Git add permission denied ubuntu - linux

My application is hosted on ubuntu in public_html folder. When I run the command git add . it gives me the error:
warning: could not open directory 'public_html/': Permission denied
Entire code is in public_html folder
How can I solve it?

You should make sure so that your user has access or is the owner of the folder and it content. You can check the current owner and permissions by running:
ls -l public_html
Here I list all non-hidden files in a test folder:
who:test who$ ls -l
total 0
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root admin 0 Oct 3 18:04 test1
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root admin 0 Oct 3 18:04 test2
The output shows that both files are owned by the root user and belongs to a group named admin. The first column also shows the access permission, which in this case is set to read and write access to everyone.
If you would like to change the owner you can do:
sudo chown -R <user>:<group> public_html
The above will set the owner of the folder and all its content to the specified user and group; you might need sudo privileges to do this.
There is possible to only change the owner or group with the same command:
sudo chown -R <user> public_html
sudo chown -R :<group> public_html
To change the permission you would use:
sudo chmod -R <mode> public_html
Where mode is the permission, for instance 0777 for full read and write access to everyone. You can also use letters instead of an octal number when setting permissions, for instance:
sudo chmod -R a+rwx public_html
gives the same result as the first chmod command.
The chown command:
The chmod command:


Linux command on changing ownership and displaying files

Hi I am new to Linux and I need to learn how to perform these 3 tasks
-rw-r--r--# 1 user1 staff 108 Oct 17 21:28 coolstuff.o
Change permissions so that user can read/write/execute, group can read/execute and other can execute. Assume you are not logged in as the root superuser and you are not user user1.
Change ownership from user1 to user2. Assume you are not logged in as the root superuser and you are not user1 or user2.
List all the .o files (and no other files) in this directory (assuming you are currently in the directory), making sure that the permission information for them is shown (as in the example above). This is useful when making sure that the file permission and ownership changes occurred as expected and that other files are unchanged.
To change directory permissions in Linux, use the following:
chmod +rwx filename to add permissions.
chmod -rwx directoryname to remove permissions.
chmod +x filename to allow executable permissions.
chmod -wx filename to take out write and executable permissions
The command for changing directory permissions for group owners is similar, but add a ā€œgā€ for group or ā€œoā€ for users:
chmod g+w filename
chmod g-wx filename
chmod o+w filename
chmod o-rwx foldername
for changing permission from user1 to user2
chown name filename
for only .o file with permissions
ls -l *.o

Linux Hosting files outside the htdocs directory

I followed this instructions to be able to host files outside of the htdocs directory, but I alwyas get 'Access Forbidden' (
The file those permissions: $ ls -l ~/Documents/code/xampp/
total 4
-rw-r--r-- 1 julian users 3337 Apr 10 2017 test.php
How do i fix this issue ?
Aache is not able to execute the php file, because apache don't have permission to execute the test.php file.
Try giving permission to the file.
sudo chmod +x test.php
Any user can execute the file.So change the file group to www-data and give executable permission.
sudo chown root:www-data test.php
sudo chmod 775 test.php

User cannot create file linux

may I know a command for root to change the mode to make the user able to create files.
I tried multiple times but I can seem to solve it.
[root#master ~]# useradd -d /opt/hadoop hadoop
useradd: cannot create directory /opt/hadoop
What are the permissions on /opt/hadoop? If you created the directory manually as root then it's probably owned by root and the user has no access to it - you'd need to chown -R it to the correct ownership.
chmod 755 /opt
chown root /opt
chmod 755 /opt/hadoop
chown -R user:user /opt/hadoop

Though user HDFS is owner of a Dir, I'm unable to view all the directories

As HDFS user (owner of a Dir), I'm unable to view all the directories
Here is a command sample:
[ec2-user#ip-172-31-33-161 ~]$ ls -ltr
drwxrwxrwx 2 hdfs hadoop 4096 Oct 7 22:39 cards2
[ec2-user#ip-172-31-33-161 ~]$ sudo su - hdfs
[hdfs#ip-172-31-33-161 ec2-user]$ ls -ltr
ls: cannot open directory .: Permission denied
The command
sudo su - hduser
will take change the user, and take you to the home folder of hduser.
The command
sudo su hduser
can be used to remain in the current working directory even after the user is switched.
Login to ec2 machine as you previously logged in with ec2-user, change the permissions of /home/ec2-user , atleast give read permissions to other users.
chmod 777 /home/ec2-user
It is not the issue with the folder you are trying to access from the HDFS user.
ls -ltr will read the current working directory and will list the files in it.
you switched the user and you are accessing the ec2-user directory (The directory path is same as we required).
After changing the permissions, you are able to see the sub folders in ec2-user aswell.
I hope it will work for you. Please let me know for additional help.

How to SSH in EC2 as root with cyberduck?

I have an EC2 instance with some php scripts running on Amazon. The folder with the files has permission 755 (chmod 755 folder).
Everytime I login I have to change the folder permissions to change anything to files.
Question: Is it possible to login as root with cyberduck?
Note: I found this link How to use sudo over SFTP with CyberDuck? , but it is from 2010 and I don't know if that info is accurate or not.
If it is a folder that your user should be able to read and write. Give your user account permissions to it...
1) Create a group
sudo groupadd mygroup
2) Add your user account to that group
sudo usermod -a -G mygroup myuser
3) Change the permissions of the folder such that group has execute/modify
sudo chown -R current_owner:mygroup myfolder
sudo chmod 776 myfolder
It is odd you have to change permissions every time. If this folder is deleted and re-created by another process or user, you will need to set the environment variable umask to 776 before creating the files and folders in your script.
