Python Threadpool not running in parallel - python-3.x

I am new to python and I am trying to use threadpool to run this script in parallel. However it does not run but just run in sequence. The scrip basically iterate through excel file to pick the ip address of devices and then sends xml request based on an input file. I have spent multiple hours on this, what am I not getting.
def do_upload(xml_file):
for ip in codecIPs:
request = open(xml_file, "r").read()
h = httplib2.Http(".cache")
h.add_credentials(username, password)
url = "http://{}/putxml".format(ip)
print('Uploading Wall Paper to {}'.format(ip))
resp, content = h.request(url, "POST", body=request,
headers={'content-type': 'text/xml; charset=UTF-8'})
except (socket.timeout, socket.error, httpexception) as e:
print('failed to connect to {}'.format(codecIPs), e)
pool = ThreadPool(3)
results ='brandinglogo.xml'), codecIPs)

Python has no parallelism in its threading model due to the so called Global Interpreter Lock. Basically, all threads run on core only. It enables concurrent execution though. So for IO bound tasks, like downloading files from the web, database accesses, etc. You will get some speedup using threads to kick off those syscalls. But for CPU bound tasks, you need to use Processes. Therefore use the multiprocessing python library.


Python: running many subprocesses from different threads is slow

I have a program with 1 process that starts a lot of threads.
Each thread might use subprocess.Popen to run some command.
I see that the time to run the command increases with the number of threads.
>>> def foo():
... s = time.time()
... subprocess.Popen('ip link show'.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True).communicate()
... print(time.time() - s)
>>> foo()
>>> [threading.Thread(target=foo).start() for _ in range(10)]
0.11541390419006348 # !!!
0.10175108909606934 # !!!
Is there another way of executing a lot of commands from single process in parallel that doesn't decrease the performance?
Python's threads are, of course, concurrent, but they do not really run in parallel because of the GIL. Therefore, they are not suitable for CPU-bound applications. If you need to truly parallelize something and allow it to run on all CPU cores, you will need to use multiple processes. Here is a nice answer discussing this in more detail: What are the differences between the threading and multiprocessing modules?.
For the above example, multiprocessing.pool may be a good choice (note that there is also a ThreadPool available in this module).
from multiprocessing.pool import Pool
import subprocess
import time
def foo(*args):
s = time.time()
subprocess.Popen('ip link show'.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True).communicate()
return time.time() - s
if __name__ == "__main__":
with Pool(10) as p:
result =, range(10))
# [0.018695592880249023, 0.009021520614624023, 0.01150059700012207, 0.02113938331604004, 0.014114856719970703, 0.01342153549194336, 0.011168956756591797, 0.014746427536010742, 0.013572454452514648, 0.008752584457397461]
result = p.map_async(foo, range(10))
# [0.00636744499206543, 0.011589527130126953, 0.010645389556884766, 0.0070612430572509766, 0.013571739196777344, 0.009610414505004883, 0.007040739059448242, 0.010993719100952148, 0.012415409088134766, 0.0070383548736572266]
However, if your function is similar to the example in that it mostly just launches other processes and doesn't do a lot of calculations - I doubt parallelizing it will make much of a difference because the subprocesses can already run in parallel. Perhaps the slowdown occurs because your whole system gets overwhelmed for a moment because of all those processes (could be CPU usage is high or too many disk reads/writes are attempted within a short time). I would suggest taking a close look at system resources (Task Manager etc.) while running the program.
maybe it has nothing to do with python: Opening a new shell = opening a new file since basically everything is a file on linux
take a look at your limit for open files with this command (default is 1024):
and try to raise it with this command to see if your code gets faster :
ulimit -n 2048

Threads will not close off after program completion

I have a script that receives temperature data via using requests. Since I had to make multiple requests (around 13000) I decided to explore the use of multi-threading which I am new at.
The programs work by grabbing longitude/latitude data from a csv file and then makes a request to retrieve the temperature data.
The problem that I am facing is that the script does not finish fully when the last temperature value is retrieved.
Here is the code. I have shortened so it is easy to see what I am doing:
num_threads = 16
q = Queue(maxsize=0)
def get_temp(q):
while not q.empty():
work = q.get()
if work is None:
## rest of my code here
At main:
def main():
for o in range(num_threads):
logging.debug('Starting Thread %s', o)
worker = threading.Thread(target=get_temp, args=(q,))
worker.start()"Main Thread Waiting")
q.join()"Job complete!")
I do not see any errors on the console and temperature is being successfully being written to another file. I have a tried running a test csv file with only a few longitude/latitude references and the script seems to finish executing fine.
So is there a way of shedding light as to what might be happening in the background? I am using Python 3.7.3 on PyCharm 2019.1 on Linux Mint 19.1.
the .join() function waits for all threads to join before continuing to the next line

Threads or asyncio gather?

Which is the best method to do concurrent i/o operations?
thread or
There will be list of files.
I open the files and generate a graph using the .txt file and store it on the disk.
I have tried using threads but its time consuming and sometimes it does not generate a graph for some files.
Is there any other method?
I tried with the code below with async on the load_instantel_ascii function but it gives exception
for fl in self.finallist:
k = randint(0, 9)
task2.append( * [load_instantel_ascii(fleName = fl, columns = None,
out = self.outdir,
separator = ',')])
print("Error on Graph Generation")
for kl1 in task2)
If I understood everything correct and you want asynchronous file I/O, then asyncio itself doesn't support it out of the box. In the end all asyncio-related stuff that provides async file I/O does it using threads pool.
But it probably doesn't mean you shouldn't use asyncio: this lib is cool as a way to write asynchronous code in a first place, even if it wrapper above threads. I would give a try to something like aiofiles.

Wrapping synchronous requests into asyncio (async/await)?

I am writing a tool in Python 3.6 that sends requests to several APIs (with various endpoints) and collects their responses to parse and save them in a database.
The API clients that I use have a synchronous version of requesting a URL, for instance they use
Or they use Kenneth Reitz' Requests library.
Since my API calls rely on synchronous versions of requesting a URL, the whole process takes several minutes to complete.
Now I'd like to wrap my API calls in async/await (asyncio). I'm using python 3.6.
All the examples / tutorials that I found want me to change the synchronous URL calls / requests to an async version of it (for instance aiohttp). Since my code relies on API clients that I haven't written (and I can't change) I need to leave that code untouched.
So is there a way to wrap my synchronous requests (blocking code) in async/await to make them run in an event loop?
I'm new to asyncio in Python. This would be a no-brainer in NodeJS. But I can't wrap my head around this in Python.
The solution is to wrap your synchronous code in the thread and run it that way. I used that exact system to make my asyncio code run boto3 (note: remove inline type-hints if running < python3.6):
async def get(self, key: str) -> bytes:
s3 = boto3.client("s3")
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
response: typing.Mapping = \
await loop.run_in_executor( # type: ignore
None, functools.partial(
except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e:
if e.response["Error"]["Code"] == "NoSuchKey":
raise base.KeyNotFoundException(self, key) from e
elif e.response["Error"]["Code"] == "AccessDenied":
raise base.AccessDeniedException(self, key) from e
return response["Body"].read()
Note that this will work because the vast amount of time in the s3.get_object() code is spent in waiting for I/O, and (generally) while waiting for I/O python releases the GIL (the GIL is the reason that generally threads in python is not a good idea).
The first argument None in run_in_executor means that we run in the default executor. This is a threadpool executor, but it may make things more explicit to explicitly assign a threadpool executor there.
Note that, where using pure async I/O you could easily have thousands of connections open concurrently, using a threadpool executor means that each concurrent call to the API needs a separate thread. Once you run out of threads in your pool, the threadpool will not schedule your new call until a thread becomes available. You can obviously raise the number of threads, but this will eat up memory; don't expect to be able to go over a couple of thousand.
Also see the python ThreadPoolExecutor docs for an explanation and some slightly different code on how to wrap your sync call in async code.

Multithreaded HTTP GET requests slow down badly after ~900 downloads

I'm attempting to download around 3,000 files (each being maybe 3 MB in size) from Amazon S3 using requests_futures, but the download slows down badly after about 900, and actually starts to run slower than a basic for-loop.
It doesn't appear that I'm running out of memory or CPU bandwidth. It does, however, seem like the Wifi connection on my machine slows to almost nothing: I drop from a few thousand packets/sec to just 3-4. The weirdest part is that I can't load any websites until the Python process exits and I restart my wifi adapter.
What in the world could be causing this, and how can I go about debugging it?
If it helps, here's my Python code:
import requests
from requests_futures.sessions import FuturesSession
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed
# get a nice progress bar
from tqdm import tqdm
def download_threaded(urls, thread_pool, session):
futures_session = FuturesSession(executor=thread_pool, session=session)
futures_mapping = {}
for i, url in enumerate(urls):
future = futures_session.get(url)
futures_mapping[future] = i
results = [None] * len(futures_mapping)
with tqdm(total=len(futures_mapping), desc="Downloading") as progress:
for future in as_completed(futures_mapping):
response = future.result()
result = response.text
except Exception as e:
result = e
i = futures_mapping[future]
results[i] = result
return results
s3_paths = [] # some big list of file paths on Amazon S3
def make_s3_url(path):
return "https://{}{}".format(BUCKET_NAME, path)
urls = map(make_s3_url, s3_paths)
with ThreadPoolExecutor() as thread_pool:
with requests.session() as session:
results = download_threaded(urls, thread_pool, session)
Edit with various things I've tried:
time.sleep(0.25) after every future.result() (performance degrades sharply around 900)
4 threads instead of the default 20 (performance degrades more gradually, but still degrades to basically nothing)
1 thread (performance degrades sharply around 900, but recovers intermittently)
ProcessPoolExecutor instead of ThreadPoolExecutor (performance degrades sharply around 900)
calling raise_for_status() to throw an exception whenever the status is greater than 200, then catching this exception by printing it as a warning (no warnings appear)
use ethernet instead of wifi, on a totally different network (no change)
creating futures in a normal requests session instead of using a FutureSession (this is what I did originally, and found requests_futures while trying to fix the issue)
running the download only only a narrow range of files around the failure point (e.g. file 850 through file 950) -- performance is just fine here, print(response.status_code) shows 200 all the way, and no exceptions are caught.
For what it's worth, I have previously been able to download ~1500 files from S3 in about 4 seconds using a similar method, albeit with files an order of magnitude smaller
Things I will try when I have time today:
Using a for-loop
Using Curl in the shell
Using Curl + Parallel in the shell
Using urllib2
Edit: it looks like the number of threads is stable, but when the performance starts to go bad the number of "Idle Wake Ups" appears to spike from a few hundred to a few thousand. What does that number mean, and can I use it to solve this problem?
Edit 2 from the future: I never ended up figuring out this problem. Instead of doing it all in one application, I just chunked the list of files and ran each chunk with a separate Python invocation in a separate terminal window. Ugly but effective! The cause of the problem will forever be a mystery, but I assume it was some kind of problem deep in the networking stack of my work machine at the time.
This isn't a surprise.
You don't get any parallelism when you have more threads than cores.
You can prove this to yourself by simplifying the problem to a single core with multiple threads.
What happens? You can only have one thread running at a time, so the operating system context switches each thread to give everyone a turn. One thread works, the others sleep until they are woken up in turn to do their bit. In that case you can't do better than single thread.
You may do worse because context switching and memory allocated for each thread (1MB each) have a price, too.
Read up on Amdahl's Law.
