Data is not Passing into SQL Server - node.js

I am doing a project where I have to save the sensor data into SQL Server. I have created a coding for the sensor and SQL Server. I am able to INSERT the coding using POST (postman) but I was not able to pass the sensor data into SQL Server.
How can I pass the Sensor parameters into a T-SQL query? It would be great if someone could guide me to sort it out this issue.
exports.add = function (req, resp, reqBody) {
try {
if (!reqBody) throw new Error("Input not valid");
var data = JSON.parse(reqBody);
var outputJSON = JSON.stringify(reqBody);
if (data) {//add more validations if necessary
var sql = "INSERT INTO arduinoData (Machine, StartTime, EndTime, LengthTime) VALUES ";
sql += util.format("(%s, '%s', '%s','%s') ",,,,;
db.executeSql(sql, function (data, err) {
if (err) {
httpMsgs.show500(req, resp, err);
else {
httpMsgs.send200(req, resp);
else {
throw new Error("Input not valid");
catch (ex) {
httpMsgs.show500(req, resp, ex);
function vibrationStart()
data = [{
Machine : "Machine",
StartTime : "StartTime",
EndTime : "EndTime",
LengthTime : "LengthTime"
var jsonTable = { "table": [] };
var startTime = getTime();
console.log(startTime[0] + " " + startTime[1]);
var startData = {
Machine: Machine,
start_time: startTime[0] + " " + startTime[1],
day_night: startTime[3],
active: "true"
const options = {
url: serverURL,
method: "POST",
form: startData
};, function (error, response, body) {
if (!error) {
console.log("Sent starting message!");
} else {
console.log("CANT'T SEND");
// Write to JSON file for backup if can't send to server
fs.readFile("backup.json", "utf8", function readFileCallback(err, data) {
if (err) throw err;
jsonTable = JSON.parse(data);
var outputJSON = JSON.stringify(jsonTable);
fs.writeFile("backup.json", outputJSON, "utf8", function (err) {
if (err) throw err;
return startTime[2];
function vibrationStop(startTimeUnix)
// Should get:
// - End time and date the vibration ended
// - Total length of time
// Will send the message, if there is network connection, once complete.
// Will store message into a JSON file if there is no network connection.
data = [{
Machine : "Machine",
StartTime : "StartTime",
EndTime : "EndTime",
LengthTime : "LengthTime"
var jsonTable = { "table": [] };
var endTime = getTime();
console.log(endTime[0] + " " + endTime[1]);
var endTimeUnix = endTime[2];
var LengthTime = endTimeUnix - startTimeUnix;
console.log("Length time: " + LengthTime);
var endData = {
Machine: Machine,
end_time: endTime[0] + " " + endTime[1],
LengthTime: LengthTime,
active: "false"
const options = {
url: serverURL,
method: "POST",
form: endData
};, function (error, response, body) {
if (!error) {
console.log("Sent end message!");
} else {
console.log("CANT'T SEND");
// Write to JSON file for backup if can't send to server
fs.readFile("backup.json", "utf8", function readFileCallback(err, data) {
if (err) throw err;
jsonTable = JSON.parse(data);
var data = JSON.stringify(executeSql);
var outputJSON = JSON.stringify(jsonTable);
fs.writeFile("backup.json", outputJSON, "utf8", function (err) {
if (err) throw err;
arduinoBoard.on("ready", function () {
// Main function that runs when Arduino is 'ready'
console.log("Board ready!");
var tilt = new johnnyFive.Sensor.Digital(8);
var sensorCount = 0;
var sensorFlag = false, prevSensorFlag = false;
var startTime = 0;
var sendEmailTimeout;
// When sensor changes value
tilt.on("change", function () {
sensorCount = 0;
sensorFlag = true;
// Continuously loops
var timeoutValue = 250; // Change timeout value later on.
tilt.on("data", function () {
// Sensor just started turning on
if (sensorFlag & !prevSensorFlag) {
prevSensorFlag = true;
startTime = vibrationStart();
console.log("Vibration started.");
clearTimeout(sendEmailTimeout); // Don't send email if switch activated before 5 minutes of inactivity
// Sensor just turned off
if (!sensorFlag && prevSensorFlag) {
prevSensorFlag = false;
EndTime = vibrationStop(startTime);
console.log("Vibration stopped.");
sendEmailTimeout = setTimeout(sendEmail, userOptions.email_time * 1000); // Send email after 5 minutes of inactivity
// Sensor reaches timeout value
if (sensorCount == timeoutValue) {
sensorCount = 0;
sensorFlag = false;


Error: NJS-012: encountered invalid bind data type in parameter 2

Even though I have searched for the solution of this error and i found some answers but none of them helped me fix this error, Error: NJS-012: encountered invalid bind data type in parameter 2.Maybe, one error can occur in a different scenarios.
Stored procedure definition
p_DataSource OUT Sys_RefCursor
OPEN p_DataSource FOR
select mealtypeid,description from mealtypes;
File name: menusStoredProc.js
"use strict";
var dbParams = require('../../oracle/dbParams');
function storedProcs() {
name: 'sp_meal_getmealtypes',
params: {
dataSource: {val: null, type: dbParams.CURSOR, dir: dbParams.BIND_OUT}
resultSetColumns: ['mealTypeId','description']
module.exports = storedProcs;
File name: menus.js
var express = require('express');
var MenusStoreProc = require('../storedProcedures/menusStoredProc');
var oraDbAssist = require('../../oracle/oracleDbAssist');
var router = express.Router();
router.get('/getmenus', (req, res, next) => {
var sp = new MenusStoreProc().SP_USER_GETMENUS;
oraDbAssist.getConnection(function (err, conn) {
if (err)
return console.log('Connecting to db failed - ' + err);
oraDbAssist.executeSqlWithConn(sp, false, conn, function (err, menus) {
if (err)
return console.log('Executing ' + + ' failed - ' + err);
module.exports = router;
Function definition added - executeSqlWithConn
function executeSqlWithConn(sp, autoCommit, connection, next) {
var sql = createProcedureSqlString(, sp.params);
var params = buildParams(sp.params);
connection.execute(sql, params, {autoCommit: autoCommit}, function(err, result) {
if (err) {
next(err, null);
var allRows = [];
var numRows = 50; // number of rows to return from each call to getRows()
for(var attributeName in result.outBinds) {
if(result.outBinds[attributeName] && result.outBinds[attributeName].metaData) { // db response is a result set
function fetchRowsFromResultSet(pResultSet, pNumRows) {
pResultSet.getRows(pNumRows, function(readErr, rows) {
if(err) {
pResultSet.close(function (err) { // always close the result set
if (rows.length === pNumRows) {
fetchRowsFromResultSet(result.outBinds[attributeName], numRows);
var allRowsResult = Array.prototype.concat.apply([], allRows);
generateJsonFromDbResultSet(pResultSet.metaData, allRowsResult, sp, function(resultSet) {
pResultSet.close(function (err) { // always close the result set
next(null, resultSet);
fetchRowsFromResultSet(result.outBinds[attributeName], numRows);
next(null, result.outBinds);
Function definition added - buildParams
function buildParams(params) {
for(var attributeName in params) {
params[attributeName].val = typeof params[attributeName].val === 'undefined' ? null : params[attributeName].val;
params[attributeName].val = params[attributeName].val ? new Date(params[attributeName].val) : null;
params[attributeName].type = params[attributeName].type.value;
params[attributeName].dir = params[attributeName].dir.value;
return params;
Any help, dear members ?

Parent function is not waiting for child to finish

Inside getMetadata(), Object.keys function is not waiting for httprequest to finish. How can I make object.keys function to wait till httprequest function manipluates the result variable?
I'm using node. I tried to make promise but failed.
function fetchAirportPageIDsListWithMetaJSON(faa, cb){'[airportcms-data-processor] fetching airport pages list with Metadata');
var faa = faa
], function (err, result) {
cb(null, result);
function getAirportPageIDsList(callback) {
httpRequests.fetchData('//s3 url to fetch data', function (err, data) {
var idsMap={};
data["page-ids"].forEach( (obj) => {
obj.list.forEach((item) => idsMap[item] =;
callback(null, idsMap);
function getMetadata(data,callback) {
var result=[];
Object.keys(data).sort().forEach( function (t) {
var tempJson={};
var urlcheck = verifySpecialPageId(t);
if (urlcheck){
var url = config.urls.s3_airports_base_url+'/'+faa+'/'+urlcheck;
var url = config.urls.s3_airports_base_url+'/'+faa+'/'+t;
tempJson["sectionId"]= t;
tempJson["page"]= data[t];
httpRequests.makeHeadRequestWithCallerId(url, function (err, metax) {
if (metax){
let z = metax.split('|')[0];
tempJson["SummaryRange"]= getSummaryRangeAirportPageList(z);
tempJson["timestamp"]= new Date(parseInt(z)).toLocaleDateString();
tempJson["callerId"]= metax.split('|')[1];
});"Final result: ", result);
callback(null, result);
http request function:
function makeHeadRequestWithCallerId (url, cb) {
httpRequest.head(url, function (err, res) {
if (err) {
logger.error('Error ' + err);
return cb(err, null);
if(res.code === 200) {
if (res.headers['x-amz-meta-x-amz-meta-lastmodified'] || res.headers['x-amz-meta-x-amz-meta-callerid']) {
var dateModified = res.headers['x-amz-meta-x-amz-meta-lastmodified'];
var timeStamp = Date.parse(dateModified);
var callerid = res.headers['x-amz-meta-x-amz-meta-callerid'];
if(timeStamp && callerid) {
return cb(null, timeStamp+'|'+callerid);
} else if (callerid){
return cb(null, '|'+callerid);
}else if(timeStamp){
return cb(null, timeStamp+'|');
return cb(null, null);
return cb(null, null);
Current log=> Final result:
[{ sectionId: 'internet-wifi', page: 'internet-wifi' },
{ sectionId: 'layover-ideas', page: 'layover-ideas' }]
Expected log=> Final result:
{ sectionId: 'internet-wifi',
page: 'internet-wifi',
SummaryRange: '12-99',
timestamp: '1/29/2018',
callerId: '' },
{ sectionId: 'layover-ideas',
page: 'layover-ideas',
SummaryRange: '12-99',
timestamp: '1/26/2017',
callerId: '' },
function getMetadata(data, callback) {
var result = [];
var count = Object.keys(data).length;
var i = 0;
Object.keys(data).sort().forEach(function (t) {
var tempJson = {};
var urlcheck = verifySpecialPageId(t);
if (urlcheck) {
var url = config.urls.s3_airports_base_url + '/' + faa + '/' + urlcheck;
} else {
var url = config.urls.s3_airports_base_url + '/' + faa + '/' + t;
tempJson["sectionId"] = t;
tempJson["page"] = data[t];
httpRequests.makeHeadRequestWithCallerId(url, function (err, metax) {
if (metax) {
let z = metax.split('|')[0];
tempJson["SummaryRange"] = getSummaryRangeAirportPageList(z);
tempJson["timestamp"] = new Date(parseInt(z)).toLocaleDateString();
tempJson["callerId"] = metax.split('|')[1];
} else {
tempJson["timestamp"] = '';
tempJson["callerId"] = '';
tempJson["SummaryRange"] = '';
if(count === i){"Final result: ", result);
callback(null, result);

Node - Nested For loop async behaviour

I am trying to create Dynamic JSON from database but due to async behaviour of node js I am not able to do that.
exports.wsGetDirectoryTree = function(request,response){
pool.getConnection(function(err, connection) {
if (err) {
console.log("Error while connecting to DB : " + err);
} else {
// Org List
objDb.wsGetOrganisationTree(connection, function(callback) {
var data= JSON.stringify(callback);
var jsonObject = JSON.parse(data);
var count = Object.keys(jsonObject).length;
var finalResponse = '';
var org = '';
var gst = '';
var url = '';
// Org List
for(var i=0;i<count;i++){
var temp = JSON.stringify(jsonObject[i]);
var tempData = JSON.parse(temp);
// {"Apple"
org = '{'+'\"'+tempData.organisation_name+'\":';
console.log("org -> "+org);
// Guest list
objDb.wsGetGuestTree(tempData.organisation_id,connection, function(callback) {
var data= JSON.stringify(callback);
var jsonObject = JSON.parse(data);
var count = Object.keys(jsonObject).length;
// Guest list
for(var j=0;j<count;j++){
var temp = JSON.stringify(jsonObject[j]);
var tempData = JSON.parse(temp);
gst = '{'+'\"'+tempData.guest_name+'\":';
console.log("gst = "+gst);
finalResponse = org + gst;
// Url list
objDb.wsGetUrlTree(tempData.guest_id,connection, function(callback) {
var data= JSON.stringify(callback);
finalResponse = finalResponse + data;
console.log("finalResponse = "+finalResponse);
} else {
data = data.replace('[','');
data = data.replace(']','');
} else {
})(i); //function for counting
} //loop end
} else {
I am expecting below output -
"Organisation01": {
"Guest01": {
"Images": ["IMG-20180117-WA0004.jpg", "IMG-20180117-WA0004.jpg"],
"Video": ["IMG-20180117-WA0004.jpg", "IMG-20180117-WA0004.jpg"]
"Guest02": {
"Images": ["IMG-20180117-WA0004.jpg", "IMG-20180117-WA0004.jpg"]
}, "Organisation02": {
"Guest01": {
"Images": ["IMG-20180117-WA0004.jpg", "IMG-20180117-WA0004.jpg"]
} }, "Organisation03": {
"Guest01": {
"Images": ["IMG-20180117-WA0004.jpg", "IMG-20180117-WA0004.jpg"]
} }, "Organisation04": {
"Guest01": {
"Images": ["IMG-20180117-WA0004.jpg", "IMG-20180117-WA0004.jpg"]
} } }
Since your for loop over count actually requires to make async calls objDb.wsGetGuestTree() , it would be advisable to use async module.
Please check :

access values after authentication in node js

I've a program that does the below.
Look into a DynamoDB table.
Get the data from the table.
Save the variables in session
After the process, print the values in console.
My code is as below.
intentHandlers['GetMYBusinessInfo'] = function (request, session, response, slots) {
console.log('entered ext bloxk');
if (!session.attributes.userName) {
console.log('eneterd the user entered the block');
var userName = 'jim';
isUserRegistered(userName.toLowerCase(), function (res, err) {
if (err) {;
else if (!res) {
response.shouldEndSession = true;
else {
var countRes = JSON.stringify(res.Count);
var unpUserRegion = JSON.stringify(res.Items[0].Region);
var unpUserCity = JSON.stringify(res.Items[0].State);
var userRegion = JSON.parse(unpUserRegion);
var userCity = JSON.parse(unpUserCity); = userCity;
session.attributes.region = userRegion;
console.log("parsed " + countRes + "\t region is " + userRegion);
session.attributes.userName = true;
console.log(`session values after authentication are user city is ${}`);
The method to check if the value is in DynamoDb or not.
function isUserRegistered(userName, callback) {
var params = {
TableName: "usersTable",
FilterExpression: "#nme = :nme",
ExpressionAttributeNames: {
"#nme": "Name",
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
":nme": userName
var count = 0;
docClient.scan(params, function (err, data) {
if (err) {
console.error("Unable to scan the table. Error JSON:", JSON.stringify(err, null, 2));
callback(false, err);
} else {
console.log("Scan succeeded." + data.Items.length);
if (data.Items.length === 0) {
else {
data.Items.forEach(function (itemData) {
console.log("Item :", ++count, JSON.stringify(itemData));
when I run this, the output that I get is:
session values after authentication are user city is undefined
Scan succeeded.1
Item : 1
"ID": "3",
"State": "wisconsin",
"Region": "midwest",
"Name": "jim"
{ Items: [ { ID: '3', State: 'wisconsin', Region: 'midwest', Name: 'jim' } ],
Count: 1,
ScannedCount: 1 }
parsed 1 region is midwest
Here I know that Node js being Non-blockable process, the above output is correct, but I want to get the value of city printed in session values after authentication are user city is {HereTheCityComes} instead of session values after authentication are user city is undefined.
I'm sure that placing the console.log(session values after authentication are user city is ${}); in the last else block(place where the data is returned).
But I need this type of functionality(Get data as shown in my current scenario), as there is some other things to be done after checking if the user is available in database.
please let me know where am I going wrong and how can I fix this.
You can't synchronously expect async result.
What you can do here is solve your problem with promises.
Here is a solution:
intentHandlers['GetMYBusinessInfo'] = function(request, session, response, slots) {
console.log('entered ext bloxk');
var userPromise = Promise.resolve();
if (!session.attributes.userName) {
console.log('eneterd the user entered the block');
var userName = 'jim';
userPromise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
isUserRegistered(userName.toLowerCase(), function (res, err) {
if (err) {;
var countRes = JSON.stringify(res.Count);
var unpUserRegion = JSON.stringify(res.Items[0].Region);
var unpUserCity = JSON.stringify(res.Items[0].State);
var userRegion = JSON.parse(unpUserRegion);
var userCity = JSON.parse(unpUserCity); = userCity;
session.attributes.region = userRegion;
console.log("parsed " + countRes + "\t region is " + userRegion);
userPromise.then(function () {
console.log(`session values after authentication are user city is ${}`);
If you are not using ES6, then just install bluebird and use var Promise = require('bluebird')

Getting Response of a function defined in another file in node.js

I have a socket function defined as
var funcs = require('./funcs');
socket.on(EVENT_ACCEPT_ORDER, function(data, callback)
data = JSON.parse(data);
var bookingId = data.bookingId;
var userId = data.userId;
console.log("Accepting booking...." + bookingId);
var query = "UPDATE bookings SET bookingStatus = " + BOOKING_STATUS_ACCEPTED + " WHERE id = " + bookingId + " AND bookingStatus = " + BOOKING_STATUS_IN_QUEUE;
con.query(query, function(err, rows,fields)
console.log("mysql query error");
if(rows.changedRows > 0)
var indexOfUser = usersList.indexOf(userId);
if(indexOfUser > -1)
callback({"message": "Success","error":false, "booking": funcs.getBooking(con, bookingId)});
callback({"message": "Success","error":true});
Funcs is defined as
module.exports = {
"getBooking": function (con, bookingId)
var query = "SELECT * FROM bookings WHERE id = " + bookingId + " LIMIT 1";
con.query(query, function(err, rows,fields)
console.log("mysql query error");
else if (rows.length == 1)
var booking = rows[0];
var userId = rows[0]['userId'];
var query = "SELECT id, name, phone, imagePath FROM users WHERE id = " + userId + " LIMIT 1";
con.query(query, function(err, rows,fields)
console.log("mysql query error");
else if (rows.length == 1)
booking['user'] = rows[0];
return booking;
Everything is running fine except
callback({"message": "Success","error":false, "booking": funcs.getBooking(con, bookingId)});
in this function instead of booking, i am only getting
Why am i not getting the booking function result?
You are not getting the result, because the result of the callback function in con.query is not returned to the caller of getBooking. It is the asynchronous pattern, which you are not processing correctly.
The way it is supposed to work is that the getBooking gets an extra argument: a function to be called when data are available (in an internal asynchronous call to con.query). Such a function is then provided by the caller and in this function you do whatever you want with the data:
"getBooking": function (con, bookingId, callback) {
con.query(query, function(err, rows,fields) {
// instead of return booking do
callback(err, booking);
main module
// instead of
callback({"message": "Success","error":false, "booking": funcs.getBooking(con, bookingId)});
// do
funcs.getBooking(con, bookingId, function(err, booking) {
callback({"message": "Success","error":false, "booking": booking});
I am afraid this is not the only issue in your code, but this should be the first to fix. Read further about processing asynchronous calls in general and specifically in node.js and fix other places in your code correspondingly.
