Multiple columns to datetime as an index without losing other column - python-3.x

I have a dataframe that looks like this (except much longer). I want to convert to a datetime index.
YYYY MM D value
679 1900 1 1 46.42
1355 1900 2 1 137.14
1213 1900 3 1 104.25
1380 1900 4 1 149.39
1336 1900 5 1 130.33
When I use this
df = pd.to_datetime((df.YYYY*10000+df.MM*100+df.D).apply(str),format='%Y%m%d')
I retrieve a datetime index but I lose the value column.
What I want in the end is -
1900-01-01 46.42
1900-02-01 137.14
1900-03-01 104.25
1900-04-01 149.39
1900-05-01 130.33
How can I do this?
Thank you for you time in advance!

You can use pandas to_datetime to convert this
df = df.astype(str)
df.index = pd.to_datetime(df['YYYY'] +' '+ df['MM']+' ' +df['D'])
1900-01-01 46.42
1900-02-01 137.14
1900-03-01 104.25
1900-04-01 149.39
1900-05-01 130.33


How to get a dictionary or set of data within a particular time frame?

My datafile contains datetimeindex - which is date and time in format - 1900-01-01 07:35:23.253.
I have one million records where every minute , multiple data points are collected .
datafile =
TIme---------------------------- datapoint1-----------datapoint2
1900-01-01 07:35:23.253---- A --------------------B
1900-01-01 07:35:23.253 -----B----------------------BH
1900-01-01 08:35:23.253------V---------------------gh
1900-01-01 09:35:23.253--------u--------------------90
1900-01-01 09:36:23.253--------i----------------------op
1900-01-01 10:36:23.253---------y---------------------op
1900-01-01 10:46:23.253--------ir---------------------op
So My output should be , I want to get the all the number of rows within one hour interval time period like below
07:00:00--08:00:00 --- 2
08:00:00-09:00:00 - 1
09:00:00=10:00:00 - 2
10:00:00-11:00:00 -1
You can use pd.Grouper with freq='1H' and then use strftime to play around with the format you want as well as pd.DateOffset(hours=1) to add one hour to create a range (note: it is a string):
df['TIme'] = pd.to_datetime(df['TIme'])
df = df.groupby(pd.Grouper(freq='1H', key='TIme'))['datapoint1'].count().reset_index()
df['TIme'] = (df['TIme'].astype(str) + '-' +
((df['TIme'] + pd.DateOffset(hours=1)).dt.strftime('%H:%M:%S')).astype(str))
TIme datapoint1
0 1900-01-01 07:00:00-08:00:00 2
1 1900-01-01 08:00:00-09:00:00 1
2 1900-01-01 09:00:00-10:00:00 2
3 1900-01-01 10:00:00-11:00:00 2
If TIme is on the index, then you can first df = df.reset_index() before running code and then use df = df.set_index('TIme') after running code:
# df['TIme'] = pd.to_datetime(df['TIme'])
# df = df.set_index('TIme')
df = df.reset_index()
df = df.groupby(pd.Grouper(freq='1H', key='TIme'))['datapoint1'].count().reset_index()
df['TIme'] = (df['TIme'].astype(str) + '-' +
((df['TIme'] + pd.DateOffset(hours=1)).dt.strftime('%H:%M:%S')).astype(str))
df = df.set_index('TIme')

Get the last date before an nth date for each month in Python

I am using a csv with an accumulative number that changes daily.
Day Accumulative Number
0 9/1/2020 100
1 11/1/2020 102
2 18/1/2020 98
3 11/2/2020 105
4 24/2/2020 95
5 6/3/2020 120
6 13/3/2020 100
I am now trying to find the best way to aggregate it and compare the monthly results before a specific date. So, I want to check the balance on the 11th of each month but for some months, there is no activity for the specific day. As a result, I trying to get the latest day before the 12th of each Month. So, the above would be:
Day Accumulative Number
0 11/1/2020 102
1 11/2/2020 105
2 6/3/2020 120
What I managed to do so far is to just get the latest day of each month:
dateparse = lambda x: pd.datetime.strptime(x, "%d/%m/%Y")
df = pd.read_csv("Accumulative.csv",quotechar="'", usecols=["Day","Accumulative Number"], index_col=False, parse_dates=["Day"], date_parser=dateparse, na_values=['.', '??'] )
df.index = df['Day']
grouped = df.groupby(pd.Grouper(freq='M')).sum()
print (df.groupby(df.index.month).apply(lambda x: x.iloc[-1]))
which returns:
Day Accumulative Number
1 2020-01-18 98
2 2020-02-24 95
3 2020-03-13 100
Is there a way to achieve this in Pandas, Python or do I have to use SQL logic in my script? Is there an easier way I am missing out in order to get the "balance" as per the 11th day of each month?
You can do groupby with factorize
n = 12
df = df.sort_values('Day')
m = df.groupby(df.Day.dt.strftime('%Y-%m')).Day.transform(lambda x :x.factorize()[0])==n
df_sub = df[m].copy()
You can try filtering the dataframe where the days are less than 12 , then take last of each group(grouped by month) :
df['Day'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Day'],dayfirst=True)
Day Accumulative_Number
0 2020-01-11 102
1 2020-02-11 105
2 2020-03-06 120
I would try:
# convert to datetime type:
df['Day'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Day'], dayfirst=True)
# select day before the 12th
new_df = df[df['Day'] < 12]
# select the last day in each month
Day Accumulative Number
1 2020-01-11 102
3 2020-02-11 105
5 2020-03-06 120
Here's another way using expanding the date range:
# set as datetime
df2['Day'] = pd.to_datetime(df2['Day'], dayfirst=True)
# set as index
df2 = df2.set_index('Day')
# make a list of all dates
dates = pd.date_range(start=df2.index.min(), end=df2.index.max(), freq='1D')
# add dates
df2 = df2.reindex(dates)
# replace NA with forward fill
df2['Number'] = df2['Number'].ffill()
# filter to get output
df2 = df2[ == 11].reset_index().rename(columns={'index': 'Date'})
Date Number
0 2020-01-11 102.0
1 2020-02-11 105.0
2 2020-03-11 120.0

how to take only maximum date value is there are two date in a week in dataframe

i have a dataframe called Data
Date Value Frequency
06/01/2020 256 A
07/01/2020 235 A
14/01/2020 85 Q
16/01/2020 625 Q
22/01/2020 125 Q
here it is observed that 6/01/2020 and 07/01/2020 are in the same week that is monday and tuesday.
Therefore i wanted to take maximum date from week.
my final dataframe should look like this
Date Value Frequency
07/01/2020 235 A
16/01/2020 625 Q
22/01/2020 125 Q
I want the maximum date from the week , like i have showed in my final dataframe example.
I am new to python, And i am searching answer for this which i didnt find till now ,Please help
First convert column to datetimes by to_datetime and use DataFrameGroupBy.idxmax for rows with maximum datetime per rows with Series.dt.strftime, last select rows by DataFrame.loc:
df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Date'], dayfirst=True)
print (df['Date'].dt.strftime('%Y-%U'))
0 2020-01
1 2020-01
2 2020-02
3 2020-02
4 2020-03
Name: Date, dtype: object
df = df.loc[df.groupby(df['Date'].dt.strftime('%Y-%U'))['Date'].idxmax()]
print (df)
Date Value Frequency
1 2020-01-07 235 A
3 2020-01-16 625 Q
4 2020-01-22 125 Q
If format of datetimes cannot be changed:
d = pd.to_datetime(df['Date'], dayfirst=True)
df = df.loc[d.groupby(d.dt.strftime('%Y-%U')).idxmax()]
print (df)
Date Value Frequency
1 07/01/2020 235 A
3 16/01/2020 625 Q
4 22/01/2020 125 Q

day of Year values starting from a particular date

I have a dataframe with a date column. The duration is 365 days starting from 02/11/2017 and ending at 01/11/2018.
I want to add an adjacent column called Day_Of_Year as follows:
Date Day_Of_Year
02/11/2017 1
03/11/2017 2
05/11/2017 4
01/11/2018 365
I apologize if it's a very basic question, but unfortunately I haven't been able to start with this.
I could use datetime(), but that would return values such as 1 for 1st january, 2 for 2nd january and so on.. irrespective of the year. So, that wouldn't work for me.
First convert column to_datetime and then subtract datetime, convert to days and add 1:
df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Date'], format='%d/%m/%Y')
df['Day_Of_Year'] = df['Date'].sub(pd.Timestamp('2017-11-02')).dt.days + 1
print (df)
Date Day_Of_Year
0 02/11/2017 1
1 03/11/2017 2
2 05/11/2017 4
3 01/11/2018 365
Or subtract by first value of column:
df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Date'], format='%d/%m/%Y')
df['Day_Of_Year'] = df['Date'].sub(df['Date'].iat[0]).dt.days + 1
print (df)
Date Day_Of_Year
0 2017-11-02 1
1 2017-11-03 2
2 2017-11-05 4
3 2018-11-01 365
Using strftime with '%j'
0 0
1 1
2 3
Name: Date, dtype: int32
Python has dayofyear. So put your column in the right format with pd.to_datetime and then apply Series.dt.dayofyear. Lastly, use some modulo arithmetic to find everything in terms of your original date
df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Date'], format='%d/%m/%Y')
df['day of year'] = df['Date'].dt.dayofyear - df['Date'].dt.dayofyear[0] + 1
df['day of year'] = df['day of year'] + 365*((365 - df['day of year']) // 365)
Date day of year
0 2017-11-02 1
1 2017-11-03 2
2 2017-11-05 4
3 2018-11-01 365
But I'm doing essentially the same as Jezrael in more lines of code, so my vote goes to her/him

Change all values of a column in pandas data frame

I have a panda data frame that contains values of a column like '01:00'. I want to deduct 1 from it means '01:00' will be '00:00'. Can anyone helps
You can use timedeltas:
df = pd.DataFrame({'col':['01:00', '02:00', '24:00']})
df['new'] = pd.to_timedelta(df['col'] + ':00') - pd.Timedelta(1, unit='h')
df['new'] = df['new'].astype(str).str[-18:-13]
print (df)
col sub
0 01:00 00:00
1 02:00 01:00
2 24:00 23:00
Another faster solution by map if format of all strings is 01:00 to 24:00:
L = ['{:02d}:00'.format(x) for x in range(25)]
d = dict(zip(L[1:], L[:-1]))
df['new'] = df['col'].map(d)
print (df)
col new
0 01:00 00:00
1 02:00 01:00
2 24:00 23:00
It seems that what you want to do is subtract an hour from the time which is stored in your dataframe as a string. You can do the following:
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
subtract_one_hour = lambda x: (datetime.strptime(x, '%H:%M') - timedelta(hours=1)).strftime("%H:%M")
df['minus_one_hour'] = df['original_time'].apply(subtract_one_hour)
