google-cast CAF cast button customization - google-cast

Any Idea how to customise the cast button that CAF provides?
Customisation that currently exists is only design based and not on a functional basis. What I am looking for is if I could assign these cast functions to be performed on any button. Is it possible?
I wanted to use that button in a cross-platform library and expose its onPress function so developers can actually design the button they want and have the functionality served to them via the library.

it is possible for the google cast iOS SDK version 2 and 4. The latest version is v4.3.2. If you are using the latest version, you cannot implement that and you can only change the tint color. In SDK version 2 or 3 you can set image in your UIButton.


Is there an API to do screen capture in WinUI 3?

I have been searching for an API to capture screen images in a WinUI 3 app (without the user selecting from a picker, as from GraphicsCaptureItem). My goal is to capture screen images under programmatic control and display them on a Canvas element. Most of what I've found so far are APIs that work only on Windows forms.
I can think of some possible ways to do this by using interop to Win32 functionality, but hopefully there is a WinUI 3 compatible library that can be used directly (such as System.Windows.Forms.Screen, which is used on Windows forms).
Thanks in advance for any advice that can be offered.
2/6 - checked out the link from Simon Mourier and tried out a ScreenCapture app that uses CreateForMonitor: At this point, there would be quite some work to port this app to WinUI 3 as it is quite complex and uses interop for Direct3D functionality. However, it is progress and I appreciate the response.
Winui3 applications have access to the IGraphicsCaptureItemInterop interface. Here is a sample, I suggest you could refer to:

Google maps sdk for ios - is there an option for styles

Is there a way to achieve this kind of style with Google maps?
Google maps for Android and iOS use v2. Custom styling is only available on v3. This feature request has been open for nearly two years so it's unlikely to be implemented any time soon.
Your only option is to use javascript styles and wrap it up as a web-view or look at another map provider like MapBox
Google launched styled maps for iOS and Android along with a new styling wizard that allows you to apply the same style across all different platforms, including Maps JavaScript API and Static Maps. There are even some new code and style samples available for iOS.

Chrome: Google Cast Retrieve Available Device List

I worked with the pre-release SDK before the official SDK was released. Before I could retrieve a list of devices and display them however I wanted. For example, Google Music still has this functionality.
With the official release, is there any other way, besides having the Chromecast Extension popup with the list, to show available devices? I've been searching the documentation for an answer with no results.
No, the functionality is now handled by the extension to make it more uniform across all apps that use this feature, and to avoid confusion as to what the cast icon is in the chrome itself on the top right and what is the cast icon inside the player. Now both provide the same functionality if you are within a cast-enabled app.

Is it possible to migrate a MonoCross application incrementally to MvvmCross?

The team I'm on created a cross-platform application that runs on iOS, Android, and Windows Mobile that was created using Xamarin's tools and MonoCross. We're looking at MvvmCross as a possible MonoCross replacement but don't want to write the application from scratch.
Does anyone have experience with or thoughts on migrating a Xamarin/MonoCross cross-platform application to Xamarin/MvvmCross? Is it possible for the two frameworks to coexist in the same app (the ideal solution would have us migrate the app one screen at a time).
Thanks in advance.
Following Stuart's advice below I confirmed that it is possible to integrate MvvmCross into an existing MonoCross application.
In the original code a selection on View 1 initiates a call to Controller 2 using MonoCross URI navigation. Controller 2 displays View 2, passing it the data from Model 2.
Following the example in this video I created an MvvmCross View and ViewModel. A selection on View 1 still navigates to Controller 2 but Controller 2 now displays the new MvvmCross View 2. View 2 is data bound to ViewModel 2 which takes over Controller 2's functions of getting the Model data.
I don't know of anyone who's done this recently, but I originally ported several of the MonoCross samples over when I first created MvvmCross. The overall idea of one page to one "ViewModel" stays the same, although the mvvm binding offers more continuous view-viewmodel interactions than the more discrete Controller-Action model.
At a practical level:
MvvmCross itself is very modular and can be used in "CrossLight" mode where it simply provides data-binding and plugins - see CrossLight in You might be able to use this for migrating pages one-by-one
MonoCross isn't really very interface/IoC based - so you may find that your resulting MvvmCross migration would also not be interface based either
MonoCross apps tend to use file-linking and #defines rather than PCLs - so you may find it easier to not use PCLs in MvvmCross
I suspect the best option for this migration is to let your team experiment - they already have lots of knowledge about your app and about what they do and don't need and what benefits they do and don't get from a framework.

Blend 5 Visual State Manager

This question relates to VS2012 and Blend 5.
What are the rules governing whether or not the visual state manager is available in Blend? I've always been able to access the visual state manager in blend when developing Windows Store Apps in C#/XAML. I'm trying to do the same in Javascript/HTML5 and the visual state manager isn't there.
I can actually open C# and Javascript apps in Blend side-by-side and see that the states tab in not available in JS.
The concept of Visual States is not available when building Store apps with HTML and JavaScript. The "states" pane is only available when building XAML apps (WPF, Silverlight or Windows Store XAML). In the same way the Styles, HTML property and CSS property panes are only available when working on Windows Store HTML apps.
You can use Blend to set the CSS classes for different states. You can set the current view orientation on the Device pane. Using the css media queries you can set different properties on a similar class that is used in html. You can do this the same way as you would changing other CSS properties.
I hope this screenshot explains it a little further. In this example I set a green color to the filled state and a red one to the snapped state. The media query causes one to be picked over the other.
I decided to write a tutorial about the subject that goes into a bit more detail.
