PyMesh Installation on Python 3.6 Windows - python-3.x

I am trying to install Pymesh on Python 3.6.
In my first try, I installed through pip, however it installed a wrong PyMesh than I wanted.
It installed the following,, while I wanted
I uninstalled it, and tried installing the later PyMesh, however no luck. There were no instructions for windows. I downloaded the source from github. I extracted and pasted it in C:\Python36\Lib\site-packages
Then I ran python3 build - when an error showed up, I also tried python3 install, which worked. However, I am unable to do a simple basic command mentioned in the web page:
It is saying pymesh does not have module name load_mesh.
Looking for the process or thoughts on how to properly install pyMesh for Windows.

My go to solution for problems like this on Windows is always to try it in a conda env first. If that fails, use Docker.


Python-audiodiff installation

trying to install audio diff for python 3.0 in visual studio code but getting an error message stating no matching distribution found for mutagen==1.21.
I tried installing mutagen 1.21 got installed but still not able to install audiodiff.
So, looking at this issue it looks like these libraries (mutagenwrapper and audiodiff) are written for Python2 so if you are using Python3 they won't work.
Luckily, it looks like #SteveClement has updated them to Python3 himself (thank you to this comment for pointing it out).
So, to install his versions of them:
pip install git+
pip install git+
I can't test these but let me know if this works for you.

Installing Graphviz on windows 10

I'm trying to install graphviz on windows 10 (Python 3.6). I went through multiple documentations but nothing seems to work. I tried to run below commands which were explained in the various documentations but it didn't work.
install -c anaconda graphviz
conda install -c anaconda graphviz #I tried these commands in python console
I get below error:
Syntax Error : invalid syntax
Can anyone tell me the exact procedure of installing graphviz on windows?
pip install graphviz didn't work for me. The library could be imported, but when I tried to open real-world examples, it crashed because of missed dependencies. (I actually found this topic while trying to solve those crashes lol).
The following two commands solved all my problems:
conda install graphviz
conda install python-graphviz
I am now able to replicate all the (graphviz) plots presented in this well-known Machine Learning repository:
PS. Perhaps executing only the second command (alone) is enough (conda install python-graphviz), I am not 100% sure. I only know that conda install graphviz doesn't work alone for Python.
You should first install graphviz.
After installing it and adding to path installing the python bindings should be straight forward.
pip install graphviz
edit: Updated the link

Pip Uninstall and Install same package gives 'AssertionError: Multiple .dist-info directories'

I am having trouble installing and installing again the same package. I get an 'AssertionError: Multiple .dist-info directories' error. I think that it has something to do with the pip uninstall not completely getting rid of all the files of a package, but am not sure how to remedy the situation. I don't know what information would be helpful here, except maybe that this is a Django project, running on virtualenv on IIS.
EDIT: I just re-installed python and with it, a new version of pip.
Remove the related pip build directory for that particular package and try installing it again. That'd work.
If you're working in a virtual environment say venv, pip build directory will be <path-to-venv>/venv/build/<package-name>.

iPython on Win8 fails to install modules

Please bear with me the total novice of Python 3 and non native English speaker.
I'm using windows 8 in iPython notebook environment, and I have problem installing modules such as Jieba. If you go to its homepage, the English version is in the bottom (however, not as updated as the Chinese version). It says it supports Python 3 as well, so I tried using git as it suggested, but it gave me this (I successfully cloned it before).
Some other things I tried as well
Using cmd to run
Using pip3 (it's another module I failed to install)
Installing easy_install (same, couldn't install it)
Do I have to use other approaches to install modules cause I'm using iPython notebook? I'm so frustrated. I'm trying to do text mining on some Chinese texts but I struggle so much with this hurdle already.
You've already cloned Jieba into your home directory (~), which is why your second attempt at cloning failed. Enter the jieba directory, and run git pull to sync any changes from the master repo. You can then run python install in that directory to install the module.
To install pip on Windows, follow the instructions in this question.

Trouble installing psycopg2 on a virtualenv using python3

The other day I asked a question about why I couldn't install psycopg2 on my mac. The problem, I realized, lies with python3.
I am working with flask and have been running in a virutalenv that uses python3. When attempting to install psycopg2 (using pip install psycopg2), it fails miserably. I attempted the same thing on the ubuntu virtual machine on my computer, with the same problem. However, when I attempt to install psycopg2 on a virtualenv using the python version installed on my computer (2.7.2), it works fine. It also works on the Ubuntu side.
Hence, the problem is with using python3 in the virtualenv. My friend and mentor helped me develop a workaround on my Ubuntu side. Essentially what we did was download python3, then modify the .bashrc to use the new python3 when typing python3 from terminal. Then, when we setup a new virtualenv using the downloaded python3, and attempted to download psycopg2, there wasn't the problem at all!
Now, so I want to use python3 with projects I am working on, and because I am deploying through Heroku, I need to use psycopg2 to link up my databases. Can anyone help me figure out a workaround on my mac side? Thanks!
P.S. -> Here's the link to my original question:
Can't install pscyopg2 on mac OS X 10.8.4
(Not sure what happened to the comments and original answer from the other stackoverflow user)
I solved this exact problem by installing python3-dev first.
