I am trying to initialize two iterators two my 2D vector, one for the rows and one for the columns. I have done it this way:
vector<vector<int> > v;
vector<vector<int> >::iterator r;
vector<int>::iterator c;
r = v.begin();
c = r->begin();
and i get the following pop-up window, when i run the code:
Debug Assertion Failed!
Expression: can't dereference value initialized vector iterator.
There are som problem with this statement:
c = r->begin();
But cant see why?
v is empty, so r doesn't point to a valid vector<int> instance (there is no instance to point to). You are essentially dereferencing v.end(), whereupon your program exhibits undefined behavior.
So I got the following code:
def foo(a, b, c):
a = [0]
b[0] = 1
c[0] = 2
w[0] = 3
return z
x, y, z = [None], [None], [None]
w = z[:]
The last line of the code print(x,y,z,w) prints [None] [1] [2] [3], however
I don't quite get it. Why are x,y,z are being changed from within the funciton? and if w changes - and it points to z, why doesnt z change accordingly?
In Python objects are passed by reference to functions.
This line makes a copy of z
w = z[:]
so changes to z don't affect w and vice versa. In the line
a = [0]
you change the reference to point to a new object, so you don't mutate x (which is what a was initially bound to). In the following lines
b[0] = 1
c[0] = 2
you mutate the objects that you got references to (y and z in global scope), so the objects in the outside scope change. In the line
w[0] = 3
you mutate the global object w since the name w is not a parameter of the function, nor is it bound in the body of the function.
What everyone else says is correct, but I want to add my way of thinking that may be helpful if you have experience with a language like C or C++.
Every variable in Python is a pointer (well, the technical term is a "reference", but I find that more difficult to visualize than "pointer"). You know how in C/C++ you can get a function to output multiple values by passing in pointers? Your code is doing essentially the same thing.
Of course, you may be wondering, if that is the case, why don't you see the same thing happening to ints, strs or whatnot? The reason is that those things are immutable, which means you cannot directly change the value of an int or a str at all. When you "change an integer", like i = 1, you are really changing the variable, pointing it to a different int object. Similarly, s += 'abc' creates a new str object with the value s + 'abc', then assigns it to s. (This is why s += 'abc' can be inefficient when s is long, compared to appending to a list!)
Notice that when you do a = [0], you are changing a in the second way --- changing the pointer instead of the object pointed to. This is why this line doesn't modify x.
Finally, as the others has said, w = z[:] makes a copy. This might be a little confusing, because for some other objects (like numpy arrays), this syntax makes a view instead of a copy, which means that it acts like the same object when it comes to changing elements. Remember that [] is just an operator, and every type of object can choose to give it a different semantical meaning. Just like % is mod for ints, and formatting for strs --- you sometimes just need to get familiar with the peculiarities of different types.
I have been writing stochastic PDE simulations in Julia, and as my problems have become more complicated, the number of independent parameters has increased. So what starts with,
eventually becomes
and it results in (1) messy code, (2) increased chance of error due to misplaced function arguments, (3) inability to generalise for use in other functions.
(3) is important, because I have made simple parallelisation of my code to evaluate many different runs of the PDEs. So I would like to convert my functions into a form:
where args contains all the relevant arguments. The problem I am finding with Julia, is that creating a struct containing all my relevant parameters as attributes slows things down considerably. I think this is due to the continual accessing of the struct attributes. As a simple (ODE) working example,
function example_fun(N,dt,a,b)
V = zeros(N+1)
U = 0
z = randn(N+1)
for i=2:N+1
V[i] = V[i-1]*(1-dt)+U*dt
U = U*(1-dt/a)+b*sqrt(2*dt/a)*z[i]
return V
If I try to rewrite this as,
function example_fun2(args)
V = zeros(args.N+1)
U = 0
z = randn(args.N+1)
for i=2:args.N+1
V[i] = V[i-1]*(1-args.dt)+U*args.dt
U = U*(1-args.dt/args.a)+args.b*sqrt(2*args.dt/args.a)*z[i]
return V
Then while the function call looks elegant, it is cumbersome to rework accessing every attribute from the class and also this continual accessing of attributes slows the simulation down. What is a better solution? Is there a way to simply 'unpack' the attributes of a struct so they do not have to be continually accessed? And if so, how would this be generalised?
I am defining the struct I use as follows:
struct Args
edit2: I have realised that structs with Array{} attributes can give rise to a performance difference if you do not specify the dimensions of the array in the struct definition. For example, if c is a one-dimensional array of parameters,
struct Args_1
will give far worse performance in f(args) than f(N,c). However, if we specify that c is a one-dimensional array in the struct definition,
struct Args_1
then the performance penalty disappears. This issue and the type instability shown in my function definitions seem to account for the performance difference I encountered when using a struct as the function argument.
In your code there is a type instability, related to U which is initialized as an 0 (integer), but if you replace it with 0. (floating point number), the type-instability disapears.
For the original versions (with "U=0"), function example_fun takes 801.933 ns (for the parameters 10,0.1,2.,3.) and example_fun2 925.323 ns (for similar values).
In the type-stable version (U=0.), both take 273 ns (+/5 ns). Thus this a substantial speed-up and there is no more a penalty of combining the arguments in the type args.
Here is the complete function:
function example_fun2(args)
V = zeros(args.N+1)
U = 0.
z = randn(args.N+1)
for i=2:args.N+1
V[i] = V[i-1]*(1-args.dt)+U*args.dt
U = U*(1-args.dt/args.a)+args.b*sqrt(2*args.dt/args.a)*z[i]
return V
Maybe you did not declare the types of the parameters of the type declaration of args?
Consider this small example:
struct argstype
myfun(args) = args.N * args.dt
myfun is not type-stable can the type of the return type cannot be inferred:
#code_warntype myfun(argstype(10,0.1))
#self# <optimized out>
return ((Core.getfield)(args::argstype, :N)::Any * (Core.getfield)(args::argstype, :dt)::Any)::Any
However, if you declare the types, then code becomes type-stable:
struct argstype2
#code_warntype myfun(argstype2(10,0.1))
#self# <optimized out>
return (Base.mul_float)((Base.sitofp)(Float64, (Core.getfield)(args::argstype2, :N)::Int64)::Float64, (Core.getfield)(args::argstype2, :dt)::Float64)::Float64
You see that the inferred return type of Float64.
With parametric types (https://docs.julialang.org/en/v0.6.3/manual/types/#Parametric-Types-1), your code still remains generic and type-stable at the same time:
struct argstype3{T1,T2}
#code_warntype myfun(argstype3(10,0.1))
#self# <optimized out>
return (Base.mul_float)((Base.sitofp)(Float64, (Core.getfield)(args::argstype3{Int64,Float64}, :N)::Int64)::Float64, (Core.getfield)(args::argstype3{Int64,Float64}, :dt)::Float64)::Float64
Suppose I have an algol-like language, with static types and the following piece of code:
a := b + c * d;
where a is a float, b an integer, c a double and d a long. Then, the language will convert d to long to operate with c, and b to double to operate with c*d result. So, after that, the double result of b+c*d will be converted to float to assign the result to a. But, when it happens?, I mean, do all the conversions happens in runtime or compile time?
And if I have:
if (x > 5) {
a:= b + c * d;
else {
a := b + c;
The above code has conditionals. If the compiler converts this at compile time, some portion may never run. Is this correct?
You cannot do a conversion at compile-time any more than you can do an addition at compile time (unless the compiler can determine the value of the variable, perhaps because it is actually constant).
The compiler can (and does) emit a program with instructions which add and multiply the value of variables. It also emits instructions which convert the type of a stored value into a different type prior to computation, if that is necessary.
Languages which do not have variable types fixed at compile-time do have to perform checks at runtime and conditionally convert values to different types. But I don't believe that is the case with any of the languages included in the general category of "Algol-like".
I'm puzzled as to how arguments are passed into a cppFunction when we use Rcpp. In particular, I wonder if someone can explain the result of the following code.
cppFunction("void test(double &x, NumericVector y) {
x = 2016;
y[0] = 2016;
a = 1L
b = 1L
c = 1
d = 1
cat(a,b,c,d) #this prints "1 1 1 2016"
As stated before in other areas, Rcpp establishes convenient classes around R's SEXP objects.
For the first parameter, the double type does not have a default SEXP object. This is because within R, there is no such thing as a scalar. Thus, new memory is allocate making the & reference incompatible. Hence, the variable scope for the modification is limited to the function and there is never an update to the result. As a result, for both test cases, you will see 1.
For the second case, there is a mismatch between object classes. Within the first call object supplied is of type integer due to the L appended on the end, which conflicts with the C++ function expected type of numeric. The issue is resolved once the L is dropped as the object is instantiated as a numeric. Therefore, an intermediary memory location does not need to be created that is of the correct type to receive the value. Hence, the modification in the second case is able to propagate back to R.
a = 1L
# "integer"
a = 1
# "numeric"
In RcppArmadillo, I need to know how I can convert arma::mat to c-style array double * for use in other functions.
When I run the following functions, the computer crashes:
R part:
nn3 <- function(x){
results=.Call("KNNCV", PACKAGE = "KODAMA", x)
C++ part:
double KNNCV(arma::mat x) {
double *cvpred = x.memptr();
return cvpred[1];
and at the end, I try:
Can you help me to find the errors, please?
First, there is no such such thing as vector stored in a double*. You can cast to a C-style pointer to double; but without length information that does not buy you much.
By convention, most similar C++ classes give you a .begin() iterator to the beginning of the memory block (which Armadillo happens to guarantee to be contiguous, just like std::vector) so you can try that.
Other than that the (very fine indeed) Armadillo documentation tells you about memptr() which is probably what you want here. Straight copy from the example there:
mat A = randu<mat>(5,5);
const mat B = randu<mat>(5,5);
double* A_mem = A.memptr();
const double* B_mem = B.memptr();