Run cmd commands in JScript - jscript

I have a cmd command which I need to execute in JScript. So, I'm trying the next sequence of code:
var WshShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
sevenZip = "C:\\Program Files\\7-Zip\\7z.exe";
WshShell.Run("cmd.exe /c '"+sevenZip+" e "+File+" -p"+Pass+"'");
But when I launch the script, the cmd window opens, then closes, but the command doesn't seem to be executed. What am I doing Wrong?

I'd recommend using Shell.Aplication instead. Here's the code how it should look like :
var objShell = new ActiveXObject("Shell.Application");
sevenZip = "C:\\Program Files\\7-Zip\\7z.exe";
executableCommand = "x " + zipFile + " -p" + zipPass + " -o" + Temp;
objShell.ShellExecute("7z.exe", executableCommand, sevenZip , "open", 0);

chcp 1251,866 - change it to your regional parameters
var htmlfile=new ActiveXObject('htmlfile').parentWindow;
var alert=function(s){htmlfile.alert(s)};
var echoIt='Hi'
//...solve the problem of doubling percentages in variables during transmission by introducing the parameter /v!
var cmdCode=[
'for /F "tokens=1-6 delims=:., " %A In ("!date! !time!") Do (Echo %A.%B.%C %D:%E:%F)',
'set var='+echoIt,
'echo %var%',
'echo !var!'
];//'setlocal disableDelayedExpansion' parameter is useless becose /v
var std, arr=[];
var WshRunning=0,WshFinished=1,WshFailed=2;var i=0;tryCount=0,output=[],errors=[];
with (new ActiveXObject('WScript.Shell')) {
std=Exec("cmd /v /q /k echo off"); //Turning on the /v option last, switches the output here in its entirety, including C:\...\notepad>
std.StdIn.WriteLine("chcp 1251>nul");
for(var i=0;i<cmdCode.length;i++) {
std.StdIn.WriteLine("chcp 866>nul");
if (std.Status==WshFailed){
errors.push('Error in string '+i+' :\n '+std.StdErr.ReadLine());
else if(std.Status==WshRunning){
WScript.Echo('Running ...')
else if(std.Status==WshFinished){
var last=std.StdOut.ReadLine();
WScript.Echo('Finished ...')
if (output.length>0){for(var i=0;i<output.length;i++) {WScript.Echo(output[i])}}
if (errors.length>0){alert(errors)}
var x=WScript.StdIn.ReadLine();
var std, arr = [];
var oWsh = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
with (new ActiveXObject('WScript.Shell')) {
std = Exec("cmd /q /k chcp 1251>nul");
with (std.StdIn){
WriteLine("dir "+ oWsh.SpecialFolders("Desktop"));
arr = std.StdOut.ReadAll().split('\n'); //чтение данных
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
WScript.echo(i+' '+arr[i]);
var x = WScript.StdIn.ReadLine();


Command execution timesout when using Process in Laravel

I am building website screenshots SaaS with Laravel. I am trying to execute a command from it, more precisely a nodejs script; however I keep getting ProcessTimedOutException error. Here is where the magic happens, look at the take method $process-run(); line throws the exception:
namespace App\Logic;
use App\Logic\TimeHelper;
use App\UrlRequest;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage;
use Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\ProcessFailedException;
use Symfony\Component\Process\Process;
class Screenshot {
static function take(UrlRequest $urlRequest)
$name = self::generateName($urlRequest);
$command = self::buildScreenshotCommand($name, $urlRequest);
$startTime = TimeHelper::milliseconds();
$process = new Process($command);
$endTime = TimeHelper::milliseconds();
if (!$process->isSuccessful())
throw new ProcessFailedException($process);
$output = $process->getOutput();
if (trim($output) === '')
$urlRequest->successful = 1;
$file = self::uploadToS3($name);
$urlRequest->image_url = $file['url'];
$urlRequest->file_name = $name;
$urlRequest->file_size = $file['size'];
$urlRequest->time_it_took_to_take_screenshot_ms = $endTime - $startTime;
$urlRequest->error = $output;
if ($urlRequest->save())
return $urlRequest;
return false;
static function uploadToS3($name)
$name = 'screenshots/' . $name;
Storage::disk('s3')->put($name, Storage::disk('local')->get($name), ['visibility' => 'public']); // upload to S3
$fileSize = Storage::disk('local')->size($name);
return [
'url' => Storage::disk('s3')->url($name),
'size' => $fileSize
static function generateName($urlRequest)
$name = time() . rand(10000, 99999);
$extension = '.png';
if (isset($urlRequest->pdf) AND $urlRequest->pdf == 1)
$extension = '.pdf';
while (UrlRequest::where('file_name', '=', $name . $extension)->first())
$name = time() . rand(10000, 99999);
return $name . $extension;
static function buildScreenshotCommand($name, $urlRequest)
$command = 'cd ' . base_path() . ' && node puppeteer-screenshots-init.js ';
$command .= "--url={$urlRequest->url} ";
$fullPath = storage_path('app') . '/screenshots/' . $name;
$command .= "--path={$fullPath} ";
if (isset($urlRequest->pdf))
$command .= "--pdf=true ";
if (isset($urlRequest->viewport_width))
$command .= "--viewportWidth={$urlRequest->viewport_width} ";
if (isset($urlRequest->mobile))
$command .= '--mobile=true ';
if (isset($urlRequest->media_type_print))
$command .= '--mediaTypePrint=true ';
if (isset($urlRequest->user_agent))
$command .= "--userAgent={$urlRequest->user_agent}";
return $command;
Here is the nodejs script:
puppeteer-screenshots (this is the nodejs script I am trying to call) is a package which I've written for taking screenshots in an easy manner using Google's Puppeteer package. It's open source and available on BitBucket, here is a link to the one and only file. The line in this package that seems to hang the process is line 138 or, to be specific, this:
await page.screenshot({path: config.path, fullPage: true});
when this line is removed the process finishes but obviously doesn't save the screenshot.
Also, I've tried rewriting the code with exec instead of Process but in that case the script just hangs and it doesn't finish as well.
Also, when executing the exact same command from the command line everything works as expected.

Node.JS EXE Deleting executing file

I have an monitor.js file that I turned into an executable using nexe.
I want the monitor to have the ability to uninstall itself, which means delete it's own .exe file and his containing directory.
I tried : (monitorPath = monitor.exe file path, installPath = monitor.exe folder)
childProcess.exec("TIMEOUT 3 && del " + monitorPath + " && rmdir " + installPath);
setTimeout(function() {
}, 2000);
EDIT: It should run on windows, so those are all windows commands
Solved using the start command
var installPath = path.join(exePath, "..");
var monitorPath = path.join(installPath, "qqmonitor.exe");
var delCommand = 'start cmd /c "cd .. && TIMEOUT 1 && del "' + monitorPath + '" && rmdir "' + installPath + '" && exit"';
log("Uninstalling with command : '" + delCommand + "'");
childProcess.exec(delCommand, null);
setTimeout(function () {
}, 500);

How to disable .save command in Node.js repl?

I'm a newbee to Node.js. I was reading REPL api just now, I assumed setting environment variable NODE_REPL_HISTORY to "" would turn off .save command which produces command lines history file. Was I wrong?
So I decided to set it by process module:
var repl = require("repl");
process.env['NODE_REPL_HISTORY'] = "";
var replServer = repl.start({
prompt:"my-app > ",
var add = function(a,b){
return a+b;
}; = "bar";
replServer.context.add = add;
Unluckily, REPL still produced command lines history file.
.save command is defined in lib/repl.js unconditionally, that is it's present regardless of any environment variables.
repl.defineCommand('save', {
help: 'Save all evaluated commands in this REPL session to a file',
action: function(file) {
try {
fs.writeFileSync(file, this.lines.join('\n') + '\n');
this.outputStream.write('Session saved to:' + file + '\n');
} catch (e) {
this.outputStream.write('Failed to save:' + file + '\n');
You can delete this command by removing it manually from replServer:

nodejs child_process.spawn msdeploy.exe with space in dest site

I am trying to use child_process.spawn with msdeploy.exe to automate deployement of some applications in IIS.
Whenever i have a space in my dest site name this makes msdeploy crash.
var command = 'C:/Program Files/IIS/Microsoft Web Deploy V3/msdeploy.exe';
var args = [];
args.push('-dest:iisApp=Default Web Site/test');
var process = spawn(command,args);
process.stdout.on('data', function(data) { grunt.log.write(data) });
process.stderr.on('data', function(data) { grunt.log.error(data); });
process.on('exit', function(code) {
if (code !== 0) {'Something went wrong');
I've tried some others alternative like put " '-dest:iisApp="Default Web Site/test"' but msdeploy give me an error too.
This error is like : Argument '"-dest:iisApp=Default Web Site/haha"' not recognized. All arguments must begin with "-" char.
When i try to escape the space char or put " like describe above this gave me a similar error.
Is this is a bug in nodejs ? Maybe i've made something wrong ?
How to accomplish this:
var path = require('path');
var platform = require('platform');
var cp = require('child_process');
var full_cmd = '/path/to/dir with space/program.exe';
var cmd = '.' + path.sep + path.basename(full_cmd); // cannot include double quotes -- the work-around is to use the 'cmd_opts.cwd'
var cmd_args = ['"--import-path=/path/to/dir with space/import_file"']; // can wrap each with double-quotes (Windows only -- fails on Unix)
var cmd_opts = {
cwd: path.dirname(full_cmd),
encoding: 'utf8'
if (platform.os() === 'win32') {
cmd_opts.windowsVerbatimArguments = true;
var proc = cp.spawn(
The only way this doesn't work is if 'program.exe' is named something like 'program name with space.exe'

Is 7zip stdout broken? Is there a way to capture the progress in nodejs? [Windows]

I am trying to get the stdout of 7zip when it processes files and get the percentage in nodeJs, but it doesn't behave as expected. 7zip doesn't output anything to stdout until the very end of the execution. Which is not very helpful.. especially when I have large files being compressed and no feedback is shown for a very long time.
The code I am using (simplified):
// 7zip test, place the 7z.exe in the same dir, if it's not on %PATH%
var cp = require('child_process');
var inputFile = process.argv[2]; if(inputFile==null) return;
var regProgress = /(\d{1,3})%\s*$/; //get the last percentage of the string, 3 digits
var proc = cp.spawn("7z.exe",["a","-t7z" ,"-y" ,inputFile + ".7z",inputFile]);
console.log("Progress = " + regProgress.exec(data)[1] + "%");
proc.once("exit",function(exit,sig){ console.log("Complete"); });
I have used the same code to get the percentage with WinRar successfully and I am beginning to think that 7zip might be buggy? Or I am doing it wrong? Can I forcefully read the stdout of a process with a timer perhaps?
The same code above, with the exception of the following line replaced, works as expected with WinRar.
var proc = cp.spawn("Rar.exe",["a","-s","-ma5","-o+",inputFile+".rar",inputFile]);
If anyone knows why this happens and if it is fixable, I would be grateful! :-)
p.s. I have tried 7za.exe, the command line version of 7zip, also the stable, beta and alpha versions, they all have the same issue
It is no longer needed to use a terminal emulator like pty.js, you can pass the -bsp1 to 7z to force to output the progress to stdout.
7-zip only outputs progress when stdout is a terminal.
To trick 7-zip, you need to npm install pty.js (requires Visual Studio or VS Express with Windows SDK) and then use code like:
var pty = require('pty');
var inputFile = process.argv[2],
pathTo7zip = 'c:\\Program Files\\7-Zip\\7z.exe';
if (inputFile == null)
var term = pty.spawn(process.env.ComSpec, [], {
name: 'ansi',
cols: 200,
rows: 30,
cwd: process.env.HOME,
env: process.env
var rePrg = /(\d{1,3})%\r\n?/g,
reEsc = /\u001b\[\w{2}/g,
reCwd = new RegExp('^' + process.cwd().replace(/\\/g, '\\\\'), 'm');
prompts = 0,
buffer = '';
term.on('data', function(data) {
var m, idx;
buffer += data;
// remove terminal escape sequences
buffer = buffer.replace(reEsc, '');
// check for multiple progress indicators in the current buffer
while (m = rePrg.exec(buffer)) {
idx = m.index + m[0].length;
console.log(m[1] + ' percent done!');
// check for the cmd.exe prompt
if (m = reCwd.exec(buffer)) {
if (++prompts === 2) {
// command is done
return term.kill();
} else {
// first prompt is before we started the actual 7-zip process
if (idx === undefined) {
// we didn't see a progress indicator, so make sure to truncate the
// prompt from our buffer so that we don't accidentally detect the same
// prompt twice
buffer = buffer.substring(m.index + m[0].length);
// truncate the part of our buffer that we're done processing
if (idx !== undefined)
buffer = buffer.substring(idx);
+ pathTo7zip
+ '" a -t7z -y "'
+ inputFile
+ '.7z" "'
+ inputFile
+ '"\r');
It should be noted that 7-zip does not always output 100% at finish. If the file compresses quickly, you may just see only a single 57% for example, so you will have to handle that however you want.
