samples as you expect. Also some APIs will confusingly use the term numSamples when they should have used numFrames, etc...

Relation between bandwidth and play time in a CD

I have recently read that uncompressed CD-quality audio has a bandwidth of 1.411 Mbps in case of stereo, does it mean a CD can be played to output audio at the rate of 1.411 Mbps, i mean does it play 1.411 Mbits of stereo audio every second..?
Two channels, each with 44,100 16-bit samples per second. That is 2 x 44100 x 16 = 1,411,200bps. That is 1.411Mbps. (176400 bytes per second)
Each second requires 1.411Mb. If you reduced the sample rate by half, you would double the number of seconds that can be recorded on a CD. Same if you dropped it to one channel, or 8-bit.
To imagine the impact of reducing the sample rate, lets suppose a technology that sampled every 1 second. This would be like pressing mute over and over, you would only catch parts.
Reducing the channel to one is easy to imagine, that's monaural.
Reducing to 8-bit is harder to describe. Imagine we reduced it to 1-bit. That would essentially mean the speaker has two states, fully centered and fully driven. That is not much variation. 16 bits gives 65536 positions.

setting timestamps for audio samples in directshow graph

I am developing a directshow audio decoder filter, to decode AC3 audio.
the filter is used in a live graph, decoding TS multicast.
the demuxer (mainconcept) provides me with the audio data demuxed, but does not provide timestamps for the sample.
how can I get/compute the correct timestamp of the audio?
I found this forum post:
In it, a member gives the following formula for calculating the timestamps for audio, given it's format (sample rate, number of channels, bits per sample):
With PCM audio, duration_in_secs = 8 * buffer_size / wBitsPerSample /
nChannels / nSamplesPerSec or duration_in_secs = buffer_size /
nAvgBytesPerSec (since, for PCM audio, nAvgBytesPerSec =
wBitsPerSample * nChannels * nSamplesPerSec / 8).
The only thing you need to add is a tracking variable that tells you what sample number in the stream that you are at, so you can use it to offset the start time and end time by the duration (duration_in_secs) when doing linear streaming. For seek operations you would of course need to know or calculate the sample number into the stream.
Don't forget that the units for timestamps in DirectShow are typed as REFERENCE_TIME, a long integer or Int64. Each unit is equal to 100 nanoseconds. That is why you see in video filters the value 10,000,000 being divided by the relevant number of frames per second (FPS) to calculate timestamps for each frame because 10,000,000 equals 1 second in a REFERENCE_TIME variable.
Each AC-3 frame embeds data for 6 * 256 samples. Sampling rate can be 32 kHz, 44.1 kHz or 48 kHz (as defined by AC-3 specification Digital Audio Compression Standard (AC-3, E-AC-3)). The frames themselves do not carry timestamps, so you needs to assume continuous stream and increment time stamps respectively. As you mentioned the source is live, you might need to re-adjust time stamps on data starvation.
Each AC-3 frame is of fixed length (which you can identify from bitstream header), so you might also be checking if demultiplexer is giving you a single AC-3 frame or a few in a batch.

Audio samples per second?

I am wondering on the relationship between a block of samples and its time equivalent. Given my rough idea so far:
Number of samples played per second = total filesize / duration.
So say, I have a 1.02MB file and a duration of 12 sec (avg), I will have about 89,300 samples played per second. Is this right?
Is there other ways on how to compute this? For example, how can I know how much a byte[1024] array is equivalent to in time?
Generally speaking for PCM samples you can divide the total length (in bytes) by the duration (in seconds) to get the number of bytes per second (for WAV files there will be some inaccuracy to account for the header). How these translate into samples depends on
the sample rate
bits used per sample, i.e. commonly
used is 16 bits = 2 bytes
number of channels, i.e. for stereo
this is 2
If you know 2) and 3) you can determine 1)
In your example 89300 bytes/second, assuming stereo and 16 bits per sample would be 89300 / 4 ~= 22Khz sample rate
In addition to #BrokenGlass's very good answer, I'll just add that for uncompressed audio with a fixed sample rate, number of channels and bits per sample, the arithmetic is fairly straightforward. E.g. for "CD quality" audio we have a 44.1 kHz sample rate, 16 bits per sample, 2 channels (stereo), therefore the data rate is:
44100 * 16 * 2
= 1,411,200 bits / sec
= 176,400 bytes / sec
= 10 MB / minute (approx)
