Retrieve data from WSDL - node.js

I'm trying to retrieve properties like Operation name, method type, request-response parameters etc. from a WSDL file/url through nodejs. I tried using an npm package 'wsdlrdr' which does return the operation name but does not retrieve the parameters the same way if I import the wsdl file in SOAP UI.
Is there a way to retrieve all the elements using nodejs?

Please try SOAP npm package to retrive details from WSDL file/url. It works well with WSDL files


swagger - extract parameter info from express-validation

I'm new to node, swagger etc.
I'm working on a node.js app, I added some endpoints and using express-validation package I configured validators for my end points.
I now started using also swagger-autogen to generate swagger doc, but I can't find a way to make swagger use the validators in order to provide more data/limitations of the endpoints' parameters.
Is there a way to achieve something like that?

how to add custom metadata to pdf using node js

I am reading a pdf file from AWS s3 bucket and want to generate a new file with additional custom metadata using node in lambda.
I tried with pdf-lib NPM and was able to generate a new file but didn't find a way to add custom metadata. the NPM document only has methods to add default properties like title, author.
Please suggest any way to add custom metadata
the best library for PDF manipulation is pdfmake
you can achieve any thing from using this library.

openapi-request-validator Validate against yaml

Please let me know if openapi-request-validator nodejs library can be used to validate request against open api 3 spec yaml file. I had a look at express-openapi-validator, but my application does not use expressjs. My service is a lambda function (nodejs) deployed in aws.
I believe in your lambda function you can use openapi-request-validator, which already makes it's function signature very friendly to the openapi spec yaml file. What you can do:
Include the openapi spec yaml file in the zip file when deploying to AWS.
At runtime, load the yaml file and convert it into a Javascript object using some library (e.g. js-yaml).
write a simple function to do the following:
Look up the Javascript spec object based on the request path to find out related parameters, requestBody, schemas etc required by OpenAPIRequestValidator.
Transform the incoming API Gateway proxy event object (I assume it's proxy integration) into the format that validateRequest expects.
Then you will be able to new OpenAPIRequestValidator and call its validateRequest method to validate the transformed request object.

Cannot Initialize Vendor Bill with the Vendor Payment Object in Boomi

I am using Boomi to pass data into NetSuite. When I use the execute - initialize function on the vendor payment object and set the type to vendorBill I get an error. Here's what I'm seeing:
XML file sent to NetSuite
<reference type="vendorBill" internalId="125056"></reference>
Error Message I'm receiving:
"Failed processing original documents iOi in the connector: java.lang.Exception: Unable to execute initialize. Must define valid Initialize Reference Type. Found: vendorBill Valid values are the following: [employee,vendor,vendorReturnAuthorization]"
According to NetSuite documentation the options I should have for initialize are:
I need to initialize the Vendor Bill, is there any reason why this isn't working, or a known workaround? Thanks! (Note that all other processes using initialize for other objects are using the same connector and are working properly.)
There is an unresolved bug in Boomi: BOOMI-30118. It's a defect in the code where VENDOR_RETURN_AUTHORIZATION should be VENDOR_BILL. There are 2 alternative solutions for this:
Use the SOAP connector to make the initialize request. Your account manager should be able to get you a temp license to use the SOAP connector until the built in Netsuite Connector bug is resolved.
An initialize isn't technically necessary. It won't be quite as simple, but you should be able to get all required fields through queries or gets, then map the create request directly.

How can I import a wsdl in Azure API Management

I'll be gratefull if you can help me with the following error: When I try to import a WSDL file in Azure API management I have the next error:
WsdlImportRuleImportNotSupported : WSDL Import is currently not supported
Is there a way to solve it ?
thank you!
If you look in the WSDL file you are trying to import there is a wsdl:Import element that references an external file. We don't support importing WSDLs that are split into multiple files. We can import eternal references XSD schemas though.
If your wsdl is coming from a later WCF service you can request the wsdl using a query parameter ?singleWSDL and it will merge the WSDL into a single file for you. There are also OSS tools on GitHub for doing a WSDL merge.
