Angular6 makes API call to localhost from Server - node.js

I have an ndoejs/express app, which serves an angular6 application. Inside my angular6 app Im making http calls to my restAPI. If I host the App on localhost its working an connecting to my API.
But if i push the App to my VPS, the API call is also made to my local maschine. Is there a way to let the Angular App make the call to the VPS maschines running nodejs API? I would not like to change url everywhere in the app...
Im using Sequelize to connect to the databse etc.

You can add different environment files, that will hold specific settings for that environment. Have a look at this article.


How to not show PORT from Nodejs API Requests

I was working in a project and sudden noticed that while react is calling node api, i can see port number also in console network, which i think is not secure.
So is there any tool, settings whcih we can use to hide ports from api calls.
I am using apache as server, node api and react frontend.
Tried virtual host settings but not worked

Establish connection from apache angular app to rest api node js

I deployed an angular app hosted in apache server into an VPS. And I got an URL
like this :
In same VPS is running pm2 with a REST api developed in nodejs using express (CORS are
Route for these are like:,
Problem is, when angularApp tries to consume the REST api, the URLs are =>,
I also tried to do the same in nginx but it not worked too.
Works fine in: Running static angular files in express. Running angular in dev mode
only consuming rest api.
Any idea for solving this? ty

HTTP requests between two docker services works fine but I don't know why [duplicate]

I have a ReactJS project with its own Dockerfile, exposing port 3000:3000.
I also have a PHP project with its own Dockerfile, exposing port 80:80. The PHP app also has containers for MySQL, Redis and Nginx
For the PHP app, I have a docker-compose file that creates a network (my-net) for PHP, Nginx, MySQL and Redis to communicate on. However, I now want the ReactJS (which is in a separate project) to be able to communicate with the PHP app.
I added a docker-compose file to the React project, and added it to the network from the PHP project my-net and declared it as external so that it doesn't try to create it.
This seems to work: From the ReactJS container, I can ping app (the name of my backend service) and it works properly. However, from the ReactJS code, if I use something like axios to try and hit the backend API, it can't resolve app or http://app or any variation. It can however access the underlying IP address if I substitute that into in axios.
So there seems to be some issue with the hostname resolution, and presumably this is on the axios / JavaScript end. is there something I'm missing or a reason this isn't working?
When the JavaScript runs in a browser (outside of Docker) you can not use app because that is only available inside the Docker network (via the embedded DNS server).
To access your PHP server from outside use localhost and the exposed port (80) instead.

Deploying React native app with node server to the store

I feel like I have exhausted all possible searches and documentation trying to figure this out. I have a React native app which runs perfectly locally with a node server with websockets, I will like to know steps on how I could deploy this app to the store. I understand the server has to be hosted for example on heroku, but the workaround of the whole process from local server to heroku, then AppStore still confuses me. I will appreciate any suggestions, or clarification on how I could achieve this(deploying server and connecting to React native). Thanks
Host your Node.js server;
Use the remote server's endpoint on the app;
This can be useful to have a dynamic endpoint (dev and production env):
const endpoint = __DEV__ ? 'http://localhost:8080' : 'https://myServer/';
After your app get published on App Store it will communicate with remote server.

How to connect node app to node api with Nginx

I built a Node app using this tutorial. Then I built a Node API using this tutorial. The app uses the app on port 4000 to connect to the API which then connects to a mongodb to store the info on the server.
This setup works great on my local machine, but I'm trying to deploy it on a digital ocean droplet. I have Nginx setup to listen to port 8080 for the main app. I'm able to navigate to the app. But when I try to register a user and submit the data to the API I get the following error in my browser OPTIONS http://localhost:4000/users/register net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED.
I suspect I have to specify something in the Nginx config files. Or would it be a ufw issue? Any help would be much appreciated.
The error is very clear. The application try to fetch on localhost:4000, so you expect any visitor of your web app to have the API launched on their own computer.
Change your code to point to the correct host and port of you server.
Then, as you guess it, you will have to create a little Nginx configuration to tell him what to proxy to the APP and what to proxy to the API.
